The decision was made under Articles 69 and 70(1) of the state constitution. There is no provision for an appeal. The announcement is likely to pave the way for the 15th by-election since the 2008 general election. Badrul, who had in 2009 quit PKR to turn Independent, was absent for all six days of the third assembly sitting from Nov 8 to 15, 2010 without permission.
"Badrul admitted his absence... in a letter which reached my office on Dec 10, seeking leave of absence as he was seeking traditional treatment in Pahang," Teng told a press conference in Shah Alam this afternoon.
"I replied on Dec 21 to say that his absence was unacceptable as he did not apply for leave before the sitting and did not give any concrete reason for his late application."
Badrul then replied on Jan 5 to apologise but did not state reasons for his late leave application. Article 69 of state constitution provides that if a member of the state legislature is absent without leave from the speaker for six months, then the seat is considered vacant.
Teng also said he has not informed the Election Commission (EC) about this, and that there is no time limit in which he has to do so. "The period in which the EC has to call for an election will only begin after the commission receives notice of the vacancy," he said. Badrul has yet to be informed of the matter. He did not answer the phone when an immediate attempt was made to contact him.
Meanwhile,The Election Commission has not received any official notification so far on a vacancy in the Selangor state legislative assembly seat for Port Klang. EC chairperson Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof said speaker Teng Chang Khim should inform the EC before hand before declaring any vacancy in the state assembly seat.
"We will study and look at the law in the state of Selangor, as well as the federal constitution before making any decision whether a vacancy occurs or not," he told Bernama when contacted.

Berita baik untunk pengundi2 Pelabuhan Klang,tunggulah kedatangan 'Santa Clause'Najib yang akan buat berbagai janji serta memberi 'ang pow'jutaan ringgit kepada pengundi Pelabuhan Klang. 'Santa Clause' Najib akan guna formula 'You help me,I help you'.
Speaker kata tak ada 'time frame' baginya memaklum kepada SPR. SPR pula kata Speaker seharusnya bagi tahu mereka. Speaker pandai,selagi dia tak bagi tahu SPR,SPR tak boleh bertindak. SPR pun kena tanya Putrajaya. Tapi aku rasa SPR tak akan buat PRK kat sini,macam kes Batu Putih kerana,ini negara 1UMNO,undang 1UMNO,SPR pun sembah 1UMNO dan mahkamah ikut telunjuk 1UMNO...
Dulu Badarul Hisham bergelar 'katak lompat', kini dah jadi 'mati katak'.....
Baca 'Kerusi Pelabuhan Klang Tidak Kosong!' di sini.
To all Malaysian Indians "Selamat Hari Thaipusam"
jgn jadi macam kerusi ADUN kat kedah sudah... speaker ckp kosong, Ec ckp 'ngak kosong pak..'
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