Institusi mufti sepatutnya mempelopori isu golongan terpinggir, menegur salah guna kuasa dan korupsi serta mengangkat wacana-wacana segar, dan bukannya terpengaruh dengan politik partisan sehingga mencetus elemen keganasan yang mengancam keamanan negara.
"Bagaimana jika sebentar lagi ada mana-mana orang yang terjumpa mana-mana ahli DAP dan membunuh mereka kerana mengikut hukum yang dikeluarkan oleh Mufti Pahang ini?"
Menurutnya, gelaran ‘harbi’ dan seruan memerangi DAP tersebut seolah-olah menghantar isyarat kepada umum bahawa adalah halal untuk bertindak ganas ke atas mana-mana ahli atau penyokong parti berkenaan, lantas membahayakan keselamatan rakyat di negara ini.

“Pemikiran mengharbikan yang kafir seperti ini amat berbahaya kerana ia boleh mencetuskan tindakan ganas berikutan ramai percaya bahawa kafir harbi itu wajib diperangi dan halal dibunuh,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan.
Malah, Edry menjelaskan bahawa kenyataan Mufti Pahang memanggil DAP sebagai harbi dengan alasan parti itu tidak bersetuju dengan pelaksanaan Rang Undang-undang (RUU) Persendirian Mahkamah Syariah jelas menunjukkan ia berat sebelah dan bermotif politik.
Sedangkan, parti-parti komponen Barisan Nasional terutama di Sabah dan Sarawak yang secara terbuka menyatakan penentangan mereka terhadap pelaksanaan hukum hudud, namun mereka tidak dikecam sebagai golongan yang wajib diperangi.
Beliau yang juga Ahli Majlis Selayang berkata, sebagai seorang Mufti, Dr. Abdul Rahman tidak patut dengan mudah menuduh sesiapa yang tidak bersetuju dengan pelaksanaan hukum hudud dan RUU Persendirian Mahkamah Syariah itu sebagai menentang Islam.

Ostad ni ajak ahli2 Amanah bertumbuk di luar mesjid...
“Ada pelbagai pendapat dari sudut Perlembagaan, perundangan dan sistem politik yang menjadi asas kepada mengapa pihak-pihak tertentu tidak bersetuju dengan pelaksanaan tersebut, bukannya kerana membenci Islam.
“Malah, kewajaran melaksanakan hukum hudud pada zaman ini pun masih lagi diperdebatkan di kalangan sarjana Islam serata dunia,” ujarnya.
Akhbar pro-UMNO, Utusan Malaysia hari ini melaporkan Rahman sebagai berkata adalah haram dan berdosa besar jika umat Islam bekerjasama atau bersekongkol dengan DAP.
Akhbar sama turut melaporkan Mursyidul Am PAS, Datuk Dr Haron Din berkata DAP merupakan musuh yang nyata buat Islam dan menggesa mantan Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad tidak lagi bekerjasama dengan parti itu. – Roketkini.com

Depa ni pula‘kafir harbi’ kah? atau OK kot...
Wahai mufti, orang DAP bukan kafir harbi. Mereka warganegara, pembayar cukai dan penyumbang pembangunan negara. Dalam kalangan mereka ada guru, pegawai tinggi, peniaga, polis, pensyarah dan doktor. Mereka adalah jiran, atau abang dan kakak, atau ayah dan ibu, atau datuk dan nenek kpd orang Islam.
Wahai mufti, kerja mufti ialah mempromosikan toleransi antara penganut pelbagai agama, bukan menajamkan rasis.
Kalau mufti nak bagi nyawa kepada UMNO, elok mufti letak jawatan dan jadi aktivis UMNO. Ingat wahai mufti, gaji mufti dibayar dengan wang cukai rakyat termasuk cukai orang yang mufti gelar kafir harbi itu. - f/bk

You can’t simply label non-Muslim citizens ‘kafir harbi’

PM Britain letak jawatan, PM Malaysia disindir kerana mengaku demokrat...
Dengan linangan air mata, Cameron yang berucap dalam sidang media di samping isterinya memaklumkan sudah menyatakan keputusannya itu kepada Ratu England.
Dalam kempen referendum yang dikenali sebagai Brexit, Cameron memilih untuk kekal di dalam EU.
Bagaimanapun keputusan referendum menunjukkan 51.9% rakyat Britain mahu negara itu meninggalkan EU manakala 48.1% mahu kekal.
Sementara itu komen Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak supaya Britain menghormati referendum itu mendapat respon sinis aktivis sosial.

Bekas presiden Majlis Peguam, Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan tidak dapat membuat keputusan sama ada untuk ketawa atau menitiskan air mata apabila membaca kenyataan Najib yang menggambarkan dirinya sebagai seorang demokrat.
"Adakah PM kata 'kita' demokrat?

Biar gambar berbicara...
"Saya tidak tahu sama ada untuk ketawa atau menangis," komen beliau menerusi tweeter.
"Mungkin 'kita' perlu letak jawatan juga," katanya merujuk kepada Najib.
Ambiga adalah antara mereka yang menandatangani Deklarasi Rakyat yang menggesa Najib supaya berundur.
Seorang peguam Syahredzan Johan memberikan komen berikut: "Demokrat tidak tangkap penentang." - malaysiadateline

Later, Najib tweeted again, “There will b testing times ahead for UK. But the British ppl shd knw that one old friend,Msia,will alwys b with them”, only for him to receive another round of brickbats telling him off for calling Britain 'a friend'.
@admtnmkrz replied, “’Old friend'? Friends don't colonise!”. Some even asked him to read history to remember that we were once colonised by the British.
@philipsinar stated, “Yes. Old friend. You help me... I help you.... cash is king !”
It seems no matter what Najib tweets on Brexit now, it will all be bounced off the back of local politics and thrown back at the PM. - theheatmalaysia
UK Keluar Dari EU : Apa Kesan Kepada Kita?
Haron Din : Poo Kanan Poo Kiri,
Dulu Boleh, Sekarang Saya Tak Kasi...
Harun Din attacked Tun Mahathir and said Tun Mahathir sold his principles to DAP just because Tun is obsessed with getting rid of Najib as PM.
Tun has been giving reasons why he wanted Najib out as PM.
It is because of 1MDB and the mysterious RM2.6billion donation.
lt is because Najib is seen as a corrupt leader.
Najib has brought shame to the nation.
51 newspapers all over the world talk about Najib’s wrong doing except Malaysian newspapers, despite Najib telling them recently to tell the truth.
But those who dare tell the truth and have principles (like The Edge) have been suspended, told to shut up or retire. To Najib, telling the truth means to hide the truth. And when papers like the Wall Street Journal wrote the truth, he said all those are lies.
He also threatened to sue them but the threats were just for show. In reality he has not dared to sue these papers.
He has also said that the voters rejected Tun Mahathir’s "lies" about him. If they are lies, then please sue Tun Mahathir. We can understand if Najib is afraid to sue the Wall Street Journal but is Najib afraid to sue Tun Mahathir as well?
So Harun Din should think many times before condemning Tun Mahathir. He forgot or conveniently forgets that PAS worked with DAP to fight Pak Lah and Najib in GE 12 and GE 13.
For more than 15 years it was OK for PAS to work with DAP. So Harun is very confused when he says Tun Mahathir is throwing away his principles .
Tun Mahathir only wants to get rid of Najib because of corruption and 1MDB. This is the right thing to do.
PAS and Harun Din support a corrupt leader. Tun is using the Citizen’s Declaration and all Malaysians who love this country are welcome to support his move. Even PAS members support the declaration.
Harun Din should clear his head before making stupid statements that only embarrass himself.
Harun Din advised Tun Mahathir not to do anything that may incur Allah’s anger. Tun Mahathir is fighting corruption. Fighting against corruption will not incur Allah’s anger. On the other hand, Harun Din knows that supporting the corrupt will send you to burn in hell forever. Supporting the corrupt means incurring Allah's anger. Lets see what happens to Harun Din.
PAS is supporting Najib stay in power inspite of evidence that Najib committed wrong in 1MDB. He still can’t show us who is the donor for the mysterious RM2.6billion?
Please tell us on what basis are you supporting Najib? Najib has lied to all including parliament and he removed all those officers who were about to take action against him or investigation him.
He retired Ghani Patail the AG because according to him, the AG was sick. However since retiring Ghani Patail is still able to work and has started a new career as a lawyer.
On the other hand when Najib's handpicked new MB of Kedah became sick, he held State EXCO meetings at the hospital. How come the new MB of Kedah does not have to retire? How come he is allowed to work from the hospital?
Harun Din accepts this type of behavior?
We also hear different views from the Deputy President PAS Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man. Even the Deputy president of PAS is wondering why you and Hadi support Najib?
We saw Najib visiting you and Hadi at IJN. But you are same person who dispenses air jampi to those who sought your help to cure their sickness. Yet when you were sick, you went to IJN. What happened to the air jampi? What happened to Poo Kanan Poo Kiri?
When Tun Mahathir fights against corruption, you go against him. This means corruption is OK for PAS.
It was also OK when PAS worked with DAP.
Before this PAS said UMNO was kafir.
Now even when UMNO is corrupt, PAS can work together with UMNO.
This is munafik. Munafik means hypocrite. Poo kanan poo kiri.- syedsoutsidethebox

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