According to its director of strategy Rafizi Ramli (right), the plan will generate RM2.8 billion in government revenue to cushion the initial impact of a reduction in excise and vehicle sales tax, estimated to be about RM8 billion a year.
In the three years, PKR proposes that APs be sold through a three-tier open bidding system, with the opening bids for energy-efficient cars starting at RM10,000, ordinary cars at RM20,000 and RM30,000 for high-powered cars.
“We believe that the average price for each AP can reach RM40,000 each year. At an estimated 70,000 APs per year, this will generate revenue of RM2.8 billion a year,” he said.
He said that the gradual
implementation was proposed to avoid shocks to the economy, and to allow
the economy to grow following the cut in excise tax.
Encouraging competition
He added that the bid system is unlikely to bump up car prices, as the actual price of the APs in the informal market today is already at an estimated RM30,000 to RM40,000 and this is already translated in the prices.
“Like any other thing, it is best to leave the car prices to the market. If (dealers) have to bid (for the right) to bring in cars then they have to play around with their own margins.
the buffer for margins is way to big and the profit is at the expense
of the people. If you implement this, dealers have to compete among
themselves and it will move towards market pricing of cars,” he said.
He added that the present system breeds “cartels” who are colluding to set the prices of APs and the bidding system allows more players to enter and the competition would in turn control end prices.
Also at the press conference was PKR's Pantai Jerejak Adun Sim Tze Tsin, who pointed out that most APs are hoarded by a handful of people.
“In 2004, 50 percent of the 66,227 APs given out were given to three corporate figures or companies. In 2005, 68,300 APs were given out and 41 percent went to the same people - the late SM Nasimuddin Amin (of Naza Group), Syed Azman Ibrahim and Mohd Haniff Abdul Aziz,” he said.
'Gov't will recover tax revenue'
The duo added that the mooted automotive policy favours direct taxation and private sector driven economy, which they said will be accelerated when the RM8 billion is returned to the economy.
They added that the tax revenue loss will be recovered “to a certain extent” even in the absence of the goods and services tax.
“The RM8 bil will go to the people, who go to restaurants, contribute to small businesses, who in turn pay more in corporate taxes. Small business owners also pay personal income tax.
“Government should be less involved in economic activity and the engine of growth should the private sector... instead of the government taxing our money and giving it to government-linked economy to drive the economy,” Sim said.
Rafizi claimed that the Malaysian economy is growing at this pace today largely due to government pump priming and that the private sector has not recovered since the 1998 Asian financial crisis.
“What is happening now is that GLCs and moving outside and repatriating their profits back to Malaysia,” he said.
“The Malaysian market is slow and this deprives the government of direct taxes which is a lot higher than expected GST revenue.”- malaysiakini
Encouraging competition
He added that the bid system is unlikely to bump up car prices, as the actual price of the APs in the informal market today is already at an estimated RM30,000 to RM40,000 and this is already translated in the prices.
“Like any other thing, it is best to leave the car prices to the market. If (dealers) have to bid (for the right) to bring in cars then they have to play around with their own margins.

He added that the present system breeds “cartels” who are colluding to set the prices of APs and the bidding system allows more players to enter and the competition would in turn control end prices.
Also at the press conference was PKR's Pantai Jerejak Adun Sim Tze Tsin, who pointed out that most APs are hoarded by a handful of people.
“In 2004, 50 percent of the 66,227 APs given out were given to three corporate figures or companies. In 2005, 68,300 APs were given out and 41 percent went to the same people - the late SM Nasimuddin Amin (of Naza Group), Syed Azman Ibrahim and Mohd Haniff Abdul Aziz,” he said.
“This is the injustice of the system. It only enriches corporate figures with close connections with power.”
'Gov't will recover tax revenue'
The duo added that the mooted automotive policy favours direct taxation and private sector driven economy, which they said will be accelerated when the RM8 billion is returned to the economy.
They added that the tax revenue loss will be recovered “to a certain extent” even in the absence of the goods and services tax.
“The RM8 bil will go to the people, who go to restaurants, contribute to small businesses, who in turn pay more in corporate taxes. Small business owners also pay personal income tax.
“Government should be less involved in economic activity and the engine of growth should the private sector... instead of the government taxing our money and giving it to government-linked economy to drive the economy,” Sim said.
Rafizi claimed that the Malaysian economy is growing at this pace today largely due to government pump priming and that the private sector has not recovered since the 1998 Asian financial crisis.
“What is happening now is that GLCs and moving outside and repatriating their profits back to Malaysia,” he said.
“The Malaysian market is slow and this deprives the government of direct taxes which is a lot higher than expected GST revenue.”- malaysiakini

Excise duty for cars to be scrapped gradually...
proposal to scrap the excise duty on cars will be done gradually, so as
to soften the blow on the second hand car market, the party has
"The scrapping of the excise duty must be gradual, so that the value of existing second hand cars will go down in stages. It must be balanced out," PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli clarified on Twitter today.
He said a drop in car prices would not lead to an influx of cars on the roads and cause massive traffic jams.
Car prices, Rafizi explained, do not fluctuate easily as cars are not everyday goods and changes in prices would not have immediate impact on the numbers of cars purchased.
'Not everyday goods'
"It is a vehicle, not everyday goods. If people have more money, they are likely to upgrade to a better car, rather than buy more cars," he said, noting that car sales slumped in 2006 and 2007 despite a drop in prices 2006.
To upgrade, users would need to sell off their cars and in the event that there is a drop in the value of second hand cars, users would more likely wait until the value of their cars matched the outstanding loan.
Later, speaking to reporters at the PKR headquarters in Tropicana, Petaling Jaya, Rafizi said the nuts and bolts of PKR's proposed automotive policy would be detailed next Thursday by its de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim.
"He will announce the whole mechanism. We will present the policy concept and answer questions on the value of second hand cars, car volumes on the street, car loans and so on," he said.- malaysiakini
"The scrapping of the excise duty must be gradual, so that the value of existing second hand cars will go down in stages. It must be balanced out," PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli clarified on Twitter today.
He said a drop in car prices would not lead to an influx of cars on the roads and cause massive traffic jams.
Car prices, Rafizi explained, do not fluctuate easily as cars are not everyday goods and changes in prices would not have immediate impact on the numbers of cars purchased.
'Not everyday goods'
"It is a vehicle, not everyday goods. If people have more money, they are likely to upgrade to a better car, rather than buy more cars," he said, noting that car sales slumped in 2006 and 2007 despite a drop in prices 2006.
To upgrade, users would need to sell off their cars and in the event that there is a drop in the value of second hand cars, users would more likely wait until the value of their cars matched the outstanding loan.
Later, speaking to reporters at the PKR headquarters in Tropicana, Petaling Jaya, Rafizi said the nuts and bolts of PKR's proposed automotive policy would be detailed next Thursday by its de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim.
"He will announce the whole mechanism. We will present the policy concept and answer questions on the value of second hand cars, car volumes on the street, car loans and so on," he said.- malaysiakini
PKR cadang hapus beri AP, perkenal bidaan...
Pakatan Rakyat (PR) bercadang untuk melaksanakan penjualan Permit Import (AP) secara bidaan umum bagi mendapatkan sumber pendapatan daripada permit berkenaan selepas melaksanakan cadangan pemansuhan duti eksais kereta sekiranya mereka berjaya menawan Putrajaya dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang.
Pengarah Strategi PKR, Rafizi Ramli berkata, dalam tempoh antara tiga tahun bermula 2013 sehingga sebelum AP dimansuhkan pada 2015, PR telah mengemukakan cadangan yang bakal menyaksikan negara menjana pendapatan sehingga RM2.8 bilion setahun daripada bidaan umum AP tersebut.
“AP di bawah Umno - Barisan Nasional (BN) hanya menguntungkan sesetengah pihak yang rapat dengan mereka.
“Sebab itu PKR mencadangkan supaya kerajaan akan datang, tidak kira BN atau Pakatan, supaya menghapuskan AP menjelang 2015 supaya tidak melanggar WTO (Perjanjian Perdagangan Antarabangsa) dan AFTA (Kawasan Perdagangan Bebas Asean),” katanya ketika sidang media di Ibu Pejabat PKR di sini.
Melalui mekanisme yang dicadangkannya, Rafizi menjelaskan, AP yang akan dijual itu akan dibezakan mengikut kategori kereta dan penggunaan bahan api bagi membolehkan lebih banyak kereta jenis sedemikian diperkenalkan.
“Harga bidaan umum ini bermula pada kadar RM10,000 untuk kereta biasa, RM20,000 kenderaan biasa, dan RM30,000 untuk kenderaan berkuasa tinggi dan menggunakan lebih bahan api.
Harga terkini AP yang dijual kepada pengusaha kereta adalah berjumlah RM10,000, dengan sebanyak 66,608 AP dikeluarkan pada 2011.
“Kami percaya, purata AP yang dikeluarkan bakal mencecah RM40,000 apabila penjualan AP dibuka kepada bidaan,” katanya dan menambah,”dengan anggaran 70,000 AP dikeluarkan setiap tahun, hasil berjumlah RM2.8 bilion akan dapat diterima kerajaan.”
“Harga bidaan umum ini bermula pada kadar RM10,000 untuk kereta jimat
bahan api, RM20,000 kenderaan biasa, dan RM30,000 untuk kenderaan
berkuasa tinggi dan menggunakan lebih bahan api.
“Melalui kaedah ini, pengedar kereta akan bersaing sesama mereka
untuk mendapatkan AP. Sekarang ini hanya ada sekitar dua, tiga syarikat
sahaja yang mempunyai AP.
“Kami mahu tukar sistem AP sedia ada,” katanya lagi.
“Pendapatan tambahan daripada hasil AP yang dirombak dianggarkan akan memastikan perbendaharaan negara kekal mendapat di antara RM 2 bilion hingga RM 3 bilion setahun bagi mengimbangi penurunan kutipan duti eksais,” katanya lagi.
Rafizi juga turut menjelaskan, walaupun AP ditentukan oleh proses bidaan untuk mendapat hasil terbaik kepada negara, penghapusan duti eksais secara berperingkat juga bermakna harga kereta secara purata akan tetap turun.
Rafizi juga sebelum itu berkata, melalui pemansuhan duti eksais kereta, sejumlah RM8 bilion cukai yang sekarang ini dikenakan kepada rakyat akan dipulangkan kepada rakyat.
“RM 8 bilion itu lebih baik berada dalam poket rakyat ... ia dalam ekosistem kita.
“Gabungan kedua-dua langkah ini akan memastikan pendapatan negara tidak terjejas mendadak hasil pemansuhan duti eksais secara berperingkat,” tambahnya lagi.- malaysian insider
