Sirul sangkal polis M'sia ambil keterangannya...
Bercakap kepada Malaysiakini pada jam 2.30 pagi ini waktu Malaysia (5.30 masa Australia), Sirul berkata dia sukar tidur berikutan kenyataan IGP itu semalam, yang disifatkannya sebagai tidak bertanggungjawab.
IGP dilaporkan oleh Bernama semalam sebagai berkata polis telah bertemu Sirul yang berada dalam tahanan pihak berkuasa Australia untuk diambil keterangan berhubung semua dakwaan yang dibuatnya itu.
Laporan Bernama itu memetik IGP sebagai berkata polis telah menjalankan siasatan terhadap semua dakwaan terbaru yang dibangkitkan Sirul dan berpendapat tidak mempunyai apa-apa untuk meneruskan siasatan.
Menurut Sirul, tiada siapa dari pasukan polis yang datang untuk menyiasat atau bertanya tentang kebajikannya.
"Saya keseorangan di sini, "katanya ketika bercakap kepada Malaysiakini.
Sirul, yang didapati bersalah membunuh wanita Mongolia Altantuya Shaariibuu bersama dengan Ketua Inspektor Azilah Hadri, kedengaran menangis di hujung talian.
Kedua-dua mereka berkhidmat sebagai pengawal peribadi kepada Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak, ketika Najib menjadi timbalan perdana menteri, semasa pembunuhan itu berlaku pada tahun 2006.
"Jika polis dan orang ramai ingin mengetahui kebenaran, saya cabar Khalid membuka fail 'perisikan'", kata Sirul.
Fail perisikan yang dirujuk oleh Sirul ialah kenyataan asal yang diberinya kepada polis perisikan Malaysia - biasanya dirujuk sebagai cawangan khas - dan jabatan siasatan jenayah.
Ia telah dirakamkan apabila dia telah ditahan oleh pihak polis dan dibawa pulang dari Pakistan, ketika mengiringi Perdana Menteri ketika itu, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.- mk

Sirul accuses IGP of lying about Altantuya probe...
Talking to Malaysiakini at 2.30am Malaysian time today (5:30am Australian time), Sirul said he had trouble sleeping following the IGP's remarks yesterday, which he described as irresponsible.
“Let me tell you, there were no officers or police personnel who met me in Australia.
“He (IGP) is lying to the police force and lying to the public with his claims and is trying to protect his boss,” Sirul said.
The IGP was reported in Bernama yesterday saying the police had already met up with Sirul, who is currently under immigration detention in Australia, to gather information on all the allegations he had raised.
“Certainly, if he cared for all his men, he would send someone (to investigate) but let me say he did not.
Sirul, who was convicted of murdering Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu along with Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri, could be heard crying on the other end of the line.
Both served as bodyguard to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, then deputy prime minister, when the murder took place in 2006.
“If the police and public want to know the truth, I challenge Khalid to open the “intelligence” file,” Sirul retorted.
The intelligence files that Sirul was referring to was the original statement he gave to Malaysian intelligence police - commonly referred to as the Special Branch - and the police criminal investigation department.
It was recorded when he was picked up by the police and brought home from Pakistan, while accompanying then prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
The prosecution tried to tender the “confession” statement during the Shah Alam High Court trial but was rejected by Justice Mohd Zaki Yasin in a trial within a trial.
Sirul yesterday claimed the widely circulated “confession” statement - put up on the Internet - was false, as there there had been a lot of changes made on it.
The IGP was also quoted by Bernama saying that Sirul had not revealed anything new, leaving the police with no grounds to launch a new probe.
“All allegations, including the latest, have been investigated and after examining the outcome of the investigation, we gather there is nothing for us to act further,” the IGP said in response to former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad's suggestion that Sirul's latest allegations be given attention.
Mum wants to meet Dr M
Mahathir had, in a scathing blog post on Thursday, asked who had directed the killing of Altantuya following Sirul's claims that he was merely following orders and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak had rubbished such latest allegations.
"This is a human life. It would be very cruel for Sirul to die for just following orders," Mahathir had said on the blog in reference to Malaysiakini's exclusive interview with Sirul.
Mahfuz had last month brought Piah to meet Sirul at the Villawood detention facility in Sydney.
Sirul was picked up by Australian authorities in Brisbane on Jan 22 following a red notice issued by Interpol.
The Federal Court upheld the murder conviction on Sirul and Azilah for Altantuya’s death on Jan 13, but Sirul had already left the country by then. - mk

Dr M: Sirul tak bunuh sesiapa ketika jadi bodyguard saya...
Bagaimanapun, Dr Mahathir berkata ketika berkhidmat sebagai pengawal peribadinya, bekas anggota Unit Tindakan Khas itu, tidak membunuh sesiapa.
"Orang yang dikatakan telah melakukannya (pembunuhan) adalah salah seorang pengawal peribadi saya. Sirul menjaga saya pada pada masa itu.
"Dia tak bunuh sesiapa pun ketika itu. Tak mungkin saya (yang arahkan pembunuhan itu)," katanya di majlis dialog yang dianjurkan oleh WYSG (What Youth Should Know).
Dr Mahathir merujuk kepada dakwaan Sirul bahawa dia telah diarahkan untuk membunuh warganegara Mongolia Altantuya Shaariibuu.
Dalam satu catatan di blognya pada hari Khamis, Dr Mahathir mensasarkan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak kerana menganggap dakwaan Sirul itu sebagai 'merepek'.
Sirul berkhidmat sebagai pengawal peribadi Najib yang ketika itu menjadi timbalan perdana menteri, semasa pembunuhan itu berlaku pada tahun 2006. - mk

Sirul didn't kill anyone when he guarded me...
Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad today
revealed that convicted murderer Sirul Azhar Umar had also served as his
own bodyguard before.
However, Mahathir said when Sirul worked for him, the Special Action Unit commando had not ended up murdering anyone.
"The man who is said to have done it (murder) was one of my bodyguards. Sirul was looking after me at that time.
"He didn't murder anyone at that time. It couldn't have been me (who ordered the killing)," he told a dialogue organised by What Youth Should Know (WYSG).
Mahathir was referring to Sirul's claim that he had been instructed to kill Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu.
The former premier in a blog posting on Thursday targeted Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak for not addressing Sirul's claims other than to dismiss it as "utter rubbish".
Sirul served as bodyguard to Najib, then deputy prime minister, when the murder took place in 2006.
Altantuya was murdered purportedly after demanding a cut of commission payments from a submarine deal during the period when Najib was the defense minister.
Najib has denied ever meeting Altantuya.
'Not fair for Sirul to hang'
Today's function was Mahathir's first public appearance after his stinging blog post on Sirul's claim for a revisit of the murder investigation.
Students present at the dialogue wasted no time in raising about the Altantuya murder case immediately after the floor was open for questions.
this, Mahathir said it was a very "serious thing" to accuse someone of
murder and he did not know who wanted Altantuya dead.
Nonetheless, he said Sirul had admitted that he was instructed to carry out the hit but the person instructing the hit has never been revealed.
"You can't go and hang a person when he was just doing his duty.
"He has been trained to take orders and carry out orders, and when he does what he is trained to do, (and) you want to hang him (for it), that is not fair.
"It is not just and not fair, and we cannot tolerate this kind of thing," said Mahathir.
The event today was titled: "Vision 2020: Mistakes Made, Lessons Learnt and Ways to Move Forward" which is part of the WYSK global leadership series. - mk
However, Mahathir said when Sirul worked for him, the Special Action Unit commando had not ended up murdering anyone.
"He didn't murder anyone at that time. It couldn't have been me (who ordered the killing)," he told a dialogue organised by What Youth Should Know (WYSG).
Mahathir was referring to Sirul's claim that he had been instructed to kill Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu.
The former premier in a blog posting on Thursday targeted Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak for not addressing Sirul's claims other than to dismiss it as "utter rubbish".
Sirul served as bodyguard to Najib, then deputy prime minister, when the murder took place in 2006.
Altantuya was murdered purportedly after demanding a cut of commission payments from a submarine deal during the period when Najib was the defense minister.
Najib has denied ever meeting Altantuya.
'Not fair for Sirul to hang'
Today's function was Mahathir's first public appearance after his stinging blog post on Sirul's claim for a revisit of the murder investigation.
Students present at the dialogue wasted no time in raising about the Altantuya murder case immediately after the floor was open for questions.
Nonetheless, he said Sirul had admitted that he was instructed to carry out the hit but the person instructing the hit has never been revealed.
"You can't go and hang a person when he was just doing his duty.
"He has been trained to take orders and carry out orders, and when he does what he is trained to do, (and) you want to hang him (for it), that is not fair.
"It is not just and not fair, and we cannot tolerate this kind of thing," said Mahathir.
The event today was titled: "Vision 2020: Mistakes Made, Lessons Learnt and Ways to Move Forward" which is part of the WYSK global leadership series. - mk

Tiba2 Menteri bluur ni marah dengan monopoli syarikat telco setelah tembelang GST atas top-up terbongkar. Yang anehnya - monopoli wujud kerana penyamun2 UMNO/BN yang berikan syarikat2 ini lesen. Bukankah UMNO/BN boleh sahaja menghentikan monopoli jika mahu...

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