Gerakan Selamatkan Felda (GSF) menjunjung kasih kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong kerana berkenan menerima memorandum bantahan penyenaraian Felda Global Ventures Holdings Berhad (FGVH) ke Bursa Malaysia hari ini.
Koordinator GSF, Mazlan Aliman berkata, penerimaan baik memorandum peneroka itu membuktikan isu peneroka bukan 'isu jalanan' tetapi mendapat pengiktirafan Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
"Terima kasih kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong kerana hari ini detik yang paling bersejarah kerana selama lapan bulan kita berhubung dengan perdana menteri bagi menyatakan pandangan kita tapi langsung tak ada respons.
"Tapi hari ini pegawai perhubungan awam istana bersedia terima memorandum seperti yang dijanjikan, ini menandakan keyakinan Yang di-Pertuan Agong dalam mengambil kira isu penyenaraian FGVH," kata beliau pada sidang media selepas penyerahan memorandum ke Istana Negara, petang tadi.
Terima kasih polis
Mazlan turut merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada pihak polis yang memberikan kerjasama penuh dalam memantau perhimpunan dan perarakan yang bermula dari Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan Jalan Duta.
"Kita nyatakan penghargaan kepada PDRM yang beri kerjasama bukan sahaja dalam memantau pergerakan peserta himpunan namun mereka mengiringi sampai ke pintu istana bagi memudahkan kami menyerahkan memorandum kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong," kata beliau yang juga Presiden Persatuan Anak Peneroka Felda Kebangsaan (Anak).
Namun tegasnya, memorandum tersebut tidak akan berakhir di setakat ini sahaja tetapi tindkan undang-undang terhadap Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak akan diteruskan kerana berhubung kenyataannya yang menggelarkan 'haram jadah' kepada peneroka.
"GSF selepas ini akan mulakan beberapa prosiding penting iaitu menyaman Najib yang menyabut 'haram jadah' dan berada di peringkat akhir untuk mengemukakan tuntutan di mahkamah terhadap suruhanjaya sekuriti kerana tidak memberi respons terhadap aduan kita," katanya.
Tunggu campurtangan Agong
Sementara itu, Timbalan Presiden PAS, Mohamad Sabu berkata, pihaknya menunggu tindakan daripada Yang di-Pertuan Agong kerana penyenaraian FGVH ke Bursa Malaysia disifatkan sebagai bahaya kepada aset bumiputera.
"Kita harap Agong dapat membuat sesuatu untuk menyelamatkan tanah peneroka dalam jangka masa panjang kerana kita amat bimbang aset peneroka tergadai.
"Sekarang hak rakyat mahu disenaraikan dalam senarai bursa saham. Ini satu penyenaraian yang berbahaya dan kepada peneroka," tegasnya.
Enam orang dibenarkan masuk menyerahkan memorandum ke istana kira-kira jam 3.20 petang.
Kenderaan mereka daripada jalan Dutamas 1 diiringi kenderaan polis masuk ke kawasan istana.- harakahdaily

Tapi mengikut Menteri yang tak lulus matematik kata...

dan menurut Menteri pakar mengira pula...
5,000 march to Istana over FGV listing...
Over 5,000 protesters at the Himpunan Oren have begun their march in Kuala Lumpur this afternoon to hand over a memorandum to the agong on Felda Global Ventures Holdings’ (FGV) controversial listing.

Leading the march was PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu, its information chief Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, vice-president Salahuddin Ayub and Persatuan Anak Peneroka Felda (Anak) president Mazlan Aliman.
The protesters, dressed in orange, were closely controlled by PAS’ Unit Amal personnel, who formed a human chain to protect them as they marched towards their destination Istana Negara.

Leaders of the rally awaited a vehicle to pick up eight of their representatives to deliver the memorandum to the agong.
The eight were Mohd Sabu, Mazlan, Tuan Ibrahim, Anak legal adviser Harris Abdullah and economic adviser Rosli Yaakop, Felda representatives Siti Halijah and R Thangam as well as Umno veteran Tamrin Ghafar.
Fight till FGV delisted
While waiting for the pickup, the leaders took turns addressing the rally.
Thangam got the crowd cheering with his speech when he said former prime minister and Felda founder Abdul Razak Hussein must be crying in his grave today over what has happened to Felda.

Salahuddin in his turn warned the Najib government to listen to the Felda settlers or risk losing their support in the coming general election.
"They are ready to vote out those who threaten their lands," he said.
Mohamad, better known as Mat Sabu, said the agong can invoke his power as enshrined in the Article 153 of federal constitution, to intervene in the FGV listing.
He continued that the said article guarantees special privileges of the Malays, one such privilege being Felda whose settlers are 90 percent Malay.
Also addressing the crowd was Mazlan, who vowed to continue the struggle until FGV is delisted.
"Somebody asked me, FGV is already listed, what further do I want?
"I replied, we will not give up and will continue to go against FGV until it is delisted," he said.
Agong urged to scrap listing
Mazlan (below) also announced that eight Felda settlers will file a RM80 million defamation suit against Najib for calling them "haram jadah" (illegitimate children) in the latter’s recent speech.

Half-an-hour later, they submitted the memorandum to the palace representative, Khairi Abd Rahman.
The memorandum details various issues with the listing, among others, how it deprives Felda settlers of the ownership of land and assets, the negative impact of the 99-year land lease to FGV, the questionable credibility of Felda Holdings chairperson Mohd Isa Samad; and the settlers’ loss of income.
They urged the ruler to, among others, order for the listing to be scrapped and to distribute the Felda reserve land to the second generation of settlers.

"We will study the possibility of filing a lawsuit against the Securities Commission over the listing approval to FGV," he said.
Meanwhile, Sentul police chief Zakaria Pagan in commenting on the rally said the police will consider taking action against those who brought children along to the rally, as this had violated the Peaceful Assembly Act.
He also praised the police on duty for making sure the crowd was orderly.
After the memorandum was delivered and at the end of the speeches, the crowd dispersed at 4pm.-malaysiakini

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