Bekas perdana menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad mendakwa Umno diberitahu bahawa wang yang didepositkan ke dalam satu akaun bank peribadi digunakan dalam pilihan raya umum lalu.
"Tidak ada penafian wang itu telah didepositkan ke dalam akaun peribadi. Penjelasan kepada Umno bahawa ia untuk pilihan raya itu. Umno seolah-olah berpuas hati.
"Tetapi duit itu daripada sumbangan. Siapa yang sumbang duit RM2 bilion itu? Tak ada jawapan," katanya lagi.
Walaupun negarawan itu tidak menyatakan akaun mana yang beliau maksudkan, ia dipercayai bahawa kenyataaan itu ditujukan kepada Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak.
Sebelum ini, terdapat spekulasi bahawa sejak calon pihak pemerintah masing-masing menerima satu bahagian untuk kempen mereka, Umno tidak mampu untuk memberontak terhadap Najib.
Berikutan itu, Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pelancongan Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz berkata, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) yang mendakwa Najib menggunakan dana 1MDB untuk kempen pilihan raya BN, jika terbukti benar, akan mengesahkan wang firma itu tidak hilang seperti yang dihujahkan oleh musuh.
WSJ mendakwa bahawa dana 1MDB telah mengalir melalui Kumpulan Genting pada 2012 yang menderma RM31 juta kepada Yayasan Rakyat 1Malaysia yang dikawal oleh Najib.

Sementara itu,tiada keperluan untuk menyiasat dakwaan wujudnya konspirasi untuk menjatuhkan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak, kata bekas perdana menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Menolak kewujudan plot itu, Dr Mahathir berkata tidak keperluan menyediakan penyiasat atau agen khas untuk menyiasatnya kerana gerakan atau desakan supaya Najib berundur telah dimaklumi semua orang.
"Ia mungkin boleh jadi sebelum ini tetapi selain daripada orang mengadu secara peribadi tentang rasa tidak puas hati mereka dengan pentadbiran beliau, tidak ada orang yang merancang menjatuhkan beliau.
"Itu bukan untuk mengatakan bahawa mereka mengalu-alukan idea beliau meletakkan atau mengosongkan jawatannya. Tetapi perancangan aktif bawah tanah dan tindakan memang tiada ada," katanya dalam blognya.
Negawaran itu berkata beliau secara terbuka mendesak Najib suoaya meletakkan jawatan dan oleh itu tidak ada konspirasi daripada pihaknya.
"Cuma deklarasi terbuka kepada seluruh negara bahawa saya mahu melihat Najib berhenti sebagai perdana menteri.
"Jadi, sekali lagi, di mana konspirasinya! Ia semuanya terbuka. Tiada keperluan untuk berkonspirasi. Ia kempen terbuka supaya beliau berhenti jadi perdana menteri," katanya.- mk

Money in private account went for polls, says Mahathir...
Dr Mahathir Mohamad has claimed Umno was told that the money purportedly deposited into a private bank account was used in the last general election.
"There is no denial the money was deposited in the private account. The explanation to Umno is that it was for the elections. Umno seems satisfied.
"Don't they know that government money cannot be used to help a political party win elections?" he said in his blog today.
"But the money was from donation. Who donated the RM2 billion? No answer," he added.
Although Mahathir did not specify whose account he was referring to, it is believed that the remarks were aimed at Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
Following this, Culture and Tourism Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz said The Wall Street Journal which claimed Najib used 1MDB funds for BN's election campaign, if proven true, would confirm the firm’s money was not missing as argued by detractors.
The WSJ claimed that the 1MDB funds had flowed through the Genting Group in 2012 which donated RM31 million to the Najib-controlled Yayasan Rakyat 1Malaysia.
Sub-editors blamed
The journal later reported that RM2.6 billion had been banked into Najib's private accounts.
The prime minister has denied using public funds for personal gain and has sent a legal letter to the WSJ.
He also accused Mahathir of masterminding these allegations in an attempt to topple him from power.
Mahathir rubbished Najib's letter to the WSJ as a polite question, asking why they had published articles critical of him.
"Any newspaper, convinced of the authenticity of the information, would have printed it. Of course, the local mainstream papers will not for obvious reasons," he added.
The former prime minister (photo) than lashed out at the mainstream media, whom he claimed misled the public just to curry favour with Najib.
"To ingratiate themselves with the prime minister, they would rather mislead people. The sub-editors are good at writing misleading headlines.
"For example when a statement is made to let the task force of four do their work, this is headlined as support for the prime minister," he said, referring to the special task force currently probing allegations against Najib.
Meanwhile, Dr Mahathir Mohamad said, there is no need to investigate allegations of a conspiracy to oust Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
Dismissing the existence of a cloak and dagger plot, he said: "There is no need for detectives or special agents. That there is a move or push for Najib to step down is known to everyone."
"Is there a conspiracy? Is there someone or some group conspiring i.e moving in secret in the underground to overthrow Najib.
"There could have been before but apart from people complaining privately about their dissatisfaction with his administration, no one was planning his overthrow.
"That is not to say they did welcome the idea of his resigning or vacating his post. But active underground planning and action there was none," he added in his blog.
"Just open declaration to the whole nation that I would like to see Najib cease to be prime minister.
"So again where is the conspiracy! It is all in the open. There is no need to conspire. There is open campaigning for his ceasing to be prime minister," he added.
Since April, Mahathir has been firing a series of salvos against Najib and 1MDB, warning that BN would lose the next general election if he remained as prime minister.
Following a report in The Wall Street Journal claiming that RM2.6 billion was deposited into the prime minister’s personal bank accounts, Najib blamed Mahathir as the mastermind.
The government has also claimed that tampered documents had been used to smear the prime minister. - mk

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