“Tindakan menjual plat ini sama seperti 'pelacuran', sacred word kepada pembida tertinggi membuatkan mereka bapa ayam, bukan patriot,” kata wakil rakyat Kempas Tengku Putra Haron Aminurrashid.
Menjelaskan kenyataannya itu Tengku Putra berkata, lelongan sebegitu seolah-olah pihak yang terlibat melacurkan ungkapan suci (iaitu patriot) kepada pembida.
Tengku Putra juga mempersoalkan sama ada pengendali lelongan nombor itu Yayasan Patriot Negara Malaysia (YPN) memahami perkataan “Patriot” itu, dan sama ada latar belang pembida disemak.
“Antara yang menang bidaan boleh jadi pengkhianat ekonomi yang mensabotaj negara untuk buat duit segera!
"Adakah mereka ini layak pakai nombor plat ini?
“Adakah penganjur tidak mahu pastikan dulu bahawa pemegang (nombor plat) itu patriot yang sejati?” soalnya.
Tengku Putra juga berkata keadaan akan lebih buruk jika pembida yang berjaya mendapatkan nombor itu bukan warganegara Malaysia.
“Jika orang asing menang bidaan 'Patriot 1', secara simbolik, penganjur telah jual negara kita ini,” katanya. - mk
UMNO rep: Patriot plate scheme like prostitution...
Even PAS rep opposed cutting ties with DAP...
PAS and PKR representatives in Penang themselves oppose and disagree with recent PAS muktamar's motion to sever ties with DAP, said Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.
He said this decision was unanimously made at the Penang executive council (exco) yesterday, which PKR's Seberang Jaya assemblyman Dr Afif Bahardin and PAS sole Permatang Pasir assemblyman Salleh Man also attended.
They were among the 30 assemblypersons present for the meeting.
"We accept that Pakatan Rakyat no longer exists following the muktamar's decision, but we will continue and maintain the Penang administration based on Pakatan's 2009 common policy and the state's election manifesto in 2013," Lim said in a statement.
The DAP secretary-general noted the coalition obtained the largest mandate ever - 68 percent of the popular vote - in the history of Penang polls.
Therefore, the exco had decided to name the administration as the Penang government and no longer as the Penang Pakatan Rakyat government.
"In the exco meeting, the 30 assemblymen agreed to these decisions, and have pledged to carry out their responsibilities to the state government.
"This means nothing has changed and nothing is lacking, the situation is as usual and that Umno still maintains only 10 seats," Lim said.
Focus on improvement
He added the state government would function as normal, would be committed and focused on improving the services and administration according to the competency, accountability and transparency principle.
It would also develop the economy to be enjoyed by all communities, regardless of race or religion, as well as transform the state towards an international, intelligent city that is clean, green, healthy and safe.
Penang arrived at the decision after delegates at the PAS 61st muktamar in June accepted a proposal by the Dewan Ulama to cut ties with DAP, without debate.
The decision was made following DAP's decision to cut ties with president Abdul Hadi Awang over his individual move to table amendments to the hudud enactment in Parliament, a move opposed by DAP and PKR, as the matter was not discussed in Pakatan's leadership council.
Mohamed, popularly known as Mat Sabu, was among 18 PAS leaders, described as professional and progressive, who were defeated at the PAS internal polls.
However, Hadi still maintains that Pakatan is alive, but is adamant to press on for the implementation of hudud. - mk

Prepare to lose Kelantan, new PAS leaders warned...
Should PAS fare badly in the next general election, it will not be impossible for the Islamist party to lose control of its home base, Kelantan.
This is one of the issues that worries veteran PAS leader Mahfuz Omar, who himself was defeated in the party’s recent central leadership elections.
“What I really worry about is losing Kelantan,” Mahfuz said in an interview with Malaysiakini yesterday.
He has some basis to this claim.
Citing a survey conducted by 'a good friend' of his who works in a higher learning institution, Mahfuz said the percentage of those in favour of PAS was not satisfactory.
“My friend collected comments from readers of PAS-friendly media outlets, such as Harakah Daily and TranungKite (online), and the percentage (of those who commended PAS) was not pleasing at all.
Mahfuz, who has been a PAS member since 1984, said the party’s leadership should find ways to solve the problems, using such input from the online media as reference.
“They cannot act nonchalant because these comments are a result of the outcome of the recent muktamar and on how the leadership campaigning was seen as unhealthy.
“I am not saying this. It is the commentators who did,” he said.
During the PAS muktamar early last month, the hardline ulama (religious scholars) faction made a clean sweep of all the top posts at the expense of the progressives in the the party.
This led to uncertainty within the Pakatan Rakyat coalition as well as the future direction of PAS in general, especially after the muktamar passed a motion to sever its ties with DAP.
The Pokok Sena MP also said he believes that the next general election would be held earlier than expected, based on Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s announcement that the Umno elections due next year would be postponed for 18 months.
“The general election will be held earlier, most probably in 2017. This is the clear message I received from the postponement of the Umno elections because, if the general election is held in 2018, the Umno elections do not need to be postponed,” he observed.
Bigger fractures possible
He added it was also not impossible for the 14th general election to be held simultaneously with the Sarawak state election.
“This is so that opposition leaders will not be able to give their full attention to the Sarawak election,” Mahfuz pointed out.
“They only have a year-and-a-half to repair the damage that has occurred, in order to prevent bigger fractures from taking place.
“The PAS leadership must find solutions to remedy the ill after effect of the party’s 61st muktamar, with one being the tarnished image of PAS.
“This must be done comprehensively, and not with mere words because anyone can simply talk,” he said.
The party’s worsening ties with the DAP certainly do not help matters and its future in the Selangor government remains uncertain.
This because it is not impossible for Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali to choose the DAP against PAS, should the political push become a practical shove.- mk
Pasca muktamar, Mahfuz risau Kelantan tumbang
Kerjasama UMNO-PAS dalam PRU depan

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