Pakatan Rakyat,which once ruled Perak, now has 27 seats in the 58 seat state assembly,while BN has 28 seats and BN-friendly frogs 3 seats.
BN is in power with a slim majority of 1 seat, but with 4 BN-friendly frogs, Keshvinder Singh, included BN will have 28+4 = 32 seats, while PR will be left with 26 seats.
Rumours has it that 3 UMNO members are about to jump ship and if that so, the state assembly setup will be BN= 28-3 = 25, BN-friendly= 3 and PR= 27 + 3 = 30. However, before that happen, the DAP member quit to be BN-friendly member.
With that, the latest setup:
BN = 28
BN-friendly = 4
PR = 26
If Keshvinder Singh havent jump ship, with the 3 frogs from UMNO on PR side, PR will be with 30 seats, while BN/BN-friendly will be left with 28 seats. PR will form the government by virtue of its majority. Nizar has promised to dissolve the state assembly if he returns to power and this is what BN wants to avoid at all cost.

It is ridiculous to think that Keshvinder Singh quit, citing too much politicking in Pakatan. He said that his decision was in the best interests of his constituents because he believes that only BN can help develop the area, which is largely rural. All bullshit!!!!
The truth is that, probably MB Zambry sensing defeat, quickly turned to Keshvinder Singh, making a good and profitable offer that the Malim Nawar Adun willingly accepted,though he admitted that he had yet to meet MB Zambry Abd Kadir to discuss details. Maybe officially 'belum jumpalah', but unofficially,via phone,sms,email,telext etc,etc, the deal has already been made, who knows?
Nizar urged UMNO state assemblymen to table a motion of no confidence against Zambry to force fresh state polls. But motion of no-confidence can be tabled by either party.......
Read here.
hahahaha.. lawak la katak tu.. dah kenyang makan duit haram la tu.
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