In a written statement signed by her, the 46-year-old woman, asserted that her employer had never made any sexual advances towards her. "I worked for eight years at Datuk's home. Everything was fine, I had never encountered any problem, especially related to rough treatment and inappropriate behaviour towards me," she said in the statement.
When reporters met the former maid at her home, she decribed Rais as a good-hearted man and that she never had any problems with him. “Datuk Rais Yatim is a good man. News reports going around saying I was raped are not true at all. I used to receive money and gifts from him while in his employ,” she was quoted as saying by the detik.com news portal.

Meanwhile,the victim in the alleged rape case involving a cabinet minister has refused to lodge a complaint and hence Indonesian non-government organisation Migrant Care cannot take further action. According to the influential daily Kompas, Migrant Care has said it cannot bring the matter to justice. Migrant Care's policy analyst Wahyu Susilo said in a press conference in Jakarta today that the NGO respects the victim's request.
“She has refused to come forward to lodge a complaint since yesterday. Hence, we cannot bring the matter to justice,” said Wahyu. “We need a report before we can take further action. However since yesterday the victim has not been willing to come forward. We respect her decision.
"In this case, we may not want to take further legal action, but to use the issue to educate both governments on the necessity to respect human rights, especially the protection of migrant workers,” Kompas quoted him saying during the press conference.
This latest development follows Information, Communication and Culture Minister Rais Yatim's denial on Wednesday of raping the 46-year-old maid in 2007. The alleged rape was reported by Migrant Care in an internal report a few years ago that made its way into blog postings.
It was reported the victim was fearful of the minister's reach. The minister had served in former premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's cabinet, where the minister was described as “having a lot of money and acquaintances in Indonesia”. “It is feared that something would happen to the family of my sister, such as was done in the Altantuya case in Malaysia,” read a letter written by the victim's sister dated mid-2007, in reference to slain Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu.

Demi menghormati hak seorang amah Indonesia yang didakwa dirogol oleh seorang menteri Malaysia, NGO - Migrant Care yang berpangkalan di Jakarta memutuskan untuk tidak akan membawa perkara berkenaan kepada mahkamah, lapor Kompas.com. "Kami berada pada posisi menghormati permintaan mangsa supaya kes ini tidak dihebahkan dan dibawa ke muka pengadilan,” kata penganalis dasar, Migrant Care, Wahyu Susilo, hari ini dalam sidang media di Warung Daun, Cikini, Jakarta.
Menurut Wahyu, Migrant Care berharap kejadian itu dijadikan teladan kepada kerajaan Indonesia supaya tidak mengabaikan nasib pekerjanya di luar negara. "Pemerkosaan perlu dibuktikan dan harus ada laporan sebelum membolehkan tindakan lanjut diambil. Tetapi sehingga malam semalam, mangsa masih belum mahu membuat laporan, maka kami hanya menghormati.
"Saya kira dalam keadaan ini kami tidak boleh ke mahkamah tetapi hanya ingin menegakkan hak asasi manusia dan mahu kes tersebut dijadikan pelajaran kepada kedua-dua kerajaan untuk benar-benar serius soal perlindungan buruh asing,” katanya. Wahyu juga mengakui memang tidak ada tindakan yang boleh diambil pihaknya dan kerajaan Indonesia.
Tak boleh buat apa-apa
"Mereka (Kerajaan Malaysia) juga tidak boleh berbuat apa-apa, kerana laporan kami sifatnya hanya untuk melindungi mangsa yang saat itu belum ada Lembaga Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban," kata Wahyu.
Ditanya wartawan mengenai kemungkinan mangsa disogok wang untuk menutup kes berkenaan, Wahyu berkata mereka tidak dimaklumkan mengenainya. "... hanya terima gajinya yang jadi haknya. Tidak ada masalah penggajian. Setelah laporan ini dibuat di tahun 2007, kami tidak pernah juga memberitahu atau berhubungan dengan menteri itu," kataya.
Menurut Wahyu, yang penting, mangsa sekarang berada di tempat yang aman dan sudah kembali ke Indonesia pada tahun 2007. "Tapi lagi-lagi kami tidak boleh memberitahu keadaannya,” kata Wahyu.
Berapa banyak wang dibayar Pak Menteri Rais untuk kau Rubingah, supaya tutup mulut....
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