Jumaah Majlis Diraja Johor mengesahkan penarikan balik dua darjah kebesaran yang membawa gelaran Datuk terhadap anggota Majlis Tertinggi Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Datuk Chua Jui Meng tetapi menafikan ia berpunca daripada tekanan politik. Setiausahanya Datuk Abdul Rahim Ramli berkata kuasa Sultan Johor Sultan Ibrahim Ismail untuk menganugerahkan atau menarik balik darjah kebesaran adalah "melampaui politik."
"Tidak wujud keadaan yang dikatakan sebagai tekanan politik untuk menganugerahkan atau menarik balik darjah kebesaran itu.
Sultan Johor katanya, berkuasa penuh terhadap perkara itu di bawah Fasal 12 Undang-undang dan Peraturan bagi Darjah Mahkota Johor Yang Amat Mulia dan Fasal 7(f) Bahagian Kedua Undang-undang Tubuh Kerajaan Negeri 1895.Ditanya mengenai sebab disebalik langkah penarikan balik darjah kebesaran yang dianugerahkan kepada Chua itu, Abdul Rahim berkata, Sultan Johor tidak perlu memberikan sebab kerana itu adalah kuasa baginda.
source:mStar online
Awat, jasa datuk di bawah ini kepada 1Malaysia lebih hebat kah berbanding......

Datuk Michelle Yeoh
dengan datuk di bawah ini yang telah dilucut gelaran "datuk"nya.

Chua Jui Meng
Baca di sini.
No hal..dia mintak kita bagi balik, bukan kita lapag sangat mau pingat dia, bukan kita mintak..dia yg nk bagi..
Lagi pun dia sapa hampa ingat? Dia Temenggung saja dan Temenggung tu Ketua Polis sb tu dia ada polis sendiri sejak dri zaman dulu.
Johor ia lah sebahagian dari Johor Riau Lingga dan Sultan Johor yg sebenar berada di Riau. Nasib baik la Riau dpt kat Belanda jadi Indonesia.
Temenggung Johor menggadai wilayah Yang Di Pertuan Kedah yakni Singapura kepada Stamford Raffles (1819) dan si Kafir inilah yg melantik temenggung sebagai Sultan Johor.
Kami waris YDP Kedah masih ada hingga hari ini..
In 1Malaysia,if you throw a piece of stone in the air,99.9 chances it will land on a datuk's house.
So,you can imagine the number of datuks here!!!!!
Well,it cost you between RM70,000 to RM100,000 to be a datuk. Cheap eh!!!
I honestly believe Shah Rukh Khan doesn't deserve a datukship. All he did was film a part of his movie here. Same goes with all those "English Channel Swimmers" and whatnot. But I believe Datuk Michelle Yeoh deserves her datukship. She may not have contributed to the country in debating bills and making policies but she made it as an international actress, not just in Hollywood but in Hong Kong as well. She was once a bond girl. She made Malaysia proud.
Coming by this point, her having her datukship is similar to Nicole david and lee chong wei having their datukship. They deserve it.
Setakat jadi datuk Malaysia,Michelle Yeoh dok jaja body dan tetek seantero dunia,jasa apa yang dia bagi kat Malaysia?
Depa kata Lee Kuan Yew gantung pingat "datuk"nya dalam tandas rumahnya.
Bila ditanya kenapa dia buat demikian,Kuan Yew jawab,"I dont give a damn to this stupid award"
"Luckily,I didnt flush it down the toilet!!!"
hantar balik saja pangkat datuk itu sebab ini Sultan baru. Yang hargai jasa Datuk Chua ialah sultan lama yang mempunyai pendirian tegas dan tak suka campur tangan politik UMNO dalam urusan istana.
Shah Rukh Khan ... datukship given by Losmah kerana dia handsome!!
People like you with an orang utan mentality. im trying to talk some sense into you and all you can say is Datuk Michelle Yeoh's tetek?
Then why don't you say Datuk Nicole David's tetek too? Or Lee Chong Wei's lanciao?
We're all against the BN government but people like you has the exact same mentality with those who walk the corridors of power.
Nicole David,Lee Chong Wei deserved their datukship but for Michelle Yeoh what's her contribution? Malaysia is her scond or third home & she goes around the world promoting herself not MALAYSIA ma!!!!
I ;ived in this housing estate and my immediate neighbours are 3 datuks,each from UMNO,MCA and MIC. These two datuk from MACA and MIC whose ages are between 58-66 years old can hardly speak simple Malay sentence,but just coz they are loaded they were bestowed "datukship" but for what?
They are neither rukuntangga AJIK nor members of the JKKK. so whats their contribution towards the nation..MONEY off course..... So, you can become datuk by contributing to the party aka buying "datukship".
Daughter of a gangster/ triad head of the underworld does not deserve Datukship.... oh ..may be she deserves that.... ultimately "in hal keluarga ....mah" - "You help me... I help you .... aiyooh" !
oh come on! michelle yeoh is malaysia's one and only real international artiste. not just with our neighbouring countries such as indonesia (which is the furthest siti nurhaliza can go) and singapore, but with the real entertainment industries like hollywood and hong kong.
don't you get it? so what if she does not reside in malaysia? does that means any malaysians that do not reside in malaysia is not a malaysian? many malaysians have left the country cause they cannot stand the incompetent BN government but yet they still care. Many MT contributors/commentators/readers are malaysians residing overseas too.
I'm not trying to start a fight and all, but I'm trying to reason with you. We must have a cause for the things that we are doing. Cause Ive seen alot of people who oppose for the sake of opposing with no real substance. Likewise, they support for the sake of supporting without actually evaluating if what they're supporting is actually right.
A very simple example would be Khalid's management on the KKSB issue. I am a 100% pakatan supporter but I don't like the way Khalid handled the issue. Being a 100% pakatan supporter doesnt mean I have to support whatever the Pakatan government is doing even though I think it's not entirely right. You get where I'm coming from? I don't like the way he handled it but I agree with RPK that we have to cut Khalid some slack and give him the benefit of doubt, hoping that he'll be better and grow stronger in the future.
Khalid Ibrahim is not a politician,all along he's a major corparate player. He runs Selangor like he was running Guthrie years back.
In Selangor,the PKR goons wanna be like UMNO thieves. So when PR won that state,the PKR goons demanded all those linked to UMNO must be sacked or eleminated.
PAS did that when they won Trengganu. They got rid off all those they think were link to UMNO. Even kindergarten that smelled UMNO were asked to close.
See what happened in GE 2004,the PAS government in Trengganu was whipped out.
Khalid is doing a good job,only those think cannot benefit from Khalid think otherwise. Its just over 2 years,what do you expect. UMNO took over half a decade to do damage to Selangor,yet all along the rakyat of Selangor still gave them mandate in every election except in 2008 when enough is enough.
What I said here earlier is just an example. Not just Khalid, but Guan Eng as well. I hated that dude in the beginning cause all he did was complain complain complain and complain to the press and blames the previous Gerakan led government for whatever problem they face. I attended two private functions in Penang whereby Guan Eng was invited to be the guest of honour. Guess what? He took around 30 minutes or so whacking the previous state government. I did help to vote them in, but I did not regret it. I'm happy with how he turned out to be. More actions, less complaints. I still am a 100% pakatan supporter, but all im asking is for you all to think rationally and to not just follow blindly.
And I understand where you're coming from, thats why I said we need to cut Khalid some slack.
Winding back to how this debate started, my point is that the whole ruckus here should focus on HOW THE SULTAN OF JOHOR PLAYED POLITICS BY REVOKING CHUA'S DATUKSHIP AFTER HE JUMPED SHIP, and not HOW CHUA DESERVES A DATUKSHIP MORE THAN THIS PERSON OR THAT PERSON.
Just because he's now with PKR so you're all arguing about how he contributed to the nation and how deserves a datukship more than others. Then what if today he's still in MCA and the Sultan of Johor revoked his datukship for whatsoever reason he pleases? I'm sure most would say he's a pariah fella, never should have gotten a datukship in the first place. I'm not a writer and its difficult for me to explain in writing but I hope you get my point. We all need to think critically and rationally for the whole nation as a whole to progress.
I am sure if BN win the Penang state or for that matter any Pakatan states they will do the same,start blamming the previous govt(PR) for any misdeeds they come across.
U see,our politics is still immature. One thing U should realise, for the last 50 over years we only know one govt. i.e. BN and no more than that. Why? coz we voted them election after election.Our great,great grandfather did,our grandfather did after them and so our father did after that too.
Suddenly,when we put Guang Eng and Khalid Ibrahim into power and less than 3 years we expect them to create miracles!!!! Remember PKR is only about 6 years old,DAP is about 35 years old,while PAS is 64 years old.While Pakatan Rakyat is hardly 3 years old.So if U want PR to create something outstanding,I just cant find the answer.Give them time and let them learn thru mistakes,just like a baby who will growup slowly and eventually mature.
Politics is power and the BN govt. will do anything as long they can stay in power. They manipulated the judiciary so that they can be in power in Perak and if PR is not careful eventually Selangor and Kedah will fall.
So,as supporters of the opposition our mind musnt be easily swayed by our weakness,but use our weakness as a lesson to overcome our problems.
Remember PR consist of PAS,BAP and PKR,all have different dreams but sleeping on the same bed and sharing the same pillow.
I do not understand why every commentators here are arguing about the issue on how we did not give the PR government enough time to prove themselves. I used it as an example to prove my point, how we should analyze critically. The latest commentator showed a good example of analyzing critically. I mentioned again and again, me not liking how they handled things at first doesn't mean I will not support them, you get what I mean? To a further extent, our MPs vote according to their party leaders in Parliament, unlike in overseas where they can disagree constructively based on their constituents and conscience.
Back to the main point that prompted me to drop a comment in the first place - our focus should be on how the Sultan of Johor played politics and not on highlighting what Chua did to deserve a datukship more than Michelle Yeoh and whatnot. I was especially upset with the immature attitude of some commentators when all they can come up with in a constructive debate is "tetek" or "tunjuk buah dada".
UMNO was formally formed at istana Johor with the blessing of the late Sultan Johor then.
So U see the relationship between istana Johor and UMNO. Therefore I dont blame the Johor Sultan if he wants to withdraw the datukship formally bestowed by his father,becoz that is his right to do so.
The only thing we are questioning and want answers - the reason for the withdrawal. However,the istana had already stated that the Sultan reserved the right to withdraw and need not give any explanation.Well, lets stop at that. He he wants to withdraw let him do so.
Btw, this CJ Meng is still a datuk by virtue of the awards he received from other state rulers. It only involved Johor,so be it.
As for those who commented on M.Yeoh about "tetek" n "tunjuk dada" probably they are fedup too and vent their anger on M.Yeoh instead. So sorry for them,but please show some respect and lets comment macam orang yang berilmu.
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