Saya ingin berkongsi satu kisah dimana sy melihat kejadian ini dengan mata saya sendiri..
Pada petang tadi, dari sunway hendak menuju ke NPE terdapat seorang lelaki melayu berumur 24 tahun mengalami kemalangan motorsikal..
Kakinya hancur akibat terlangar divider.. Kebetulan lelaki dalam gambar ini melihat mangsa terbaring lalu dia berhenti untuk memberikan pertolongan kepada mangsa..

Ada seorang juga seorang lelaki berbangsa cina yg membantu mangsa dgn menelefon ambulance.. Seorang lagi lelaki melayu tolong mangsa dgn memapah mangsa..
Datang lelaki didalam gambar di bawah ini, terus dia mengambil plastik utk menutup kaki mangsa.. Dan terus mengikat kaki mangsa utk menghentikan pergerakkan darah..disebabkan pendarahan terlalu teruk.. Lelaki dlm gambar ni suruh cari ais..

Sy pon ape lagi carik2 tgk ade satu lori ais.. Sy tahan lepastu amek satu ice bag yg besar tu bagi lelaki dlm gambar ni.. Dia amek ice tu dia letak bawah kaki mangsa .. Dia sedara upaya nk henti kan pendarahan tu.. Ambulan plak lambat sampai sbb jem..
Dlm masa tunggu ambulance tu lelaki ni jelah yg tak kisah pasal darah, pasal isi daging kaki mangsa tu..30 mins lps tu ambulance tiba.. Ambulance ambil alih kes tu..
Lepastu sy tanya lelaki ni.. " awak doktor ke? ".. Dia jawab " yes I'm doctor" .. Tapi I Doctor pakar sakit puan.. That's why dia tak berapa pandai nk handle tapi dia cuba utk hentikan pendarahan bdk tu.. Sy dah mcm terharu sket..

Tujuan sy up post ni utk berterima kasih dan memuji kt doktor dlm gambar ni atas tindakkan dia .. mempunyai hati dan perasaan utk menolong org kemalangan dan cuba sedaya upaya utk menghentikan pendarahan mangsa tu.. Walaupun bukan bidang dia..(Katanya dia seorang doktor pakar sakit puan di area sunway)
Thank you doktor kerana telah menyelamatkan satu nyawa pada hari ni.. !!!
Sumber: Group IRDK ( Kelantan) - f/bk king jason
Hudud - Should Ah Chong get a lighter punishment than Ahmad for the same crime...
Many non-Muslims are asking themselves if they still belong in Malaysia if hudud is implemented. Would we pack our bags and head to a secular state?
Discussions with Muslims friends in favour of hudud never fail to draw amazement over our rejection of it. They would allay non-Muslims’ fears of being affected.
However well-intended the assurance is, reality is that society cannot operate on a dual legal system without an overlap of interest. As it is now, we have seen how complicated cases involving Muslims and non-Muslims can get due to jurisdictional issues of the civil and shariah courts.
Hindu Sangam is currently handling nearly 1,000 cases involving overlapping jurisdiction between syariah courts and civil courts, says its president RS Mogan Shan. “When we go to the civil courts, they say they have no jurisdiction on syariah matters,” FMT quotes him as saying.
Even before it could be implemented, there are already calls to not exempt non-Muslims from hudud punishment.
“Should Ah Chong get a lighter punishment than Ahmad, although they both committed the same crime? Where is the justice?” The Malay Mail Online reports prominent religious cleric Dr Mohd Asri Zainal Abidin as saying.
“I differ from Kelantan’s enactment. I agree with Brunei… we have to prescribe the punishments to all.”
“Even non-Muslims must also get hudud punishments like Muslims… Hudud is meant to keep the peace. How can you keep the peace if non-Muslims can choose their punishments?” says Dr Mushaddad Abdullah, from Putrajaya-backed Institut Wasatiyyah Malaysia.
Our pro-hudud friends would also downplay the scary scenario of amputation, stoning and whipping and assure that there are exhaustive measures in place to ensure there is no miscarriage of justice. Then there is the inevitable argument that only criminals should fear hudud.
It is far bigger than that. It is also not a question of which set of religious laws to subscribe to. This debate shouldn’t whittle down to which religion is supreme or which set of laws are God’s laws.
The passing of hudud permits the morality of some to over-rule or curtail the rights of others. Secular laws are living contracts in which society operates and they are not set in stone. Religious laws are irrefutable and cannot be challenged. This is the biggest problem.
To subscribe to religious law, we need to believe in the religion first. What about people like me who don’t believe in Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhists, Taoism or anythingism?
We reject the Catholics’ stand on birth control as much we object to the whipping and stoning of women for committing any crime, including murder. There are people like me who would attend a same sex marriage, but not stand up for a corrupt leader making his entrance for an event.
As warped as this sense of morality may appear to a pious person, we are true to ourselves. To submit to a set of laws that we don’t believe in is beyond us. Like the late Karpal Singh said: “Over my dead body”.- Eddie Hoo

Datin Seri Rosmah dah mengaku memang dia ke Istanbul gunakan jet peribadi. Kata pegawainya, DS Rosmah sibuk tak sempat nak ambil kapal terbang komersil. Hari ini saya kongsi bagaimana mewahnya kapal terbang ini. Sudah tentu mewah, sebab kosnya RM86 juta untuk dua bulan!

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