Lan...ke mana pergi bantuan RM459 juta...U tipu rakyat,konon peruntukan bencana banjir RM800 juta...
Ketua Parlimen DAP Lim Kit Siang menuntut Timbalan Menteri Kewangan Datuk Ahmad Maslan memohon maaf kepada rakyat Malaysia kerana menipu mengenai jumlah peruntukan bantuan banjir yang kononnya berjumlah RM800 juta.
Kata Kit Siang, Ahmad berbohong apabila Setiausaha Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) Datuk Mohamed Thajudeen Abdul Wahab dalam wawancaranya bersama The Malay Mail Online semalam mendedahkan bahawa hanya RM41 juta diluluskan.
“Dari mana datangnya angka RM800 juta ini? Bagaimana baki selebihnya RM459 juta akan dibelanjakan? Berapa banyak daripada RM500 juta dibelanjakan untuk setiap negeri yang dilanda banjir?
“Setakat ini, Thajudeen hanya menyebut RM41 juta bagi 82,000 keluarga mangsa banjir yang tinggal di pusat pemindahan dengan setiap keluarga menerima RM500. Bagaimana pula dengan keluarga mangsa banjir yang tidak tinggal di pusat pemindahan?

“Ahmad Maslan perlu memohon maaf kerana membuat kenyataan palsu kononnya kerajaan membelanjakan RM800 juta, sedangkan hanya RM41 juta dibelanjakan sehingga sekarang,” tegas Kit Siang dalam satu kenyataan, hari ini.
Pada 5 Januari lalu, selain perbelanjaan RM800 juta, Ahmad dilaporkan menyebut kerajaan melalui MKN membelanjakan jumlah lebih tinggi ke atas makanan, logistik dan pembersihan rumah untuk mangsa banjir di Pantai Timur.
Kit Siang sebelum ini di Kota Bharu mempersoalkan wang peruntukan terbabit yang dilihat bukan saja tidak sampai kepada mangsa banjir, malah dilihat tidak dibelanjakan dengan betul.
“Audit yang ketat harus dilakukan terhadap peruntukan kononnya sebanyak RM800 juta itu, sama ada yang telah dan belum dibelanjakan untuk memastikan tidak ada tipu muslihat.
“Semua peruntukan yang dibelanjakan kerajaan dalam bencana banjir harus memberi manfaat kepada mangsa-mangsa, dan bukan untuk usahawan, tauke-tauke ‘banjir; atau kroni,” kata Ahli Parlimen Gelang Patah itu. – Roketkini.com
Kata Kit Siang, Ahmad berbohong apabila Setiausaha Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) Datuk Mohamed Thajudeen Abdul Wahab dalam wawancaranya bersama The Malay Mail Online semalam mendedahkan bahawa hanya RM41 juta diluluskan.
“Dari mana datangnya angka RM800 juta ini? Bagaimana baki selebihnya RM459 juta akan dibelanjakan? Berapa banyak daripada RM500 juta dibelanjakan untuk setiap negeri yang dilanda banjir?
“Setakat ini, Thajudeen hanya menyebut RM41 juta bagi 82,000 keluarga mangsa banjir yang tinggal di pusat pemindahan dengan setiap keluarga menerima RM500. Bagaimana pula dengan keluarga mangsa banjir yang tidak tinggal di pusat pemindahan?
“Ahmad Maslan perlu memohon maaf kerana membuat kenyataan palsu kononnya kerajaan membelanjakan RM800 juta, sedangkan hanya RM41 juta dibelanjakan sehingga sekarang,” tegas Kit Siang dalam satu kenyataan, hari ini.
Pada 5 Januari lalu, selain perbelanjaan RM800 juta, Ahmad dilaporkan menyebut kerajaan melalui MKN membelanjakan jumlah lebih tinggi ke atas makanan, logistik dan pembersihan rumah untuk mangsa banjir di Pantai Timur.
Kit Siang sebelum ini di Kota Bharu mempersoalkan wang peruntukan terbabit yang dilihat bukan saja tidak sampai kepada mangsa banjir, malah dilihat tidak dibelanjakan dengan betul.
“Audit yang ketat harus dilakukan terhadap peruntukan kononnya sebanyak RM800 juta itu, sama ada yang telah dan belum dibelanjakan untuk memastikan tidak ada tipu muslihat.
“Semua peruntukan yang dibelanjakan kerajaan dalam bencana banjir harus memberi manfaat kepada mangsa-mangsa, dan bukan untuk usahawan, tauke-tauke ‘banjir; atau kroni,” kata Ahli Parlimen Gelang Patah itu. – Roketkini.com
What of 'missing' RM 459mil flood funds...
Deputy Finance Minister Ahmad Maslan has been slammed for telling the
public RM800 million had been spent on the December East Coast flood
disaster, when only RM41 million had reportedly been spent.
DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang today queried the veracity of Maslan's figures, citing a Malay Mail Online (MMO) interview with National Security Council (NSC) secretary Mohamed Thajudeen Abdul Wahab yesterday.
January 16, the cat was finally out of the bag. Maslan was not telling
the truth as the federal government had never spent RM800 million on the
flood victims on January 5," said Lim.
Thajudeen told MMO the actual approved allocation for flood relief aid was RM500 million, not RM800 million as Maslan had earlier claimed.
"Where did Maslan's RM800 million come from?" asked Lim.
DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang today queried the veracity of Maslan's figures, citing a Malay Mail Online (MMO) interview with National Security Council (NSC) secretary Mohamed Thajudeen Abdul Wahab yesterday.
Thajudeen told MMO the actual approved allocation for flood relief aid was RM500 million, not RM800 million as Maslan had earlier claimed.
"Where did Maslan's RM800 million come from?" asked Lim.
He pointed out that in the same interview, it also appeared clear that Putrajaya had not spent even RM100 million on the flood victims, with Thajudeen only mentioning that RM41 million has been approved for the 82,000 families of those who stayed at evacuation centers.
According to the NSC official, each family will receive RM500. Thajudeen also said that families of flood victims who did not go to relief centres, either because they were marooned at home or because they had stayed with friends or relatives, would each receive RM500 as well.
Ahmad was reported saying on January 5 that Putrajaya has already spent RM800 million on victims of the recent flood.
He also reportedly said that the federal government, through the NSC, spent the higher amount on food, logistics and house-cleaning for the victims of the floods that inundated the east coast last month.
"From Thajudeen's interview, it would appear that the federal government
had not even spent RM100 million on the flood victims - confirming what
I and many others had said that the flood victims, which must be close
to a million with a quarter of a million evacuated to the various flood
relief centres, could not feel that hundreds of millions of ringgit had
been spent by the federal government on them – not to say on January 5,
not even now, the fourth week of the worst floods catastrophe in
Malaysia in living memory," said Lim.
the said report, Thajudeen told MMO of the RM500 million allocation,
cabinet has only approved RM41 million for 82,000 families of flood
victims who stayed at evacuation centres.
"What about the families of flood victims who did not stay in evacuation centres? Are they to get nothing?," asked Lim, who is Gelang Patah MP.
"How is the balance of RM459 million to be spent? Maslan should apologise for the false claim on Jan 5," he said.
Little sign of spending
Last week Terengganu PAS questioned where the claimed millions spent had gone, saying many flood victims in the state were still without basic necessities.
Lim said when he was at the flood hit Kelantan he saw little evidence of the funds being spent on flood relief.
"I had visited Kota Bahru three times, been in Kuala Krai twice, even in the ground zero zones of Manek Urai, Kg Manjur and Kg Karangan, as well as been in Gua Musang, but I definitely did not feel or sense that RM500 million to RM600 million had been spent in Kelantan in relief efforts for the flood victims."
"I demand Maslan reveal how much had been spent in Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang and Perak and a full and detailed audit of this RM800 million claim, as I just do not believe that RM800 million had been spent on the flood victims, an impression shared by all NGOs and good-hearted Malaysians who had gone to the aid of the flood victims on their own efforts unrelated to government relief efforts," he said.- mk
"What about the families of flood victims who did not stay in evacuation centres? Are they to get nothing?," asked Lim, who is Gelang Patah MP.
"How is the balance of RM459 million to be spent? Maslan should apologise for the false claim on Jan 5," he said.
Little sign of spending
Last week Terengganu PAS questioned where the claimed millions spent had gone, saying many flood victims in the state were still without basic necessities.
Lim said when he was at the flood hit Kelantan he saw little evidence of the funds being spent on flood relief.
"I had visited Kota Bahru three times, been in Kuala Krai twice, even in the ground zero zones of Manek Urai, Kg Manjur and Kg Karangan, as well as been in Gua Musang, but I definitely did not feel or sense that RM500 million to RM600 million had been spent in Kelantan in relief efforts for the flood victims."
"I demand Maslan reveal how much had been spent in Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang and Perak and a full and detailed audit of this RM800 million claim, as I just do not believe that RM800 million had been spent on the flood victims, an impression shared by all NGOs and good-hearted Malaysians who had gone to the aid of the flood victims on their own efforts unrelated to government relief efforts," he said.- mk

Kroni Umno MyEG untung RM137 juta dalam 2 minggu...
PKR hari ini mendedahkan syarikat MyEG yang dimiliki kroni Umno mencatatkan keuntungan RM137 juta dalam tempoh dua minggu selepas Putrajaya melalui Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi menganugerahkan kontrak pembaharuan Pas Lawatan Kerja Sementara (PLKS).
Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Semambu Lee Chean Chung yang membidas Zahid kerana masih membisu mengenai skandal tersebut berkata, antara pemegang saham terbesar dalam syarikat swasta itu ialah bekas ketua penerangan Umno Pulau Pinang dan Timbalan Ketua Bahagian Umno iaitu Datuk Raja Munir Shah.
Timbalan ketua penerangan Pemuda PKR itu berkata, berdasarkan maklumat terkini Raja Munir menguasai 31.1% saham syarikat MyEG.
"Kenaikan harga saham MyEG sebanyak 19% beberapa hari ini memberikan keuntungan atas kertas sejumlah RM137 juta secara durian runtuh kepada Raj Munir," katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
Lee berkata saham syarikat swasta itu di Bursa Saham Malaysia dilihat melonjak naik RM2.50 berbanding pada 2 Jun iaitu pada RM2.10 di mana penganugerahan kontrak itu memberi keuntungan 19% secara tidak langsung menyuntik permodalan pasaran RM463 juta kepada MyEG.
"Harga pasaran Bursa Malaysia meletakkan jangkaan keuntungan MyEG antara RM400 hingga RM500 juta di mana keuntungan tersebut bersandarkan beban dan kesengsaraan rakyat dan majikan secara keseluruhan," katanya.
Khamis lalu PKR membuat aduan kepada Suruhanjaya Persaingan Malaysia (MyCC) selepas tamat tempoh 24 jam kepada Zahid agar menjawab persoalan mengenai monopoli syarikat MyEG.
Bendahari Agung PKR Datin Paduka Dr Tan Yee Kew berkata, MyEg mendapat kontrak monopoli bernilai RM95 juta daripada Kementerian Dalam Negeri menyebabkan rakyat dan majikan kini terpaksa menanggung bayaran lebih RM38 untuk setiap pekerja asing setiap tahun.
Katanya, rakyat atau majikan hanya mempunyai satu pilihan untuk memperbaharui PLKS pekerja asing, iaitu melalui sistem MyEG kerana urusan tersebut di kaunter Jabatan Imigresen sudah ditutup.
Bagaimanapun Pengarah Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia Datuk Mustafa Ibrahim ketika mengulas isu tersebut berkata sesiapa yang tidak berpuas hati dengan bayaran RM38 itu boleh merujuk kepada kementerian.
Lee berkata, dalam laporan tersebut PKR menamakan Zahid sebagai pihak yang membantu dalam siasatan monopoli oleh MyCC yang mendesak menteri itu bekerjasama sepenuhnya.
"Saya menggesa Zahid memberikan kerjasama sepenuhnya kepada MyCC. Jangan cuba mengelakkan diri daripada memikul tanggungjawab beliau sebagai seorang menteri dan ahli Kabinet," katanya.- tmi

MyEG shares rose 19% following renewal award...
MyEG Services Berhad’s share value had shot up by 19 percent in the two weeks since it was awarded the handling of foreign worker permit renewals by the government, PKR said today.
With its shares closing at RM2.50 per share yesterday compared to RM2.10 per share on Jan 2, the company’s market capitalisation has increased by a whopping RM463 million, the party claimed.
In a joint press conference at the party’s Centre for Reform in Puchong today, Sungai Petani MP Johari Abdul and Semambu assemblyperson Lee Chean Chung also said that MyEG’s largest shareholder would have made RM137 million for the value of his shares alone.
“Based on the latest announcement, MyEG’s largest shareholder is Raja Munir Shah, a former Penang Umno information chief and Tanjung Umno deputy division chief,” Lee said today, referring his information on MyEG’s latest announcement to Bursa Malaysia yesterday.
Raja Munir holds 31.1 percent of the shares in the company.
“We conservatively estimated they would make RM95 million, but even an individual’s share value had appreciated higher than our conservative estimates,” Lee said.
RM38 more for permit renewals
The new online renewal system means that employers are having to fork out RM38 more for permit renewals compared to the old price that they had paid over immigration counters.
On top of that, employers also have to pay RM20 extra if they want to take up insurance schemes that are not from MyEG for the foreign workers.
“Also one thing that people overlook is the levy that the collect from employers before handing it over to the Immigration. This levy can go up to RM 4.4 billion a year, and we do not know how long they hold the money for - and how they hand it over to the Immigration,” Lee said.
Lee also pointed that Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi had been named as a party that could cooperate in his complaint to the Competition Commission (MyCC) regarding the MyEG monopoly.
“I urge that Ahmad Zahid give cooperation to MyCC, and don”t try to avoid responsibility,” he said.
Meanwhile, Johari said that PKR would bring this issue up in Parliament in March, and if the government remains mum on the matter, it would mean that there are “hidden hands” preventing Ahmad Zahid from answering on this matter.- mk

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