Peniaga kontroversi yang membuat pelbagai dakwaan mengenai urusan melibatkan Ketua Wanita Umno Selangor Senator Datuk Raja Ropiaah Abdullah, hilang semenjak 13 Disember.
Akhbar The Star melaporkan hari ini bahawa seorang pegawai mahkamah mengesahkan ahli perniagaan kontroversi tersebut, melalui peguamnya, menarik kembali samannya tanpa kos dalam kes syarikatnya Astacanggih Sdn Bhd, yang menamakan syarikat kerajaan Tanah dan Harta Sdn Bhd, Awan Megah (M) Sdn Bhd dan syarikat penama Cebur Megah Development Sdn Bhd kerana didakwa melanggar perjanjian.
Peguambela Awan Megah Datuk Saseedharan Menon berkata permohonan bertulis telah dikemukakan kepada Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur dan dalam perbicaraan Hakim Zabariah Mohd Yusof perbincangan perkara itu dengan kedua-dua pihak berlaku di dalam kamar mahkamah semalam.
Dalam pernyataan tuntutan itu, Astacanggih mendakwa Awan Megah bersetuju dengan syarikat tersebut bahawa Kerajaan dan Syarikat Tanah dan Harta bersetuju untuk memindahkan tanah di Bukit Raja kepada Cebur Megah.
Ia berkata, pemindahan itu akan dilaksanakan dalam tempoh sebulan selepas Astacanggih mengemukakan bon tanah kepada Kerajaan. Tetapi ia tidak pernah dilakukan, kata Deepak yang menjadi terkenal kerana peranannya dalam mengatur kenyataan bersumpah kedua penyiasat persendirian P. Balasubramaniam mengenai pembunuhan warganegara Mongolia Altantuyaa Shaariibuu pada tahun 2006.
Dalam tuntutan balas, Awan Megah memohon perisytiharan bahawa Astacanggih telah menolak surat perjanjian.
Sementara itu, Bernama melaporkan unit pelaburan Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera, Boustead Holdings Bhd sudah memperolehi 80 peratus kepentingan dalam Astacanggih Sdn Bhd dengan harga RM30 juta.
Dalam makluman kepada Bursa Malaysia, Boustead berkata unit milik penuhnya, Bakti Wira Sdn Bhd, memperoleh saham dari Prestige Dimensi Sdn Bhd dan pemegang saham minoriti lain Astacanggih pada 20 Disember.
Bakti Wira Development dan Astacanggih juga menandatangani perjanjian dengan Awan Megah semalam untuk memperoleh 80.94ha tanah pegangan bebas di Klang,Selangor, dengan harga RM130 juta.
Boustead berkata pembelian saham dan pengambilalihan tanah akan dibiayai melalui pinjaman bank dan dana yang dijana secara dalaman, menurut agensi berita nasional Bernama.
Mengenai rasional, Boustead berkata pengambilalihan itu akan mengemukakan peluang bagi kumpulan itu untuk mengembangkan bank tanahnya.
“Selain itu, tanah bersebelahan kepada 283.28ha tanah pembangunan dibawah Jendela Hikmat Sdn Bhd, sebuah syarikat dimana kumpulan tersebut dan Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera memegang 60 peratus kepentingan ekuiti bersama-sama,” katanya.
Boustead berkata mereka optimistik dengan prospek tanah kerana kedudukan strategik lokasi.
“Permintaan bagi tanah perindustrian di lokasi ini meningkat dengan siapnya stor penyimpanan terbaru UMW dan loji ujian di Bukit Raja, Klang,” katanya.-malaysian insider
Semua pasai duit... LTAT jadi pak sanggup untuk selamatkan Najib dan Rosmah yang membisu...
Deepak drops suit against Putrajaya, LTAT unit buys out firm...
Deepak Jaikishan has withdrawn his lawsuit against Putrajaya for an alleged breach of agreement over land in Bukit Raja, Selangor on the same day a unit of a government investment company reported it bought an 80 per cent stake in the carpet dealer’s property development firm for RM30 million.
The controversial businessman has made various allegations about the deal that involved Selangor Wanita Umno chief Senator Datuk Raja Ropiaah Abdullah, but has disappeared since December 13.
The Star reported today that a court official confirmed Deepak had, through his lawyer, withdrawn his suit without costs in the case of his company Astacanggih Sdn Bhd, which named the government’s Syarikat Tanah dan Harta Sdn Bhd, Awan Megah (M) Sdn Bhd and its nominee company, Cebur Megah Development Sdn Bhd, for allegedly breaching the agreement.
Awan Megah defence lawyer Datuk Saseedharan Menon said written submissions had been tendered to the Kuala Lumpur High Court and trial judge Justice Mohd Zabariah Yusof had discussed the matter with both parties in chambers yesterday.
In the statement of claim, Astacanggih alleged that Awan Megah agreed with the company that the government and Syarikat Tanah dan Harta had agreed to transfer the Bukit Raja land to Cebur Megah.
It said the transfer would be implemented within a month after Astacanggih submitted the land bond to the government. But it was never done, said Deepak, who shot to fame for his role in arranging private investigator P. Balasubramaniam’s second sworn statement about the 2006 murder of Mongolian national Altantuyaa Shaariibuu.
In its counter-claim, Awan Megah sought a declaration that Astacanggih had repudiated the letter of agreement.
Meanwhile, Bernama reported that a unit of Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera investment vehicle Boustead Holdings Bhd has acquired an 80 per cent stake in Astacanggih Sdn Bhd for RM30 million.
In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, Boustead said its wholly-owned unit, Bakti Wira Development Sdn Bhd, acquired the shares from Prestige Dimension Sdn Bhd and other minority shareholders of Astacanggih on December 20.
Bakti Wira Development and Astacanggih also signed an agreement with Awan Megah yesterday to acquire 80.94ha of freehold land in Klang, Selangor, for RM130 million.
Boustead said the share purchase and land acquisition would be funded via bank borrowings and internally-generated funds, according to national news agency Bernama.
On the rationale, Boustead said the acquisition would present an opportunity for the group to expand its land bank.
“Moreover, the land was adjacent to 283.28ha of development land held under Jendela Hikmat Sdn Bhd, a company which the group and Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera jointly holds 60 per cent equity interest,” it said.
Boustead said it was optimistic of the land’s prospect considering its strategic location.
“The demand for industrial land in this location has been on the uptrend with the completion of UMW’s latest storage and testing plant in Bukit Raja, Klang,” it said.-malaysian insider
amoker27 148p - Deepak has got what he wanted. Najib kept silent and somehow, his ex ministry commercial arm brough Deepak's land. Yeah kaya!!
Foo 145p - Look familiar? Sound familiar? A replay of SD1 &SD2? Maybe this guy will retract all that he said in the interviews? Under duress perhaps?

Deepak tarik balik kes saman terhadap Raja Ropiah,pemimpin UMNO Wanita Selangor ...
Satu tuntutan mahkamah terhadap Awan Megah (M) Sdn Bhd, milik Ketua Wanita Umno Selangor,Senator Raja Ropiaah Abdullah, telah ditarik balik tanpa sebab.
Deepak,ahli perniagaan yang penuh kontroversi hari ini menarik balik saman terhadap sebuah syarikat pemimpin Wanita UMNO berhubung dengan sebidang tanah Kementerian Pertahanan yang menimbulkan banyak pertanyaan.

"Ya, mereka telah menarik balik [ia] dan mahkamah telah buang kes itu," katanya kepada FMT. Sebab-sebab penarikkan secara tiba-tiba hari ini,tidak diberikan.
"Kami tidak mempunyai bantahan terhadap penarikan balik itu dan tidak ada perintah mengenai kos," katanya "Ini bukanlah penyelesaian di luar mahkamah."
Saseedharan berkata penarikan balik itu akan mempertahankan Raja Roopiah, katanya "Ia memberi ruang untuk mempertahankan klien saya kerana penarikan datang daripada plaintif sendiri"
Sementara itu, peguam Latheefa Koya berkata bahawa Deepak telah menukar peguamnya dengan memberi notis yang singkat hari ini.
"Kami bukan lagi peguamnya," katanya, merujuk kepada peguam R Sivarasa dan N Surendran yang mewakilinya dulu.
Katanya lagi bahawa perkara berkaitan dengan Deepak, termasuk penarikan kes, telah dikendalikan oleh firma guaman lain, sambil menambah bahawa Deepak tidak memberi sebab kenapa dia berbuat demikian.- FMT
Emmm... tak taulah sama ada dia dapat habuan besaq atau dah kecut teloq...
Deepak withdraws case against Wanita Umno leader...
A lawsuit against Awan Megah (M) Sdn Bhd, allegedly a vehicle for Selangor Umno Wanita chief Senator Raja Ropiaah Abdullah, was withdrawn without reasons.
Controversial businessman Deepak Jaikishan today withdrew a lawsuit against a Wanita Umno leader’s company over a Defence Ministry land deal which went sour.

“Yes, they have withdrawn [it] and the court has struck off the case,” he told FMT. He said that reasons behind the sudden withdrawal today, which was fixed for oral submissions, were not given.
“We had no objections to the withdrawal and there were no orders as to costs,” he said “This is no out-court-settlement.”
Saseedharan said the withdrawal would vindicate Raja Roopiah, saying: “It has to vindicate my client as the withdrawal comes from the plaintiff himself”
Meanwhile, lawyer Latheefa Koya said that Deepak had changed his lawyers on short notice today.
“We are no longer his lawyers on record,” she said, referring to lead counsel R Sivarasa and N Surendran.
She said that Deepak’s matter, including the withdrawal, was handled by another firm, adding that no reason was given for the change of lawyers.
Deal to build defence research centre
Previously, Deepak, through the company Astacanggih Sdn Bhd, of which he is a director, had filed the legal suit in the Kuala Lumpur High Court naming the Malaysian government, Syarikat Tanah Harta Sdn Bhd, Awan Megah and Cebur Megah Development Sdn Bhd, in which he is also a director, as defendants for breach of agreement over the 233.33 acres of land.
Awan Megah had filed a counter-claim in response.
High Court judge Zabariah Mohd Yusof had earlier struck out the Malaysian government, Syarikat Tanah Harta and Cebur Megah as defendants in the suit, a decision later upheld by the Court of Appeal.
Deepak claimed that he had agreed to buy three parcels of land totalling 223.33 acres in 2007 for RM13 million and a RM72 million bank guarantee for a land bond from Raja Ropiaah.
Raja Ropiaah was apparently awarded a RM100 million privatisation deal for the development of the defence research centre called Pusat Pengajian Pertahanan Nasional (Puspahanas).
But the Selangor Wanita Umno chief then allegedly sold one parcel for RM2 million in cash and a RM16 million overdraft facility in a “joint venture” with Guppyunip Sdn Bhd, a company specialising in plasticware.
The carpet dealer then put a caveat on the land in Bukit Raja, in Klang, seeking parts of the land back, claiming that Astacanggih had the rights to them.
Since the details of the case became public, Deepak started giving media interviews, especially for the online portals, on his alleged role in the cover up of the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder.
He had named Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s wife Rosmah Mansor as the person who had personally asked him to work on private investigator P Balasubramaniam to reverse a statutory declaration which had originally linked Najib to Altantuya.
Deepak could not be contacted to ascertain the reasons for the withdrawal of the case.-FMT
Here & There...
Gerard Samuel Vijayan Lourdesamy - This was to be expected from Deepak. The fact is the damage has already been done to Najib and Rosmah. The last minute change of solicitors is the usual indication of a pay-off and for Deepak his motive was always about money. But in the process the truth has come out about the extent of the involvement of Najib, Rosmah and Najib's brother in the cover up over Altantuya and Bala's revelations in SD 1.
Mahendran Kutty - Must be a very lucrative deal for Deepak, considering the fact that he has been a very shrewd businessman. Fat Mama must have orcherstrated the final part; another Bolehland achievement!
Tan Ka Lock - WTF the Deepak? $$$$$$ again used to make him about turn?
Sway Master - sapa ini deepak sampe najib pun tak leh kontrol? hebat betul! mahathir, shahrizat jalil, sammy vellu , deepak.... semuanya ada persamaan.... total cannot be trusted! they came from same spesis!
Mn Vasuthaven - He has withdrawn within his rights to do so. Let's wait and see what happens after this. If nothing, then it is equivalent to PI Bala's SD2. We will all have a good laugh over the drama. Money is always the number one god. Prove me wrong.

1 comment:
Deepak played his cards well.
He got back his money and they now get his silence.
He may have even disappeared from the country! probably enjoying in winter cold Mangolia!!!
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