Menurut sumber, mereka diminta hadir di Bukit Aman pada pagi Rabu.
Selain Maria, enam yang dipanggil untuk memberi keterangan ialah Sarajun Hoda Abdul Hassan, Masjaliza Hamzah, Farhana Abdul Halim, Fadiah Nadwa Fikri, Mandeep Singh, dan aktivis pelajar, Adam Adli Abdul Halim.
FMT difahamkan mereka akan disiasat mengikut Seksyen 120, 124C dan 141 Kanun Keseksaan.
Sebelum ini, sebuah portal menyiarkan berita bahawa Maria ditahan polis pada Isnin berikutan perhimpunan tersebut.
Polis bagaimanapun menafikan berita itu dan menganggap ia berita palsu yang disebarkan oleh pihak tidak bertanggungjawab.
Bukit Aman has summoned Bersih 2.0 chair Maria Chin Abdullah and six others responsible for holding the Bersih 4 rally over August 29-30 despite the event being declared illegal by the authorities.
The seven are to present themselves at the police headquarters tomorrow to have their statements recorded as they are being investigated under Sections 120, 124C and 141 of the Penal Code, a report on Malaysiakini said.
Apart from Maria, the others are Sarajun Hoda Abdul Hassan, Masjaliza Hamzah, Farhana Abdul Halim, Fadiah Nadwa Fikri, Mandeep Singh, and Adam Adli Abdul Halim.
She said she and six others are being investigated under Sections 120, 124C and 141 of the Penal Code.
Section 120 of the Penal Code deals with the concealment of plans to commit an offence, while Section 141 criminalises unlawful assemblies.
The most serious offence of the three however, is Section 124C, which deals with "attempt to commit activity detrimental to parliamentary democracy" and carries a penalty of up to 15 years imprisonment upon conviction.
The electoral watchdog held the rally in the run-up to Merdeka Day on August 31, demanding for institutional reforms in the country as well as the resignation of Prime Minister Najib Razak over allegations of corruption involving 1Malaysia Development Berhad and a donation of RM2.6 billion that he received in his personal bank accounts shortly before the 13th general election in 2013.- fmt

Beranikah polis panggil Mahathir ke Bukit Aman...

1. Saya hadir dalam tunjuk perasaan anjuran Bersih pada 29-30 Ogos. Ramai yang tertanya-tanya apakah saya sudah jadi penyokong Bersih. Apakah saya sokong parti lawan DAP dan Kit Siang. Ada juga yang bertanya saya sudah
memihak kepada orang Cina.
2. Saya pernah menyatakan demonstrasi jalanan tidak harus diguna untuk tekanan politik kerana ia menjejaskan perniagaan terutama perniagaan kecil dan ekonomi Negara. Apakah sekarang perbuatan saya tidak menunjuk sifat berdolak-dalik dalam politik.
3. Saya tidak setuju dengan tunjuk perasaan kerana ada saluran lain yang boleh digunakan untuk menekan Kerajaan apabila menyalahguna kuasa.
4. Kita boleh buat laporan polis, dengan harapan polis dan Pendakwa Raya akan ambil tindakan, menghadapkan pihak yang dituduh ke mahkamah.
5. Tetapi sekarang Najib sudah bubar dan musnahkan institusi-institusi Kerajaan yang ditugas untuk melindungi hak rakyat.
6. Apabila dituduh telah lesapkan duit Kerajaan melalui 1MDB, Najib serah siasatan kepada Ketua Audit Negara dan Jawatankuasa Kira-kira Wang Negara (PAC – Public Accounts Committee) Dewan Rakyat. Rakyat disuruh tunggu sehingga siasatan oleh badan-badan ini selesai.
7. Apabila wang sebanyak RM2.6 bilion terdapat dalam akaun peribadi Najib, dan dia tak dapat menafi duit ini ada dalam akaunnya, dan ramai bertanya daripada mana duit ini datang, dan penjelasan yang munasabah tidak dapat diberi oleh Najib, maka satu pasukan bertugas (task force) dibentuk untuk secara rasmi menyelidik wang ini.
8. Pasukan ini terdiri daripada Pendakwa Raya, Ketua Polis Negara, Ketua Badan Pencegah Rasuah dan Gabenor Bank.
9. Rakyat menunggu hasil siasatan ini. Tiba-tiba Pendakwa Raya disingkir oleh Najib, Ketua Badan Pencegah Rasuah diarah bercuti, dan Gabenor Bank diugut kononnya kerana Bank Negara bocor maklumat. Dan terhentilah siasatan oleh badan ini.
10. Di masa yang sama Pengerusi PAC dan tiga lagi ahli diberi jawatan dalam Kerajaan dan siasatan berkenaan wang 1MDB oleh PAC pun dihentikan.
11. Beberapa pegawai polis dan lain-lain pegawai dipindah ke jawatan lain supaya tidak lagi dapat meneruskan siasatan.
12. Yang ditinggal dan yang baru dilantik adalah orang yang tidak tunjuk minat untuk membuat siasatan, bahkan sengaja menghalang apa-apa siasatan terhadap 1MDB dan duit RM2.6 bilion dalam akaun Najib.
13. Semua saluran untuk menyiasat 1MDB dan RM2.6 bilion dalam akaun Najib sudah tidak lagi ada.
14. Sebaliknya Najib dan konco-konconya sering mendakwa duit RM2.6 bilion adalah derma. Tidak pula diperkenalkan penderma, punca kekayaannya, bentuk wang yang diberi, bank yang terlibat dan lain-lain butiran. Sebenarnya dakwaan ini tidak boleh diterima akal.
15. Kepada pemimpin UMNO Najib mendakwa bahawa RM2.6 bilion ini adalah untuk pilihanraya ke-14. Jika untuk parti belanja membeli nasi lemak atau minuman atau sewa kereta seperti dahulu, jumlah ini beratus kali ganda wang yang diperlukan.
16. Tetapi untuk sogok pemimpin dan ahli Dewan Rakyat dengan berjuta tiap seorang, untuk sogok pegawai supaya menipu, besar kemungkinan wang sebanyak RM2.6 bilion diperlukan.
17. Jika Najib menang kerana sogok wang, dia akan perlu lebih banyak wang lagi untuk mengekalkan dirinya sebagai PM dan untuk PRU 15. Dari mana akan datang berbilion lagi jika tidak secara haram. Malaysia akan diperintah oleh seorang Perdana Menteri yang bergantung kepada rasuah. Najib sendiri berkata “Cash is King” “Wang Tunai adalah Raja”. Raja inilah yang disembah oleh Najib.
18. Najib akan nafi tetapi keadaan Negara sekarang amat buruk. Hubungan kaum tegang. Nilai Ringgit dan saham jatuh dengan teruknya jauh lebih teruk dari Thailand, Singapura dan lain-lain Negara. Kos sara hidup melambung naik kerana GST dan lain-lain. Hutang Negara bertimbun dan lain-lain.
19. Inilah masa depan Malaysia jika Najib kekal. Segala cara menukar Perdana Menteri yang mengikut undang-undang dan Perlembagaan Negara sudah ditutup oleh Najib. Hanya dengan suara keramat rakyat dibantu dengan undi tidak percaya Dewan Rakyat sahaja yang boleh menjatuhkan Najib dan menyelamatkan Negara daripada perasuah.
20. Oleh itu saya terpaksa menyertai demonstrasi jalanan anjuran Bersih yang bertema singkirkan Najib kerana rasuah, dan saya rayu kepada ahli Dewan Rakyat UMNO dan BN supaya menyokong undi tidak percaya kepada Najib. BN tidak akan jatuh setelah Najib disingkir. BN masih parti majoriti.
21. Selagi Najib berkuasa selama itulah ekonomi merosot, nilai Ringgit jatuh, saham jatuh, kos sara hidup meningkat kerana GST, hutang Negara bertimbun dan tidak dapat dibayar, pengangguran bertambah, berbilion duit rakyat disalahgunakan.
22. Inilah nasib yang menunggu Malaysia kerana Najib. - chedet.cc
Dr M: Why I went to the rally

The March of the Yellow Shirted and Shallow Minded People...
The organisers of Bersih 4 event say 500,000 people participated in the March for Democracy. The exact number is no longer important as everyone could see it was a sea of humanity.
It causes fear in Our Dear Leader Kim Il Najib. 500,000 marchers are dismissed as shallow minded people. The brash and uncouth daughter of the unpolished DPM described the 500, 000 marchers as stupid people. They must be so in her mind as only stupid people can carry out stupid protests.
We salute the right-thinking Malaysians who took part in Bersih 4. Bersih 4 was truly an historic event. Many Malaysians came. All races are represented in the March towards more democracy.
In an earlier article, I gave an exaggerated number simply to emphasize the ridiculous number of 20,000 given by the PM. Yet none disputed and assailed the PM. He lied about the number like he lied comfortably about the systematic villainy he unleashed on the people of Malaysia.
You the wretched of the earth, the paraplegic, the crutch users, those on wheel chairs and the hundreds of thousands of able bodied Malaysians, but possessed of sound mind, have shown true grit. All are united in the resolve to dismiss Najib and his entire cabinet of arrogant incompetents.
Our country has been severely damaged by this man and his ministers that the only fair and just recompense to us, is his eviction from office. Bersih took place just as we are about to celebrate Merdeka. But has anyone noticed the mood around? The Malaysian Flags are noticeably less displayed.

Are our citizens behaving unpatriotic?
People are not behaving unpatriotic. They are just not in the mood to celebrate merdeka under a climate of economic calamity, under the rule of the tyrannical status quo, under the threats of bully boys using the legitimate coercive forces, under the yoke of continued and systematic villainy.
And people want to defy and rebel against Najib tun Razak who has proven to be the most detested and despised of all Malaysian PMs. Even Dr Mahathir who has been described as super pharaoh in the past was well received.
Why is it that attendance at UMNO sponsored events is always inflated 20 times over while attendance at not for government events is always reduced to 20%? Because the government of the day does not dare face the truth.
We must not forget the other Bersih Rallies in 70 cities around the world. They raised awareness around the word. The whole world sees Najib Tun Razak as who he really is. He is the Cash is King Man.

Have cash will buy loyalty. And so his loyal sycophants and brown nosing underlings condemned the biggest gathering of pro more democracy in Malaysia. Some ministers pooh-poohed the gathering.
Petty traders complained although I saw business at the Pasar Seni was brisk. Those selling drinks made a lot of business. Those selling t shirts also made a roaring business. The petty traders outside of the Bersih March orbit of course cannot enjoy the business spill overs. But a seller of t shirts in Ampang sold more than 70,000 t shirts at RM20 each
Najib has trivialised the March by Malaysians. He says these people are shallow minded. That is the grossest understatement. Shallow minded people will ignore the falling Ringgit. Our traditional exports have become terribly inexpensive. We have to sell more just to get the usual revenue.
Our intermediate economy is becoming uncompetitive. We are importers of industrial inputs used in production of exports. The expensive imports caused exports to become less competitive against exporters producing own inputs.

The cost of foodstuffs of which 70% is imported impose terrible pain on people. Shallow minded people will dismiss this.
Shallow minded people will forgive Najib for the 1MDB cash embezzlement scam. Shallow minded people will not mind the serpentine explanation given by 1MDB people.
Shallow minded people will also not mind the dumb, dumber and dumbest explanation about the RM2.6 billion donation Najib got.
Shallow minded people will not mind the corruption by Najib and his ministers.
Shallow minded people will tolerate bullying and subject themselves happily under the yoke of systematic wickedness.
He did not mind when these shallow minded people voted for him. He did not care when these bangangs, these disconsolate poor or papa kedana, these bangsats, nincompoops voted for him.
These shallow minded people have banded to express the collective resolve by Malaysians to see Najib dismissed as PM. - Mohd.Ariff Sabri bin Hj. Abdul Aziz@sakmongkol ak47

The guy who let off explosions during #BERSIH4.
He even threatened the lady who recorded him.

Sia-sia usaha Allahyarham Tunku Abdul Rahman merdekakan negara ini,
bila pentadbiran jatuh ke dalam tangan sekumpulan penyamun...

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