Hari ini Jumaat 16 Ramadhan, adalah masa terbaik untuk Datuk Seri Najib Razak membuat penafian terbuka terhadap dakwaan terbaru ke atasnya oleh Wall Street Journal (WSJ) dan Sarawak Report (SR).
Kelambatan penafian hanya akan mengukuhkan dakwaan itu.
Penafian oleh pengurusan 1MDB tidak memadai. Ia lebih sebagai satu helah sementara. Memang pun dalam laporan WSJ dan SR tidak ada disebutkan kemasukan wang ke dalam akaun peribadi Najib datang langsung dari akaun 1MDB.
Oleh itu, DS Najib tidak boleh berlindung di belakang penafian 1MDB.
Jika wang itu tidak pernah diterima oleh Najib, akaun yang diperincikan nombornya, nama bank dan nama pemegangnya adalah tidak benar sama sekali, tidaklah satu perkara yang sukar untuk dinafikan.
Satu perenggan penafian sudah mencukupi.
Dakwaan ini adalah sangat serius. Ia bukan sahaja boleh menyebabkan DS Najib kehilangan jawatan PM bahkan akan meringkuk di dalam penjara.
Tiada sebab untuk beliau tidak mengeluarkan penafian segera.
Penafian segera adalah langkah pertama, disusuli pendedahan atau paling kurang pemeriksaan oleh Bank Negara ke atas akaun yang di dakwa untuk meyakinkan rakyat beliau benar-benar bersih.
Jika tidak, lupakan saja cadangan rombakan kabinet.
Bagi pihak yang cuba bernaung di bawah lindungan Najib, pastikan anda tidak bergayut di dahan yang rapuh.
Bulan Ramadhan dan Jumaat yang berkat patut digunakan oleh DS Najib untuk membersihkan nama beliau. - Harakahdaily
Prove not your bank accounts, PM told

$2.3 billion 1MDB money laundered into Najib's personal bank a/c...
Today's Wall St. Journal (WSJ) and Sarawak Report (SR) leader articles about PM Najib, 1MDB and their business partners, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank Group(ADCB) have opened a new front against the move to unseat PM Najib.
Will this be the straw that broke the camel's back?
Both the reports allege that investigating agencies in Malaysia have traced some $2.3 billion of money flowing from 1MDB linked ADCB Group, to PM Najib's personal bank accounts in Malaysia. The reports did not reveal the names of the Malaysian investigative agencies, but traced 3 transactions which could be deemed money laundering, fraud and CBT:
1. US$682 million (RM2.1 billion) from Aabar, subsidiary of ADCB.
2. US$61 million (RM200 million) from Aabar/ADCB.
3. RM42 million from SRC International, now a wholly owned subsidiary of MoF.
CLICK HERE , HERE and HERE for the respective reports by WSJ and SR.
Currently, 1MDB's financial affairs are being investigated by:
1, The Auditor General.
2. The Public Accounts Committee
3. Bank Negara.
4. Presumably, MACC and the police.
The Aabar funds totalling $2.3 billion were transferred shortly before General Election 2013, while the SRC transfers of $42 million took place in December 2014 and February earlier this year.
SRC International is headed by Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil(pix,below), a close associate of Jho Low. In 2011, SRC borrowed $4 billion from government pension fund KWAP to purportedly invest in a Mongolian coal mining venture, Gobi Coal & Energy. This, informed analysts claim, has tanked and is currently worth only under $2 billion, i.e. a paper loss of more than 50%!!
SRC purportedly transferred the $42 million to PM Najib, to be utilised for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects. This sound pretty cock-eyed, given that 1MDB had no money to service recent debt interest amounting to $3.5 billion and has recorded cash operating losses of $3.5 billion over the last few years.
Surely, you fund CSR activities from after-tax corporate profits, and not from wholly government-owned companies carrying humongous operating losses and borrowed money? Surely, charity begins at home?
Shortly after the transfer of funds of $2.3 billion by ADCB/Aabar Group in March 2013, 1MDB issued $3 billions of bonds to finance the development of 1MDB's Tun Razak Exchange. This was approved by PM Najib, as was a government (sovereign) guarantee to back the bonds.
So, the $64,000 question:
Was 1MDB used as a convenient tool, a front, and its funds misused by PM Najib to finance party expenses for GE 2013? Is this why no clear information is forthcoming from 1MDB or PM Najib as to what exactly the $3 billion raised, is "invested" in and what exactly the current market value of those "investments" are?
The Chairman, CEO and Board of Directors of 1MDB are not aware of what took place?
The WSJ and Sarawak Report seem to imply that the source of funds for persistent claims that money politics, billions of ringgit, played a huge role in BN pipping Pakatan at the post at GE 2013, is irretrievably linked to funds laundered from 1MDB. The stench of CBT, fraud and money-laundering is overpowering?
How will PM Najib squirm his way out of this curve ball thrown by the WSJ and Sarawak Report? PM Najib may well claim, if the WSJ and Sarawak Report articles are true, that Nik Faisal may have misused a power of attorney given to him to operate PM Najib's relevant bank accounts.
Thus far, there has been no direct response today from PM Najib on these staggering accusations.
Whatever happens next, don't blink. You could miss the moment a government of thieves finally collapsed!
Next to allegations made against Prime Minister Najib and his wife Rosmah in the Altantuya murder saga, they don't get more sensational than this. - Donplaypuks
Najib: Dr M masterminded claim I stole 1MDB's money
1MDB Scandal - Najib and AG have seen documents quoted by Wall Street Journal...
Nearly $700 million of deposits were made into what are believed to be the personal bank accounts of Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday citing documents from a government investigation.
Watch and listen to what the Wall Street Journal's Hong Kong Bureau Chief Ken Brown tells CNBC.(maaf,audio tak jelas,tapi ila baca textnya di bawah)...
Mr Prime Minister, guess you have no other choice but to come clean of this explosive expose by the Wall Street Journal. There are no options. Stop all charades and shadow plays to demonise your critics.
You cannot continue to rely on paid spin masters and compromised advisors to help you out of this scandal. This expose is way too big for lowly spin masters and apple-polishers.
If you, as the Prime Minister of Malaysia, had in fact channelled hundreds of millions of Ringgit into your personal bank account as exposed by WSJ, you must be really stupid.
If you are indeed that stupid then you have no choice but to step down from all Government positions immediately. You could probably stay on as Umno president because I'm convinced that Umno deserves someone like you to bury the party.
On the other hand, if the WSJ expose is all lies and just another sinister political sabotage to unseat you, then you as the Prime Minister of Malaysia must take all necessary legal actions to rectify the situation immediately. This is necessary to protect, not only yourself but also to protect the good name of our beloved nation.
It is understandable that it would be a tough act to convince Malaysians to trust what you say but you have no choice but to tell the truth no matter what it is. If you have breached the law of this land, you must face the consequence.
This is not just about you Mr Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak, this is about the pride and honour of a once high-flying nation known as Malaysia.
You have brought about much disrepute to this nation of ours. Please do the necessary before it reaches a stage where you have to suffer public humiliation.
We really don't wish to see a sitting Malaysian Prime Minister in handcuffs. Thank you.- CNBC News Videeos
Najib sangkal laporan WSJ, salahkan Dr Mahathir

Najib didesak bersumpah, isytihar harta atau saman...
Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail mendesak Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak membuat kenyataan bersumpah dan mengisytiharkan harta dan aset-aset yang dimilikinya.
Wan Azizah menegaskan Perdana Menteri perlu memberi respon segera terhadap dakwaan yang dikeluarkan di dalam Wall Street Jounal (WSJ) dan Sarawak Report yang mendakwa sejumlah wang yang cukup besar telah dimasukkan ke akaun yang didakwa milik Najib.
“Perdana Menteri tidak punyai pilihan dan tidak boleh berdolak-dalik. Beliau wajib mengeluarkan satu respon serta-merta yang khusus dan boleh dipercayai mengenai dakwaan yang teramat serius ini,” katanya.
Presiden PKR itu turut mendesak supaya badan siasatan bebas ditubuh secepat mungkin untuk menyiasat dakwaan-dakwaan terhadap Najib itu.
Wan Azizah turut berkata, beliau bersedia menghadap Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, jika perlu, bagi mengenalpasti mekanisme untuk membolehkan badan siasatan bebas ini diwujudkan.
Laporan WSJ mendakwa pihak penyiasat mendapati sejumlah USD700 juta dana milik negara dimasukkan ke dalam satu akaun peribadi yang didakwa milik Najib.
Laporan itu mendakwa, dana yang disalurkan kepada Najib adalah milik 1MDB, syarikat negara yang diselubungi kontroversi dengan pinjaman RM42 bilion.
WSJ turut menyiarkan jurucakap kerajaan yang menafikan dakwaan itu.
Ketua Angkatan Muda Keadilan Malaysia (AMK), Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad pula menyarankan Najib menyaman WSJ dan Sarawak Report itu sekiranya laporan itu palsu.
Namun sekiranya, Najib tidak menafikan dakwaan tersebut, beliau tiada pilihan selain meletak jawatan.
“Dakwaan ini adalah dakwaan yang amat serius dan menggemparkan meskipun rakyat Malaysia sudah ‘biasa’ dengan pelbagai skandal rasuah dan ketirisan sebelum ini.
“Belum pernah wujud salah guna yang begitu ketara sebagaimana yang didakwa oleh WSJ dan Sarawak Report dalam laporan ini,” katanya. - fmt
Rakyat Malaysia tak berkenan jawapan pejabat PM mengenai WSJ...
Ferry service a 'fairy tale' for Penang...
How sincere is the federal government in handing over the Penang ferry service to Penang state government?
Or is the recent talk about transferring the ferry service a mere “fairy tale”?
Recently, Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai announced that the federal government might hand over the ferry service, currently operated by federal-run Penang Port Sdn Bhd (PPSB), to the Penang government if the state makes a detailed application.
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng reciprocated by saying that the state government might be interested in taking over the ferry service provided PPSB assumes the debts and liabilities that have been incurred to date.
Beyond this, Lim also said that Penang would absorb all the workers who are currently employed, but not the top management.
To date, the Ministry of Transport has been reticent about transferring the ferry service to Penang.
According to some reliable sources, current operator PPSB might be interested in handing over the ferry service, considering it is suffering a financial loss of RM21 million every year.
PPSB also believes that Penang, given its good track record in financial management, might be able to turn around the ferry service from one making financial loss to one that is profitable.
Federal fear of Penang making it a success?
The only problem is that federal government might not be counted upon to transfer this iconic landmark to the Penang government.
It is afraid that if this handover takes place, there is high probability that Penang will make a success of this service and contribute to shaming the federal authorities.
The ferry service is going down the drain simply because of mismanagement and neglect. Of course, the priority given to the two bridges is not doing anything good to revive the ferry transport system.
There is a need for alternative forms of transport that could rely on ferries, water taxis, monorail system and others.
Unfortunately, there is no political will on the part of the federal government to think of alternative ways of reducing cars on the roads in Penang.
Somehow or rather, the built-in bias for more roads and tolls seem to militate against alternative, cheap and reliable forms of transport that would in the long-run free the roads of congestion and pollution.
An iconic service and a tourist landmark
The ferry service in Penang is an iconic one. It is one of the main tourist landmarks in Penang that enhances the status as heritage city.
As it would be impossible for PPSB to turn around the ferry service without the injection of cash. I am not sure that whether the Ministry of Transport is willing to do this.
There is some wild speculation that if the federal government opens up a new airport in Kulim, then there is the possibility that the Penang International Airport might be closed down.
When it comes to the ferry service, is there a clandestine attempt to close down the ferry service?
Why are Penang and its people being punished for wanting to do things properly?
Unless the federal government is willing to own up to its mistakes and responsibility towards the people in Penang, the ferry service stands to be swept in the dustbin of history.
This talk about handing over the ferry service to Penang will remain a “fairy tale”, unless the federal government owns up to its mistakes and follies! - mk

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