"Remember the VK Lingam tape case? The scope was limited but still it clearly confirmed the authenticity of the tape and the involvement of certain personalities," he said. Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak announced the establishment of the RCI after the coroner in Teoh's inquest declared an open verdict.
Though coroner Azmil Muntapha Abas also ruled out both homicide and suicide, the RCI will not look into the cause of death and instead probe whether Teoh's human rights were violated by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission. Anwar adds that the findings by the coroner that shown that the enforcement agencies and the judiciary were incompetent.
“(They) can't even establish that (murder or suicide)... so (they) try and deflect (the situation) by setting up a RCI, and the terms of reference would be limited,” said Anwar during a press conference at the party headquarters.
No action after RCI on Lingam tape
He adds that the RCI was a tactic to delay a conclusive judgment and that even if it comes up with a "positive decision", the federal government will ignore the commission's report. Citing the RCI on the Lingam tape again, Anwar said that no criminal action was taken against several individuals implicated of influencing judicial appointments. He said that the RCI wound up in a dead end because it was left “to the attorney-general who is blatantly complicit to many other crimes.”
“And now (former Kuala Lumpur CID chief) Mat Zain (Ibrahim) has resurfaced the black eye incident. He was the investigating officer of the case, he has all the records and is privy to all the evidence,” said Anwar. He said that Mat Zain had made damning allegations against the attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail and ex-Inspector General of Police Musa Hassan for manipulating evidence but this was ignore.
"So you expect us to trust the system under these circumstances?,” asked Anwar.
Masalahnya, gomen Najib seboleh2nya tak mahu MACC(SPRM) dituduh terlibat dalam kematian Teoh Beng Hock. RCI ditubuh semata2 nak tunjuk bahawa Najib prihatin terhadap kes Teoh ini,walhal, Najib tak kisah pun.
Kalau Najib betul2 ikhlas dengan ketelusan,beri kuasa kepada RCI itu bagi mengenalpasti siapa pembunuh Teoh Beng Hock sebenarnya? Dan jangan lupa tindakan seterusnya terhadap AG Gani Patail dan Musa Hassan. Apakah mereka ini mempunyai imuniti khas hinggakan undang2 negara tak boleh digunakan terhadap mereka?
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