Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad menempelak Datuk Ahmad Maslan yang tidak tahu hal ehwal kewangan walhal memegang jawatan Timbalan Menteri Kewangan.
Bekas Perdana Menteri berkata, Ahmad Maslan sebagai pelaksana sepatutnya lebih arif tentang Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan (GST).
Katanya, berdasarkan jawapan dan respon yang diberikan oleh Ahli Parlimen Pontian sudah cukup membuktikan Ahmad Maslan sebenarnya tidak mendalami GST.
“Orang yang nak laksana tak paham apa dia (GST). Bila kita tanya dia pun tidak berapa tahu. Jadi nampak tak memahami secara mendalam. Saya pun kena bayar GST juga,” katanya.
Dr Mahathir berkata, walaupun beliau tidak memahami GST namun Ahmad Maslan tidak pula mengatakan apa disebutnya itu salah.
“Saya tak faham (GST) tapi apa yang saya kata dia (Ahmad Maslan) tak kata salah tapi yang dia cakap tu macam tak tahu apa.
“Jaga pasal kewangan tapi tak tahu pasal kewangan langsung, macam mana?,” katanya.
Sebelum ini, Ahmad Maslan menyifatkan Dr Mahathir tidak tahu GST kerana kemungkinan tidak mendapat penerangan terperinci atau tersalah tafsir mengenai pelaksanaan GST daripada orang-orang di sekelilingnya.
Dalam perkembangan sama, Dr Mahathir mengesahkan beliau tidak akan menyertai perhimpunan pada 1 Mei bagi membantah pelaksanaan GST.
Dr Mahathir berkata, dia tidak mengatakan apa yang disebut Ahmad itu sebagai salah.
"Tapi dia orang (Ahmad) cakap orang (saya) tak tahu apa," katanya.- fmt
Dr M: Ahmad Maslan clueless about finance..
Dr Mahathir Mohamad has criticised Deputy Finance Minister Ahmad Maslan as someone who does not know anything about finance.
had responded to Mahathir's concern about the goods and services tax
(GST), saying that perhaps the former premier does not understand the
Mahathir had previously lamented that civil servants do not understand GST themselves.
As for the deputy finance minister, he said: "I do not know what he is talking about."
"He looks after finance, but he does not know anything about finance,"
added the former premier, who also held the finance minister portfolio.
Mahathir had previously voiced his objection to the implementation of the GST, which was imposed on April 1.
It is reported that the Customs and Excise Department has collected RM42 million in GST every day since its implementation.
Asked whether he will participate in the proposed mega May 1 rally this
Friday against the GST, the former premier replied that he would not
“I feel and I found that the people who wanted to implement it do not
understand. I feel there is no proper study to its implementation. I
have to pay the GST also,” he said.
No Najib posters?
Asked to comment on reports that no posters of Prime Minister Najib
Abdul Razak have been put up for the by-elections in Permatang Pauh and
Rompin, Mahathir said he does not know about this.
However, he felt Umno has a good chance in wresting Permatang Pauh.
“I am an Umno member, I see there is an opportunity in Permatang Pauh
because the opposition is split. It is not because of Umno is strong but
the opposition are fighting or quarreling among themselves.
“I also see a good chance of BN winning in Rompin as PAS is weak.
being asked that such financial assistance like Bantuan Rakyat
1Malaysia (BR1M) was also given by the West, Mahathir said he does not
agree as it is a form of corruption in giving it close to elections.
“What we should do is create more jobs more opportunities for people to
raise their income. I did not give BR1M but we won big. Now he (Najib)
gives BR1M, his votes (in parliament) have declined,” he said.- mk
Dr M: RM3 juta untuk bunga kenduri, Rosmah...
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad hari ini menafikan
beliau menyerang isteri Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak dalam
salah satu tulisan dalam blognya.
Menurut bekas perdana itu, apa yang dibangkitkannya dalam tulisan itu
hanya mengenai gaya hidup Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor yang kelihatan
"Ada khabar angin mengatakan beliau (Rosmah) membelanjakan RM3 juta
hanya untuk hiasan bunga-buangan (ketika majlis perkahwinan anaknya).
"Isunya ialah, orang bercerita. Ia mungkin salah atau betul. Saya tak
pasti kalau ia benar, tetapi saya fikir ada yang fakta. Itu jadi
Dr Mahathir juga menambah, pendapatan sebagai seorang perdana menteri tidaklah tinggi.
Ketika menjawat tugas itu, katanya, beliau menerima pendapatan RM20,000 dan ia mencukup untuk dirinya dan keluarga beliau. - mk
Mahathir plucks 'RM3mil flowers' from Rosmah...
Dr Mahathir Mohamad has denied that he attacked
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's wife Rosmah Mansor in one of his blog
The former premier said he was only questioning her lavish lifestyle.
"There are rumours out there that she spent RM3 million just for flower decorations for the (daughter’s wedding).
"The problem is orang cerita (people talk). I do not know if it is factual, but I think there are some facts (could be true).
"Itu jadi masalah (that is the problem)," he added.
Mahathir also pointed out that the prime minister's income was not high.
During his time, the former premier said he was paid RM20,000 a month and this was sufficient for him and his family.
"It was enough for me to have a plate of mee (noodles) not many plates of mee," he quipped.
He emphasised the need for leaders to live moderately.
Mahathir was speaking to reporters after delivering a talk on youth and
nation building at the German-Malaysian Institute in Kajang today.
Also present was his wife Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali.
On April 20, the former premier had mentioned Najib and Rosmah's extravagant lifestyle in his blog.
He has been demanding for Najib’s resignation, claiming that the latter
would cause Umno and BN’s defeat in the next national polls.- mk

Chong Wei: Rosmah not to be blamed for my woes...
National shuttler Lee Chong Wei was slapped with an eight-month ban after consuming a herbal medicine.
It was reported that the medicine was given to him by the wife of a "very influential man".
Speculation has been rife that the person responsible for the former
world number one's predicament is Rosmah Mansor, the wife of Prime
Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
Rosmah has often shown great support for Lee during tournaments.
However, Lee confirmed that it was not Rosmah who provided him with the tablets.
"Yes. I can confirm it is not her. However, I am not in liberty to
reveal the name of the person (who gave him the tablets)," he told Malaysiakini.
"Now that there is an outcome from BWF (Badminton World Federation), I
would like to put this episode behind me and to focus on regaining my
status and bring glory to my country," he said.
A source familiar with the matter told Malaysiakini that it was the wife of a former top BN politician.
"This person had given him the herbal concoction without realising that its contents would cause problems.
"There was no malice on her part. It was just an honest mistake," he said.
The source, however, requested that Malaysiakini do not publish the name of the former politician or his wife in order not to put the couple in the spotlight.
Scrutiny on BAM
According to the 12-page BWF report, the wife would purchase cordyseps
and have them ground and capsulated at a shop in Kuala Lumpur.
Lee would consume two every morning.
The report said Lee named the wife in camera to avoid having her face any dire consequences.
The shop owner who treated the cordyseps acknowledged that there could
be a risk of contamination, but did not give the BWF a statement over
fears that it would affect his business.
Badminton Association of Malaysia (BAM) officials were aware that Lee
was taking the capsules after the wife begun sending them, but did not
subject the capsules for testing.
"It is worrying if he has received unsatisfactory anti-doping education
from BAM or other sources and/or the focus on anti-doping security has
been unsatisfactory," the BWF report said.
The BWF had found Lee guilty of having the non-performance enhancer
dexamethasone in his system. The drug is normally used as an
anti-inflammatory drug during the off-season. - mk
Chong Wei: Bukan Rosmah bagi pil itu...