Beliau mendedahkan bahawa tanah seluas 6,900 kaki persegi yang terletak di kawasan komersil di tengah bandar Kajang ‘dibeli’ MCA Hulu Langat pada Januari 2001 juga dengan harga RM1 sekaki persegi.
“Lebih memeranjatkan apabila tanah itu kini diambil pula oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan untuk projek MRT dengan bayaran pampasan kepada MCA dengan satu jumlah yang tidak diketahui,” katanya pada sidang media, hari ini, lapor Roketkini.
Menurut Nie Ching, tapak itu kini sedang dibina bangunan pejabat MCA Hulu Langat (kanan,bawah) dan bukan untuk dibina tadika atau dewan orang ramai seperti yang didakwa.
Nie Ching juga menuntut MCA melalui pimpinannya termasuk Presidennya, Chua Soi Lek, Donald Lim dan terutamanya Chua Tee Yong untuk menjelaskan kepada umum bagaimana MCA dapat memiliki lot tanah itu pada harga yang terlalu murah dan berapa pula pampasan yang dibayar Kerajaan Persekutuan kepada mereka.
Menurut Nie Ching, pampasan yang perlu dibayar untuk pengambilan balik tanah oleh kerajaan harus mengikut harga pasaran semasa.
“Sewaktu tanah itu dibeli MCA, mereka sekadar membayar RM1 sekaki persegi.
“Pampasan yang mereka dapat daripada Kerajaan Persekutuan adalah keuntungan yang mereka perolehi,” katanya.

Sebelum ini Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Sekinchan Ng Suee Lim mendedahkan sebanyak 24 keping tanah di Selangor didakwa dijual murah kepada parti komponen BN semasa parti itu mentadbir negeri.
Beliau mendakwa tanah seluas 33.5 ekar atau 1,459,260 kaki persegi itu dijual pada harga RM1 kakipersegi atau lebih RM1.4 juta kepada parti komponen BN antara 1999 hingga 2008, walaupun harga pasarannya sekurang-kurangnya RM20 juta hingga RM300 juta.
Daripada 24 bidang tanah yang didedahkan dibeli pada harga murah oleh parti komponen BN Selangor, lima daripadanya didaftarkan milik MCA.-harakahdaily
MCA beli tanah murah, dapat pampasan mahal

MCA division building stands on cheap land...
A site visit has revealed that a building meant to be the Hulu Langat MCA division headquarters now stands on state land that was allegedly leased to the party at RM1 per square foot (psf).

“For the other political parties like DAP, PAS, or PKR, we need to purchase land or building for our party premises at market value. How can MCA get the land at such a discounted price?
“This type of discounted price is not available to any NGO or any other type of organisation in Malaysia, but only to Umno, Gerakan, MCA, and MIC,” she said.
The 6,900sq-ft plot is one of 24 plots of state land that Selangor Select Committee on Land and District Offices chairperson Ng Suee Lim alleged were bought or leased by BN component parties at RM1psf during the period of its rule.
Five of these plots went to MCA, of which the largest is a 34,848sq-ft plot in Kuala Selangor.
State MCA and Umno leaders have previously claimed that the lands were bought cheaply for community purposes only, such as community halls and kindergartens.

However, she said, the federal government acquired the land for the MRT project on Feb 10, before legal action could be taken, and construction has since stopped.
“Since the building is not approved by MPKj, it should not get any compensation (from the federal government),” she said.
Teo challenged MCA to reveal the compensation it was paid for the land acquisition, which she said would be at market value.
‘Return the compensation to the people’
“They should return it (the compensation) to the people because they got the land at such a cheap price.
“The land is supposed to be used by the rakyat, not by political parties. If you want to build your party building, please buy the land at market value,” Teo said.

This would also cover for the loss of the hall built on the land and the loss of income as a result of its demolition. It amounts to about RM232psf.
During the press conference outside the hall, Teo also displayed land search documents showing that the land in question was registered to three persons, whom Teo said were holding it in trust for MCA.

At the time of the visit, MCA’s flag was flying on top of the white derelict building, flanked by BN flags and the Jalur Gemilang.
A sign posted on the site says the construction project is for a three-storey office building, and names MCA Hulu Langat division as the project owner.
MCA trustee: Don't talk money
When contacted, one of the trustees, Choong Tow Chong, explained that MCA had a branch at the site for 40 or 50 years.
Choong said MCA also had a temporary occupancy licence for the land, and later applied for the land in accordance with state government’s procedures.
“That MCA branch had been nicknamed 'riverside party branch'. Just ask the people of Kajang, they will know,” he said.
Asked about the low price for the land, Choong said he was not aware of it.
“Let’s not talk about money; money hurts friendships,” he said, using the Chinese idiom, and insisted that the lease was above board.
“Whatever price the government gives, we’d just pay.”.- malaysikini

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