This follows the MB's audience with Selangor Sultan Idris Shah this morning in which Khalid said he told the ruler he believes the sultan has no power to accept or reject an appointment by the Public Services Commission (PSC).
"This is because the power was taken away in 1993 after a constitutional crisis, whereby the Selangor constitution was ammended to centralise power (in) the federal government," said the MB at a packed press conference today. Khalid added that the sultan had suggested that the state discuss the matter with PSC to find "the best solution".
As such, the MB will not attend the swearing in ceremony for PSC-appointed state secretary candidate Khusrin Munawi at the palace fixed on Jan 6. Khusrin will also be barred from any exco meeting or conduct ex-officio duties until the matter is resolved, he added. Khalid, however, said that Khusrin's appointment is "legitimate" and that the latter can conduct non-ex officio duties such as overseeing district officers.
The MB, who has yet met with Khusrin even though the former Selangor Islamic Affairs Department chief reported for duty today, said he will write the PSC and contact the Selangor state assembly speaker Teng Chang Khim today. Khalid said further that the amendment to the state constitution will "empower the state" but may require further studying before it can be tabled at the state assembly.
"It will probably be two or three weeks before the assembly can convene on this," he said, adding that this, too, was discussed with the sultan. The state is objecting Khusrin's appointment, saying that it was conducted without consultation of the MB. Khusrin is seen as an undesirable candidate, particularly for the Pakatan Rakyat government, as his actions as JAIS chief are said to have gone against Pakatan policies.

As for Khusrin just assign him some desk duties,like photstat documents,cleaning tables and chairs,cleaning toilets etc...etc...
Me think he shouldn't even be "overseeing district officers"....
Mahathir dan UMNO telah mencabut kuasa Sultan ketika meminda perlembagaan negara pada 1993. Sekarang UMNO cuba bersembunyi di sebalik tirai istana untuk meneruskan agenda politik jahat mereka.
Baca 'Sultan Selangor memaklumkan bahawa baginda tiada kuasa untuk memutuskan soal pelantikan Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri' di sini.
Baca 'Masalah SUK berpunca daripada Khir Toyo'di sini.
Rasa tak malukah bila orang dah naik meluat pegawai PTD macam ni?
Nak malu apa babe...dapat Jusa A atau B(aku tak pasti) dok di meja pikiaq cam mana nak pekena MB Khalid agar gomennya runtuh. Itu saja kerjanya!!! Bukan susah pun!
Lagi pun bukan Khalid yang bayaq gajinya!!
Aku harap satu hari bila PR menang kerajaan pusat,jang siKusrin ini ganti Sidek(KSN) cukup!
Seorg Penjawat Awam sentiasa berkerja dgn jujur dan beramanah.Itu yg beliau lakukan semasa di JAIS.Beliau tak melakukan sesuatu di luar bidang kuasanya dan segala apa yg dilakukan sebgmana arahan dari Sultan sebagai Ketua Agama Islam. Aku tak tahu jenis apa puak PR yg sentiasa utk berpolitik.Aku yakin dan percaya pd PRU 13 kau semua akan dinyahkan oleh rakyat.Dah memang Sepatutnya.Khalid Gagap akan Gagap terus
Penjawat Awam kerja dengan jujur dan amanah untuk siapa? MBnya atau Monyet2 di Putrajaya?
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