Adakah Pasukan Petugas Khas telah mengambil kenyataan dan menyoal siasat Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak berhubung skandal firma pelaburan 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), soal MP Pandan Rafizi Ramli.
Dalam kenyataannya, Rafizi yang juga naib presiden PKR berkata Najib adalah individu paling penting dalam keseluruhan siasatan itu.
"Soalan ini juga sudah tentu berlegar di pemikiran rakyat kebanyakannya dan tidak memberi gambaran yang baik kepada kebebasan Pasukan Petugas Khas ini sekiranya individu yang paling penting belum lagi disoalsiasat dan diambil kenyataan," katanya.
Najib adalah pengerusi Lembaga Penasihat 1MDB.
Pasukan petugas khas itu juga menyiasat dakwaan sejumlah RM2.6juta dana 1MDB disalurkan kepada akaun peribadi Najib.
Selain itu, Rafizi turut membangkitkan isu utama berkaitan skandal 1MDB yang berkait rapat dengan Najib.
Menurutnya, berdasarkan Fasal 117 Memorandum Pertubuhan 1MDB, semua keputusan pelaburan, hutang dan lain-lain yang dibuat oleh syarikat pelaburan itu perlu mendapat kelulusan daripada perdana menteri.
Ini bermakna, katanya, Najib mengetahui urusniaga yang kini dipersoalkan sehingga menyebabkan 1MDB mengumpul hutang lebih RM42 bilion.
Malah, kata Rafizi, wang sebanyak RM2.6 bilion yang didakwa disalurkan dari dana 1MDB juga didedahkan disalur ke akaun persendirian Najib.
"Sementara ketua polis negara membuat pelbagai kenyataan untuk menyoal siasat dan menahan pelbagai pihak termasuk saya dan Tony Pua, rakyat masih tertunggu-tunggu bilakah pasukan penyiasat akan mula mengambil kenyataan dan menyoal Najib iaitu individu paling utama dalam skandal 1MDB ini," katanya lagi.
Has task force quizzed Najib...
Has the special task force probing the allegations surrounding 1MDB recorded a statement from Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak? asked PKR lawmaker Rafizi Ramli.
He said Najib is the most important figure with regards to this investigation.
“This question is also lingering on the minds of the people and if Najib has not been questioned, it will cast aspersions on the task force’s independence,” he added in a statement.
Najib is the chairperson of the 1MDB advisory board.
The task force is also probing the claim that RM2.6 billion of 1MDB-linked funds were transferred into the prime minister’s personal bank accounts.
pointed out that under Article 117 of 1MDB's memorandum and articles of
association, all decisions related to the company's investments, debt
and other matters must be approved by the prime minister.
"This means he is aware of the dealings in question which has led 1MDB to accumulate more than RM42 billion in debt," he said.
Rafizi's call for the task force to move in on Najib came amid a travel ban on DAP's Petaling Jaya MP Tony Pua.
Pua was implicated by former journalist Lester Melanyi, who claims to have contributed to whistleblower Sarawak Report, fabricating information to sully 1MDB and the prime minister.
Sarawak Report editor-in-chief Clare Rewcastle Brown has denied
that Lester worked for the whistleblower site, claiming it to be an
attempt to sidetrack from the allegations against the prime minister.
The whistleblower portal, which was last week blocked by the government,
was responsible for a series of reports alleging misappropriation of
1MDB's funds.
Rafizi said despite travel ban on an elected representative responsible
for exposing 1MDB, persons of interests in the scandal managed to slip
out of the country.
"The report said one of them is suspected to be in Indonesia, meaning
that they managed to slip out but those who are staunch critics of the
government over 1MDB, are barred from leaving the country," he said.
Rafizi urged the special task force to expedite its investigation.
The special task force comprise of the police, Malaysian Anti Corruption
Commission and Bank Negara which also refers to the Attorney-General
Chambers for legal guidance.- mk
SKMM akui tiada bukti ke atas Sarawak Report...
Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia mengakui bahawa siri pendedahan oleh laman Sarawak Report belum dapat dibuktikan sebagai palsu.
Ketua bahagian pemantauan dan penguatkuasaan SKMM, Zulkarnain Mohd Yassin mendedahkan perkara itu dalam satu taklimat kepada para editor portal berita, termasuk Malaysiakini.
Dalam pertemuan itu, Zulkarnan berkata sekatan ke atas laman Sarawak Report hanyalah satu langkah pencegahan.
Katanya, suruhanjaya itu akan menunggu polis menamatkan siasatan sebelum memutuskan sama ada sekatan itu akan ditarik balik.
"Biarlah siasatan polis berjalan,” katanya.
Ketika disoal, Zulkarnain juga tidak bersedia untuk menyatakan bilakah keputusan akan dibuat bagi menarik balik sekatan ke atas Sarawak Report.
“Kami boleh menyekatnya lebih awal, tetapi kami tidak berbuat demikian,” katanya yang membayangkan bahawa suruhanjaya itu sudahpun menerima aduan ke atas laman pembocor maklumat tersebut.
Zulkarnain bagaimanapun enggan mendedahkan pihak yang membuat aduan berkenaan.
Ahad lalu, SKMM membuat sekatan ke atas Sarawak Report, yang menerbitkan sejumlah pendedahan mengenai skandal 1MDB.
Menurut suruhanjaya tersebut, kandungan laman berkenaan antara lainnya boleh “mewujudkan keadaan tidak tenteram dan seterusnya menganggu-gugat kestabilan negara, ketenteraman awam dan kestabilan ekonomi," kata SKMM.
Taklimat berkenaan dihadiri lebih 10 orang editor, termasuk dari The Malaysian Insider, The Star dan New Straits Times.
Zulkarnain juga memberitahu editor berkenaan supaya mengambil sikap “berhati-hati” dalam laporan mereka.
Namun, beliau menegaskan bahawa ia “bukan satu amarana” dan hanya satu “nasihat”.
“Apabila keadaan memerlukan, kita akan bertindak,” katanya.- mk

Saya dan Tony Pua kini disekat dari meninggalkan negara. Saya yakin dalam masa terdekat kami akan dipanggil oleh Polis Diraja Malaysia ( Royal Malaysia Police ) dan berkemungkinan akan ditahan gara-gara lantang membawa isu 1MDB.
22 JULAI 2015
Saya baru dimaklumkan bahawa Saudara Tony Pua telah dihalang dari meninggalkan negara atas penglibatan beliau mendedahkan kes 1MDB. Ekoran itu, saya telah menyemak status saya di laman web Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia dan mendapati status senarai hitam saya adalah sama seperti status Saudara Tony Pua seperti berikut:
Oleh yang demikian, saya mengesyaki saya juga telah disenarai hitamkan dan tidak dibenarkan keluar dari Malaysia.
Mengikuti perkembangan sejak beberapa minggu lepas, saya juga mengesyaki bahawa saya dan Saudara Tony Pua akan dipanggil oleh pihak polis dalam masa terdekat dan berkemungkinan akan ditahan berdasarkan fitnah yang disebarkan melalui video oleh seorang yang bernama Lester Melanyi.
Daripada hari pertama perkara ini disebarkan, saya telah menyatakan bahawa tuduhan itu adalah sebahagian dari konspirasi jahat untuk menutup mulut kami (saya, Saudara Tony Pua, Sarawak Report dan The Edge) oleh kerana kelantangan kami membawa isu 1MDB sejak beberapa tahun yang lepas.
Tony Pua, Rafizi, Tong dilarang ke luar negara...
Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara, Tony Pua, terkejut apabila mendapati dia tidak dibenarkan meninggalkan negara ini selepas ditahan pegawai Jabatan Imigresen di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur hari ini.
Pua yang menjadi antara tokoh paling terkedepan dalam isu 1MDB berkata, dia ditahan ketika mahu menaiki kapal terbang ke Indonesia.
Pua adalah seorang daripada pemimpin pembangkang yang lantang mengaitkan Datuk Seri Najib Razak dengan agensi tajaan kerajaan, 1MDB yang kini didakwa menanggung hutang besar.
Dia juga dinamakan bekas wartawan Sarawak Tribune, Lester Melanyi dalam dakwaannya mengenai pemalsuan dokumen disiarkan Sarawak Report.
Bagaimanapun Pua menafikan dakwaan itu.
Semakan Malaysiakini di laman sesawang Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia menunjukkan status lawatan Pua sebagai "Sila rujuk kepada pejabat imigresen terdekat".
Rafizi juga salah seorang pemimpin pembangkang yang banyak membuat kenyataan mengenai 1MDB. [Baca berita asal]
Sementara itu, semakan di laman web Jabatan Imigresen mendapati larangan yang sama turut dikenakan terhadap pemilik The Edge Media Group Tong Kooi Ong.
Syarikat itu menerbitkan The Edge Financial Daily dan The Edge Weekly, yang melaporkan kontroversi 1MDB secara meluas sejak akhir-akhir ini. - mk
Pua and Rafizi barred from leaving country...
Lawmakers Rafizi Ramli and Tony Pua - two of 1MDB's harshest critics - have been barred from leaving the country.
Pua, the Petaling Jaya Utara MP and a Public Accounts Committee (PAC) member, was stopped by immigration authorities at the KLIA2 today.
Asked what reasons were given for barring him, he replied: "The immigration officer told me it was 'instructions from above'."
A check by Malaysiakini on the Immigration Department website showed that Pua's travel status was described as: "Sila rujuk kepada pejabat imigresen terdekat (Please refer to the nearest immigration office)."
Meanwhile, Rafizi, upon learning of Pua's predicament, ran his own checks on the same website and received the the same response.
"Therefore, I suspect that I too have been blacklisted and not allowed to leave Malaysia," he said in a statement today.
Rafizi and Pua are among the opposition figures accused of fabricating documents related to 1MDB for a smear campaign against Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
They was implicated in a video confession by former Sarawak Tribune journalist Lester Melanyi, who claimed the opposition fabricated 90 percent of the documents in collaboration with whistleblower website Sarawak Report.
Rafizi and Pua has denied the allegation. - mk
Nasib Tony Pua, Dr Mahathir tak sama...
Sehingga malam ini tiada larangan dikenakan terhadap Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad untuk ke luar negara walaupun bekas perdana menteri itu adalah antara tokoh paling lantang mengkritik Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Semakan di laman sesawang Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia menunjukkan status "Tiada halangan" pada nama Dr Mahathir.
Kemungkinan itu difikirkan sesetengah pihak apabila dua ahli parlimen pembangkang disahkan dilarang meninggalkan negara ini.
Mereka ialah Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara, Tony Pua dan Ahli Parlimen Pandan, Rafizi Ramli.
Pua disekat daripada menaiki kapal terbang di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur di Sepang ketika ingin berkunjung ke Indonesia hari ini. - mk

Dr M still free to travel...
There is no travel restriction against Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who has been accused of masterminding a plot to oust Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
A check on the Immigration Department website showed that his travel status is 'tiada halangan (no restrictions)'.
He has warned that if Najib continues to lead, BN and Umno would be defeated in the next general election.
Following The Wall Street Journal report which claimed that RM2.6 billion of 1MDB-linked funds was deposited into the prime minister’s personal accounts, Najib took a swipe at his former mentor.
"The latest allegation is that I have taken state-linked funds for personal gain.
"I believe Tun (Mahathir), is working hand in glove with foreign nationals, including the now discredited political attack blog Sarawak Report, is behind this latest lie,” he had said.
Also barred is The Edge media group owner Tong Kooi Ong.
Police sources have claimed that all three are being investigated under Section 124 of the Penal Code in relation to activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy.
This over allegations that documents related to 1MDB were fabricated to smear Najib.
Travel ban possible for Dr M
"Many strange and extraordinary things are happening in the corridors of powers.
"I think that (Mahathir's travel ban) is very possible, we've seen a feverish pitch, this is a government tottering on its last legs here," he said.
Meanwhile, Serdang MP Ong Kian Ming also said checks with the Immigration Department website showed that both Shahrol Halmi and Arul Kanda, the former and current 1MDB top bosses were not banned.
A special task force is probing the allegations surrounding 1MDB, including the alleged RM2.6 billion in Najib's accounts.
This prompted Lim to call for a travel ban to be imposed on the prime minister.
Similarly, Malaysian Indian Progressive Association (Mipas) secretary-general S Barathidasan said Najib and Arul Kanda should be restricted from travelling overseas.
"There is the allegation of RM2.6 billion of 1MDB-linked funds having gone into Najib's personal bank accounts and that money has been used for the last general election.
"So all those related to the special task force's probe must not be allowed to leave the country, and this includes the prime minister," he told Malaysiakini.
He also asked if the ban was imposed on Mahathir. - mk
Blacklist Najib as well...
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak should be barred from travelling abroad until the 1MDB scandal is investigated, according to Lim Kit Siang.
"If anyone deserves to be on the blacklist, it should be Najib," he told a press conference in Kuala Lumpur today.
He was responding to the travel ban on DAP MP Tony Pua and PKR lawmaker Rafizi Ramli, two staunch critics of 1MDB.
Also barred is The Edge media group owner Tong Kooi Ong.
Police sources have claimed that all three are being investigated under Section 124 of the Penal Code in relation to activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy.
This is over claims that documents related to 1MDB were tampered with and fabricated.
Kluang MP Liew Chin Tong, who was present, noted that the travel bans might be a precursor to a crackdown on those highlighting the 1MDB issue.
IGP's statement
He was referring to the inspector-general of police (IGP) Khalid Abu Bakar statement this morning that the police would probe those named by former journalist Lester Melanyi in his video confession.
The 'confession' said that whistleblower website Sarawak Report had fabricated documents regarding the 1MDB issue.
"This a precursor to a crackdown after what IGP said this morning. So IGP must now answer what he means by a conspiracy theory,” said Liew.
Earlier today, Khalid said the statements by former Sarawak journalist Lester Melanyi and Swiss national Xavier Andre Justo are being probed under Section 124 of the Penal Code.
Lester claimed that Rafizi and Pua were in cahoots with Sarawak Report in fabricating the documents.- mk

Sorry, This Time We Are Going To Have To Sue...
Sarawak Report takes a tough tone in many of its stories, especially when revealing corruption in high places. So we are generally phlegmatic about the often angry rebuttals we sometimes get.
Usually, we rely on the facts to make our case against detractors and allow readers to decide by comparing those facts with the criticisms against us.
However, over the past days, certain characters who claim to represent the government and their friendly media outlets have gone too far.
They have paraded a sick and discredited individual, who has poured out strings of lies, which none of them have sought to check out, in order to claim this as “proof” that our research was all “forged”.
This would be entertaining for being so ridiculous, given the mass of evidence that supports all we have written. But ministers have now used this character and these ludicrous libels as an excuse to order an internet ban on Sarawak Report.
BN’s so-called strategic communications chief, Abdul Rahman Dahlan, a minister for housing, has on the same grounds outrageously libelled the writer, calling her “scum” and labelled our research as “blatant lies”.
This is despite the fact that all our articles have been closely researched and substantiated.
Moreover, numerous other publications have supported our findings and repeated our conclusions in the global media.
Mr Dahlan has not produced a single shred of evidence that would lead anyone to believe the ravings of the mentally unbalanced bankrupt, Lester Melanyi.
We therefore accuse Mr Dahlan of criminal libel, motivated by malicious intent.
We are consulting our lawyers with a view to reporting him to the Malaysian police authorities and also issuing libel proceedings against him and other parties, including the New Straits Times and other publications which have deliberately promoted falsehoods designed to damage the credibility of Sarawak Report.
We will also report Mr Melanie’s vicious criminal libel to the local police (he’s not worth suing) and we warn him and anyone who continues to promote his present and future made up stories that we will seek appropriate damages.- SR

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