Seperti proses membuat keputusan lain sebelum ini di bawah pentadbiran Perdana Menteri Najib Razak, barisan Kabinet terbarunya yang diumumkan pada 28 Julai juga diselubungi misteri.
Walaupun sudah berbulan khabar angin muncul, Najib sangat licik dan menahan daripada mendedahkan apa-apa maklumat terperinci rasional tentang apa yang dilihat sebagai rombakan Kabinet yang sangat diperlukannya.
Berada dalam senarai terdahulu mengandaikan perubahan akan berlaku, laman web The Malaysian Insider telah memetik sumber awal hari ini yang mengesahkan bahawa Timbalan Perdana Menteri Muhyiddin Yassin akan digugurkan dan diganti dengan Menteri Dalam Negeri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.
Media kemudiannya diberikan maklumat bahawa Najib dijangka mengumumkan keputusannya pada jam 3 petang di Putrajaya tetapi ramai yang terkejut besar apabila dia muncul secara langsung di kaca TV pada jam 1.30 petang.
Najib akhirnya mengesahkan khabar angin pengguguran Muhyiddin daripada jawatan kedua tertinggi negara, dan jawatan Menteri Pendidikan; sementara Zahid dinaikkan pangkat dan mengekalkan portfolionya sebagai Menteri Dalam Negeri.
Kerangka masa pengumuman hari ini juga dikaitkan dengan penentangan terbaru secara terbuka oleh Muhyiddin kepada Najib dalam menguruskan cabang pelaburan 1Malaysia Development Berhad, yang sebelum ini juga pernah dirakamkan mengeluarkan kenyataan yang sama sewaktu sesi latihan Umno.
Selain daripada Muhyiddin, empat orang menteri dan seorang timbalan menteri- G Palanivel, naib presiden Umno Shafie Apdal, ahli majlis tertinggi Umno Hasan Malek, naib presiden Upko Ewon Ebin dan MP Umno dari Kudat Rahim Bakri- juga digugurkan daripada jawatan mereka.
Dalam ucapannya, Najib berkata yang ianya “keputusan yang sukar” untuk menggugurkan Muhyiddin tetapi ia satu tindakan yang perlu dilakukan untuk memastikan Kabinetnya terus beroperasi sebagai unit “kolektif”.

“Saya boleh menerima perbezaan pandangan dan kritikan sebagai sebahagian daripada proses membuat keputusan. Tetapi selaku ahli Kabinet, perbezaan ini tidak sepatutnya disuarakan dalam majlis terbuka yang boleh memberi kesan kepada tanggapan awam kepada kerajaan dan negara.
“Ia juga bertentangan dengan konsep tanggungjawab kolektif,” kata Najib.
Dalam maklum balas serta merta, The Malay Online memetik Zahid sebagai berkata yang perlantikannya sebagai timbalan perdana menteri bukanlah “ganjaran” tetapi satu “tanggungjawab”, mendesak supaya sokongan kembali diberikan kepada pentadbiran Najib.
Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Wang Negara Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed, yang mengetuai siasatan kepada 1MDB yang dimiliki negara pula, dilantik sebagai timbalan menteri dalam negeri menggantikan Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar.
Wan Junaidi telah dinaikan pangkat mengetuai portfolio Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar, menggantikan Palanivel.
Dalam isu perlantikan baru, terdapat tujuh orang menteri baru dan enam timbalan menteri yang baru.
Setelah dituduh tidak berjaya menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik, bekas Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia Ahmad Shabery Cheek telah digantikan dengan Yang di Pertua Dewan Undangan Negeri Salleh Said Keruak.
Pemerhati mengatakan yang tindakan ini dilihat mungkin untuk memperkasakan Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia, agensi yang mempunyai kuasa untuk mengawal selia Internet dan media sosial.
Walaubagaimanapun, Shabery, telah ditugaskan untuk menggantikan Ismail Sabri Yaakob sebagai Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, dan Ismail pula menggantikan Shafie yang telah digugurkan daripada jawatan Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah.
Juga kembali ke dalam Kabinet ialah bekas menteri Pelancongan Azalina Othman Said, yang kini merupakan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, selain bekas menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan Ong Ka Chuan yang diberikan portfolio yang baru sahaja dibentuk- Menteri Kedua Industri dan Perdagangan Antarabangsa.
Najib juga telah melantik Ketua Puteri Umno Mas Ermieyati Samsudin dan Ketua Pemuda MCA Chong Sin Woon untuk menjawat jawatan timbalan menteri.
Hanya Ketua Pemuda MIC C Sivarraajh yang tidak dilantik, selain daripada masalah dalaman parti yang sedang berlaku- seterusnya mengurangkan wakilnya dalam kabinet dengan hanya seorang menteri dan dua timbalan menteri.
Satu perkata yang pasti, Najib serius apabila dia mengumumkan yang rombakan kabinet yang ditunggu-tunggu in dilakukan untuk “memperkuatkan pentadbirannya” dan memastikan mereka bergerak sebagai unit yang sama.
Lagipun, dalam politik, seseorang perlu tahu bagaimana hendak menggunakan kelebihannya atau berdepan risiko kalah dalam permainan.
Jika rombakan Kabinet pada Jun tahun lepas bersifat berkembang berbanding pengurangan, rombakan kali ini merupakan “kelompok perangsang” untuk memperkukuhkan genggaman Najib kepada jawatannya yang semakin goyah.- Alyaa Alhadjri,theantdaily
Pemecatan Gani Patail tak sah

Attorney General Gani 4tail and DPM Muhyiddin Sacked...
This morning's totally unexpected announcement by the Chief Secretary to the Government, Ali Hamsa, that Attorney General Gani Patail's services have been prematurely terminated, is as shocking as they come.
This is not because Patail is a darling with the Rakyat or the legal fraternity. Oh no, quite the opposite. He was hugely unpopular for his prosecution of Anwar Ibrahim in the Sodomy 1 & 2 trials and alleged tampering and fabrication of evidence.
Many, like lawyer Rosli Dahlan who is suing the AG and the government for false arrest, will be happy to see this unceremonious dumping. Patail was seen to be Najib's key and closest ally in ensuring that no charges were brought against him in relation to the 2006 Altantuya murder.
Malaysians are being rocked and shocked almost daily and continuously by the alleged suspicious dealings at 1MDB, its unholy debt of $46 billion, and the news of $2.6 billion banked into PM Najib's personal bank accounts from overseas in 2013.
PM Najib's bleat that he did not benefit personally from this $2.6 billion has not resonated well at all with the Rakyat. His equivocal and guarded statements suggests, and as implied in a Wall St. Journal exposé, that this $2.6 billion was illegally laundered into his account by him, and used to buy votes and rig ballots at the last general elections.
What is startling is the complete breach of the Constitution, where the AG can only be removed from office in the like manner of judges i.e. by a Tribunal consented to by the King. Patail's term of office is due to expire in October this year.
Also, when questioned by reporters, incredibly, AG Gani Patail replied that he was not aware of his sacking!!
Hamsa was quoted as saying that Patail's health was in question, but that is certainly a face-saving excuse. Patail was rumoured to have a kidney problem, but he never said it was so debilitating that he could not perform his duties satisfactorily.
Could this sacking be related to the Task Force investigating the 1MDB fiasco and the $2.6 billion, where the AG is a mover and advisor? No doubt, it mus be.
And if we analyse what is going on behind the scenes, then more sackings are in the offing in the immediate days to come. The careers of the IGP, Governor of Bank Negara and the Head of MACC are all in danger.
The sackings are likely to spill over to Cabinet level. Looks like the 'Night of The Long Knives' enacted in 1962 in the UK, when PM Harold McMillan sacked 7 ministers (CLICK HERE), is about to be acted out again, this time in Malaysia, under the premiership of Grossmajib and his government of thieves.
AG Gani Patail's replacement is Federal Court judge, Mohamed Ali Apandi. Apandi was one of three judges who in 2013 acquitted Azilah and Sirul of murdering Altantuya!
Do not switch off. All this is more exciting than womens' mud wrestling, Wimbledon Tennis or World Cup Football! - Donplaypuks
This is not because Patail is a darling with the Rakyat or the legal fraternity. Oh no, quite the opposite. He was hugely unpopular for his prosecution of Anwar Ibrahim in the Sodomy 1 & 2 trials and alleged tampering and fabrication of evidence.
Many, like lawyer Rosli Dahlan who is suing the AG and the government for false arrest, will be happy to see this unceremonious dumping. Patail was seen to be Najib's key and closest ally in ensuring that no charges were brought against him in relation to the 2006 Altantuya murder.
Malaysians are being rocked and shocked almost daily and continuously by the alleged suspicious dealings at 1MDB, its unholy debt of $46 billion, and the news of $2.6 billion banked into PM Najib's personal bank accounts from overseas in 2013.
PM Najib's bleat that he did not benefit personally from this $2.6 billion has not resonated well at all with the Rakyat. His equivocal and guarded statements suggests, and as implied in a Wall St. Journal exposé, that this $2.6 billion was illegally laundered into his account by him, and used to buy votes and rig ballots at the last general elections.
What is startling is the complete breach of the Constitution, where the AG can only be removed from office in the like manner of judges i.e. by a Tribunal consented to by the King. Patail's term of office is due to expire in October this year.
Also, when questioned by reporters, incredibly, AG Gani Patail replied that he was not aware of his sacking!!
Hamsa was quoted as saying that Patail's health was in question, but that is certainly a face-saving excuse. Patail was rumoured to have a kidney problem, but he never said it was so debilitating that he could not perform his duties satisfactorily.
Could this sacking be related to the Task Force investigating the 1MDB fiasco and the $2.6 billion, where the AG is a mover and advisor? No doubt, it mus be.
And if we analyse what is going on behind the scenes, then more sackings are in the offing in the immediate days to come. The careers of the IGP, Governor of Bank Negara and the Head of MACC are all in danger.
The sackings are likely to spill over to Cabinet level. Looks like the 'Night of The Long Knives' enacted in 1962 in the UK, when PM Harold McMillan sacked 7 ministers (CLICK HERE), is about to be acted out again, this time in Malaysia, under the premiership of Grossmajib and his government of thieves.
AG Gani Patail's replacement is Federal Court judge, Mohamed Ali Apandi. Apandi was one of three judges who in 2013 acquitted Azilah and Sirul of murdering Altantuya!
Do not switch off. All this is more exciting than womens' mud wrestling, Wimbledon Tennis or World Cup Football! - Donplaypuks
The End Of Racist Muhyiddin, The Rise Of Thuggish Zahid...
The Edge has been slapped with 3-months suspension, effective this week. The Home Ministry, headed by Zahid Hamidi, has given 3 reasons to justify the punishment. First, the reports on 1MDB scandal have created negative perceptions. Second, the published news was based on unverified information. Third, it was inappropriate to report on 1MDB since the scandal is being probed.
Let’s flip the coin. Supposing The Edge has had reported about 1PDB scandal (1-Penang Development Berhad), which was headed by Lim Guan Eng, instead of Prime Minister Najib Razak’s 1MDB. Dramatically, Mr Lim’s private account was at the receiving end with RM2.62 billion. Would The Edge still be slapped with 3-months suspension? We don’t think so.
The suspension on The Edge was like suspending American’s CNN because the media had reported about President Clinton caught getting blowjobs from Monica Lewinsky. One has to remember that Clinton had initially denied the sex scandal in 1997, the same way Najib is denying his today. Get the silly juice?

If the above was not enough to amaze you about half-past-six Malaysian ministers, consider another mission by Home Minister Zahid Hamidi. The “Goblok” minister wants to extradite British citizen Clare Rewcastle Brown (sister-in-law of former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown) to Malaysia for exposing the humiliating RM42 billion scandals via her Sarawak Report.
That was simply hilarious, considering his minister couldn’t even get sex blogger Alvin Tan, fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin, or even former policeman turned killer Sirul Azhar to be extradited from U.S., UK and Australia respectively. Zahid is surely a genius if he could get a British citizen to be charged on Malaysian soil, when he couldn’t get his own Malaysian citizens back to the country in the first place.
With the exception of Zahid himself, everybody knows how “goblok” the Home Minister is. But that’s precisely what is needed to climb up the ladder of power in Malaysia. You cannot simply make it to the top by demonstrating your cleverness. You’ve to show your awesome stupidity in order to be successful in UMNO, a party currently in power.

If the rumours are accurate, Zahid Hamidi is about to harvest the reward for being not only goblok, but also racist and thuggish. He’s about to become the new deputy Prime Minister, replacing 68-year-old Muhyiddin Yassin. While there’s nothing to celebrate because both Zahid and Muhyiddin were equally corrupted, racist and goblok, there’s something interesting.
What will happen to cousin “Kerisman” Hishammuddin Hussein? Obviously, cousin Najib Razak doesn’t trust him as much as he trusted Zahid. By promoting Zahid, the prime minister is practically telling all and sundry that Hishammuddin could have had a job interview with enemy Mahathir.
That’s the problem with pussies dragging their feet, hoping to get the best of two worlds. Seriously, Muhyiddin deserves to be sacked. It’s too late, too little for him playing hero at the eleventh hour, exposing how he had allegedly advised Emperor Najib to do the right things. Yeah right, as if we didn’t know he’s acting in a Bollywood film after found out he is set to be chopped.

If Hishammuddin were to act earlier, probably in another low-budget Bollywood film, by pretending to use his “keris” (dagger) on Mahathir if the old man continues to attack beloved cousin Najib, most likely the new deputy Prime Minister position would belong to Hishamuddin, not Zahid.
But even with the elimination of Muhyiddin, the suspension of The Edge, the blocking of Sarawak Report website, the barring of 1MDB critics from leaving the country; the 1MDB scandal will not fade away. It will essentially make the case more legitimate in the eyes of the international community.

The damaging part is this. By consolidating his power, Najib the son of Razak is officially pushing Muhyiddin and those to be dropped from the Cabinet to the Mahathir’s camp. Unless he’s brave enough to sack Mahathir from his UMNO membership, bar him from travelling, subject him to 24-hours interrogation, the 1MDB scandal will continue.
Perhaps Najib’s support isn’t that strong after all. The fact that Berjaya tycoon Vincent Tan had thrown a lavish birthday party for Mahathir goes to show that majority of Chinese tycoons and businessmen are actually behind Mahathir. It would be fun and interesting to see if all these Chinese businessmen gang up and refuse to pay “protection money” to UMNO led by Najib. - financetwitter
Muhyiddin, Attorney -General victims of 1MDB
I'll have to relinquish PAC post, says Nur Jazlan

10 facts about Cabinet Reshuffle...
Is it Rompakan Kabinet or move to save Najib & Rosmah?
1. Muhyiddin, one of the fiercest critic of 1MDB yesterday said "UMNO will lose GE14". He was replaced by Zahid Hamidi as DPM today.
2. Zahid Hamidi, gangster & patron of Pekida, the ones behind the LowYat incident. He also said "you tak suka you balik China/India".
3. Shafie Apdal, another critic of 1MDB dropped as Federal Minister. He was removed not because of the MARA deal, but because of 1MDB.
4. Abdul Gani Patail replaced by Apandi Ali as AG. The AG chairs the 1MDB taskforce. The AG also has to powers to initiate, to continue, or not to pursue a prosecution. If the AG is Najib's man, no matter how much 1MDB evidence is stacked against Najib, the AG can simply say "I won't initiate a prosecution". It is the AG's prerogative under Article 145(3).
5. Apandi Ali is a former UMNO treasurer before becoming a Federal Court judge. He delivered the decision to ban Herald's use of 'Allah' in the Court of Appeal, he acquitted the suspects of Altantuya mirder trial and he also struck out PKR's election petition to challenge Zahid Hamidi's legitimacy as Bagan Datoh MP.
6. 4 out of the 8 BN MPs in the PAC are now members of the Cabinet. For what? To keep them quiet from exposing any PAC findings?
7. PAC Chairperson Nur Jazlan appointed Deputy Home Minister. The Home Minister is Zahid Hamidi. Nur Jazlan has confirmed he will accept the Deputy Ministerial offer. (I told you, all UMNO goons will always be tamed by greed & power, it's just a matter of time before they reveal themselves).
8. PAC Committee member Reezal Merican is now Deputy Foreign Minister. He is the Chairman of Amanah Rakyat Berhad, and also involved in a RM2bil loan to 1MDB scandal.
9. PAC Committee member Mas Ermieyati is now Deputy Tourism & Culture Minister. MP for Masjid Tanah & Ketua Puteri UMNO. I remember on the last day of Parliament, she placed a tin of Hari Raya goodies on every single MP's desk in Parliament. She recently made a police report against WSJ, so I wonder if she is smart enough to know WSJ does not operate in Malaysia, as such, PDRM is powerless to act.
10. PAC Committee member Wilfred Madius Tangau is now Minister of Science, Technology & Innovation.
How can one man have so much power? Ask Tun M. This is how he F**KED the whole system during his 22 years premiership. - Adrian Lim Chee En,f/bk

Rupa2nya Najib dengar nasihat Mahathir. “Kalau saya Najib, saya
buang sajalah orang tak suka dengan saya… saya buang. Dulu pun saya
buang banyak orang,” kata Mahathir sebelum ini.
Perkara yang sama juga dilakukan Mahathir pada zamannya.- Sinar Harian Online 1 Jun 2015
Perkara yang sama juga dilakukan Mahathir pada zamannya.- Sinar Harian Online 1 Jun 2015

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