“The ability and tenacity for debate is the hallmark of good governance, leadership and democracy. The measure of a leader’s conviction and belief in his or her policies lie in the willingness to advocate, defend and argue his or her case publicly. This is particularly true where free media and transparency are lacking and where the government appears to avoid debating certain policies even in Parliament itself,” Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah told Malaysia Chronicle.
“So, in light of Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s statement that it is unnecessary for the rakyat (citizenry) to decide between the policies of BN and Pakatan Rakyat, it further illustrates arrogance and condescension towards the right of the rakyat to hear arguments from both sides. The fact is the rakyat yearns to know the facts. The right thing to do would be to accept this debate as it involves the most important of policies for the nation. It is not too late.”
Over-reliance on spin doctors
The proposal for the debate came from Najib’s arch rival Anwar, who issued the challenge after Najib lambasted the Pakatan’s 100-days reform plan as unsound and would bankrupt the country in two years. Despite the stridency of his rhetoric, most Malaysians knew in their hearts the 57-year old PM would not be able to summon the courage to face his 63-year old political foe. To ensure his own political survival, Najib has pinned manifestly fabricated sodomy charges on Anwar and even suspended him from Parliament.
“It shows Najib is not confident. He should have the courage to prove that he has better policies than Anwar and explain these in person and face to face. But it looks like Najib is unable to function without crafted speeches and tutorials from his spin doctors,” Seri Setia assemblyman Nik Nazmi told Malaysia Chronicle.
Interest in the Anwar-Najib debate has flared up, underscoring the concern Malaysians feel about their economy. The middle and low income groups are grappling with inflation that financial analysts have predicted could double to 3.4 per cent in 2011 versus the 1.7 per cent chalked last year. There is also curiosity and sheer dumb-foundedness that Najib could announce a slew of super mega-projects such as the Economic Transformation Programme worth RM1.4 trillion when just months before his own ministers had warned Malaysia could go bankrupt by 2019 if it did not cut subsidies on consumer essentials.
“Najib is unable to withstand the pressure of facing Anwar. So far, all his ETP are just empty promises and pie in the sky. In a face-off that is bound to be televised live, he cannot rely on his tutors to spin reasons for him. There will be just too many questions for him to answer,” Taiping MP Nga Kor Ming told Malaysia Chronicle.
Give the people the chance to decide
Meanwhile, in a bid to help Najib save face, the Youth wing of his Umno party led by Khairy Jamaluddin has offered to stand in for him. Umno Youth information head Reezal Merican and Youth secretary Megat Firdouz Megat Junid arrived at the PKR's headquarters to hand over the invitation to Anwar on Thursday. They told reporters that Anwar's chief-of-staff accepted their letter.
“Such a political debate is important as it helps clarify issues for voters. Many democratic countries hold such debates. PM’s refusal shows he is not undemocratic and perhaps fearful. Also KJ’s offer to debate Anwar is impertinent. He is welcome to debate our party Youth leaders,” PKR vice president N Surendran told Malaysian Chronicle.
Perhaps, Izzah has summed it up well. Her rationale certainly highlighted the lack of logic in Najib's response.
“Let history show and the people judge for themselves in whose interest or disinterest is it for the PM to not only decline but malign the democratic purpose of a debate, especially when it involves billions of the people’s money. Such issues as these touch millions of lives and the very future of our country. If this isn’t reason enough for debate, then what is?” asked Nurul.
In turning down the debate, Najib had said:
“If we want to have a debate, there must be an outcome. I don’t see any outcome (in this debate challenge). What’s important is the public’s opinion and their evaluation,” Najib had said, side-stepping how the public could evaluate when its leaders shied away from open discourse and debate on key issues.
source:malaysian chronicle
Umno Youth was only "pretending" by delivering the invitation, suggesting that their real motive was to deflect attention away Najib. KJ is only pleasing Najib to give him chance to be appointed in Najib's cabinet. What have KJ got to do with government policies and steering the economy?
Kedudukan KJ sebagai ketua pemuda pun Najib tak iktiraf,sebaliknya Najib pilih orang yang tewas dalam pemilihan ketua pemuda menjadi anggota kabinet Najib. Ini kali pertama dalam sejarah UMNO,ketua pemuda tak pegang apa2 jawatan dalam kerajaan. Tiba2 KJ melompat-lompat menyahut cabaran debate dengan Anwar nak ganti tempat Najib pula!!
Kita mahu orang nombor 1, 1Malaysia yang mempunyai dealing terus dengan dasar2 ekonomi negara bukan hantar KJ budak berhingus,walaupun ketua pemuda tapi tak terlibat langsung dengan dasar2 gomen Najib 1Malaysia....
1 comment:
Sebenarnya Najib nak hantar Rosmah tapi Rosmah dok habis duit rakyat di luar negara.
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