"I wish to take this opportunity to rebut the statement made by Badrul Hisham that he was present at the opening ceremony of the legislative assembly on Nov 8.
"The only opening ceremony of the third session of the 12th legislative assembly was held on Apr 12 and officiated by the Sultan of Selangor. “The sitting in November was the annual budget session where no opening ceremony was held,” said Teng.
Teng added that details in the assembly’s Hansard clearly proved that the PKR-turned-Umno representative had been absent for the entire session from November 8 to 15 last year. Additionally, he pointed out that Badrul had himself admitted to his absence via a letter to the Speaker’s office on December 10. Teng later distributed copies of the assembly’s attendance list and Badrul’s letter to reporters to prove his claims.
In his letter, Badrul formally apologised for his absence from the House on November 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15 and 16 last year and explained that he had been away to seek traditional medical treatment in Pahang. “Obviously, Badrul has told a blatant lie to defend his fatal mistake. In fact, I do not have to rebut him in this manner.“However, to protect the integrity of the Speaker’s office and to disperse the public confusion on the matter, I have no other option but to reveal the relevant documents,” he said.
Teng claimed that Badrul had also misled the prime minister with his “lie” and expressed disappointment that Datuk Seri Najib Razak had chosen to believe the “errant assemblyman” instead of the state’s Speaker.
Teng, a lawyer by profession, then chastised Dewan Rakyat Deputy Speaker Datuk Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar for his “level of ignorance” when the latter reportedly said that it was for the assembly to collectively decide the vacancy of a seat and not the Speaker. “Wan Junaidi may be correct if the situation occurred in the Dewan Rakyat for Article 52(1) of the Federal Constitution expressly provides that if a member of either House of Parliament is without the leave of the House absent from every sitting of the House for a period of six months, the House may declare his seat vacant,” he said.
Unlike the Federal Constitution, however, Teng said the Selangor Constitution stipulates that the power to declare such a vacancy lay solely in the hands of the Speaker. Article 69 of the Selangor Constitution states that “if a member of the Legislative Assembly is without the leave of the Speaker absent from every sitting thereof for a period of six months, his seat shall be declared vacant by the Speaker.” “It does not need a lawyer to understand the difference between the two clauses and the difference between the House and the Speaker. “Perhaps Wan Junaidi may have to go back to law school or English school to do a revision course if he fails to understand the difference,” he said.
Considering the points of law, said Teng, the EC’s duty was to conduct a by-election in Pelabuhan Klang within 60 days from today. “It is not the business of the EC to decide on behalf of the Speaker or to dispute the declaration made by the Speaker. Please read the law conscientiously,” he said.
Teng also brushed aside a statement from Selangor Umno that Badrul would soon challenge the vacancy in court and seek a declaration that his seat was not yet vacant. “So be it. It is up to him. I have done my job. Whether it can be challenged or not, the court will interpret it. I cannot make a decision for the court,” he said.
Teng denied that his decision had been politically motivated, despite Badrul’s accusation that it was PKR’s act of revenge to punish him for defecting in 2009. “The decision was made by the Speaker of the House, not by Pakatan Rakyat. It was made by the Speaker in accordance with the Selangor Constitution... not at a PR meeting,” he said.
On Wednesday, Teng announced that he had declared the Port Klang seat vacant after Badrul Hisham failed to attend the assembly sitting, without leave, since July 16 last year. Teng said that he has submitted a notice to the Election Commission today to notify them of the vacancy today. The EC now has 60 days to hold a by-election. He stressed that since the seat has been declared vacant, Badrul Hisham would not be allowed to participate in the state assembly sitting on Monday. "Only state assemblyperson will be allowed into the chambers of the House,” he said.

"Saya ingin gunakan peluang ini bagi menafikan kenyataan yang dibuat oleh Badrul Hisham yang mendakwa beliau hadir pada majlis perasmian sidang dewan undangan negeri pada 8 November.
"Hanya ada satu majlis pembukaan rasmi. Bagi sesi ketiga sidang dewan undangan negeri ke-12 diadakan pada 12 April dan dirasmikan oleh Sultan Selangor. “Sidang pada November adalah pembentangan belanjawan tahunan di mana tidak ada pembukaan rasmi diadakan,” kata Teng.
Rabu lalu, Teng mengisytiharkan kerusi Pelabuhan Klang kosong selepas Badrul Hisham gagal menghadiri sidang dewan tanpa cuti sejak 16 Julai tahun lalu. Teng juga berkata beliau telah mengemukakan notis kepada Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) bagi memaklumkan kekosongan kerusi itu hari ini. SPR mempunyai 60 hari bagi mengadakan pilihan raya kecil.
Badrul Hisham, tegas Teng, telah gagal menghadiri sidang DUN sejak 15 Julai 2010 dan oleh itu, kerusinya kosong berkuat kuasa 16 Januari lalu. Teng juga menuduh Badrul Hisham berbohong apabila mengatakan beliau menghadiri sesi pembukaan sidang pada 8 November lalu. Menurut beliau, tiada majlis seumpama itu diadakan pada tarikh berkenaan.
“Tiada majlis pembukaan pada 8 November. Majlis pembukaan sesi ketiga DUN ke-12 diadakan pada 12 April, yang dirasmikan oleh Sultan Selangor. “Sidang November adalah sesi bajet, tiada majlis perasmian diadakan,” katanya lagi.
Katanya, penyata sidang DUN menunjukkan Badrul Hisham yang menyertai Umno selepas keluar PKR tidak menghadiri keseluruhan sidang 8 hingga 15 November lalu. Malah katanya, Badrul Hisham juga mengakui tidak hadir sidang DUN November menerusi suratnya bertarikh 10 Disember. Teng juga membekalkan pemberita dengan salinan senarai kedatangan dan surat wakil rakyat itu untuk membuktikan dakwaan beliau. Teng juga berkata Badrul Hisham turut mengelirukan Perdana Menteri dengan pembohongannya dan kecewa kerana Datuk Seri Najib Razak juga memilih untuk mendengar wakil rakyat berkenaan.
Melihat pada lunas perundangan, Teng yang juga seorang peguam berkata, menjadi tugas SPR untuk mengadakan pilihan raya kecil di kerusi DUN Pelabuhan Klang. “Bukan urusan SPR untuk membuat keputusan bagi pihak speaker atau mempertikaikan deklarasi Speaker,” katanya.
Teng juga mengetepikan pendirian Umno Selangor dan Badrul Hisham bahawa perkara itu akan dibawa ke mahkamah untuk mendapatkan deklarasi mengenai keputusan speaker. “Biarkan. Ia terpulang kepada beliau. Saya sudah menjalankan tugas tugas saya. Sama ada boleh dicabar atau tidak, mahkamah akan membuat tafsiran. Saya tidak boleh membuat keputusan bagi pihak mahkamah,” katanya. Teng juga menafikan keputusan itu bermotifkan politik. DUN akan mengadakan sidang khas Isnin ini untuk membahaskan pindaan Perlembagaan Negeri Selangor.
Katanya, memandangkan kerusi itu telah diisytiharkan kosong, Badrul Hisham tidak akan dibenarkan menghadiri sidang dewan undangan negeri pada Isnin ini. "Hanya ADUN sahaja dibenarkan masuk ke dewan,” katanya.
source:malaysiakini/malaysian insider
Gelaran sebagai YB tapi tak tau nak beza antara sidang dewan dan sidang budget. Patutlah jadi katak lompat dalam kolam UMNO. La ni dah mati katak......
1 comment:
Allah jadikan katak lebih baik lagi.
Kalau tak mampu pegang amanah dan jalankan tugas,kosongkan kerusi. Baru gentleman. Rakyat akan respect.
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