According to global broadcaster CNN, which has seen the secret report from the Saudi probe, it found no evidence that key Saudi personalities had financed Anwar. Najib had apparently told the Saudis that the Malaysian government suspected two senior Saudi princes of involvement.
"There is no evidence any Saudi official ever supported Anwar Ibrahim" and "claims of support from the Saudi royals named in the initial report [names redacted] were found to be without basis," CNN quoted the nine-page summary of the secret report.
In any immediate reaction, Anwar said the investigation showed that Najib was terrified of facing him in the general election, which is expected to be held either later this year or in 2012. “I'm not surprised that the prime minister would go as far as going overseas, not to attract foreign investments, but to stop and malign me,” said Anwar in the wake of the CNN report.
He said that Najib was so fearful of the opposition Pakatan Rakyat that the prime minister dare not accept the challenge for a public debate on the country's economic policies. Anwar has previously been accused by his detractors for his links to US-based think-tank International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), said to be a Muslim Brotherhood front involved in financing terrorist networks. The opposition leader is a former board member of IIIT, which was raided by FBI in 2002 on suspicion of links to terrorist financing, but no charges were filed.
Muslim Brotherhood gives support to candidates
CNN said that the Saudi investigation uncovered “something very different - and more alarming”. The probe found hundreds of millions of dollars of Saudi money had been funneled to leading Islamist politicians and political activists overseas, said CNN. “It also found that al-Qaeda and the Taliban were still able to use Saudi Arabia for fund-raising, despite numerous measures to choke off those sources of cash.
“The nine-page summary of the secret report states that the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist political group present in many Muslim countries, was trying 'through its many affiliated charities and organisations - often with the funding of unwitting private Saudi citizens - to spread its influence by providing support for candidates in Islamic democracies'.”
CNN quoted a source who said that “money in Muslim Brotherhood hands was 'occasionally' given to terror group al-Qaeda. “The report reveals a complex web of Islamic charities and banks - often involved in funding legitimate humanitarian projects - as unwitting facilitators of the illicit transfers.
“And it says that over several decades 'a handful of Saudi and other Arab individuals and organisations' were supporting 'the same groups that Arab, US and European governments have long suspected of having close ties to extreme militant organisations that have been accused of supporting terrorist activities around the world'."
Kenapa Najib begitu sibuk nak siasat perkara yang tiada,sedangkan banyak perkara yang ada, berlaku dalam negara ini yang perlu diberi perhatian diketepikannya diantaranya;
1) rasuah yang melibatkan tokoh2 politik BN
2) aliran keluar wang haram,
3) kematian misteri spt kes TBH,Kugan dsbnya,,
4) salahguna kuasa oleh institusi kerajaan,tokoh politik dan penjawat2 awam,
5) amalan rasisma dan memainkan sentimen agama yang kian meningkat.

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