Dua pertuduhan terhadap saya di bawah Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia dan Kanun Keseksaan atas dakwaan rasuah adalah tindakan penganiayaan politik yang dilaksanakan dengan tujuan menghancurkan saya sebagai Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang.
Kedua-dua pertuduhan di bawah Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) dan Kanun Keseksaan kerana perbuatan rasuah adalah jelas penganiayaan atau pendakwaan politik yang semata-mata untuk menghancurkan saya sebagai ketua menteri Pulau Pinang.
Saya telah menjelaskan kepada SPRM bahawa pembelian banglo dari Phang Li Koon adalah dilakukan dengan tulus hati, antara individu yang tidak mempunyai kepentingan perniagaan, atas dasar kerelaan penjual dan pembeli tanpa sebarang paksaan atau sebarang balasan istimewa daripada saya mahupun kerajaan negeri.
Phang adalah kawan isteri saya tidak mempunyai hubungan perniagaan yang aktif dengan kerajaan negeri. Dia bukan seorang pemaju perumahan dan banglo dia menjual saya untuk RM2.8 juta telah dibina pada tahun 1980-an.
Terdapat percubaan untuk menyamakan kes saya dengan kes bekas Menteri Besar Selangor, Dr Mohd Khir Toyo. Ini sama sekali adalah salah.
Tidak seperti kes Khir Toyo, Phang tidak kerugian sebanyak RM5 juta tetapi mencatatkan keuntungan kecil RM300,000 hasil pembelian asalnya pada harga RM2.5 juta.
Tidak seperti kes Khir Toyo, Phang bukan seorang pemaju perumahan baru yang bergantung kepada kerajaan negeri untuk meneruskan perniagaannya.
Bagi pertuduhan kedua berkaitan kelulusan permohonan Magnificent Emblem Sdn Bhd (MESB) untuk menukar status tanahnya daripada tanah pertanian kepada tanah perumahan; MESB tidak berjaya melakukan pertukaran status hartanahnya kepada tanah perumahan.
Hartanah tersebut masih kekal sebagai tanah pertanian.
Apa faedah yang didapati MESB apabila ia tidak mendapat kelulusan pertukaran status terbabit apabila ia tidak mendapat izin akhir daripada Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang.
Saya juga hairan dengan apa yang bermula sebagai serangan politik jahat terhadap saya kononnya menjual tanah Taman Manggis yang sepatutnya diberikan kepada orang miskin akhirnya berakhir tanpa sebarang penghujung.
Apa guna menteri BN kecoh-kecoh tentang Taman Manggis?
Jelas sekali tidak ada apa-apa yang salah dengan penjualan tanah Taman Manggis, dan sebaliknya saya didakwa kerana membuat keputusan bagi MESB yang akhirnya tidak pun memberi mereka sebarang faedah.
Malangnya tidak ada pun tuduhan rasuah apabila wujud keterhutangan sehingga RM50 bilion atau apabila wang berjumlah RM2.6 bilion atau RM4 bilion masuk ke dalam akaun peribadi anda. Tetapi boleh pula wujud rasuah apabila orang yang dituduh korup tidak pula mendapat sebarang faedah.
Saya tidak akan melutut
Saya tidak akan tunduk kepada permainan politik kotor dan ganas ini untuk memusnahkan reputasi saya atau imej Pulau Pinang sebagai negeri paling bersih dan paling baik urus tadbirnya di Malaysia.
Kami bangga dengan pelaksanaan tender terbuka dan bangga dengan pujian daripada Transparency International dan laporan tahunan Ketua Audit Negara.
Kita tidak akan biarkan BN untuk cuba memalit lumpur ke muka kita demi menyembunyikan skandal rasuahnya sendiri. Kita akan buktikan bahawa kita tidak bersalah di mahkamah.
Kita akan berjuang untuk membuktikan bahawa kerajaan Pakatan adalah kerajaan yang mendahulukan rakyat, dan menjulang tinggi prinsip-prinsip integriti, keadilan, kebebasan dan demokrasi.
Masih ada harapan untuk Malaysia yang bersih dan bebas daripada rasuah, penyalahgunaan kuasa dan penindasan.
Kita tidak boleh biarkan BN merompak masa depan anak cucu kita, sebagaimana mereka telah merompak masa depan kita.
Negara jenis apa yang kita mahu untuk anak cucu kita nanti, apabila mereka yang meraih untung dan derma berbilion ringgit tidak dituduh rasuah, sedangkan mereka yang tidak mendapat faedah didakwa rasuah.
BN boleh dakwa saya, tetapi tidak akan dapat membunuh iltizam saya demi membebaskan Malaysia daripada rasuah.
BN boleh memangsakan saya, tetapi tidak akan menghancurkan semangat saya untuk membebaskan saya daripada mereka yang merompak masa depan anak cucu kita.
BN malah boleh menghina saya dengan mengurung saya semalaman tanpa sebab, tetapi mereka tidak akan berjaya menukar putih menjadi hitam, dan hitam menjadi putih. Yang benar tidak akan menjadi salah, dan yang salah tidak akan menjadi benar.
BN tidak akan dapat menghancurkan kekuatan parti saya - pemimpin dan ahlinya berdiri bersama untuk berjuang ke arah penambahbaikan demi Malaysia yang lebih baik, dengan keadilan, kebebasan dan demokrasi.
Jika BN rasa ia boleh mematahkan semangat saya dengan menahan saya, mereka salah sama sekali!
Saya lebih rela mati daripada hidup melutut. Malaysia yang bebas, adil dan makmur untuk semua mesti diperjuangkan! - LIM GUAN ENG

I will die standing than live on my knees...
The two charges against me under the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Act and the Penal Code for corrupt practice are a clear act of political persecution motivated solely to destroy me as Penang chief minister.
I had explained to MACC that the purchase of the bungalow from Phang Li Koon is above-board, an arms-length transaction on a willing buyer and seller basis without any coercion or special favours granted from me or the state government.
Phang is a friend of my wife and has no active business relationship with the state government. She is not a housing developer and the bungalow she sold me for RM2.8 million was built in the 1980s.
There have been attempts to draw similarities between my case and former Selangor menteri besar Mohd Khir Toyo. This is wrong.
Unlike Khir Toyo’s case, Phang did not make a loss of RM5 million but recorded a small profit of RM300,000 from her original purchase price of RM2.5 million.
Unlike Khir Toyo’s case, Phang is not a housing developer that has to be reliant on state government to continue her business.
On the second charge relating to the approval of Magnificent Emblem Sdn Bhd's (MESB) application to re-zone its land from agricultural to residential use, MESB did not succeed in re-zoning its property to residential (purpose). The property still remains an agricultural land.
What benefit is there to MESB when it could not get final re-zoning approval to agricultural (use) from Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang?
I am also puzzled by what started off as a vicious political attack on me selling out Taman Manggis land meant for the poor has came to nothing. Why all the hype about Taman Manggis land by BN ministers then?
Clearly, there is nothing wrong with Taman Manggis land sale and instead I am charged with making a decision for MESB that finally did not gain them any benefit.
Sadly, there is no corruption with huge RM50 billion debts or RM2.6 billion or RM4 billion in your personal bank accounts. But it is now corruption even when the alleged corrupt party did not gain any benefit.
Vicious political plays
I will not submit to such dirty and vicious political plays to destroy my reputation or Penang’s image as the cleanest and best-run state in Malaysia.
We are proud of our open competitive tenders and proud of our accolades from Transparency International and the annual Auditor-General’s Reports.
We will not allow BN to throw mud to hide its own corruption scandals. We will prove our innocence in court.
We will fight to prove that the Pakatan Harapan government is a people-centric government that upholds its principles of integrity, justice, freedom and democracy.
There is still hope for a Malaysia that is clean and free from corruption, abuse of power and oppression. We must not allow BN to steal our children’s future as they have stolen ours.
What type of country do we want our children to grow up when those who gained benefits and donations amounting to billions of ringgit are not charged with corruption while those who gained no benefit are prosecuted for corruption?
BN can prosecute me but it will not kill my passion to free Malaysia from corruption.
BN can victimise me but will not crush my spirit to free Malaysia from those who steal our children's future.
BN can even humiliate me by unnecessarily detaining me overnight but will not succeed in changing white to black and black to white. Right cannot become wrong and wrong cannot become right.
BN will not break my party's unity – we stand together as leaders and members to battle for reforms towards a better Malaysia with freedom, justice and democracy.
If BN feels that they can bend or break me by arresting me, they are wrong! I will die standing (rather) than live on bended knees. A free Malaysia, a fair Malaysia, a prosperous Malaysia for all is worth fighting for! - LIM GUAN ENG

Ketua Menteri Lim Guan Eng akan didakwa berhubung zon semula tanah di Balik Pulau dan pembelian hartanah, jelas Pengerusi DAP Pulau Pinang Chow Kon Yeow.
Beliau menjelaskan perkara zon semula tanah itu tiada kaitan dengan isu Taman Manggis.
Sebaliknya, ia berkenaan permohonan zon semula tanah oleh Magnificent Emblem Sdn Bhd, dimana Phang Li Koon salah seorang pemiliknya. Permohonan itu ditolak oleh majlis perbandaran, katanya sebelum ini.
Li Koon merupakan bekas tuan tanah kepada Guan Eng yang membeli sebuah banglo darinya tahun lalu.
“Kami DAP Pulau Pinang menganggap dakwaan itu direka untuk membunuh kerjaya politik saudara Guan Eng.
“Kita menyeru semua penyokong DAP supaya bertenang mengharungi ribut melanda dan tunggu kata putus tindakan susulan selepas kami bermesyuarat,” kata Kon Yeow kepada pemberita di luar ibu pejabat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) di Jalan Northam malam tadi.

Kon Yeow berkata Guan Eng didakwa kerana meluluskan zon semula sebidang tanah pertanian di Balik Pulau kepada tanah perumahan selaku Ketua Menteri.
Sebelum dibawa pergi oleh SPRM, Guan Eng berpesan kepada Kon Yeow supaya tabah menghadapi dugaan ini.
“Beliau beritahu saya supaya tempuhi krisis politik ini dan pastikan kerajaan negeri kekal utuh,” katanya.
Guan Eng akan didakwa di bawah Seksyen 23 Akta SPRM kerana meluluskan permohonan zon semula tanah milik syarikat Phang Li Koon, Magnificent Emblem dan di bawah Seksyen 165 Kanun Keseksaan kerana membeli hartanah bawah nilai pasaran.
Seksyen 165 Kanun Keseksaan menyatakan bahawa barangsiapa, yang menjadi penjawat awam menerima sesuatu benda yang berharga dengan suatu balasan yang ia ketahui tidak mencukupi, daripada seseorang yang ia ketahui ada mempunyai hubungan dengan kerja-kerja rasminya, melakukan kesalahan yang boleh dihukum dengan penjara atau denda atau kedua-duanya sekali. - fmt

Kenapa Lim Guang Eng tidak Najib, soal Mat Sabu

Guan Eng's Arrest : End Of The Lim Dynasty...
My UMNO friend who smsed me this news about five minutes ago said 'tak puas hati Boogees tak kena2 lagi'.
I agree bro. But two wrongs do not make a right. Just because Boogees can get away with blatant corruption does not recuse other politicians from the same wrongs.
Granted that they have moved quite fast against Guan Eng - which normally happens when the opposition is involved. Khir Toyo's case took years.
I see similarities between this case and Khir Toyo's case. You cannot separate the two.
However Khir Toyo's case took so much time to go through the courts. Well, Khir Toyo is not a DAP member.
Guan Eng will be charged and then he will have the right to defend himself. But how long will the Court process take?
It can really screw up the timetable for the DAP if the case goes to full hearing before the next General Election.
But even despite that can Guan Eng continue as Chief Minister when he has been charged for corruption, even when out on bail and during the court process?
Good governance and transparency says otherwise.
Well hail then to Prof. Dr. P. Ramasamy s/o Palanisamy the Deputy Chief Minister of Penang. Will he be elevated to Chief Minister? Or will the Indians be the "fetchers and getters" only?
If Guan Eng "kena" and is found guilty, who will lead the DAP into the next GE? The DAP will most likely retain Penang.
Who will be the DAP's candidate for CM?
This is a major opportunity for Prof Ramasamy to show what the Indians can do.
If Guan Eng is sent off to jail, it will be the end of the Lim Dynasty in the DAP. For 50 years, since 1966, Lim Kit Siang has held sway over the DAP. By any measure this is a family show.
Having said that the DAP is not without its second echelon leadership. They have plenty of talent. Whether Mr Lim Senior will allow the DAP free rein to develop and bloom on its own is to be seen.
Guan Eng has been jailed before - over the Rahim Thamby Chik case. (That was a mess, we still dont know who really slept with whom).
Lim Guan Eng and I were classmates at the Melaka High School in 1976 and 1977. Later when I got my first bank job at the United Overseas Bank (then known as Chung Khiaw Bank) in 1987, Guan Eng had just left the bank less than a year before me to go full time into politics. I have only met him once (for a few seconds) since 1977.
It is sad to hear about an old classmate facing something like this. - syedsoutsidethebox

Netizens want MACC to go after other big fish...
Ooi Zhi Yi said he was waiting to see how DAP would react to the arrest of their party’s secretary-general as the secular party had in the past slammed the anti-graft agency over the death of Teoh Beng Hock, an aide to a Selangor DAP assemblyman, but praised them over its investigation into the 1Malaysia Development Berhad state investment fund.
Teoh died while in MACC’s custody in 2009.
“Let’s see what they shall say now,” he tweeted.
Fellow Twitter user Syahir urged the MACC to go after other leaders.
“It’s time to catch the ‘biggest fish’ in Malaysia. Not only LGE.”
Meanwhile, Azwari Zainal Abidin implied that the MACC only worked fast when it came to investigating Opposition leaders.
“If it is Najib (Razak) they are afraid ,” he said, alluding to the prime minister.
Another user, identified as Teropong Mata, said Lim’s arrest served as a reminder to the Opposition to stay away from shady transactions.
Shahnon Salleh said that Lim’s arrest was not at all surprising.
“If Khir Toyo was found guilty of the same offence, what is stopping MACC from charging LGE?” he said alluding to the former Selangor menteri besar, who was convicted of purchasing a piece of property lower than the market price and sentenced to a year in prison.
Lim was arrested earlier today by MACC and will be charged under Sect 23 of the MACC Act for allowing an application to rezone a piece of land owned by Phang Li Khoon’s company Magnificent Emblem and Sect 165 of the Penal Code for buying property below market value.
Section 165 stipulates that it is an offence for a public servant to obtain anything without consideration from persons concerned in any proceeding or business transacted by such a public servant.- fmt

Bekas tahanan ISA dapat RM5.16 juta...