Pada kedua PRK kali ini, cukuplah PAS mahupun AMANAH... kedua parti anda tetap kalah.. tidak perlu nak tuding jari pada mana2 pihak.. KALAH is KALAH... Parti Najib terguling guling dan terbongkang gelak atas jalanraya, siap bakar mercun lagi... Siap hebah dalam TV3 suku dan media2 gomen Cina dak balik sokong depa dan menteri2 pula minta disegerakan PRU14...
Sebab PKR, DAP, PAS tidak bersatu hati sebagaimana anda semua kuat bersama utk lawan UMNO/BN dahulu !!!
Kami di SR telah sedaya upaya bongkar dan kupas segala kebobrokan UMNO/BN utk pendedahan buat rakyat tetapi rakyat tetap masih nak undi BN.. KENAPA ???
Jika anda masih tidak bersatu sebagaimana terdahulu, kami cuma nak kata... JANGAN MIMPILAH NAK TUMBANGKAN BN PADA PRU14 !!!
Buat barisan pimpinan pembangkang semua, jadikanlah keputusan kedua2 PRK kali ini sbg satu pengajaran kpd anda semua.
Yang baik jadi kan tauladan... yang buruk jadikan sempadan... contohi lah UMNO / BN dalam soal bekerjasama.. hingga sukar dikalahkan Walau'PON KITA SEDIA MAKLUM BN 'Cash is KING'...f/bk

KK/Sg.Besar- PAS nak mampus, Cina punya bijak...
Well the results are in. The BN won both Sg Besar and Kuala Kangsar with much larger majorities.
Referring news from last nite, in Sg Besar the BN secured over 10,572 votes, PAS 4,507 votes and Amanah 4,323. Barisan's majority is 6,065 votes.
In Kuala Kangsar, Barisan 12,332 votes, PAS 5,634, Amanah 4,865, and Independent 58. Barisan's majority is 6,698.
Voter turnout was about 70%. The Chinese votes swung back to the Barisan. Or did it really?
PAS barely managed to better newcomer Amanah in Sg Besar by just 184 votes. In Kuala Kangsar PAS secured only 769 votes more than Amanah.
Considering Amanah is such a new comer (breakaway faction from PAS) it shows that many former PAS supporters and others voted for Amanah. This was a fairly successful first time outing for Amanah.
Clearly the voters have rejected Hadi Awang's stupidity and mindless leadership. Nobody wants Hadi's hudud. Hadi best take his hudud, roll it up and place it where the sun never shines.
If the PAS has any brains left, they should get rid of Hadi, drop the really stupid idea of their version of hudud, mend their fences with Amanah, mend their fences with the DAP and provide a proper unified platform for the voters. PAS association with UMNO has cost them dearly. Former PAS voters supported either UMNO or Amanah.
Surely UMNO has cleverly outmanouevred PAS. Now PAS is weaker and more dependent on UMNO.
The cleverest voters were the Chinese. The two Parliamentary seats were BN. So it does not make any difference.
When Badawi lost the 2/3 majority in 2008 and Tun Dr Mahathir was rooting to get rid of Badawi, the DAP (the late Karpal and Lim Kit Siang) both said that Badawi should be left alone to continue as Prime Minister. This is because with Badawi as PM, the BN would have lost 2013. Kicking out Badawi in 2009 and replacing him with Najib perhaps saved the BN from total annihilation in 2013. (Unfortunately, yes unfortunately) we did not know about the RM2.6 billion then.)
But to the disappointment of the anti BN Chinese, Dr Mahathir was able to oust Badawi.
The same situation prevails now. Tun Dr Mahathir is trying his best to get rid of Najib because Najib is really, really bad for the country. If Najib prevails, the BN will also lose the next GE14. Dont be fooled by these two by-elections in KK and Sg Besar. The crooks poured millions of Ringgit into both places.
Dr Mahathir has been completely straight forward. The BN can be saved if Najib is kicked out now. The BN will get a new PM, UMNO will appoint Muhyiddin to take over from Najib and there is a fighting chance for reform. This is Dr Mahathir's hope. He has said it quite plainly.
This time the Chinese in KK and Sg Besar have turned down Dr Mahathir. They would rather have Najib prevail as PM and drive the country completely into the ground by 2018. The stealing also will not stop. On the contrary the stealing will increase in speed. Come 2018, the economy will be a skeleton. Then the BN will get kicked out. This is what the Chinese want to happen ultimately. It is in the interests of the Chinese to see the BN prevail until 2018. Hence the large Chinese turnout.
Dr Mahathir wants to kick out Najib now so that his beloved UMNO and its Malay political power will prevail. The Chinese are well aware of that.
This is a democracy. The ballot decides who rules. Whether it is a good decision or not cannot be gauarnteed by the ballot. Democracies make horrible mistakes too. - syedsoutsidethebox
Rakyat tak kisah pasai GST,rasuah,1MDB,Rosmah...
Keputusan dua PRK semalam memberi isyarat pengundi di Sungai Besar dan Kuala Kangsar tidak kisah dengan pelbagai kepayahan ditanggung rakyat selama ini yang berpunca daripada pelbagai dasar dilaksanakan kerajaan BN.
Naib Presiden PKR, Rafizi Ramli berkata, ia termasuk pelaksanaan Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan (GST), kenaikan kos sara hidup dan skandal 1MDB.
“Maksudnya segala keributan dan keresahan yang disuarakan selama ini (baik yang menulis secara terus, baik yang menzahirkan kemarahan itu di media sosial dan lain-lain) hanya satu kepura-puraan?
“Maksudnya rakyat tidak kisah sebenarnya dengan kepayahan hidup yang disebabkan GST?
“Mereka tidak rasa marah dengan skandal wang yang menyebabkan peruntukan rakyat dipotong dan menambahkan beban mereka?” soalnya menerusi Facebook miliknya.
Rafizi yang juga Ahli Parlimen Pandan berpendapat, pengundi masih terpengaruh dengan dua senjata utama Umno dan BN sejak berdekad lalu, iaitu sentimen perkauman atau keagamaan dan kebendaan.
Dari segi sentimen perkauman atau keagamaan, beliau mendakwa ramai pengundi ‘pasrah’ dengan masalah rasuah dan penyelewengan kerana bagi mereka, memerangi Cina DAP dan sekutu mereka iaitu PKR dan Amanah lebih penting daripada membantu diri mereka sendiri.
Manakala dari segi kebendaan, faktor projek yang dijanjikan dan wang yang diagihkan semasa berkempen oleh Umno dan BN tetap berkesan untuk meraih undi rakyat tidak kira kaum Melayu, Cina, India, Iban atau Kadazan.
“Pilihan Raya Kecil Kuala Kangsar dan Sungai Besar membuktikan penyakit kebendaan ini tidak mengenal kaum, agama, tempat atau masa,” katanya.
PRK Sungai Besar semalam menyaksikan BN menang dengan majoriti 9,191 undi, selepas meraih 18,600 undi, diikuti Amanah (7,609 undi) dan PAS (6,902 undi).
Manakala Kuala Kangsar pula menyaksikan BN mendapat majoriti 6,969 undi, setelah BN meraih 12,653 undi, PAS (5,684 undi), Amanah (4,883 undi) dan calon Bebas (54 undi).
Mengulas pandangan Pakatan Harapan mempelawa PAS kembali ke meja rundingan dengan blok pembangkang, Rafizi berkata, ia telah dibincangkan dengan wakil pimpinan PAS sejak awal lagi.
“Dijemput untuk menyertai Pakatan Harapan malah dirunding sehingga ke peringkat akhir untuk satu lawan satu dalam kedua-dua pilihan raya kecil.
“Keputusan sama ada PAS masih mahu terus menjadi blok ketiga itu di luar kawalan Pakatan Harapan kerana ia keputusan PAS,” tegasnya. - suarakami

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