Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak membuat pengumuman tersebut hari ini dalam satu siaran secara langsung, mengesahkan laporan The Malaysian Insider pagi ini mengenai rombakan kabinet.
Najib turut mengumumkan penyingkiran Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin sebagai timbalannya, menyifatkannya satu "keputusan amat sukar" tetapi terpaksa dilakukan bagi memastikan Kabinet bergerak sebagai satu pasukan yang jitu.
"Saya boleh terima perbezaan pendapat dan kritikan sebagai sebahagian daripada proses dalam membuat keputusan.
"Namun sebagai anggota Kabinet, perbezaan pendapat dan pandangan tidak sepatutnya dilakukan pada forum terbuka yang boleh menjejaskan pandangan umum terhadap kerajaan serta negara," katanya.
Ia juga bertentangan dengan konsep tanggungjawab bersama Kabinet (collective responsibility), kata Najib.
Beliau berkata, rombakan Kabinet itu dilakukan selepas mengambil kira pertimbangan politik dan keperluan pentadbiran beliau bagi memastikan ia komited dan sentiasa fokus kepada usaha pembangunan negara.

"Keputusan menggantikan Muhyiddin merupakan satu keputusan yang amat sukar, tetapi terpaksa saya lakukan agar Jemaah Menteri dapat bergerak sebagai satu pasukan yang jitu.
"Di kesempatan ini saya ingin mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan terima kasih di atas khidmat bakti yang dicurahkan oleh Muhyiddin.
"Begitu juga oleh menteri dan timbalan menteri yang kini tidak lagi bersama saya di dalam pentadbiran kerajaan," kata Najib dalam pengumumannya yang disiarkan secara langsung di kaca televisyen.
"Keputusan saya menggantikan Muhyiddin dengan Zahid, menggugurkan empat orang menteri dan seorang timbalan menteri serta perubahan portfolio, dibuat setelah mengambil kira pertimbangan politik dan kepentingan pentadbiran.”
Zahid sementara itu berkata, pelantikannya sebagai timbalan perdana menteri bukanlah satu habuan tetapi tanggungjawab kepada negara, bangsa dan negara.
Turut digugurkan daripada barisan Jemaah Menteri hari ini ialah naib presiden Umno Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal yang sebelum ini memegang jawatan menteri pembangunan luar bandar dan kesejahteraan bandar.
Beliau juga sebelum ini dilihat lantang menegur cara Putrajaya mengendalikan krisis 1MDB. – tmi

Najib axes deputy, attorney general amid fund scandal...
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, stung by allegations that he received some $700 million in government money, on Tuesday fired the attorney general who had been investigating him and a deputy who has been among his most prominent critics.
Najib is under increasing pressure over leaked confidential documents that allegedly show the money, from state investment fund 1MDB, went into his personal accounts.
Najib announced over national television Tuesday that his deputy Muhyiddin Yassin will be replaced by Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, a Cabinet member who will also retain his home minister portfolio. Earlier Tuesday, the government announced it had terminated the services of Attorney General Abdul Gani Patail.
Najib said he also dropped four other ministers to strengthen his administration and ensure they can "work as a team."
"I can accept differences in opinion and criticisms as part of the decision-making process, but these differences in opinion should not be made in an open forum that can affect public perception of the government and the country," he said.
Critics slammed Gani's abrupt removal and cast it as an attempt by Najib to avoid prosecution.
"The purge commences. The Attorney-General is replaced. Any flicker of hope that the prime minister might be charged for misdeeds is extinguished," opposition lawmaker Tony Pua tweeted.
"The fact that he is not answering the allegations but instead removed his critics is not a good sign," said Wan Saiful Wan Jan, who heads the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs think tank. "It shows deep desperation on Najib's side."
Muhyiddin, the deputy, has been critical of the government's handling of 1MDB's massive debt and on Sunday night repeated his call for Najib to explain the alleged funds transfer.
Najib said, "The decision to replace Muhyiddin was a very difficult one, but I had to do it so that a strong team can move forward."

Gani was replaced by a Federal Court judge, Mohamed Apandi Ali(below), months before the attorney general had been due to retire in October. The government said Gani was leaving for health reasons, but when contacted by Malay Mail Online, Gani said he had not been aware of the decision.
Gani confirmed earlier this month that he had received documents from investigators that linked Najib and 1MDB. The existence of the documents, which allegedly show $700 million was wired from entities linked to 1MDB into Najib's accounts, were first reported by The Wall Street Journal.
Najib has not disputed the existence of the accounts or the receipt of the funds. He has only said that he has never used government funds for personal gain, and called the allegations a political sabotage. Officials with 1MDB also have denied wrongdoing.
The documents sent to the attorney general pave the way for possible criminal charges, which would be a first for a Malaysian prime minister.
Apart from Muhyiddin, Najib also dropped Shafie Apdal as rural development minister. Shafie, a vice president in Najib's ruling Malay party, has also been critical of the government's handling of the 1MDB saga. On Tuesday he defended his comments, saying in a statement that they were aimed at strengthening the party and putting the country on the right track.
Najib's ruling National Front coalition has been in power since independence from Britain in 1957. However, support for the coalition has eroded in the last two general elections. In 2013, it won the polls but lost the popular vote for the first time.-
Najib said he hoped the new cabinet line-up would committ to the programmes underlined by his BN government adding the Yang di Pertuan Agong would preside over their oath-taking ceremony at 10am tomorrow at the Istana Negara.The announcement, carried live over television, saw the dropping of five ministers and the appointment of seven new ministers.
New federal ministers
Wilfred Madius Tangau (science, technology and innovation minister)
Hamzah Zainudin (domestic trade, cooperatives and consumerism minister)
Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar (natural resources and environment minister)
Mahdzir Khalid (education minister)
Azalina Othman Said (minister in the Prime Minister's Department)
Ong Ka Chuan (international trade and industry minister II)
- Mohd Salleh Tun Said Keruak - communications and multimedia minister.
New deputy ministers
Mohd Johari Baharum (deputy defence minister)
Mas Ermieyati Samsudin (deputy tourism and culture minister)
- Nur Jazlan Mohamed (deputy home minister)
Senator Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki (deputy minister in the Prime Minister's Department [religious affairs])
- Senator Chong Sin Woon (deputy education minister)
Reezal Merican Naina Merican (deputy foreign minister)
- Ahmad Jazlan bin Yaakob (deputy rural and regional development minister)
Masri anak Kujat - deputy home minister
- Johari Abdul Ghani – deputy finance minister.
Dropped ministers
The ministers dropped were:
Muhyiddin Yassin (formely deputy prime minister/education minister)
Mohd Shafie Apdal (formerly rural and regional development minister)
Hasan Malek (formelry domestic trade, cooperatives and consumerism minister)
G Palanivel (formerly natural resources and environment minister)
- Ewon Ebin (formerly science, technology and innovation minister) - mk
Rombak kabinet, pecat Muhyidin, ganti AG, angkat 4 ahli PAC jadi Tim.Menteri dan pilih Ketua SB baru. Munkinkah semua ini untuk selamatkan Najib dan Rosmah...

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