Pelajar Orang Asli Didakwa Telah Diikat, Ditendang, Dipukul Oleh Beberapa Orang Guru...
Seorang pelajar dari suku kaum Teminar didakwa telah diikat, ditendang dan dipukul oleh beberapa orang guru kerana dituduh mencuri wang salah seorang dari guru terbabit, kata Dr. Colin Nicholas, Penyelaras Centre of Orang Asli Concerns(COAC), lapor portal The Malaysian Insider hari ini.
Akibat perbuatan itu, seorang murid tahun 4 di Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Betis di Gua Musang di sini mengalami lebam di wajah, lengan dan juga paha.
"Dia dituduh mencuri. Kami tidak tahu jika ia benar tetapi kalau benar pun, ini bukan cara yang betul mengendalikannya," kata Nicholas dalam posting di laman Facebook COAC.
Menurut Nicholas, kejadian berlaku pada 15 Jun tetapi tidak tahu sama ada tindakan sudah diambil atau tidak oleh pihak berkenaan.
Selain itu, Nicholas juga memberitahu ada cubaan mendesak keluarga mangsa menarik balik laporan polis yang dibuat di Balai Polis Daerah Gua Musang pada 27 Jun.
"Saya diberitahu yang guru tersebut masih mengajar di sekolah itu. Guru besar ada datang melawat tetapi meminta keluarga itu menarik balik laporan mereka dan membenarkan sekolah menangani isu itu secara dalaman. Mana boleh buat begini?" kata Nicholas.
Sementara itu, Kementerian Pendidikan hari ini telah mengarahkan satu siasatan dijalankan keatas dakwaan ini.
Timbalannya, P. Kamalanathan berkata dia telah mengarahkan pegawai pendidikan untuk menyiasat dan menghantar laporan interim secepat mungkin. -

Orang Asli student beaten up by three male teachers...
An Orang Asli student was tied up and beaten by three male teachers after she was accused of stealing from one of them on June 15.
The matter came to light today following a Facebook posting on the Centre for Orang Asli Concerns’s (COAC) page.
The Standard 4 student, Siti Nur Azdilia, from Sekolah Kebangsaan Kuala Betis was tied up then beaten by three teachers identified as Cikgu Saki, Cikgu Arif and Cikgu Salib on June 15.
The victim’s aunt said that “her face and arms were bruised, while her thigh was kicked by the teachers”.
Following the assault, Siti was taken to a government hospital where the doctor who treated her took photographs of the injuries she sustained and said that a report would be prepared after a police complaint was lodged.
The girl’s grandmother, Andak, was initially reluctant to lodge a police report since they live quite a distance away from the main village.
However after she lodged a police report on June 27, a friend of one of the teachers, Cikgu Ali, paid her a visit with his family in an attempt to intimidate Andak.
The person indicated that he had connections with the police and Andak would have a tough time getting justice for Siti since he claimed to have evidence of her alleged misbehaviour.
Andak was also met by the headmaster and several teachers who pressured her to retract her report.
The grandmother was fortunate enough to have the community’s support, many of whom felt that “teachers who gang up among themselves to hit helpless children should not be allowed to teach in schools”.
“No matter what the reason they may say they have for doing so. And schools should not protect such teachers.”
A local lawyer Siti Zainah had pledged to ensure that Siti’s case be taken up by the public prosecutor.
Besides that, the assault was also reported verbally to Suhakam (Malaysian Human Rights Commission) by the JOAS (The Indigenous Peoples Network of Malaysia) leaders.- fmt
Najib's polls delay pushes Muhyddin into Ku Li pact...
Supporters of Prime Minister Najib Razak are gloating over talk that his deputy, Muhyiddin Yassin, was now a redundant force incapable to gathering enough strength to make a challenge for Najib's job.
But they should not be too happy. The deadline by 'anti-Najib' forces to install a new Prime Minister is still intact - 'by the end of this year', said a political source.
"Postponing the Umno election by 18 months is a crafty move by Najib to stall Muhyiddin and other rivals. But while it is a big setback for Muhyiddin, there are still other ways to achieve the goal of ousting Najib. In fact, it now forces Muhyiddin to move more decisively towards the camp controlled by Ku Li (Gua Musang MP Tengku Razaleigh)," said the source.
It's been no secret in Umno that Muhyiddin's 'over-cautiousness' in not declaring his interest to challenge Najib at the coming Umno election, which was originally slated for 2016, gave Najib the space he needed to make the postponement.
Under pressure to resign, Najib has taken on a more aggressive stance and has even threatened a Cabinet reshuffle after Raya. If Muhyiddin and Rural Minister Shafie Apdal - both of whom have been outspoken against Najib's mishandling of the 1MDB financial scandal - are dropped, they will be further sidelined as the loss of office will dim their influence in the party.
Umno supreme council or Parliament
Many options are being weighed by Najib's detractors to remove him from office. But the 2 main options on the table were to get enough numbers to carry a no-confidence vote against Najib at either the Umno Supreme Council level or in the federal Parliament.
It is believed Muhyiddin favored the Umno supreme council route, as did former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad. Former Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin, still an influential power broker in Umno, however favored taking Najib out in the Parliament, a method which Ku Li is also said to prefer.
"Muhyiddin is now in a dilemma. His supporters are not happy with him for being so slow. If Najib dumps him and Shafie, there will be a revolt in Umno but it may not be enough to shake Najib off his perch. Look at Anwar's sacking in 1997; the Malay community was split down the line and they even threw eggs at Mahathir for fabricating the sodomy charges. Yet Mahathir could get the supreme council to close ranks behind him. Najib can do the same," the political source said.
Ku Li able to get the votes from the Opposition
This might be why Muhyiddin and Mahathir will have to take a more conciliatory approach towards Ku Li, who has the backing of the Opposition.
Although the Pakatan Rakyat led by jailed Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim is now defunct, two of the tripartite coalition DAP and PKR plus a large portion of the third party, PAS, are willing to cross the floor to stand behind Ku Li.
"Even though Pakatan is no more, we can form an electoral pact so that we won't crisscross on seats. As long as we maintain 1 for 1 on seats contest, we can beat Umno-BN and topple Najib in GE-14. Having said that, if there is a no-confidence vote against Najib, for sure the majority of the Opposition will support it, especially if it is Ku Li organizing it," MP for Batu Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.
As for Umno watchers, they say the bets are on for Muhyiddin to come to an agreement with Ku Li.
"It is all a matter of numbers and the courage to move. Muhyiddin will be the PM even if Najib is toppled via a Ku Li-led no-confidence vote in Parliament. No reason for Ku Li not to make way for Muhyiddin as this will stabilize Umno after Najib's ouster," the political source said.
"Remember, Malaysia still has to go through GE14 and this is where Pakatan has their chance to win the federal government on their own. There may or may not be any unity government with Umno-BN or any grand alliance after GE14 but the purpose to take out Najib is to prevent Malaysia from becoming a totalitarian state. To stay in power, Najib has already turned Malaysia topsy turvy, imagine what he will do if he wins GE14." - Malaysia Chronicle

Perlukah DAP malu kerana mendedahkan skandal 1MDB...
Ketakutan para pemimpin Barisan Nasional terhadap DAP dalam isu skandal 1MDB yang melibatkan RM42 bilion semakin ketara apabila mereka cuba membuang Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara, Tony Pua, daripada Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Wang Negara (PAC).
Komplot itu bermula apabila peguam UMNO, Tan Sri Mohammed Shafee Abdullah, mendesak Tony menarik diri daripada PAC lima hari lalu, yang mana seruannya disokong oleh pengerusi Kelab Penyokong Kerajaan di Parlimen, Tan Sri Shahrir Samad.
Menurut Tony, semalam Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia, Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek pula “mengamuk” mendesak beliau keluar dari PAC dengan menuduh Tony dan DAP memalukan PAC dan Parlimen.
Katanya, beliau tidak faham mengapa perlu rasa malu atas kenyataan-kenyataan yang dibuatnya terhadap skandal 1MDB tersebut.
“Saya juga tak tahu hujung pangkalnya mengapa parti saya, penyokong saya dan “sesiapa sahaja yang berkaitan” perlu rasa malu apabila mendedahkan penyalahgunaan dan salah pengurusan 1MDB,” ujarnya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
Sebaliknya, beliau yakin, rakyat Malaysia akan marah dan merasa jijik, serta kewibawaan PAC akan terjejas, jika beliau dipaksa keluar dari PAC oleh BN.

Menurutnya, yang patut merasa malu adalah para Menteri dan pemimpin BN yang secara membuta tuli menyokong usaha menyelamatkan 1MDB yang mempergunakan wang rakyat.
Malah, Tony yang juga Setiausaha Publisiti DAP Kebangsaan, menjelaskan bahawa Presiden 1MDB, Arul Kanda Kandasamy dan bekas CEO 1MDB Datuk Shahrol Halmi sendiri sudah memberi jaminan untuk hadir ke prosiding PAC nanti, dengan menyatakan 1MDB yakin sepenuhnya terhadap proses PAC.
“Jika Arul Kanda dan Datuk Shahril tidak takut untuk hadir ke prosiding PAC yang mana saya ada di dalamnya sebagai anggota jawatankuasa, mengapa tiba-tiba menteri takut dengan saya?” soal beliau.
Beliau juga terkejut dengan sikap Menteri yang seolah-olah tidak yakin dengan kebolehan dan keanggotaan lapan Ahli Parlimen BN di dalam PAC.
Dalam jawatankuasa itu, wakil-wakil BN adalah Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed sebagai Pengerusi dan Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican (Kepala Batas), Datuk Chua Tee Yong (Labis), Datuk Abd Aziz Sheikh Fadzir (Kulim Bandar Baru), Liang Teck Meng (Simpang Renggam), Datuk Madius Tangau (Tuaran), Hasbi Habibollah (Limbang) dan Datuk Wee Jeck Seng (Tanjung Piai). –

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