Video sepanjang 53 saat itu menunjukkan bekas timbalan menteri besar itu berbual dengan beberapa orang tetamu di kediamannya, antaranya Menteri Besar Kedah Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir dan bekas menteri, Tan Sri Kadir Sheikh Fadzir.
Sebahagian daripada rakaman itu tidak dapat didengar dengan jelas, namun secara umum, Muhyiddin dalam video itu nampaknya membangkitkan bahawa beliau sudahpun bersemuka dengan Najib berhubung dakwaan tersebut.
Ia berhubung dakwaan yang dilaporkan The Wall Street Journal pada 3 Julai lalu, bahawa penyiasat Malaysia mendapati wang sebanyak hampir AS$700 juta dipindahkan ke akaun peribadi Najib.

Dalam video itu, Muhyiddin memberitahu para tetamu bahawa beliau sudah bertanya mengenai sumber wang tersebut dan mendapat jawapan bahawa dana berkenaan diperolehi daripada satu individu di Timur Tengah.
"Then saya kata kenapa masuk akaun you? Kenapa masuk akaun Najib Razak?," soal Muhyiddin.
"Dia mengaku. Jadi saya tanya: Mengapa letak dalam akaun peribadi sendiri?,” kata Muhyiddin lagi dalam bahasa Inggeris.
Ketika dihubungi, Abdul Kadir mengesahkan bahawa perbualan itu sememangnya berlaku namun menegaskan bahawa ia tidak sepatutnya dirakam.
Beliau juga enggan memberi pandangannya mengenai isi perbualan berkenaan.
"Saya tidak mahu komen mengenainya. Ia adalah perbualan tertutup. Ia tidak sepatutnya dirakam.
"Mukhriz sudah meminta hadirin supaya tidak merakamnya,” katanya kepada Malaysiakini ketika dihubungi petang ini. - mk
Dengan kenyataan bekas TPM yang mengesahkan pendedahan WSJ bahawa sejumlah besar wang 1MDB dimasukkan ke akaun Najib melalui rakaman video(walaupun blog gang UMNO Pro Najib cakap video itu diEDIT).. kini IGP WAJIB untuk memanggil TSMY untuk membantu siasatan . IGP ada 2 pilihan... 1.menahan TSMY dibawah OSA atau 2.Tangkap Najib kerana melakukan pembohongan dan terlibat secara langsung dalam penyelewengan terbesar dalam sejarah negara...f/bk
Ex-DPM says Najib admits RM2.6b in account...
A leaked video clip(above) depicting Muhyiddin Yassin talking about allegations that millions were transferred into Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's private accounts is currently making rounds.
The video clip, which appears to be recorded using a mobile phone, depicts Muhyiddin addressing several guests at his home on the topic last night.
Among those present were Kedah Menteri Besar Mukhriz Mohamad and former Umno supreme council member Kadir Sheikh Fadzir.
Although certain parts of the 53-second video clip was inaudible, Muhyiddin appeared to be suggesting he had confronted Najib on the allegation.
The allegation, made by the Wall Street Journal in a July 3 article, said Malaysian investigators found that nearly US$700 million was transferred into Najib's private accounts.
Muhyiddin had told his guests that he asked about the source of the money and the reply was that it came from someone in the Middle East.
"Then saya kata apa masuk account you? [inaudible] Kenapa masuk account Najib Razak? (Then I asked what was in your account? [inaudible] Why was it in Najib Razak's account)," said Muhyiddin.
"He admitted. So I said: Why did you put (it) into your personal account?"
The former deputy premier has been vocal in his criticisim of 1MDB and lamented how Najib had ignored his advice on the matter.
Abdul Kadir confirms conversation
"I don't want to comment on it.
"It was a private conversation. It wasn't supposed to be recorded. Mukhriz had asked people not to record it," he told Malaysiakini.
Despite numerous attempts, Malaysiakini could not reach Muhyiddin's aides for comment.
Following the WSJ report, Najib had denied using public funds for personal gains and accused Mukhriz's father, former Dr Mahathir Mohamad, of masterminding his downfall.
Below is the full transcript from the video:
Muhyiddin: I asked him (Najib) from whom? He did not mention siapa nama dia, from somewhere in the Middle East.
Berapa banyak? Lepas tu dia ..(inaudible)... susah nak kiralah. Dia kata 'a lot', 'a lot'.
Then saya kata kenapa masuk account you? ...(inaudible)... kenapa masuk account Najib Razak? Duit berapa? 700 million US dollar. Kalau kali tiga point something... 2.6 billion that goes into his personal account.
Ini dia sebut. He admitted. So I said why did you put into your personal account? - mk

Mysterious plane wreckage sparks MH370 speculation
Orang Dah Nak Lemas, Najis Pun Dia Sanggup Capai...
Nampaknya Tengku Mahkota Johor (TMJ), Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim sempat lagi bermadah melalui laman Facebook selepas Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak telah menyingkirkan beberapa nama besar dari barisan kabinet kerajaan termasuk Timbalan Perdana Menteri yang merupakan orang Johor.
Reaksi TMJ sejak kebelakangan terhadap suasana politik di Malaysia dilihat semakin hangat dengan tindakan yang berani daripada beliau.
Berikut adalah apa yang ditulis oleh beliau di laman Facebook JOHOR Southern Tigers.
"Tunku, ada sebarang komen berkenaan bolasepak atau FAM?" tanya wartawan.
Soalan itu dijawab dengan bersahaja oleh TMJ: "Kalau orang dah nak lemas, najis pun dia sanggup capai."
Walaupun itu adalah reaksi Tunku Ismail mengenai FAM, soalan berikutnya daripada wartawan - yang tidak didedahkan identitinya itu - menjadi jawapan beliau lebih menarik.
Wartawan: Apa maksud Tunku?
TMJ: Fikir-fikirkanlah sendiri.
Wartawan: Adakah ini berkenaan bola sepak ataupun berkenaan isu-isu yang lain?
TMJ: (senyum)... Terima kasih.
Sungguh mendalam dan menusuk kalbu ayat kiasan dari TMJ itu. Apapun cuma yang rakyat harapkan barisan kabinet baru yang baru dibentuk ini dapat menjalankan amanah rakyat dengan baik demi kepentingan bersama. -
I'll never back a corrupt person, says crown prince...
Since Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak reshuffled the Cabinet, Johor crown prince Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim has been posting cryptic messages on the state football team’s official Facebook page.
However, his postings are made in relation to football.
"I will never support a person inside FAM or in any organisation that is corrupt.
"Should we continue to throw our support to those who we know are corrupt that just shows how low and undignified we are," read his latest post.
Assuming that his message contained political undertones, one Facebook user requested the crown prince to act instead of making comments alone.
"Kurangkn berckp bykkn tindakan tunku...kerajaan ni telinga diorg dh lali..ayat2 mcm ni diorg dh x ambik port..apakata tunku ajak adun2 johor ni kluar BN..apabila adun2 Johor kluar BN...serta merta najib tumbang," said Hairil Amri.
(Lessen the talk and increase action, your highness. The government's ear is immune to such words and they pay no heed to them. What say if your highness calls on state assemblypersons in Johor to quit BN. If Johor assemblypersons quit BN, Najib will fall immediately)
This response drew more than 200 likes, with the number constantly increasing.
Another user, Neezam Dawam said it would be better to call on MPs from Johor to quit Parliament because Najib can still survive if only state assemblypersons left the coalition.
The biggest casualty of the cabinet reshuffle is Muhyiddin Yassin, who was dropped as deputy prime minister following his critical views on 1MDB
Muhyiddin hails from Johor and is the member of Parliament for Pagoh.
Prior to this, the crown prince posted a purported dialogue between him and a reporter.
Journalist: Do you have any comment on the current state of football or FAM?
TMJ (crown prince): A drowning man will try to reach and hold on to anything, even faeces.
Journalist: What do you mean by that?
TMJ: It is up to you to figure it out.
Journalist: Is this with regards to football, or other issues?
TMJ: (smiles)... Thank you.
Previously, Tunku Ismail caused a stir when he mocked Najib for turning up at the Nothing to Hide public forum on 1MDB, which then led to a war of words between the crown prince and Tourism Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz. - mk

Why sacking Muhyiddin riskier than sacking Anwar Ibrahim...
I remember it was in early September 1998, when TV3 broke the news about then prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad sacking his deputy, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
It was during my summer holiday and I was back home with my family. Immediately after that I rang my friend Yazid in the UK and told him about the news.
Surprised he certainly was, and immediately conveyed the message to my other friends who were in England, and within a few days news reached everyone in the mosque there.
Six hours ago, I woke up at 6am in Manchester and grabbed my phone and to my surprise, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin was out.
My Facebook timeline flashing with news after news about the sacking. Here in the UK, at the same time, Malaysian’s were already in chapter 4 of the chronological discussions, and it was less than an hour after Najib’s press statement.
News travel fast, rumours discussed every minute, the luxury of time and secrets are not with Najib. It was with Dr Mahathir.
When Anwar was sacked, it was not such a big scandal that Dr Mahathir could not handle. Apart from the currency issue that he blamed on Soros, he was allright.
He just built twin towers, KLIA and Putrajaya, which was nothing to few Malaysians but many believed and remember that period as being the glory days.
Whereas now Najib is at his low, scandal after scandal, evidence updated every hour. You don’t need Harakah, all you need is to type the name Najib on google search. Thousands of news reports are there waiting to be digested.
He has yet to come out with monuments of his own, both the MRT and the Tun Razak Exchange are still under construction.
The night Anwar was sacked, my dad said to me. “Look at it now my son, Umno is in trouble, maybe Dr Mahathir needs to step down”.
That was it. That was the only retaliation I heard from a Malaysian citizen I knew that night, before I went to sleep.
Two minutes ago I was reading the comment section on a Facebook posting by Najib about the sacking. More than 5,000 comments were made, 99.9% of it asking him to step down.
I cannot really compare the retaliation on the day after, because tomorrow is yet to come, and I cannot wait.
When you go into a fight, you bring your fighters with you. That’s what gangsters do.
Dr Mahathir has fighters behind him, many of them, and more than Najib’s men, who are artificial and pretentious, to be precise.
But what is scarier for Najib is his latest second man, the hopeful Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. Do you remember him, the younger Zahid? The Zahid we knew in 1998.
I will always remember the TV news showing him being a staunch supporter of Anwar back then and taken into custody. He was known to be aligned with Anwar inside Umno yet he turned 180-degrees just a few months after Anwar was sacked and jailed.
He can either be a “true opportunist with no loyalty” or “Anwar’s secret agent in Putrajaya”. Both are disturbing probabilities for Najib.
As of now, seven hours after the sacking, I am still here reading the busy timeline on my Facebook. – Shahrul Yusof,TMI

NAJIB TAK BACA kah Peraturan Mesyuarat 77.. J'kuasa Kira2 Wang Negara (PAC):
77(2): Minima 6 ahli
77(3): Tiada Pengerusi boleh mesyuarat
DAN.. Pemangku Pengerusi PAC boleh teruskan siasatan 1MDB !!!
77(3): Tiada Pengerusi boleh mesyuarat
DAN.. Pemangku Pengerusi PAC boleh teruskan siasatan 1MDB !!!

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