DUA BULAN sudah berlalu sejak akhbar The Wall Street Journal mendedahkan skandal dana bernilai lebih kurang RM2.6 billion didalam akaun peribadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia Datuk Seri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak.
Ketika skandal yang amat memalukan kita dimata dunia ini terbongkar ramai yang melompat seperti kera yang terkena belacan, berteriak kepada umum bahawa laporan dana DUA RIBU ENAM RATUS JUTA RINGGIT dalam akaun peribadi Najib adalah fitnah.
Najib sendiri, mungkin kerana terkejut dan tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan untuk menyelamatkan diri pada ketika itu, berbohong kepada rakyat dalam satu tampalan di Facebook dimana beliau menuduh Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad bertanggungjawab keatas 'fitnah terhadap beliau dan keluarga'
Ekoran penafian itu Najib telah berikrar akan mengambil tindakan undang-undang didalam dan diluar negara terhadap fitnah berniat jahat yang didalangi pihak yang bertujuan memaksa beliau melepaskan jawatan Perdana Menteri dan Presiden Umno.
DUA BULAN sudah berlalu. Akhbar The Wall Street Journal telah berulang-kali mempertahankan pendirian mereka bahawa laporan 'Dana RM2.6 Billion dalam akaun peribadi Najib' adalah benar dan sahih. WSJ juga telah mencabar Najib agar menyaman mereka.

DUA BULAN sudah berlalu dan kini cerita Najib menyaman WSJ pun sudah tidak kedengaran lagi. Apa yang kita dengar sekarang pula ialah tentang derma dan dermawan tidak beridentiti dari Timur Tengah.
DUA BULAN telah berlalu. Ahli serta pemimpin-pemimpin Umno sudah celik atau masih buta kayu?
Ada pemimpin bangsawan UMNO yang mengherdik Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad kerana kononnya bekas presiden Umno itu telah terpesong dari perjuangan parti dan bertindak diluar batasan apabila hadir di tunjuk perasaan rakyat di Dataran Merdeka tempohari.
Jika tindakan Dr Mahathir itu amat serius diluar batasan dan harus dikritik, apakah perbuatan bangsat seperti mencuri, berbohong, dan khianat itu perjuangan Umno yang sebenar dan harus disokong?
Jika tidak mampu berdiri untuk menegakkan yang benar dan menghalang kemungkaran yang nyata didepan mata lebih baik berdiam diri dari cuba menegakkan benang yang basah. Hendak harum terlalu hangit! - apanama
No one is buying Najib’s Arabian tale

1MDB tidak terima RM42 bilion daripada kerajaan...
Pelik tetapi benar, itulah fakta daripada buku '1MDB: Siapa Kata Tidak Dijawab' yang diterbitkan oleh Jabatan Hal Ehwal Khas (Jasa) Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia.
1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) tidak menerima RM42 bilion daripada kerajaan, sebaliknya RM42 bilion dana hutang 1MDB adalah di dalam bentuk pinjaman bank, bon dan sukuk.
Persoalannya, kalau 1MDB lingkup siapa yang kena bayar. Siapa yang hendak bagi pinjam kalau tidak ada penjamin. Bukankah kerajaan yang menjadi penjamin?
Makhluk mana yang bermurah hati hendak bagi pinjam, tanpa jaminan kerajaan. Rakyat tidak marah kalau wang itu daripada Bendahari Umno dan wang peribadi Datuk Seri Najib dan Datin Seri Rosmah.
Buku itu juga menjelaskan dana hutang RM42 bilion tidak lesap kerana RM18 bilion digunakan untuk pembelian syarikat pengeluar tenaga bebas, RM15.4 bilion untuk dana pelaburan, RM5.8 bilion untuk kos kewangan, RM1.7 bilion untuk kos pembelian tanah dan RM900 juta dalam bentuk tunai.
Jangan pula jawapan daripada Jasa ini akan menambahkan kesan buruk kepada jatuh nilai mata wang. Memang jawapan yang dibuat oleh pihak Jasa untuk membantu jentera penerangan Umno menjawab di peringkat akar umbi.
Mungkin jawapan ini boleh melegakan Datuk Seri Najib dan rakan-rakan yang sama waktu dengannya. Ia juga boleh meyakinkan penyokong Umno yang tegar, tetapi tidak selesa oleh mereka yang memahami selok belok perniagaan dan perakaunan.
Isu yang menjadi polimik sehingga Tun Mahathir sanggup turun ke padang untuk menyerang kredibiliti Datuk Seri Najib. Inilah sejarah masalah dalaman Umno sehingga Timbalan Presiden dibuang daripada Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Datuk Shafie Apdal dipecat daripada kabinet, walaupun beliau seorang naib presiden.
Jangan tindakan Jasa menyebabkan sokong membawa rebah. - Ustaz Idris Ahmad,harakahdaily
For Najib, it’s a case of catch me if you dare
Rewards for pix stomping info, but what of 1MDB scandals...
The police have been questioned for zeal in going after those who had purportedly stomped on pictures of prominent leaders by offering a reward for information, but not showing similar determination in the probe into the RM42 billion 1MDB scandal.
"How is it that such a trivial incident, even if it is an alleged crime, demands more urgency from the police than the multi-billion ringgit scams committed in the RM42 billion 1MDB scandal?" asked Petaling Jaya MP Tony Pua.
"However to date, none of the key protagonists in the scandal involving funds guaranteed by the federal government have been investigated.
"There is no warrant of arrest for the missing Jho Low, nor any information offered for information leading to his capture," said Pua in a statement today.
Likewise, he said the police have not even bothered to question Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak over the RM2.6 billion, which mysteriously appeared in his personal bank accounts.
"Such absence of urgency has made Malaysia the laughingstock of the world as demonstrated in the recently concluded International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) in Putrajaya," he said.
Double standards
Pua was referring to police's announcement yesterday offering a reward for information on the individuals who stepped on photographs of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang at the Bersih 4 rally last weekend.
"There is no question that stomping on a leader's face is rude, uncalled for and unacceptable. Such actions should not be a part of our political or social culture.
Pua added that opposition leaders have also had their posters stomped on or burnt in the past, but police had done nothing about it.
He also questioned the police's claim that the incident at Bersih 4 had caused public disorder.
"The over-the-top action by the police is completely ridiculous as there have been no signs of public disorder in the one week since the alleged incident.
"We call upon the Royal Malaysian Police to uphold its professionalism and prioritise investigations against the real crimes against Malaysians.
"They should stop making a mockery of the police by pursuing ridiculously trivial incidents at the whims and fancies of the ruling government, bent on suppressing any forms of dissent," he said. - mk
Will PM pick up gauntlet thrown by Hershman?

Kencing,pijak dan bakar gambar pemimpin2 pembangkang,
polis tak tawar ganjaran tunai pulak...

Rumored that Najib Razak intends to sack Mahathir’s son...
If, as rumored in Kuala Lumpur, Prime Minister Najib Razak intends to sack another seven United Malays National Organization leaders from the party, he is taking a daring gamble. They include Kedah Chief Minister Mukhriz Mahathir and former Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin.
But both Mukhriz, the son of former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, and Muhyiddin hail from the Malay heartland, UMNO strongholds whose support he needs to remain in power. Officials in Johor, where UMNO was born in the 1950s, have already warned that Najib’s dismissal of Muhyiddin as deputy prime minister would wreck the party’s southern power base in 2018.
“He is trying to surgically remove all opposition from the party,” said a longtime political observer in Kuala Lumpur. He and other observers speculated that the prime minister’s wife, Rosmah Mansor, is behind the drive to rid the party of figures questioning Najib’s stewardship of the disastrously managed 1Malaysia Development Bhd., although there is no particular proof of that.
Najib has already fired Attorney General Abdul Gani Patail, who was said to be preparing charges against him, as well as the head of the police special branch unit and sent two top officials of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission on “vacation.”
Officials have also ordered the arrest and questioning of a half-dozen MACC officials on suspicion they were leaking details of the case against the prime minister. A parliamentary investigation has been halted as well as the MACC probe.
But while he has gone to extraordinary effort to contain the scandal, it has spread well beyond Malaysia’s borders, with Swiss authorities saying on September 2 that they had frozen funds in Swiss banks amid a probe into people linked to 1MDB, on suspicion of corruption and money laundering. Singapore has already frozen funds despite a private plea from Najib, who reportedly flew to the lion city in August.

The entire country was already deeply embarrassed this week by a massive rally that drew tens of thousands of protesters – one of whom was former PM Mahathir, who is now being investigated for criminal defamation concerning his remarks at the Bersih 4.0 demonstration over the weekend and calling for Najib’s resignation.
In addition, Transparency International President Jose Ugaz and 1,000 delegates to the 16th International Anti-Corruption Conference at the government center Putrajaya called attention to corruption allegations involving a US$680 million “donation” to Najib Razak’s personal banking accounts – who paid the money, why and what happened to it. Najib has not come up with any convincing explanation for the funds, deposited in his account in March of 2013.
The premier’s peril over the threatened new round of firing stems from the fact that by and large, all of the officials he has sacked are in Putrajaya, the seat of government. Najib has been able to keep the Malay heartland behind him by alleging foreign plots, ethnic Chinese attempts to curb Malay political power and Mahathir, who supposedly wants his son to take Najib’s place.
But Kedah, where Mukhriz remains extremely popular, and Johor, where the sultan met Muhyiddin in a show of support after he was pushed as deputy prime minister, are two areas that are crucial to electoral success for UMNO.
In addition to Mukhriz and Muhyiddin, others scheduled to be ousted are party vice-president Mohd Shafie Apdal, who is equally popular in Sabah, a largely Christian or tribal region in East Malaysia which UMNO found critical to maintain itself in power in the 2013 general election. Others are MPs Aziz Sheikh Fadzir and Jumat Idris and former Terengganu chief minister Ahmad Said, all of whom are local politicians with electoral followings.

Earlier, officials ordered the expulsion of Anina Saadudin, a Langkawi women’s wing delegate who caused a storm with an impassioned rant saying the prime minister was urinating on the heads of the 3 million party rank and file. A YouTube video of the young woman’s tirade went viral and was seen by tens of thousands of people.
Mukhriz told the independent news website Malaysiakini he hasn’t heard of any action ousting the seven. However, recently in the city of Alor Setar in Mukhriz’s home state, Najib is said to have told an UMNO division meeting that it was okay to undermine Mukhriz because Mukhriz “had it easy,” referring to his appointment as chief minister – that he put Mukhriz in and that the former prime minister’s son should toe the line on the controversies surrounding 1MDB, the unpopular goods and services tax, an 18–month postponement of UMNO intraparty elections and other hot-button issues.
“The stage is set to get rid of Mukhriz and replace him with Alor Setar UMNO chief Senator Ahmad Bashah Md Hanipah, who goes back a long way with Najib,” according to Imran Imtiaz Shah Yacob, a Mukhriz supporter. “Ahmad Bashah’s long burning desire for the [chief minister’s] post is an open secret.” - asiasentinel

1 juta orang rally Umno Melaka hari ini menyokong Najib.
Inilah muka2 penjilat bontot Najib sampai bangang tak boleh nak fikir apa yang Najib dah buat pada rakyat...
Inilah muka2 penjilat bontot Najib sampai bangang tak boleh nak fikir apa yang Najib dah buat pada rakyat...

Gadis2 Petronas...ulamak2 tak mau komen ke...

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