Mayat pemandu Perodua Kelisa, Tajuddin Zainal Abidin yang terperangkap dalam runtuhan tanjak penyambung susur keluar Jambatan Kedua Pulau Pinang dijangka dibedah siasat pada jam 11.30 malam ini.
Demikian tulis Ahli Parlimen Bayan Baru, Sim Tze Tzim menerusi twitter.
Beliau yang berada di Hospital Pulau Pinang (HPP) turut mengucapkan takziah kepada isteri mangsa.
Mayat bekas anggota polis berusia 45 tahun itu berjaya dikeluarkan dari runtuhan itu oleh pasukan penyelamat pada jam 8.45 malam ini dan dibawa ke HPP untuk dibedah siasat.
Sementara itu, Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng menerusi twitter menyampaikan ucapan takziah kepada keluarga mangsa dan turut mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak berluasa keselamatan yang Berjaya mengeluarkan jenazah Tajuddin.-harakahdaily
Tumpang Sekole - Al-Fatihah dan takziah diucapkan kepada keluarga mangsa.

Tajudin Zainal Abidin had died due to traumatic asphyxiation...
Penang Hospital's senior consultant forensic pathologist Datuk Dr Bhupinder Singh arrived at the Penang Hospital mortuary at about 9.30pm to perform an autopsy on the body.
Bhupinder, in a statement after the autopsy which took over an hour, concluded that the deceased had died due to traumatic asphyxiation.
"It is believed that he had died on the spot as he was underneath the weight of the concrete in the incident, and had suffocated," he said.
He added that both the deceased's legs were fractured and his left rib cage was crushed in the incident.
Meanwhile, according to Bayan Baru MP Sim Tze Tzin, who was at the hospital, the deceased had gone out to buy dinner for the family nearby Seagate along the Expressway before returning home to Permatang Damar Laut.
"He had called his wife to inform her that he is coming home. But at 8pm, the wife realised that her husband is not home, and had gone out to find him," he said, adding that she had passed by the site of the collapse not knowing that her husband was beneath the rubble.
Sim added that it only dawned upon Sharifah that Tajudin was in the collapse when the partial plate number was distributed via social network in the afternoon.
Sim also said that the funeral arrangement for the deceased will be handled by Batu Maung assemblyman Datuk Abdul Malik Kassim.
"The funeral will be fully paid for by the state government," he added.
Tajudin's body is expected to be sent to Kampung Perlis, Bukit Merah in Perak to be buried tomorrow morning.-theSun

Only one body in crushed car, search continues...
The body of a man was retrieved from the Kelisa crushed under the collapsed ramp of Penang’s Second Bridge this evening. He was alone in the car, and was found slumped over the dashboard. Last night, it had been feared that four people were in the car.
Three other people were injured: construction workers Slamat, 36, from Indonesia, and Tin Maung Iwin, 39, from Myanmar, who are in stable condition at Penang GH; and a woman motorist, Thilasheni Rajendran, 24, who was hit by falling debris when she managed to stop her car just 2m from the collapsed ramp. Her companion, Gajashaantini Gajanujan, 24, was unhurt.
Rescue teams are pressing on with the search to follow up on public information that several vehicles were trapped under the rubble. A canine unit from Kuala Lumpur might be called in tomorrow (Saturday).

A man believed to be a relative of the victim.
At a press conference late this evening, Penang deputy CPO Abdul Rahim Jaafar said the victim’s body was taken to the General Hospital for a post-mortem examination after it was retrieved at 8.49pm. A man believed to be a family member fainted on seeing the body bag and was carried out on stretcher and driven away by Civil Defence.
Fire and Rescue deputy director Mohamad Shoki Hamzah said a I-beam was lifted by crane while rescuers pulled the body out of the car.
Family members including a man believed to be the brother of the victim had arrived at the scene at about 7pm. The man was escorted through the police barricade to visit the rescue scene.-the star/bernama
Fire and rescue officer taking a body away from the site of the collapsed Second Penang Bridge in Batu Maung, Penang, June 7, 2013.
Body removed from collapsed bridge site...
A body trapped underneath the rubble of the collapsed ramp of the Second Penang Bridge in Batu Maung, Penang, was pulled out at 8.40pm this evening and sent to the Penang Hospital for post mortem.
Penang deputy police chief SAC Datuk Abd Rahim Jaafar said the family of the victim will have to identify him at the Penang Hospital.
A few minutes after the body was removed and whisked away in black body bag in a police truck, a man, believed to be the victim’s brother, fainted and was taken away in an ambulance.
The group of family members also followed the police truck with the body to the hospital.
Abd Rahim said it is possible that the man who fainted had identified the victim through the clothes he was wearing.
The police and Fire and Rescue Department personnel will continue to search the site for any other possible victims under the debris.
“There is only one body in the car that we removed from the rubble,” he said.
The deceased is believed to be former cop Tajudin Zainal Abidin, but Abd Rahim said the family members will only make a positive identification later tonight.
The Fire and Rescue Department will also bring in a canine unit from Kuala Lumpur to sniff out any other possible casualties in the incident.
Department Deputy director Mohamad Shoki Hamzah said there could be a possibility of other victims buried underneath the rubble.
“We had initially used hydraulic jacks, but the ground was too soft so we had to lift the beam, cut it and then pull the car out from the rubble,” he said.
The body was removed more than 24 hours after the incident when a section of the ramp collapsed onto the Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway yesterday.
Three other people were injured and so far, only one victim was confirmed killed in the incident.
The collapsed ramp is part of the Batu Maung Interchange project, which is Paqckage 3A of the Second Penang Bridge project undertaken by local contractor Cergas Murni.
Bridge concessionere Jambatan Kedua Sdn Bhd (JKSB) and the Penang Island Municipal Council both ordered the contractor to stop work immediately.-malaysian insider
Polis "Kenal Pasti Mayat" Mangsa Runtuhan Jambatan...
Polis sahkan menemui mayat seorang lelaki berusia 40-an di dalam timbunan runtuhan jambatan Kedua Pulau Pinang di Lebuhraya Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu di sini, sebentar tadi.
Mangsa yang dikenal pasti dalam kejadian itu ialah Tajudin Zainal Abidin, 45.
Allahyarham adalah bekas anggota polis dan dikatakan masih bujang.
Sehubungan itu, Timbalan Ketua Polis Pulau Pinang, Datuk Abdul Rahim Jaafar, berkata pasukan penyelamat menemui mayat lelaki itu dalam keadaan tunduk di bahagian pemandu.
"Adik mangsa dalam perjalanan ke sini untuk membuat pengecaman sama ada mayat itu adalah abangnya.
"'Kita ada menerima laporan berhubung kehilangan anggota keluarga dari seorang individu di Batu Maung," katanya sebentar tadi.
Beliau berkata, setakat ini pihaknya hanya menemui satu mayat dalam timbunan runtuhan konkrit itu.
"Usaha untuk mengeluarkan mayat yang tersepit sedang dijalankan. Kita menghadapi sedikit kesulitan berikutan timbunan konkrit dan besi yang masih berada di tempat kejadian," katanya.-bh

Jurucakap polis berkata bagaimanapun polis tidak dapat mengesahkan sama ada Rohaizad, 43, yang beralamat di Sungai Dua, Gelugor di sini, adalah mangsa yang masih tersepit di dalam kenderaan itu.
“Kita meminta kerjasama semua pihak yang mengenali pemilik kenderaan itu untuk membantu siasatan bagi mengenal pasti mangsa,” katanya.
Mangsa bagaimanapun belum dapat dikeluarkan lagi dari kereta itu dan kerja mengalih sisa tanjakan konkrit yang telah dipotong itu sedang giat dijalankan.
Semalam, runtuhan penyambung susur keluar Jambatan Kedua Pulau Pinang di Lebuhraya Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu di Batu Maung itu menghempap sebuah kereta dan seorang mangsa dipercayai terperangkap di dalam runtuhan itu.
Dalam kejadian itu, dua bahagian konkrit iaitu 180 ton konkrit keras dan 100 ton konkrit lembut runtuh secara tiba-tiba dan menghempap sebuah kenderaan.
Tiga orang iaitu dua pekerja asing dan seorang wanita tempatan cedera dalam kejadian itu.

Jurucakap bomba berkata runtuhan tanjakan konkrit dan besi itu terpaksa dipotong lebih kecil bagi memudahkan kerja mengalih dan mengangkut dilakukan.
Katanya setelah runtuhan tanjakan itu dialih, barulah bomba dapat mengeluarkan mangsa yang tersepit di dalam kereta akibat dihempap tanjakan konkrit itu.
Beliau berkata lebih 300 anggota pasukan yang terdiri daripada polis, bomba, Jabatan Pertahanan Awam, pekerja syarikat pembinaan dan kontraktor sedang bertungkus-lumus mengalihkan runtuhan konkrit dan besi seberat beratus-ratus tan itu. — Bernama

Police confirm one dead in 2nd Bridge collapse...
Police have confirmed that the victim still trapped under the rubble of a ramp link for to the Second Penang Bridge that collapsed bridge has died.

The police cannot confirm if there are any further casualties beneath the rubble.
Earlier, the Penang Municipal Council (MPPP) issued a stop work order on the construction of the Second Penang Bridge following the collapse of a section under construction last night.
engineering director Adnan Mohd Razali served the order on main
contractor Jambatan Kedua Sdn Bhd’s project manager and to Malaysian
Highway Authority (LLM) today.
The order requires the two parties to stop all construction work at the site.
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan visiting the site of the accident today said the stop work order will be effective until the contractor ensures the project is safe.
Lim expressed disappointment with the rescue efforts but blamed the procedures rather than the police or fire department.
He said the
need to conduct a post mortem of the accident focussed on two key
issues: the reason for the collapse, and the efficiency of rescue
Two workers and a member of the public in a passing vehicle were injured when a section of the bridge under construction at Batu Maung crossing the Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway, Penang, collapsed at 7pm yesterday.
To date the police can only confirm one fatality.-malaysiakini
Earlier, the Penang Municipal Council (MPPP) issued a stop work order on the construction of the Second Penang Bridge following the collapse of a section under construction last night.

The order requires the two parties to stop all construction work at the site.
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan visiting the site of the accident today said the stop work order will be effective until the contractor ensures the project is safe.
Lim expressed disappointment with the rescue efforts but blamed the procedures rather than the police or fire department.
He said the

Two workers and a member of the public in a passing vehicle were injured when a section of the bridge under construction at Batu Maung crossing the Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway, Penang, collapsed at 7pm yesterday.
To date the police can only confirm one fatality.-malaysiakini

Alamat :- 55-1, JALAN 46A/26, TAMAN SRI RAMPAI, SETAPAK, KUALA LUMPUR, WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN - Telephone : 03-41426613
Pengerusi Eksekutif : Y. Bhg Datin Paduka Khatijah Suleiman D.S.I.S., KMN, KSD, AMS, PPT, PJK
Pengarah-pengarah Eksekutif : Tuan. Hj Mohamed Sharif Bin Yaacob

1 comment:
Mangsa yang terlibat boleh tuntut saman RM1 juta setiap seorang - kerana tidak mengambil langkah2 keselamatan - dengan membenarkan lalulintas dikawasan tersebut tanpa memperdulikan risiko yang amat besar.
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