Mohd Najib Abdul Razak had reacted to the Wall Street Journal (SWJ) expose that he has a personal account with some US$700 million (to be exact US$681,999,976 or about RM2.6 billion) in it by launching vitriol against Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
In his Facebook posting he accused the former Prime Minister and blogger of “gutter tactics - in some cases criminal tactics - to topple a democratically elected Prime Minister."
This is what Mohd Najib said in his Facebook posting carried by the media:
"In recent months, various allegations – all unsubstantiated, and many simply outrageous – have been directed against me and my family.
"These attacks began when I refused to implement Tun Mahathir’s personal demands. I refused, because I do not believe it is right for Malaysia to be ruled by proxy.
"Tun then created a crisis when he recklessly claimed that RM42 billion (US$11 billion) was missing from 1MDB, when in fact these are audited debts backed by RM51 billion (US$13.5 billion) audited assets.
"The latest allegation is that I have taken state-linked funds for personal gain. I believe Tun, working hand in glove with foreign nationals, including the now discredited political attack blog Sarawak Report, is behind this latest lie.
"Let me be very clear: I have never taken funds for personal gain as alleged by my political opponents – whether from 1MDB, SRC International or other entities, as these companies have confirmed.
"It is now clear that false allegations such as these are part of a concerted campaign of political sabotage to topple a democratically elected Prime Minister. Continue reading...
My views on this latest development and on what we, as concerned Malaysians, should be looking at are as follows:
1. Mohd Najid could be over-acting. Overthrowing Mohd Najib does not amount to overthrowing the government. The Umno-led Barisan Nasional Government remains. When his father, the late Tun Abdul Razak Hussein “overthrew” the late Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra in 1969, the Alliance Government remained.
2. But let us respect Mohd Najib’s freedom of speech and his right of reply although his vitriol against Dr Mahathir and other critics we unnecessary. In fact he and his agents do not have to say anything about the WSJ report.
3. All that is needed is for AmBank to deny the existence of the alleged account. In fact it could be an offense for AmBank keep mum if the account does not exist. But neither Mohd Najib nor the bank denies the existence of the account and the amount of money it contains.
4. Instead Mohd Najib said: “I have never taken funds for personal gain as alleged by my political opponents – whether from 1MDB, SRC International or other entities, as these companies have confirmed.”
5. He “might” not have taken funds for personal gain but he did take them for other purposes – like funding election campaign – as has been widely alleged.
To help clear him, the Inland Revenue Board can investigate the sources of funds for his daughter's lavish wedding receptions recently and find out if he or the wife has assets, like palatial homes, abroad.
6. He “might” not have taken funds for personal gain and 1MDB, SRC International or other entities would likewise confirm. But what about commissions and under the counter payments generated by businesses linked to these companies?
7. This is why it is so important for the investigators to interrogate companies and individuals who do business with 1MDB like Genting, Ananda Krishman, Jho Low and the Arabs.
8. The longer the 1MDB issue drags on the worse it is for the country and the people. The government is under siege at home and the country is becoming a laughing stock around the world. Fitch Rating might have upgrade our sovereign debt but things are getting worse for the people.
9. The longer the 1MDB issue drags on the worse it becomes for the key elements of the government - the Attorney General’s Chamber, the Bank Negara, the Police, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, the Auditor General and the Parliamentary Public Account Committee (PAC).
10. AG’s Chamber as the scrutiniser of the investigation papers by the Police and the MACC cannot be seen as uninterested, slow or hesitant. If there is a case, even against the Prime Minister, it must have the courage to act. - a.kadirjasin - continue reading...
WSJ: Our report solid, Najib saw probe papers
Najib threatens to arrest Dr.M for 'criminal tactics'...
These attacks began when I refused to implement Tun Mahathir’s personal demands. I refused, because I do not believe it is right for Malaysia to be ruled by proxy.
Tun then created a crisis when he recklessly claimed that RM42 billion was missing from 1MDB, when in fact these are audited debts backed by RM51 billion audited assets.
The latest allegation is that I have taken state-linked funds for personal gain. I believe Tun, working hand in glove with foreign nationals, including the now discredited political attack blog Sarawak Report, is behind this latest lie.
Have never taken funds
Let me be very clear: I have never taken funds for personal gain as alleged by my political opponents – whether from 1MDB, SRC International or other entities, as these companies have confirmed.

It is now clear that false allegations such as these are part of a concerted campaign of political sabotage to topple a democratically elected Prime Minister.
At no point have those making these allegations offered any evidence. All we have heard is that these allegations are based on leaked documents and unnamed investigators.
Not once has the source of these documents ever been shown, neither have the documents themselves been provided for verification by lawful authorities.
As we now know, a number of the documents on which recent allegations have been based were reportedly doctored. The person who was leaking these documents is under investigation by authorities overseas for attempting to extort and blackmail his former employer.
This says a lot about the reliability of the documents, and those who are using them to damage our government and our country.
Criminal acts to topple the govt

Those who continue to mount these attacks should be prepared to face the consequences of their actions. These gutter tactics - in some cases criminal tactics - to overthrow the government will fail. Where appropriate, they will be met with the full force of the law.
It’s a shame that these false attacks motivated by self interest come at a time of unique opportunity for Malaysia – with our Chairmanship of ASEAN this year, and the prize of developed nation status around the corner. I will stay focused on the work of nation building for the people. -fb.najibrazak

Peguam Negara lihat dokumen siasatan 1MDB...
Peguam Negara Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail mengesahkan beliau melihat
laporan siasatan mengenai dakwaan pemindahan dana 1MDB ke akaun bank
perseorangan Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Dalam kenyataan beliau hari ini, Abdul Gani berkata, ia adalah antara dokumen yang diambil pasukan petugas khas bagi menyiasat isu 1MDB.
ini (pasukan petugas khas) telah memperoleh beberapa dokumen yang
kemudiannya dikemukakan kepada saya untuk semakan. Saya mengesahkan
bahawa saya telah menerima dokumen-dokumen berkaitan 1MDB termasuk
dokumen berkaitan dakwaan penyaluran dana ke akaun milik YAB Perdana
Menteri, Dato' Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak daripada Pasukan Petugas Khas
"Sehubungan itu, saya telah meneliti dan menyemak kesemua dokumen yang dikemukakan, dan seterusnya telah memberi nasihat dan panduan kepada pasukan petugas khas ini bagi mengambil tindakan lanjut.
"Saya juga mengesahkan bahawa pada 3 Julai 2015, pasukan petugas khas ini telah menghantar pasukan siasatan ke syarikat SRC International Sdn Bhd, Gandingan Mentari Sdn Bhd dan Ihsan Perdana Sdn Bhd untuk mengadakan serbuan dan telah memperoleh dokumen dari ketiga-tiga premis terbabit," katanya.
Bagaimanapun, Abdul Gani tidak menjelaskan butiran lanjut dokumen yang dimaksudkan.
Katanya, siasatan akan ditumpukan kepada setiap aspek yang dibangkitkan
Semalam Wall Street Journal membuat laporan mengejutkan mengenai dapatan penyiasat yang mengaitkan pengaliran dana hampir AS$700 juta ke akaun persendirian "Dato' Seri Mohd Najib Bin Hj Abd Razak".
Selepas Najib memberikan penjelasan mengenainya hari ini timbalan beliau, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin tampil menggesa perdana menteri membuat pengesahan atau penafian meyakinkan berhubung kewujudan akaun berkenaan. - mk
Dalam kenyataan beliau hari ini, Abdul Gani berkata, ia adalah antara dokumen yang diambil pasukan petugas khas bagi menyiasat isu 1MDB.
"Sehubungan itu, saya telah meneliti dan menyemak kesemua dokumen yang dikemukakan, dan seterusnya telah memberi nasihat dan panduan kepada pasukan petugas khas ini bagi mengambil tindakan lanjut.
"Saya juga mengesahkan bahawa pada 3 Julai 2015, pasukan petugas khas ini telah menghantar pasukan siasatan ke syarikat SRC International Sdn Bhd, Gandingan Mentari Sdn Bhd dan Ihsan Perdana Sdn Bhd untuk mengadakan serbuan dan telah memperoleh dokumen dari ketiga-tiga premis terbabit," katanya.
Bagaimanapun, Abdul Gani tidak menjelaskan butiran lanjut dokumen yang dimaksudkan.
Katanya, siasatan akan ditumpukan kepada setiap aspek yang dibangkitkan
Semalam Wall Street Journal membuat laporan mengejutkan mengenai dapatan penyiasat yang mengaitkan pengaliran dana hampir AS$700 juta ke akaun persendirian "Dato' Seri Mohd Najib Bin Hj Abd Razak".
Selepas Najib memberikan penjelasan mengenainya hari ini timbalan beliau, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin tampil menggesa perdana menteri membuat pengesahan atau penafian meyakinkan berhubung kewujudan akaun berkenaan. - mk
Pengesahan AG beri wibawa untuk WSJ...
PAS menimbulkan persoalan sama ada laporan dibuat Wall Street Journal (WSJ) semalam berdasarkan dokumen sulit sama diperoleh pasukan petugas khas yang menyiasat isu 1MDB.
Timbalan Presiden PAS Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man berkata, berdasarkan kenyataan dibuat Peguam Negara Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail hari ini, secara tidak langsung telah memberi wibawa kepada laporan Wall Street Journal (WSJ) berbanding penafian mengenainya oleh Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Tuan Ibrahim juga bertanya apakah Peguam Negara akan dituduh menyiasat 1MDB berdasarkan 'info-info palsu' yang didedahkan seorang bekas eksekutif PetroSaudi International, Xavier Andre Justo.
"Jika ya, apakah Kementerian Dalam Negeri akan memberikan surat tunjuk sebab kepada Peguam Negara?" katanya dalam kenyataan dikeluarkan hari ini.
Disebabkan Gani sendiri mengesahkan siasatan sedang dijalankan terhadap kes penyaluran dana 1MDB yang menggemparkan itu, Tuan Ibrahim sekali lagi mendesak Najib bercuti serta-merta agar siasatan dapat dijalankan secara telus dan bebas.
"Ada positifnya untuk Najib bercuti. Masa itu boleh digunakan sebaiknya untuk beliau merancang (memulakan proses) pendakwaan saman fitnah terhadap pihak yang mengaitkan beliau dalam skandal 1MDB," katanya.- mk
Timbalan Presiden PAS Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man berkata, berdasarkan kenyataan dibuat Peguam Negara Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail hari ini, secara tidak langsung telah memberi wibawa kepada laporan Wall Street Journal (WSJ) berbanding penafian mengenainya oleh Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Tuan Ibrahim juga bertanya apakah Peguam Negara akan dituduh menyiasat 1MDB berdasarkan 'info-info palsu' yang didedahkan seorang bekas eksekutif PetroSaudi International, Xavier Andre Justo.
"Jika ya, apakah Kementerian Dalam Negeri akan memberikan surat tunjuk sebab kepada Peguam Negara?" katanya dalam kenyataan dikeluarkan hari ini.
Disebabkan Gani sendiri mengesahkan siasatan sedang dijalankan terhadap kes penyaluran dana 1MDB yang menggemparkan itu, Tuan Ibrahim sekali lagi mendesak Najib bercuti serta-merta agar siasatan dapat dijalankan secara telus dan bebas.
"Ada positifnya untuk Najib bercuti. Masa itu boleh digunakan sebaiknya untuk beliau merancang (memulakan proses) pendakwaan saman fitnah terhadap pihak yang mengaitkan beliau dalam skandal 1MDB," katanya.- mk
Will Najib accuse AG of using doctored evidence?

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