Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak should stop lying to himself or "daydreaming" that Umno still has the support of the youth, said University Malaya Association of New Youth (Umany).
"Prime Minister Najib has to stop lying to himself as campus elections of local universities, specifically one that was ‘won’ by Penggerak in the University of Malaya (UM), can never reflect students' support nor popularity rating for the government," Umany said in a statement today.
However, Umany rejected that reasoning, explaining that there were two key reasons for the pro-government group’s victory which have been overlooked by Najib.
Umany pointed out that Pro-Mahasiswa and themselves had boycotted the campus elections.
The two groups snubbed the student polls when the UM Students’ Council, which was still governed by Pro-Mahasiswa, got disbanded.
"Umany and Pro-Mahasiswa fully boycotted the campus election to protest against its unfairness and uncleanness.
"Hence, the majority seats won uncontested by Penggerak cannot reflect what Najib has ridiculously said:
‘Students are satisfied with the current government’," the student group said.
'Only 900 students voted'
Another reason, they said, was the extremely low voter turnout in UM for the campus elections.
In previous years, more than 10,000 students voted for their representatives, Umany said, but this year, only 900 students voted.
Only one-fourth of the students in the faculty of arts and social sciences as well as the faculty of economics and administration voted, they revealed.
"Besides, in 10 seats that were contested, Penggerak had only won 4 seats! This clearly shows that students (who opted to vote) chose independent candidates rather than Penggerak/Umno's macai," they added.
This, they said, proves that UM students have firmly rejected the pro-government group on campus. - mk
KDN - Jangan bertindak ikut nafsu...
Kumpulan media melihat keputusan mahkamah membatalkan penggantungan The Edge sebagai peringatan kepada kerajaan untuk tidak bertindak sewenang-wenangnya menyekat kebebasan media.
Mengalu-alukan keputusan hari ini ini, Gerakan Media Marah (GERAMM) berkata ia seharusnya mengingatkan Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) untuk tidak bertindak di luar peranannya.
“Ini adalah satu kemenangan, walaupun kecil, kepada semua penyokong kebebasan media di Malaysia,” kata GERAMM dalam reaksi segeranya hari ini.
GERAMM antara organisasi media terlibat memberi tekanan kepada kerajaan, termasuk bersama menganjurkan himpunan membantah penggantungan itu di Kuala Lumpur sebelum ini.
Dalam keputusan yang jarang-jarang berlaku, Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur hari ini membatalkan keputusan kerajaan menggantung The Edge Financial Daily dan The Edge Financial Weekly.
Hakim Datuk Asmabi Mohamad mengarahkan penilaian terhadap kerugian The Edge dinilai manakala KDN pula diarah membayar kos RM15,000 kepada The Edge.
The Edge sebelum ini digantung tiga bulan selepas menerbitkan tulisan yang lantang mengkritik dalam isu 1MDB.
Sementara itu, GERAMM, perkumpulan longgar wartawan dan aktivis yang mendukung kebebasan media itu juga melihat keputusan itu sebagai tanda “keteguhan” pelbagai pihak menekan kerajaan supaya tidak campur tangan dalam tugas media.
GERAMM juga mendesak kerajaan tidak merayu terhadap keputusan hari ini, selari dengan ikrar Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak sebelum ini untuk melindungi serta mempertahankan kebebasan media.
“GERAMM juga ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada media, masyarakat sivil serta orang ramai di atas sokongan yang diberikan dalam kempen kepada The Edge,” kata kumpulan itu yang terlibat dalam protes sama ketika penggantungan The Heat selepas melaporkan gaya hidup mewah Najib dan keluarganya.- mk
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