Tun M akan disiasat mengikut Seksyen 500 kerana memfitnah...
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yang mendakwa ketua-ketua UMNO bahagian telah dirasuah ketika menyertai perhimpunan 4.0 akan disiasat mengikut Seksyen 500 Kanun Keseksaan kerana kesalahan memfitnah.
Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar berkata, pihaknya akan mengambil keterangan daripada Dr Mahathir dalam waktu terdekat ini bagi membantu siasatan.
“Kita akan rakam segala percakapan beliau berdasarkan laporan-laporan yang telah dibuat kepada pihak polis,
“Siasatan dibuat berdasarkan kenyataan Dr Mahathir yang mendakwa ketua-ketua Bahagian UMNO telah dirasuah,” katanya dalam sidang media di Dewan Plenari, KLCC pada Khamis.
Khalid memberi jaminan siasatan terhadap Perdana Menteri selama 22 tahun itu akan berjalan dengan baik dan tertib.

Ini kerana, katanya, status Dr Mahathir sebagai negarawan perlu dijaga dan dihormati.
Dalam masa sama, Khalid menggesa semua pihak bertenang dan memberikan ruang kepada polis menjalankan siasatan lanjut terhadap sebarang insiden atau kekecohan yang berlaku sepanjang perhimpunan Bersih 4.0.
“Saya nasihatkan jangan jadikan insiden kekecohan yang ditimbulkan oleh peserta Bersih 4.0 sebagai satu perkara rasis.
“Ini boleh menimbulkan ketegangan dan kemarahan di antara kaum,” tegasnya. - fmt
Terkilan pula, apa jenis soalan yang hendak dikemukakan polis kepada Mahathir? Mungkin soalan aneka pilihan(A,B,C,D)atau soalan 'Isikan tempat2 kosong ini dengan...'atau mungkin Mahathir disuruh tulis dalam 4 para pengalamannya bersama Bersih 4... t/s
Dr M to be investigated for criminal defamation...
Dr Mahathir Mohamad will be investigated under Section 500 of the Penal Code on criminal defamation for the remarks he made during Bersih 4, inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar said today.
The police might go soft on Mahathir, Khalid said, when asked if the former prime minister would be given special treatment.
"I do not want to discuss it now. But of course, he is a statesman and we have to take good care of our statesmen," he told reporters in Kuala Lumpur.
Khalid said Mahathir, 90, was being investigated after an Umno division leader lodged a report against him.
The former prime minister electrified crowds at the Bersih rally last weekend.
During his appearance on the second day of the rally, Mahathir said, among other things, that Najib had bribed the Umno leaders.
He also urged Umno and BN lawmakers to support a vote of no confidence against Najib.
Khalid said he would inform Mahathir, personally, that he is being investigated, but Khalid is Khalid is certain that Mahathir already knows about this.
He said he has yet to decide on a date when Mahathir will be questioned.

Meanwhile the IGP said police would also look into claims by former journalist Lester Melanyi that Mahathir instructed Sarawak Report to write against the government.
"I have instructed my officers to meet Lester and ask him to make a police report
"His allegation is serious and needs to be looked into," Khalid said.
Lester claims to have an audio recording of Mahathir's conversation with Sarawak Report editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown, but refused to furnish it when grilled by journalists. - mk
DBKL asking for RM65,000 donation from Bersih, DBKL tahukah sapa kencing kat mana......
Bersih will not fork out a single sen for Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) on the RM65,000 cleaning bill issued with regard to the weekend rally.
Instead, Bersih chairperson Maria Chin Abdullah said, they would take the matter to court.
"Furnish the evidence, and we'll answer in court," Maria told the media. It is DBKL's job to clean up the area. How will DBKL charge someone for urinating publicly? Do they know who it is?" Maria asked.
Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister Abdul Rahman Dahlan said Bersih must pay DBKL, which had to clean up after protesters, who Rahman accused, among others things, of urinating in the open.
Rahman said Bersih could settle the bill using the donation it collected before the rally.
Bersih had collected more than RM2 million for the two-day protest, which it reportedly used for security, and to set up portable toilets.
Speaking after being questioned at Bukit Aman, she said police are also probing media statements, the Bersih launch, and the protest itself.
"However we didn't answer the questions and exercised our right to remain silent.
"They have not charged us. Maybe they will tell us later if they want to charge us," she said.
Besides Maria, police also questioned Sarajun Hoda Abdul Hassan, Masjaliza Hamzah, Farhana Halim, Fadiah Nadwa Fikri, Mandeep Singh and Adam Adli Abdul Halim in relation to the rally.
They are being questioned under Sections 120, 124C, 140 and 141 of the Penal Code, while Mandeep is also being investigated under Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act. - mk
DBKL tuntut derma RM65,000 dari Bersih...

Ketua NGO antirasuah dunia tuntut jawapan dari Najib...
Pengerusi Transparency International (TI) Jose Ugaz menuntut jawapan terhadap dakwaan skandal melibatkan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Dalam ucapan pembukaan dalam Persidangan Antirasuah Antarabangsa ke-16 (IACC) di Putrajaya hari ini, Ugaz berkata kerajaan mengambil banyak inisiatif untuk menangani masalah rasuah.
“Kita mahu lihat lebih banyak kemajuan tetapi perkara itu tidak dapat berlaku selagi terdapat soalan tidak berjawab berhubung AS$700 juta yang masuk ke akaun peribadi perdana menteri,” katanya disambut tepukan.
Ugaz membangkitkan perkembangan minggu-minggu terakhir ini yang menyaksikan peguam negara diganti, pasukan petugas khas dimansuhkan dan pegawai-pegawai Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) ditahan polis atau dipindah keluar dari suruhanjaya itu.
Begitu juga dengan penggantungan akhbar, kata Ugaz.
“Ini bukan tindakannya untuk sebuah kerajaan yang melawan rasuah,” katanya, sekali lagi disambut tepukan hadirin.
“Terdapat dua persoalan yang perlu dijawab: siapa bayar wang itu dan kenapa, dan ke mana ia pergi?
“Seorang lelaki boleh jawab soalan-soalan ini,” katanya. - mk

World anti-corruption head slams Najib on home ground...
Transparency International (TI) chair Jose Ugaz wants answers to the scandal surrounding Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
In his opening address at the 16th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) in Putrajaya today, Ugaz said the Malaysian government took many initiatives to tackle corruption.
"We want to see more progress but that cannot happen while there are unanswered questions about the US$700 million that made its way into the prime minister's personal accounts," he said to loud applause.
Ugaz pointed out that the recent weeks had seen the attorney-general suddenly replaced, the 1MDB task force disbanded and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers arrested or transferred as well as newspapers suspended for reporting on the matter.
"These are not the actions of a government that is fighting corruption," he said to loud applause again.
"There are two questions that need to be answered: who paid the money and why, and where did it go?
"One man could answer those questions," he said.
Najib was supposed to officiate the event, but this did not happen as there were concerns he might court an hostile reception.
'Uncover the truth'
Meanwhile, Ugaz said if Najib did not answer the questions, then only a "fully independent investigation, free from political interference", could uncover the truth.
"Until that happens, no claim from the government on anti-corruption will be credible.
"I stand here today with you and say this is what the people want from the government – honesty and integrity," he said.
Ugaz, earlier in his speech said that the scandal plaguing Najib was like an elephant in the room.
"No one can be in Malaysia and not be aware of the corruption allegations of recent months and how damaging they are to the country. There is a corruption crisis here.
"As a global anti-corruption movement it is our role to ask questions, to challenge those who abuse their power, to champion those who cannot speak and to engage with those who sincerely wish to change," he said.
Najib is currently embroiled in a controversy where RM2.6 billion was allegedly transferred to his personal accounts. The premier has also courted brickbats due to perceived attempts of tampering with investigations into the matter. - mk
Message to the corrupt - Your days of impunity are numbered

Inside Story - Bersih 4...

Apa jasa minah ni pada negara hingga membolehkan dapat title 'Dato'...

Ribuan orang hadir ceramah pembangkang (Workers Party) di
Warga Singapura juga dah meluat kat kerajaan PAP yang
memerintah lebih daripada 50 tahun...

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