20 April 2015

Mahathir balun Najib kaw-kaw...

Jambatan bengkok dan saya ...

1. Sesetengah orang percaya bahawa saya begitu marah kerana tidak membina jambatan bengkok yang saya mahu hinggakan saya hendak Najib meletakkan jawatan.

2. Saya tidak begitu remeh. Ya, saya kecewa, terutama kerana Najib merayu kepada PM Singapura untuk membina jambatan dan kemundiannya ditolak. Ini adalah amat memalukan, bahawa kita tidak berani membina sebuah jambatan di tanah kita sendiri tanpa kelulusan oleh Singapura.

3. Episod memalukan ini tidak cukup bagi saya untuk meminta Najib meletakkan jawatan. Najib, adalah anak Tun Razak, orang yang bertanggungjawab untuk menaikkan saya ke jawatan Perdana Menteri. Oleh kerana itu dan sebahagiannya kerana Najib menunjukkan prestasi yang baik apabila saya PM, saya mahu Najib menjadi PM. Orang ramai tahu saya bekerja keras dan mendesak Abdullah untuk melantik Najib sebagai TPM, supaya dia akan menjadi PM, apabila Abdullah bersara.

4. Tetapi Najib gagal dalam banyak perkara selepas menjadi PM. Selain jambatan bengkok itu dia tidak meneruskan landasan berkembar dan elektrifikasi landasan keretapi dari JB ke Padang Besar yang telah dipersetujui tetapi digugurkan oleh Abdullah. Untuk 14 bilion Ringgit projek ini patut siap pada tahun 2010. Sebaliknya, dipaksa atas permintaan, dia benarkan penerusan pembinaan trek dari Ipoh ke Padang Besar untuk 12 bilion Ringgit lagi. Kita kehilangan banyak wang melalui projek ini.

5. Kemudian dia mula merekrut  "budak tingkat 4" dan beberapa penasihat British untuk menasihatinya tentang bagaimana untuk mentadbir negara. Beliau juga menggunakan perunding asing yang menelan belanja lebih daripada 7 bilion ringgit. Kita telah mencapai kemerdekaan pada tahun 1957 dan kita tidak perlu lagi ambil penasihat British. Kita melakukan yang lebih baik tanpa mereka. Najib nampaknya tidak percaya kepada kebolehan rakyat Malaysia untuk bangunkan negara.

6. Najib mengabaikan EPU dan jabatan kerajaan sebaliknya beliau menubuhkan sebuah agensi baru untuk merancang pembangunan negara. Agensi ini diketuai oleh seorang hamba bukan awam dan gajinya ini jauh melebihi dari apa yang dibayar kepada kakitangan kerajaan. 

7. Penjawat awam sangat tidak berpuas hati. Pada masa lalu mereka sendiri mengubah negara ini dari sebuah negara membangun kepada sebuah negara berpendapatan sederhana. Sekarang perkhidmatan, kepakaran dan pengalaman mereka tidak lagi diperlukan.

8. Mereka sentiasa setia kepada Kerajaan BN. Sekarang ramai tidak lagi menyokong Kerajaan. Ada juga yang menyertai pembangkang selepas persaraan dan bertanding sebagai calon dalam pilihan raya.

9. Hasil daripada peranan yang diberikan kepada agensi baru ini dasar-dasar Kerajaan telah berubah. Najib diberitahu bahawa penolakan Abdullah pada tahun 2008 adalah disebabkan oleh orang2 Cina tidak suka Dasar Ekonomi Baru. Untuk memenangi mereka kembali Najib mesti mengabaikan tindakan afirmatif tersebut dan harus dilihat lebih menyokong orang Cina dan India.

10. Najib mengurangkan tempat untuk bumiputera di Universiti2 Kerajaan walaupun dalam kebanyakkan Universiti Swasta dan kolej berkembar, bilangan bumiputera adalah kurang daripada 10% saja. Kontraktor bumiputera dan perniagaan kecil tidak lagi digemari kerajaan. Banyak terpaksa gulung tikar. 

11. Tanpa banyak kata-kata, Najib ambil slogan pembangkang "Malaysian Malaysia", tetapi hanya gelarkannya "1Malaysia"

12. Bagi memenuhi permintaan pembangkang beliau menghapuskan ISA dan membebaskan semua mereka yang di bawah tahan kediaman terhad. Kadar jenayah mula meningkat.

13. Kemudian dia mula memberi wang kepada orang ramai, bukan sahaja kepada individu yang berpendapatan kurang daripada RM3000 sebulan tetapi juga kepada persatuan-persatuan dan sektor korporat. Berbilion-bilion telah dibelanjakan untuk ini.

14. Kemudian rapat umum telah diadakan pada tiap-tiap kali. Pihak penganjur telah diarahkan untuk mengumpul 10,000 orang. Mereka diberikan makanan dan elaun dan diangkut ke tapak rapat umum tersebut, di mana mereka diberi sepandok untuk memegang dengan kata2 "Saya suka PM". Sebuah lagu 1M4U digubah dan dinyanyikan pada perarakan Hari Kebangsaan.

15. Walaupun begitu orang Cina enggan menyokong Najib. Mereka berpusu2 lari kepada pembangkang dan prestasi Najib menjadi  lebih buruk daripada Abdullah dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 lalu.

16. Orang Melayu juga tidak menyokong Najib. Di Selangor selepas Najib mengetuai UMNO Selangor,prestasi UMNO Selangor adalah lebih teruk daripada PRU 2008. Orang Melayu hanya mengundi BN kerana mereka takut Anwar akan melantik Kit Siang sebagai TPM.

17. Walau bagaimana pun saya terus menyokong Najib. Beberapa kali saya bertemu dengan beliau, saya memberitahunya strategi beliau adalah salah namun pandangan saya tidak diendahkan. Saya berkata sebelum pilihan raya 2013,  jika prestasinya adalah lebih buruk daripada Abdullah, dia harus letak jawatan. Saya jangka Najib akan melakukan lebih baik daripada Abdullah.

18. Apabila dia gagal saya memberitahu orang bahawa mereka harus terus menyokong beliau. Saya bersedia, walau apa sekali pun untuk melihat dia memimpin BN dalam PRU ke-14.

19. Tetapi sekarang dengan kontroversi yang menghantuinya, saya yakin BN akan kalah jika dia menerajui BN dalam PRU ke-14.

20. Terdapat banyak perkara tentang tingkah laku peribadinya yang saya fikir tidak betul. Tetapi saya bersedia untuk mengabaikan semua ini, termasuk diri beliau dan gaya hidup mewah isterinya.

21. Maka apabila dia tidak dapat menjelaskan ke mana perginya berbilion-bilion Ringgit dan penglibatan beliau dengan orang2 yang diragui dalam pengurusan 1MDB, saya merasakan bahawa dia tidak layak untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri negara ini.

22. Saya akan menerangkan tentang bagaimana dia menghilangan berbilion ringgit dalam blog saya akan datang. - chedet (terjemahan dari teks asal di bawah oleh TS)

The crooked bridge and me...

1. Some people believe that I am so angry over not building the crooked bridge that I want Najib to resign.

2. I am not so frivolous. Yes, I am disappointed, especially as Najib appealed to the Singapore PM to build a bridge and the latter rejected it. It is shameful that we dare not build a bridge in our own land without approval by Singapore.

3. This shameful episode is not enough for me to ask Najib to step down. Najib is the son of Tun Razak, the man responsible for my elevation to Prime Ministership. Partly for that reason and partly because Najib showed good performance when I was PM, I wanted Najib to be PM. And people know I worked hard at it pressuring Abdullah to appoint him as DPM, so that he would become PM, when Abdullah leaves.

4. But Najib failed in many areas after becoming PM. Apart from the bridge he did not go ahead with the double tracking and electrification of the railway line from J.B. to Padang Besar which had been agreed upon but was dropped by Abdullah. For 14 billion Ringgit we would have this project completed by 2010. Instead, forced by the demand, he sanctioned the continuation of the track from Ipoh to Padang Besar for 12 billion Ringgit. We lost a lot of money.

5. Then he began to recruit his own 4th floor boys plus a number of British personnel to advise him on how to run the country. They, also used foreign consultants costing more than 7 billion ringgit. We had achieved independence in 1957 and we got rid of British advisers. We did better without them. Najib did not seem to believe in the Malaysian capacity to develop the country.

6. Ignoring the EPU and other Government departments he set up a new agency to plan the development of the country. This agency was headed by a non-civil servant and the salaries of these personnel far exceed that paid to civil servants.

7. The civil servants were very unhappy. In the past they on their own transformed this country from a developing country to a middle-income nation. Now their services, their expertise and experience are no longer needed.

8. They had always been loyal to the BN Government. Now many no longer support the Government. Some even join the opposition after retirement and stood as candidates in elections.

9. As a result of the role given to this new agency the policies of the Government were changed. Najib was told that the rejection of Abdullah in 2008 was due to Chinese dislike for the New Economic Policy. To win them back Najib must ignore affirmative action and should be seen to be more supportive of the Chinese and Indians.

10. He reduced places for bumis in the Government Universities even though in the numerous private universities and twinned colleges, bumis make up less than 10%. Bumiputra contactors and small business no longer had government favour. Most had to stop their businesses.

11. Without saying so in so many words he had adopted the Malaysian Malaysia slogan of the opposition, only calling it One Malaysia instead.

12. Responding to opposition demand he abolished the ISA and freed all those under restricted residence. Crime rates went up.

13. Then he started giving money to people, not just to individuals who earn less than RM3000/- per month but to the associations and the corporate sector as well. Billions were spent on this.

14. Then rallies were organised on every occasions. The organisers were instructed to gather 10,000 people. They were given food and allowances and were transported to the sites, where they were given placards to hold up with “I love PM” written on them. A song 1M4U was composed and sung even at the national day parade.

15. Despite all these the Chinese refused to support Najib. They flocked to the opposition and he performed worse than Abdullah in the 13th General Election.

16. The Malays too did not support Najib. Selangor after he headed UMNO did worse than 2008. Malays only voted for BN because they feared Anwar would appoint Kit Siang as DPM.

17. Through all these I continued to support Najib. On the few occasions I met him, I told him his strategy was wrong but my views were ignored. I said before the 2013 elections that if he did worse than Abdullah he should resign. I had fully expected him to do better than Abdullah.

18. When he failed I told people that they should continue to support him. I was prepared, despite everything to see him lead the BN in the 14th GE.

19. But now with the controversies dogging him I am sure BN would lose if he leads it in the 14th GE.

20. There are many things about his personal behavior that I thought were not right. But I was prepared to overlook them, including he and his wife’s lavish lifestyle.

21. But when he cannot explain where billions of Ringgits have gone to and his involvement with questionable people in the management of 1MDB, I felt that he is not fit to be the Prime Minister of this country.

22. I will explain about how he lost billions of Ringgit in my next blog. - chedet

Mahathir raises 'lavish' Rosmah in latest salvo...

Since launching a series of attacks against Najib Abdul Razak, Dr Mahathir Mohamad has for the first time roped in the prime minister's wife Rosmah Mansor.

"There are many things about his (Najib's) personal behavior that I thought were not right.

"But I was prepared to overlook them, including his and his wife's lavish lifestyle," he had said in his latest blog post.

Rosmah has often been accused of being a spendthrift with a penchant for luxury goods, an issue which even made news in the New York Times.

When the Prime Minister's Office attributed Najib and his family's lavish expenditure to inheritance, it prompted the prime minister's brothers to issue a statement on how their father's reputation was being tainted and pointed out that the late Abdul Razak Hussein was a frugal man.

Apart from being a target for the opposition, Rosmah was also speculated of causing a rift between Najib and his siblings, which has been denied.

Meanwhile, Mahathir said he could no longer ignore Najib's actions after the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) issue.

"When he cannot explain where billions of ringgit have gone to and his involvement with questionable people in the management of 1MDB, I felt that he is not fit to be the prime minister of this country," he added.

The former premier said he would explain how Najib lost billions of ringgit in his next blog post. - mk

How can Najib stop Dr.M - Senatorship for Mokhzani, divorce for Rosmah or coup d'etat in Selangor...

So far after Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad has bluntly said that Datuk Seri Najib Razak has to go, the Umno President and Prime Minister has as usual given Mahathir a cold shoulder. But is Najib really not doing anything about it when his position is being shaken? Does Najib really believe that he in invincible?

Of course, Najib is doing something to defend his position. He should know he is not invincible because anything can happen in politics.

Thr trouble is - how to answer Dr Mahathir.

In reality, Najib cannot give any answer to the questions posed by the former PM. The efforts by Najib's supporters are all half-hearted and without any substance. The pro-Najib cyber troopers also have nothing to say because only Najib should answer the questions himself.

Umno Vice President Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein has voiced out that there is no need to response to the questions posed by Dr. Mahathir because this could go on forever and would damage Umno and the country. Hishamuddin also said that during Dr. Mahathir’s time he was also criticized but he kept quiet.

Will Dr M accept 'settlement'

Thus without any answer and unable to garner real support to build a strong barrier against the attacks by Dr. Mahathir, Najib has to come face to face with Dr. Mahathir again, kiss his foot and plead for sympathy. Maybe the good doctor would then have mercy on him.

But knowing Dr. Mahathir’s character based on his 22 years in power, he is unlikely to give a hoot even if Najib could really make such an insincere gesture as that.

However beside the foot kissing, Najib could also negotiate and compromise with Dr. Mahathir.

For example, let Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir stay as the Menteri Besar of Kedah, reinstate Dr. Mahathir as the Executive Chairman of Petronas, start work on the Crooked Bridge and give more contracts to Dr. Mahathir’s cronies. But again would Dr. Mahathir agree to it?

Many in Umno believe Dr M has burned his bridges and he will go all the way until Najib is unseated. But there are some who think he will settle for a larger slice of the pie from Najib. Disgusting? Well, these are Umno guys we are talking about. To them, it is 'pragmatic' not corrupt.

Senatorship for Mokhzani, divorce for Rosmah?

The other perspective on this is that, of course the doctor won't be fooled by Najib because he already said that with Najib as the Umno President and the Prime Minister, Umno/BN would lose in the coming GE-14 which is just a bit more than two years away.

Therefore what is the point in accepting Najib’s offer that could only last until GE-14? Dr. Mahathir would not accept even if Najib proposed to appoint Datuk Mokhzani Mahathir as a Senator and give him a full ministerial post.

Okay, let us say that Najib would also offer to alienate his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor in future, just short of divorcing her as a bonus to the offer. Would Dr. Mahathir accept that? Dr. Mahathir would not accept that because he wants both Najib and Rosmah to go.

As for punishing the culprit who gave the order to kill Altantuya Shaariibuu, Dr. Mahathir knows that the person would only be a scapegoat.

What about if Najib proposed to close down 1MDB, sell all its assets pay all the debts and return back the RM1 million plus interests that the government gave to start business. Would this pacify Dr. Mahathir? See, Dr. Mahathir doesn’t care anymore on what Najib has to offer.

Anyway the US$700 million that has been siphoned out could be somewhere in Switzerland, this closure would only benefit Najib; if anything, Najib would tell everyone that Dr. Mahathir asked for it to be done.

An alleged desperate bid to form  a unity government with Pas in Selangor to win back the praises in Umno is starting to come unstuck. The anticipated whoosh of support from the Malay community has not come as Najib may have anticipated.

So, what else could Najib do to save himself from the wrath of Dr. Mahathir, which is not going to recede but become even more drastic. The fact is, Najib doesn't have many options. Why - because his perceived guilt is too difficult to erase from the minds of the people and they want him to go.

So despite Najib's awesome array of powers as PM, he can't really save himself. And this is something the savvy politician in Umno and BN should beware of, instead of simply mouthing blind support for him. Not only can't Najib save himself, he wouldn't have the time and even if he did, he wouldn't even be bothered to save them.

On the other hand, as the attacker with the 'proverbial Black Book' of 'unlimited information' on his foes, Dr Mahathir has several options to remove Najib from power and if one fails, he could unleash another one.

S'gor coup with Hadi won't save Najib

Now since Dr. Mahathir has confirmed he would not join efforts with the Opposition, perhaps Najib could strike a deal with the Opposition instead - and this means PKR and DAP. It is obvious his tacit approval for Pas president Hadi Awang won't work.

Najib should know by now he won't get enough Malay votes even if he manages to strike a unity government deal with Pas in Selangor. Why - simply because not all Malays like Pas. Najib needs Anwar Ibrahim, the Opposition leader who has become the icon for a functioning and moderate multi-racial Malaysia.

If Najib sticks with Hadi, Dr Mahathir will become the option for moderate Malays wishing for an end to the daily nonsense that passes for politics in this country. They will flock to his side and the battle become even more bitter. Lawlessness will rise, prophecized economic doom a reality because no one has time to govern, everyone is busy playing politics.

Say what you like, non-Malays will still hold the final card because their numbers are still too significant to be ignored by the die-hard Malay racists. This is something the wily Dr M know but slyly pretends it's not important.

Will foolish Najib wake up from the trap sprung years ago by Dr M with the help of Perkasa and other fringe groups, and finally get it right? Sorry to say, it may be too late!  - Nawawi Mohamad,Malaysia Chronicle



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