The villages in Kampong Pamah Air have no choice but to use the bridge which shortens the trip to Kampung Beriang,which has more facilities and is located nearer to the main road and town.
The 200m bridge which was built about 30 years ago,was the favourite link among villagers as the alternative way was to take a boat ride.
source:new sunday times.

The worst is that, it is in PM Najib's own state of Pahang, where he was once an MB there.
Yet, he talks about building 6,312km of new roads in Peninsular Malaysia under the 10th Malaysia Plan. Btw, are there enough funds for these projects under 10thMP........
Cant blame the UMNO thieves,only when someone falls and die,you will see Najib,MB Pahang & their goons will make noise.
Why blame Najis. Didn't these same Malays voted UMNO for the past 52 years. If we do nothing to help ourselves we also lose the right to bitch at others. Hate to say this but you get the government you vote for.
....but U also forgot that the non-Malays too did voted for UMNO/BN for the past 52 years.
Kampong Pamah Air is in a part of Malaysia where the electorate is at least 97% Malays. That few miserable percent of non-Malay votes mean nothing in elections. In Sibu the opposition actually got 5% more votes from the Melanaus/Malays compared to the 12th GE thus contributing very significantly to the opposition narrow win in Sibu. This lack of balls to go for change among the Malays in Malay villages such as Kampong Pamah Air is what I mean when I say the Malays only have themselves to blame for their plight. Indeed there are non-malays who have voted for Alliance/BN for 52 years but the Chinese have largely abandoned the BN, the Indians are only half awake as witnessed by the Hulu Selangor by-election and then you have Malays like those in Sibu who understand the need to shape the future with their votes. Until and unless more Malays believe they can control their future with their votes the Malays will forever be doomed to to be nothing more than cattle readied for the slaughter.
U juga jangan lupa bahawa pengundi2 di sini hidup matinya kerana UMNO. So macam mana mau ubah fikiran mereka? Sama ada gomen mau baikki atau ganti jambatan itu mereka tak kisah....janji ada PRU mereka tetap pangkah kati punya.
Nak kata mereka bodoh.tak boleh,nak kata mereka cerdek pun tak boleh. Tapi bodoh cerdek mereka adalah ala UMNO.
Bukan pasal cerdek atau bodoh. Secara purata keramaian orang memang tidak bodoh tapi tak cerdek sangat. tapi kalau Melayu/Melanau di Sibu boleh beri undi meraka kepada DAP yang tak habis-habis dituduh sebagai komunis oleh media kerajaan Malaysia mengapa orang Melayu di Kampong Pamah Air tak berani buat demikian?
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