Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad does not rule out the possibility that he is next to be arrested under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma) for being vocal against PM Najib Abdul Razak.
He, however, said he was not ready and too old to be detained under the security law.
"I am not ready, I am old, not very well and unable to think. (I am) nyanyuk (senile), you know ?" said the 90-year-old at an education forum.
He was asked if he expected to be arrested after Khairuddin Abu Hassan (photo), the former Batu Kawan division deputy chief who is held under Sosma for allegedly sabotaging the country.
Khairuddin was prior to that barred from leaving the country, after lodging reports against 1MDB at various international enforcement agencies.
"This is the law. I suppose I have to submit. If I am guilty I will have to face life imprisonment," Mahathir said in his trademark sarcasm.
Held for life?
The longest serving prime minister opined that Sosma was worse than the repealed Internal Security Act (ISA), which it replaced.
He claimed that ISA had a two-year limit and subjected to review at the end of the term, but one can be held for life under Sosma.
"You may face the possibility that you may be jailed for the whole of your natural life. That is what Khairuddin is facing," he claimed.
However, the law states that one can be held for a maximum of 28 days without trial under Sosma, after which the Attorney-General's Chambers must decide whether to prosecute.
Mahathir (photo) further argued that the authorities hold the right to interpret "sabotage", the offence Khairuddin allegedly committed.
"If you are accused of sabotaging and sabotage is not defined, you can be jailed for life. So Khairuddin is facing this problem.
"Of course what he has done can be called sabotage because the definition is not given. The government can make a definition if you do something, then this is sabotage," he said.
Khairuddin was first arrested on Sept 18 at his home in Mont Kiara, under Section 124C of the Penal Code, for attempting to commit acts detrimental to parliamentary democracy.
This was in relation to his police reports in Switzerland, London, New York, Singapore and Hong Kong on the 1MDB scandal.
On Sept 19, Khairuddin was remanded for six days.
However he was released early, on Sept 23, only to be re-arrested soon after under Sosma for allegedly violating Sections 124K and 124L of the Penal Code.
Sections 124K and 124L, respectively, deal with sabotage and attempting to sabotage the state.
Najib, who conceived the state investment fund 1MDB, has said there is an international plot to topple him.- mk

Blogger UMNO Shahbudin Husin disoal siasat oleh SKMM...
'Sapuman' flies into Sedition dragnet...
Controversial cartoonist Zunar claims his latest book "Sapuman - Man
of Steal", which mocks Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and the RM2.6
billion political donation, is under police investigation.
"A sales assistant who operates online sales of my latest book on the website has been called for police investigation at Dang Wangi next Monday under the Sedition Act," he said in a statement today.
(photo), whose real name is Zulkiflee Anwar Ulhaque, condemned the
probe as a way to scare the public from reading his work.
"My sales assistant did nothing illegal as 'Sapuman-Man of Steal' is not officially banned by the government," he added.
This is the second time police had called in those linked to Zunar's online store for questioning.
Last November, police questioned Zunar's webmaster, and also asked online payment gateway MOLPay Sdn Bhd to disclose customers who bought Zunar's comic books.
Announced on Sept 10, "Sapuman - Man of Steal" became Zunar's 18th comic book. The cartoonist has had seven of his books banned by the government.
Two of the bans were lifted last year by the Court of Appeal, which ruled that cartoons were unlikely to disrupt public order.
The government obtained leave to challenge the appellate court's decision in May.
Besides his books, Zunar is also facing nine sedition charges for nine different tweets critical of the judiciary following the Federal Court's decision to imprison former opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim for sodomy.
Malaysiakini has contacted the Dang Wangi police and is awaiting their response. - mk
Zunar dakwa buku komik 'Sapuman' disiasat polis
"A sales assistant who operates online sales of my latest book on the website has been called for police investigation at Dang Wangi next Monday under the Sedition Act," he said in a statement today.

"My sales assistant did nothing illegal as 'Sapuman-Man of Steal' is not officially banned by the government," he added.
This is the second time police had called in those linked to Zunar's online store for questioning.
Last November, police questioned Zunar's webmaster, and also asked online payment gateway MOLPay Sdn Bhd to disclose customers who bought Zunar's comic books.
Announced on Sept 10, "Sapuman - Man of Steal" became Zunar's 18th comic book. The cartoonist has had seven of his books banned by the government.
Two of the bans were lifted last year by the Court of Appeal, which ruled that cartoons were unlikely to disrupt public order.
The government obtained leave to challenge the appellate court's decision in May.
Besides his books, Zunar is also facing nine sedition charges for nine different tweets critical of the judiciary following the Federal Court's decision to imprison former opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim for sodomy.
Malaysiakini has contacted the Dang Wangi police and is awaiting their response. - mk
Zunar dakwa buku komik 'Sapuman' disiasat polis

Media Indonesia Dakwa 28 Petugas Haji Akan Dipancung Gara-Gara Rempuhan Di Mina...
Berita ini dilaporkan oleh LensaIndonesia dan Makassar Tribune, di mana mereka mendakwa Raja Salman telah mengeluarkan perintah berkenaan kerana mereka bertanggungjawab memastikan keselamatan jemaah.
Bagaimanapun menurut portal berita Indonesia ini, keputusan menghukum pancung 28 petugas Mina itu didakwa diambil oleh Raja Salman kesan dari tuduhan yang diterima puteranya Pangeran Mohammad bin Salman al Saud yang dituduh sebagai penyebab tragedi yang meragut nyawa ratusan jamaah haji tersebut.
Perkara itu juga di dakwa untuk menutupi kesalahan anggota keluarga kerajaan Arab Saudi, dakwa media Indonesia itu lagi.
Sementara itu, memetik laporan kompasiana, hukuman pancung (qisas) atau hukuman dengan cara pemenggalan kepala adalah hukuman tertinggi bagi mereka yang terbukti secara hukum bersalah telah melakukan penghilangan nyawa manusia. Setelah melalui proses pengadilan hingga vonis eksekusi, pihak terdakwa sebenarnya masih memiliki harapan hidup apa bila pihak ahli waris korban jika diberi kemaafan.
Portal itu juga melaporkan, Pengajar Hukum Pidana Islam, Universitas Islam Negeri(UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, Nurul Irfan: “Dari berbagai negara Islam, Arab Saudi lah yang paling ketat menerapkan qisas hukuman pancung, karena Arab Saudi menerapkan langsung ayat Al Quran, Surat Al-Baqarah ayat 178.
Dalam ayat tersebut disebutkan; kewajiban hukum qisas pada orang-orang yang terbunuh, orang merdeka dengan orang merdeka, hamba sahaya dengan hamba sahaya dan perempuan dengan perempuan. Akan tetapi barangsiapa yang diampunkan untuknya dari saudaranya sebagian, maka hendaklah mengikuti dengan yang baik, dan tunaikan kepadanya dengan cara yang baik.
Dari ayat ini, ada perkecualian hukum qisas yaitu apabila keluarga korban memaafkan. Sebagai pemaaf tersebut, pembunuh mengganti denda dengan 100 ekor unta, 40 diantaranya unta yang sedang hamil.
Namun menurut kompasiana, berlakunya hukum qisas bukannya tanpa kritik. Dimana sehingga saat ini tidak ada hukum acara yang pasti untuk menentukan bagaimana cara pembuktian di pengadilan. Selain itu juga sistem pengadilan disana yang tidak terbuka, kemudian model struktur kepemimpinan pemerintahanannya.
“Di sana, Raja menguasai ulama. Ulama yang tidak sesuai dengan keyakinan Raja, disingkirkan.
“Apapun tak akan ada yang bisa membuat Al-Quran jadi hina karena memang sudah mulia. Adakah Rasul pernah menghukum mati orang yang pernah menghinanya?, tulis laporan itu lagi.
Sementara itu, organisasi penggiat hak asasi manusia Amnesty International mengecam eksekusi mati itu.
“Praktik ini telah dikecam secara luas di dunia dan Arab Saudi seharusnya menanggapi kesempatan untuk mempertimbangkan kembali kebijakan mengenai hukuman mati”, kata Philip Luther dalam pernyataan yang ditulis menerusi website Amnesty International.
Bagaimanapun, ada juga media Indonesia masih melaporkan perkara itu hanyalah spekulasi semata-mata.
“Banyak pihak berspekulasi bahawa hukuman tersebut adalah perkara yang di kambing hitamkan terhadap 28 petugas yang dihukum pancung itu,” lapor kompasiana.
Bagaimanapun sehingga kini kami belum menerima apa-apa lagi berita mengenai kesahihan perkara ini dan menunggu sidang media khusus tentang penyebaran berita ini.
Dalam insiden itu, seramai 717 jemaah haji terkorban manakala 863 yang lain cedera.
Seorang jemaah dari Malaysia, Zulkifly Samad, 50, dari Ampang turut terbunuh dalam insiden tersebut yang berlaku pada 24 September lalu.-

The RM slide...
Malaysia faces another bond litmus test as contagion worries grow investors could pull billion US$ out of embattled Msia's bond markets
- RM11b (US$2.5 billion) govt bonds to mature Wed
- foreigners own 45% of bonds to pull cash out
- risk-reward of investing in M'sia assets unattractive for now
- significant portion of maturing bond not reinvested
- pushing country step closer to currency reserves crisis
- would send shudders across region
- widening political scandal, tumbling currency take toll on investors
- unnerving neighbours despite central bank's efforts to contain damage
- M'sia's markets down since July, escalating political fallout from 1MDB
RM11 billion worth of gomen bonds fall due on Wednesday. The gomen has to pay RM11 billion. 45% of this amount ie about RM5b is held by foreigners.
With the Ringgit falling they will likely be taking this money out. They will be converting these Ringgits to buy US Dollars, Euros, Yen etc. The Ringgit will slide even further beginning Wednesday. Its already at 4:47 to the US$ now.
MAS and Air Asia are already hurting from the Ringgit slide. They also pay for fuel in US Dollars (besides Ringgit of course). Although fuel prices are down (worldwide) the weakening Ringgit is not helping MAS and Air Asia.
If the Ringgit/Dollar hits RM5.00 MAS and Air Asia will be in real trouble.
Utusan & bloga UMNO tak payah berterima kasih kepada Najib. Terima kasut boleh lah. Tapi Utusan faham kah keadaan negara kita sekarang? - syedsoutsidethebox

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