TMJ: Cukuplah bodoh sombong, pecat Dollah...
Susulan kekalahan memalukan 0-10 skuad kebangsaan kepada Emeriah Arab Bersatu (UAE), Presiden Persatuan Bola Sepak Negeri Johor (PBNJ) Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim sekali lagi tampil menghentam FAM.
Tengku Mahkota Johor (TMJ) secara sinis berkata, PBNJ bersedia membantu FAM mencari bajet bagi mendapatkan khidmat jurulatih luar.
"Tolong sampaikan kepada presiden FAM bahawa PBNJ akan membantu mendapatkan bajet untuk mendapatkan khidmat jurulatih luar yang lebih berkelayakan membimbing pasukan kebangsaan.
"Cukup-cukuplah kita berperangai bodoh sombong. Pecat Dollah (Salleh) secepat mungkin dan cuba memperbaiki apa yang kita mampu sebelum imej bola sepak tanah air semakin hancur," katanya.

Dollah Salleh Letak Jawatan...Najib Bila Lagi...
Menulis di Facebook Johor Southern Tiger, beliau bagaimanapun berkata bantuan PBNJ itu bersyarat.
Kata TMJ, syaratnya dengan memberikan semua pasukan yang bertanding dalam negara hak penyiaran yang sepatutnya mereka terima iaitu sebanyak 70 hingga 80 peratus.
"Setakat untuk mendapatkan khidmat jurulatih luar dan menguruskan liga tempatan, FAM tidak perlu lebih daripada 20 peratus hingga 25 peratus bahagian daripada hak penyiaran.
"Pembangunan akar umbi boleh dipertanggungjawabkan kepada persatuan-persatuan bolasepak negeri dan kelab-kelab," katanya. Baca seterusnya sini...
TMJ mahu Malaysia kalah 50 – 0

Court bars Utusan from using Anwar’s sodomy conviction to reduce damages payable...
The Court of Appeal today dismissed an appeal by publisher Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd to include Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's sodomy conviction in its bid to reduce damages payable to the former opposition leader in a defamation suit.
A three-man bench chaired by Datuk Umi Kalthum Abdul Majid said Section 55 of the Evidence Act prevented a defendant from bringing the criminal conviction of a plaintiff to a civil case.
Anwar, represented by N. Surendran, Latheefa Koya and Shahid Adli Kamaruddin, was also awarded RM5,000 in costs.
Surendran told the bench today that another panel in the Court of Appeal had on May 29 this year also ruled that the Evidence Act barred parties in a civil suit from raising previous convictions.
That defamation case had also involved Anwar, as well as his former tennis partner Datuk Seri S. Nallakaruppan and two others who wanted the sodomy conviction to be taken into consideration.
Latheefa later told The Malaysian Insider that assessment of damages would be reverted to High Court judge Hue Siew Kheng on Monday.
Malay daily Utusan Malaysia was found liable for defaming Anwar by then-High Court judge Datuk V.T. Singham in January 2013.
The paper, which is published by Utusan Melayu, had produced two articles following Anwar's comments to British broadcaster BBC in an interview on homosexuality laws.
The Court of Appeal later dismissed the publisher's appeal against Singham's finding of liability.
However, the publisher filed an application to reduce the quantum of damages to be paid to Anwar, on grounds that the former Permatang Pauh MP was of "bad character" based on his sodomy conviction.
Hue, the High Court judge, dismissed the application by Utusan on August 13 last year on grounds that it was filed late and highly prejudicial to Anwar.
The Court of Appeal today dismissed the paper's appeal.
Anwar in the defamation suit had named Utusan Melayu and its editor-in-chief Datuk Abdul Aziz Ishak as defendants.
The trial judge said the newspaper had “distorted” the opposition leader’s words to suggest he backed the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) movement.
The judge said it was “crystal clear” that Anwar did not say that LGBT activities should be legalised in his BBC interview, and that the Utusan articles had suggested that Anwar was unfit to hold public office and be the opposition leader.
Anwar filed the defamation suit in January 2012, seeking RM50 million in damages.
Singham, who has since retired, had ordered the defendants to pay RM45,000 in costs to Anwar but for damages to be assessed by a court registrar. – tmi

Mampukah Najib tangani undi tak percaya...
Ada satu rencana untuk mengemukaan satu undi tidak percaya di Parlimen terhadap PM Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan maklumat rencana itu sudah lama tertanam di fon bimbit para MP, kata pihak Pembangkang.
Mantan naib presiden PAS dan mantan MP Salahuddin Ayub berkata semua 150 orang MP perlu dirundingkan sepenuhnya perkara ini
Namun, tidak siapa yang tahu MP mana yang akan mengepalai rencana ini. Ada yang yakin bahawa rencana ini adalah hasil cetusan idea Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, ataupun Ku Li, mantan naib presiden Umno.
Ku Li memang terkenal sebagai satu-satunya insan yang berani mencabar mantan Perdana Menteri Dr Mahathir Mohamad untuk jawatan presiden pada 1987. Namun, Ku Li gagal menjatuhkan Mahathir.
Baru-baru ini, Ku Li dilapurkan telah berkata bahawa para MP tidak seharusnya patuh pada peraturan parti sahaja tetapi bertindak dengan penuh jatidiri bagi pihak para pengundi mereka.
Apakah ahli parlimen akur dengan cadangan itu dan mungkinkah ia menyebabkan ketidakstabilan sistem politik dalam negara?
Ya, kalau diambil kira pendapat Timbalan PM Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi yang menganggap cadangan itu sebagai “rampasan kuasa untuk menggulingkan kerajaan yang dipilih secara demokratik”.
Barisan Nasional memilikki 134 (kerusi) MP dengan Umno (88), PBB (14), MCA (7), PRS (6), MIC (4), PBS (4), SPDP (4), Upko (3), Gerakan (2), PBRS (1) dan SUPP (1).
Pihak Pembangkang DAP ada 37 MP, PKR (28), PAS (22), PSM (1) dan TERAS (1). Ada seorang MP bebas..
Untuk rnenang, pencadang dan penyokongnya memerlukan hanya lebih sedikit dari separuh angka 222 yang merupakan jumlah wakil rakyat di Parlimen itu.
Sebaliknya MP Parit Buntar Datuk Dr Mujahid Yusuf Rawa berpendapat bahawa Ahmad Zahid telah tersilap besar.
Mujahid berkata bahawa rakyat telah mengundi wakil rakyat di Parlimen sebagai MP untuk berkhidmat dan mereka hanya melaksanakan tugas mengenepikan seorang pemimpin yang bergelumang dengan skandal yang terus mengecewakan rakyat dalam banyak urusan.
“Ini bukanlah satu rampasan kuasa tetapi satu amalan demokrasi oleh MP akan hak mereka sebagai wakil rakyat menyelesaikan isu kepimpinan negara. Para MP hanya melakukan apa yang rakyat mahu,” katanya.
Mujahid berkata Parlimen mesti dikembalikan ke taraf asalnya dalam membangunkan negara secara menjadi pemantau yang bermaruah dan bukan setakat menjadi tukang chop perundagnan.
Pada Oktober ini, dunia akan memerhatikan Parlimen dalam persidangan suku-tahunnya apabila 222-ahli Dewan Rakyat mula bersidang.- Ian McIntyre, The Heat Online
Mantan naib presiden PAS dan mantan MP Salahuddin Ayub berkata semua 150 orang MP perlu dirundingkan sepenuhnya perkara ini
Namun, tidak siapa yang tahu MP mana yang akan mengepalai rencana ini. Ada yang yakin bahawa rencana ini adalah hasil cetusan idea Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, ataupun Ku Li, mantan naib presiden Umno.
Ku Li memang terkenal sebagai satu-satunya insan yang berani mencabar mantan Perdana Menteri Dr Mahathir Mohamad untuk jawatan presiden pada 1987. Namun, Ku Li gagal menjatuhkan Mahathir.
Baru-baru ini, Ku Li dilapurkan telah berkata bahawa para MP tidak seharusnya patuh pada peraturan parti sahaja tetapi bertindak dengan penuh jatidiri bagi pihak para pengundi mereka.
Apakah ahli parlimen akur dengan cadangan itu dan mungkinkah ia menyebabkan ketidakstabilan sistem politik dalam negara?
Ya, kalau diambil kira pendapat Timbalan PM Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi yang menganggap cadangan itu sebagai “rampasan kuasa untuk menggulingkan kerajaan yang dipilih secara demokratik”.
Barisan Nasional memilikki 134 (kerusi) MP dengan Umno (88), PBB (14), MCA (7), PRS (6), MIC (4), PBS (4), SPDP (4), Upko (3), Gerakan (2), PBRS (1) dan SUPP (1).
Pihak Pembangkang DAP ada 37 MP, PKR (28), PAS (22), PSM (1) dan TERAS (1). Ada seorang MP bebas..

Untuk rnenang, pencadang dan penyokongnya memerlukan hanya lebih sedikit dari separuh angka 222 yang merupakan jumlah wakil rakyat di Parlimen itu.
Sebaliknya MP Parit Buntar Datuk Dr Mujahid Yusuf Rawa berpendapat bahawa Ahmad Zahid telah tersilap besar.
Mujahid berkata bahawa rakyat telah mengundi wakil rakyat di Parlimen sebagai MP untuk berkhidmat dan mereka hanya melaksanakan tugas mengenepikan seorang pemimpin yang bergelumang dengan skandal yang terus mengecewakan rakyat dalam banyak urusan.
“Ini bukanlah satu rampasan kuasa tetapi satu amalan demokrasi oleh MP akan hak mereka sebagai wakil rakyat menyelesaikan isu kepimpinan negara. Para MP hanya melakukan apa yang rakyat mahu,” katanya.
Mujahid berkata Parlimen mesti dikembalikan ke taraf asalnya dalam membangunkan negara secara menjadi pemantau yang bermaruah dan bukan setakat menjadi tukang chop perundagnan.
Pada Oktober ini, dunia akan memerhatikan Parlimen dalam persidangan suku-tahunnya apabila 222-ahli Dewan Rakyat mula bersidang.- Ian McIntyre, The Heat Online

Will Najib survive no-confidence vote...
Will Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak survive a vote of no-confidence? That is a question political analysts can't seem to agree on.
On Tuesday, BN strategic communications director Abdul Rahman Dahlan said Najib would survive if a vote of no-confidence is called against him in Parliament when it reconvenes next month.
"You want to do a vote of no confidence, then by all means do it in Parliament.
"We will fight you and we will win. We are confident that we will win," he had said.
Najib dared to table motion
"The test of pudding is in the eating. Abdul Rahman could be right. If he believes in his own words, he should convince Najib to table a motion of confidence.
"If Najib does and wins the vote, he can stay," he told Malaysiakini.
Actually, Wong believes Najib would not win.
"I think there are enough people in BN who want to oust Najib and 112 is not the magic number. Well, it sort of is, but it's not strictly necessary.
"It's a simple thing: as long as you have more people voting against him than those who vote for him, he would lose," he explained.
'Just refrain from voting'
Previously, it was said for a vote of no-confidence to successfully oust Najib, it would require 112 votes against him.
There are 87 opposition MPs and an independent, and even if all of them were to vote against the prime minister, 24 BN MPs would need to vote against him to reach the 112 votes.
According to Wong, that is not entirely true, because he believes a lot of people would simply refrain from voting.
As such, he clarified the actual number of votes against Najib needed for the motion to be successful would be lower.
All of this is merely speculation, he reminded, because this is not put to the test and everything is just academic.
'Other option not any better'
"It is very difficult for a no-confidence vote to be successful against Najib because the executive branch of government has a high concentration of power in hand," he said.
Hence, the prime minister would have many strategies to persuade dissenting MPs to change their minds.
Another thing that should be taken into consideration, Ibrahim pointed out, is that BN MPs would be hard-pressed to vote against their leader now.
"A lot depends on what they (BN MPs) feel about their winnability in the future elections. Given that elections are still very far away, it's a bit hard to measure," he said.
Even if right now, there are BN MPs who are wavering in their support for Najib on a personal level, he explained, they might still end up voting in favour of him for their own political reasons.
He said the only way for BN MPs to vote against Najib would be if they felt there is no hope at all with their current leader, but this is not the case now.
On the contrary, he added they would see ousting Najib now as being just as risky.
"It's not like their other option is any better. With the next general election so far away and the opposition being fractured, there is no reason for them to choose the other option," he said.- mk

By Hiding Again From IACC, 130 Countries Assume Najib Is Guilty...
The way Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak hides every time there’s a remote chance people might ask about the allegation of him pocketing US$700 million, you may wonder if his favourite game during kindergarten and primary school was actually hide-and-seek. There’s little doubt he’s extremely good at this.
I’m willing to bet my bottom ringgit that the person who has the best laugh today is none other than Johor Crown Prince, Tunku Ismail Ibrahim. He had poked fun at the prime minister for chickened out from his own organised forum – “Nothing 2 Hide” – at the sight of 90-year-old Mahathir Mohamad. And he probably knew the PM would pull the same stunt again today.
If only we can bet on the probability that self-proclaimed Bugis warrior Najib would chicken out (again) from the 16th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) in Putrajaya. Yes, you aren’t hallucinating. That’s Putrajaya, the federal administrative centre of Malaysia, where the office of the most powerful man in the country is located.
It’s true that life is so unfair. How come you were allowed to bet that Luis Suarez would bite someone at World Cup and won money; but we can’t bet that Najib Razak would chicken out from the IACC conference? Just when you thought the pink lips would at least sing-song and talk-cock all the way delivering his scheduled keynote address, the prime minister quietly hides himself instead.
But this is an international event which has successfully attracted over 1,000 delegates from 130 countries. The last thing he should do is chicken out on home ground. What was wrong with him? It’s not that he doesn’t know how to lie. Not only he is a seasoned liar, he’s also the most thick-skinned and shameless prime minister this country has ever produced.

Held from 2-4 Sept, the conference theme “Ending Impunity: People, Integrity, Action” must have scared the heck out of PM Najib. By hiding away, it only goes to prove that the RM2.6 billion transferred to his personal bank account wasn’t a donation from some rich Saudi Arabians at all. Otherwise, why didn’t the PM use the IACC platform to clear his name?
Instead, PM Najib sent two low ranking Ministers – Paul Low and Abdul Wahid – to shield him from potential humiliation by the international delegates. Mr Paul, amusingly, couldn’t find anywhere to hide and confessed that he was the one who advised his boss against turning up “in case the atmosphere turned hostile”, if you believe the tales.
That was a nice way to admit that Big Boss Najib is guilty and sent both Paul and Wahid to be slaughtered. Funny that Mr Paul didn’t find it useful to advise his boss to bribe all the speakers, starting with the Transparency International chief Jose Ugaz. Perhaps the Peruvian jurist would sing songs of praise if Najib was generous enough (*grin*).
On the first day of the conference, Jose Ugaz wasted no time by grilling PM Najib over the US$700 million scandal, openly asking him to explain who paid the money, why, and what happened to it. Too bad Najib administration cannot abuse its power as usual by getting Interpol to arrest Mr Jose, let alone accuse him of being Jews trying to topple the government.
Let’s hope Najib’s pink lips haven’t turned blue because moving forward, there will be more such international events whereby his RM42 billion 1MDB and RM2.6 billion donation scandals would be at the centre of attention. Does he plan to chicken out and hide for as long as he’s the prime minister of Malaysia?
Hence, the burning question: assuming he survives all the onslaughts from Mahathir and all his critics by shamelessly clinging to power, how could he continue to drive the country knowing very well he has lost the respect and trust from 130 countries? If a Peruvian could deliver such a stinging remark on him, can you imagine what other foreigners think?

Najib should be brave enough and take the bull by the horns, and not acts like a “pondan” (trans women) who only knows how to bully a lady who dropped some balloons. How on earth does the genius Paul Low know that the atmosphere could turn hostile? Could the situation turn pleasant and friendly with lots of jokes and laughter instead? (*grin*).
Disgracefully, it seems PM Najib is adopting not only “Cash is King” policy, but also “Hide is King” strategy. From MH370 to #Nothing2Hide to IACC conference, his biggest achievements were counting cash and hiding from critics. What a shameful leader 30 million Malaysians have. - financetwitter
Najib penakut nak jumpa aktivis Anti Rasuah Antarabangsa

Pengakuan Najib terima dan guna wang suapan RM2.6b...

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