1.Najib mendesak supaya kamu menyokong dirinya untuk kemenangan PRU14.
2.Malangnya menyokong Najib sebagai Ketua UMNO lebih menentukan kekalahan UMNO dan bukan kemenangan.
3.UMNO tidak pernah menang semata-mata kerana sokongan ahli-ahlinya. Jumlah ahli dalam mana-mana kawasan tidak mencukupi untuk memberi kemenangan bagi calon UMNO. Tidak pernah ahli UMNO melebihi separuh dari jumlah pengundi dalam mana-mana kawasan.
4.Yang memberi kemenangan kepada calon UMNO ialah orang Melayu, yang percaya kepada perjuangan UMNO, tetapi tidak menyertai UMNO. Orang Cina dan India juga menyumbang kepada kemenangan calon UMNO.
5.Sekarang semua mereka ini sudah tidak percaya lagi kepada UMNO. Mereka benci Najib dan mereka percaya Najib mengguna wang untuk membeli sokongan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO. Ini diakui oleh beberapa Ketua Bahagian dan Ahli Parlimen secara terbuka. Apabila pembangkang menamakan pemimpin UMNO yang telah disogok, tidak ada penafian dibuat oleh sesiapa.
6.Tindakan Najib menghalang siasatan keatas wang 2.6 billion Ringgit yang ada dalam akaun peribadinya, membuktikan wang ini didapati secara haram. Jika didapati secara halal, Najib tidak perlu takut siasatan diteruskan.
7.Pentadbiran Najib menyebabkan nilai Ringgit jatuh sehingga harga barang semua naik, inflasi tinggi, dan saham jatuh harga. Ramai sekarang ini sudah muflis. Beban ditokok dengan GST yang menyebabkan harga barangan dan khidmat naik lagi.
8.Mereka yang ada anak belajar di luar negari terpaksa tambah Ringgit yang merosot nilai dari 4 Ringgit bagi 1 Pound kepada hampir 7 Ringgit 1 Pound.
9.Pembangunan negara diabaikan dan wang sebanyak RM42 billion dipinjam, dilabur secara tidak bijak dan berbillion Ringgit sudah tidak dapat dikesan. Yang diketahui ialah Najib memiliki wang sebanyak 2.6 billion Ringgit dalam akaunnya di bank Arab-Malaysian. Sekarang wang ini telah dipindah entah kemana. Apabila siasatan dibuat oleh badan Kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab Najib bubar badan-badan ini.
10.Sesungguhnya majoriti rakyat menolak dan benci Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri. Mereka tidak dapat terima dakwaan Najib bahawa 2.6 billion Ringgit yang ada dalam akaunnya adalah derma orang Arab.
11.Dalam PRU14 mereka semua, Melayu, Cina dan India akan tolak BN kerana kepimpinan Najib. UMNO akan hancur kerana ramai dari ahli UMNO tidak dapat terima Najib dan perbuatannya. Ramai dari mereka akan undi parti lawan atau tidak mengundi.
12.Sebaliknya jika Najib tidak lagi menjadi Presiden UMNO dan memimpin BN, besar kemungkinan BN dan UMNO akan menang. Perasaan benci rakyat tidak tertumpu kepada UMNO atau BN. Mereka tidak terima Najib dan kemarahan mereka hanyalah kepada Najib dan beberapa pemimpin UMNO yang membodek kerana hendak jawatan atau lain-lain.
13.Ahli-ahli UMNO yang sayang dan ingin UMNO kekal dan berkuasa perlu tolak Najib sebelum pilihanraya. Jika penolakan ini dibuat terlalu lewat, masa untuk pemulihan UMNO tidak mencukupi.
14.Jika sayang UMNO tolak Najib sekarang. Jika sayang Najib, UMNO akan hilang kuasa dan berkecai. - chedet.cc

Blocking RM2.6b probe proves sum illegal, says Dr M...
If the money was obtained through 'halal' means, he says, Najib has nothing to fear.
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's move to prevent investigations into the RM2.6 billion issue proves the sum was obtained through illegal means, claimed Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
"If the money was obtained through 'halal' (permissible by Islam) means, Najib does not need to fear if the investigations continue," said the former premier in a blog post addressed to Umno members.
However, it appears this has not deterred the 90-year-old former Umno president from continuing his verbal battering of Najib, whom he claims would ruin the nation and cause the defeat of BN in the next election.
Mahathir said Najib's administration has caused the value of the Ringgit to fall, prices of goods to rise, high inflation and drop in share prices.
"Many are now bankrupt. The burden is greater with GST, which has caused the prices of goods and services to increase further," he added.
The former premier said Malaysians with children studying overseas are also in a dilemma over the weakening Ringgit.
Mahathir also accused the Najib administration of disregarding development.
"A sum of RM42 billion is borrowed, unwisely invested and billions can no longer be traced.
"What is known is Najib had RM2.6 billion in his bank accounts. Nobody knows where the money has been transferred to now.
"When an investigation was carried out by a government body, Najib dissolved it," he said.
Mahathir also claimed the people "reject and despise" Najib as the prime minister and cannot accept his argument that the RM2.6 billion was political donation from a Middle Eastern source.
Najib has denied using public funds for political gains.- mk
Anwar dakwa Zahid sekat jumpa peguamnya...
Which Parliament in world forbids no confidence vote...
DAP parliamentarians have expressed disagreement with Dewan Rakyat speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia that there are no provisions in the standing orders that allow MPs to table a motion of no confidence against Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
"Absolutely not," said Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua.
"Which Parliament in the world does not allow for a motion of no confidence?" he asked.
Pua pointed out how the prime minister is selected based on the confidence of the majority of MPs in the House.
"And that majority needs to be expressed, and should such a majority change or shift to someone else, there must naturally be a process in Parliament to allow for that change to take place," he said.
"We have the supreme legislative body, surely we can choose our own prime minister," he added.
His party colleague Bukit Mertajam MP Steven Sim (photo) also questioned Pandikar's argument.
"How can it be (that there are no provisions)?
"This is a Westminster practice, so the speaker should consider this, because this is a Westminster Parliament. Even if there is no specific provision, there is a convention. So yes, I don't agree," he said.
Pandikar yesterday said that there were no provisions in the standing orders which mentioned an MP could table a motion of no confidence against the prime minister.
"There are no such provisions. Can I in the name of democracy, western democracy, make such standing orders? It looks stupid," he had said.
On another matter, Pua appeared pessimistic about the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) resuming its hearing into 1MDB.
"If it (PAC hearings) resumes... What makes you think it will resume?" he said.
Asked to elaborate, Pua said there had been no commitment from the speaker or the executive as to when the PAC chairperson would be appointed.
"All they said is let's wait for the coming parliamentary session before such an appointment is made.
"Is it going to be the first day of the session or the last day of the session until it's the holiday season?
"All we know is they are playing the delaying tactic to buy as much time as possible for the prime minister and hope the prime minister will be able to cover up the whole (issue) on 1MDB," he alleged.
The progress of the PAC in probing the allegations surrounding MDB hit a brick wall when its former chairperson Nur Jazlan Mohamed was made a deputy minister and had to step down from the committee.
Four of the eight BN MPs in the PAC were appointed into Najib's cabinet during the last controversial cabinet shuffle.
Apart from Nur Jazlan, the other three appointed were Wilfred Madius Tangau, Reezal Merican Naina Merican and Mas Ermieyati Samsudin.
The appointments had been criticised as an attempt by Najib to derail the 1MDB investigations.- mk
Parlimen dunia mana tak benar undi tak percaya...

A corruption scandal that is engulfing Malaysia's government and prime minister has pulled in a high-profile Abu Dhabi investment fund over more than a billion dollars that appears to have vanished...

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