"Saya akan meneruskan pendedahan saya dan satu lagi (pendedahan) besar ialah pada Hari Tahun Baru," katanya dalam mesej teks hari ini, sambil menambah bukunya mengenai isteri Perdana Menteri, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor yang bertajuk 'Black Rose' akan dilancarkan pada hari yang sama.
Beliau juga mengugut untuk mendedahkan bukti mengenai dakwaan pembayaran kepada penyiasat persendirian, P Balasubramaniam supaya menarik balik akuan bersumpah pertamanya yang mengaitkan perdana menteri untuk warganegara Mongolia Altantuya Shaariibuu.
Katanya, semua dokumen yang menunjukkan 'siapa' yang membuat bayaran kepada Balasubramaniam akan disediakan.-malaysiakini
Basir Parto - Cukup la Deepak,jangan londeh keburukkan PM Najib,PM Najib susah hati,sudahlah PM kita takut berdebat,hang londeh, lagi bertambah dia takut.....teloq dia bertambah kecut,kesian kat PM kita tu,banyak jasanya...Pemandu taksi minta permit,dia bagi tayar,lembu dia bagi kondo mewah....
Siapa Politician Yang Terima RM8 Juta Dari Deepak?

Bitter over land deal, Deepak vows continued expose...
at being forced to cut his losses in what would have been a lucrative
land deal, businessperson Deepak Jaikishan has vowed to continue his
expose against Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and his family.“I am still proceeding with my exposes and the next big one will be on New Year's Day,” he said in a text message today, adding that his book on the premier's wife, Rosmah Mansor entitled ‘Black Rose’ will be released on the same day.

“All documents showing payments made by ‘you know who’ to private investigator Balasubramaniam will be provided,” he said.
Deepak had claimed that he was forced to sell off his estranged company Astacanggih Sdn Bhd to Boustead Holdings Bhd, the investment vehicle of Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT), a unit under the Defence Ministry.
Slew of allegations
The sale coincided with his abrupt move to withdraw his lawsuit against Selangor Umno Wanita chief Raja Ropiaah Abdullah and her company Awan Megah (M) Sdn Bhd which he had engaged in a land deal that turned sour.
Deepak had said that the RM30 million sale only allowed him to recoup the money he had spent for the deal, including RM8 million in political contribution.
He had previously claimed that he had made substantial financial contribution to the premier's family in exchange for support for the land deal, but did not disclose the amount.
Deepak had made a slew of allegations against the premier and his family after accusing Najib of refusing to aid him in the land deal, despite having allegedly endorsed it in the beginning.
He had, among others, claimed that he became involved in getting Balasubraniam to retract his statutory declaration (SD) allegedly at the request of the premier's wife, Rosmah Mansor, and that the premier's brother Nazim Razak was allegedly responsible for paying off the private eye.-malaysiakini
zar - This is the first time in our history which PM had so many allegation... But still refuse and silence not even try to rebut it.. Malay proverb" kalau tiada angin manakan pokok boleh bergoyang".... Dont said there is someone behind... He is a friend of who??????? From the begining Deepak is Rosmah freind......

Deepak - Saya dipaksa jual syarikat saya...

Katanya, penjualan syarikat tersebut hanya untuk menampung wang yang telah dibelanjakannya dalam urusniaga tanah dengan Awan Megah Sdn Bhd yang tidak menjadi.
"Ianya benar bahawa saya dan pemegang saham saya telah menjual saham kami dalam Astacanggih untuk RM30 juta yang merupakan harga kos sebenar kami RM13 juta untuk Raja Ropiaah, RM8 juta untuk sumbangan politik, RM7 juta kos kewangan dan RM2 juta untuk kos guaman dan pelbagai kos.
"Ini adalah kata dua yang telah dipaksa ke atas kami," katanya dalam satu mesej teks hari ini.-malaysiakini

I was forced to sell off my company, says Deepak...
Businessperson Deepak Jaikishan today admitted that he has sold his estranged company Astacanggih Sdn Bhd for RM30 million to a Defence Ministry agency, claiming that he was forced into the deal.

“It is true that my shareholders and me have sold our shares in Asta Canggih for RM30 million which is our actual cost price of RM13 million for Raja Ropiaah, RM8 million in political contributions, RM7 million of financial costs and RM2 million in legal and miscellaneous costs.
“This was an ultimatum that was forced upon us,” he said in a text message today, but did not mention names.
The statement today comes after Boustead Holding Bhd, the investment vehicle of Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT), an agency under the Defence Ministry, announced on Bursa Malaysia that it will be acquiring an 80 percent stake in Astacanggih Sdn Bhd, which was owned by Deepak.
Abrupt move to withdraw lawsuit
Boustead Holdings Bhd, which purchased the stake through its wholly-owned subsidiary Bakti Wira Development Sdn Bhd, said it will also acquire 80.94 hectares of freehold land in Klang from Awan Megah (M) Sdn Bhd for RM130 million.
This coincided with Deepak’s abrupt move to withdraw his lawsuit against Selangor Umno Wanita chief Raja Ropiaah Abdullah and her company Awan Megah (M) Sdn Bhd, yesterday for the same piece of land.
“The irony is that Raja Ropiaah who ‘stole’ the land from us was paid RM130 million, guess that is real power, isn’t it?” he said.
Awan Megah (M) Sdn Bhd was tasked by the government to construct the National Defence Research Centre (Puspahanas) in Putrajaya for which the Defence Ministry would pay the company RM27 million and 223 acres or 90.24ha of land in Klang worth RM72.5 million.
However, after they were unable to obtain a land bond for the building's construction, the company had engaged Deepak's Astacanggih Sdn Bhd for help.
Deepak had claimed that in this deal, his company Astacanggih Sdn Bhd would issue a RM72.5 million land bond on behalf of Awan Megah (M) Sdn Bhd.
It will also give Awan Megah (M) Sdn Bhd an additional RM23 million, RM13 million of which was already paid, in exchange for 200 acres or 80.94ha of the land which the latter will receive from the Defence Ministry. Awan Megah (M) Sdn Bhd will keep the remaining 23 acres or 9.3ha of the land.
However, the deal became sour after Deepak claimed that the latter had not upheld her end of the deal.
'Mindef buying up own land'

As LTAT is a unit under the Defence Ministry (Mindef), Deepak pointed out that the latest deal meant that the Defence Ministry was effectively buying back its own land which it gave to Raja Ropiaah at an inflated rate.
“LTAT, ironically, bought their own land which they had given to Raja Ropiaah (for Puspahanas) for RM72.5 million at RM130 million, giving Raja Ropiaah a profit of RM57.5 million plus RM13 million from us... and remaining 23 acres worth RM40 million (which it still has).
“The losers are the Defence Ministry and army officers who get cheated by Umno and cheated again by having to buy back the military land at double the price they gave it away for.
“Looks like Defence Minister Zahid Hamidi (above) has become Santa Claus,” he said.
Winners and losers
Raja Ropiaah/Awam Megah
1. RM27 million from Defence Ministry in privatisation agreement.
2. RM13 million from Deepak in bank bond deal.
3. RM130 million from Boustead to buy the 200-acre land.
1. Has the RM100 million National Defence Study Centre being constructed and handed over to government according to the privatisation agreement?
1. Has the RM100 million National Defence Study Centre being constructed and handed over to government according to the privatisation agreement?
1. RM30 million from Boustead for 80% of Astacanggih share.
1. RM13 million deposit payment to Roppiah in bank bond deal.
2. Cost to secure the land bond - unknown.
Defence Ministry/LTAT
1. RM30 million to Deepak for 80% of Astacanggih share.
RM130 million to Roppiah for the 200-acre land. The land worth RM72.5
million when it was alienated to Roppiah in the privatisation agreement.
From surface value, the Defence Ministry or LTAT could suffered as much as RM87.5 million – RM30 million for Astacanggih share and RM57.5 million lost in land transaction..-malaysiakini
Another sweetheart deal from the Najibs? Deepak drops suit, LTAT unit buys out his firm for RM30 million

I am priceless, I cannot be bought...
He vows to continue on his mission to expose more dirt, especially against the Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor.
Deepak Jaikishan has declared himself as someone who cannot be bought over or silenced in response to his sudden decision to withdraw a multi-million ringgit legal suit against a Wanita Umno leader yesterday.
“I cannot be bought. I am not for sale. I am priceless,” Deepak told FMT today.
Apart from the withdrawal of his suit againt Selangor Umno Wanita chief Senator Raja Ropiaah Abdullah, yesterday also saw a government investment company puchasing a 80% stake in a company in which he is a director, prompting many to believe Deepak has been bought over by the powers-that-be for his silence.
The carpet dealer claimed that he was forced to sell his company, Astacanggih Sdn Bhd for RM30 million to Boustead Holdings Bhd, saying that “very harsh conditions were imposed on me to keep quiet.”
But when asked, he did not reveal details of these conditions, and simply explained that he was given a “very nice love letter from the government” that threatened him with an “ultimatum” and very direct warnings.
He vowed that he would continue on his mission to expose more dirt, especially against Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor.
He said that he would be holding a press conference on Jan 1 in which he would launch his booklet “Black Rose” and documents to prove “you know who” gave payments to private investigator P Balasubramaniam.
Deepak said that the deal of RM30 million had only covered the money he had invested into the land deal gone sour with Awan Megah Sdn Bhd, linked to Raja Ropiaah, to which the court case was withdrawn.
“It is true that my shareholders and me have sold our shares in Astacanggih for RM30 million which is our actual cost price of RM13 million for Raja Ropiaah, RM8 million in political contributions, RM7 million of financial costs and RM2 million in legal and miscellaneous costs.
“This was an ultimatum that was forced upon us,” he said in an SMS message to the media today.
Deepak complained that the irony was that Raja Ropiaah, whom he claimed “stole” the land from his company, had gotten much more from the land deal.
“Why would I let it go at only RM30 million? I go home with the money I have actually invested. I am paid what I paid. Money given back to me.
Raja Ropiaah, on the other hand, get’s RM130 million, what the %*&^… guess that is real power isn’t it,” he said, explaining that the market price for the 200 plus-acre-land is now RM400 million.
Defence Ministry the losers
He added that another irony was that the defence ministry was buying “their own land that they sold to Raja Ropiaah in the first place.”
“LTAT bought their own land which they sold to Raja Ropiaah for RM72.5 million at RM130 million, giving her a profit of RM57.5 million plus RM13 million from us and RM18 million from Guppyunip totalling RM88 million and 20 acres of land worth RM40 million.
“The losers are the defence minister and army officers who get cheated by Umno and cheating again by having to buy back the military land at double the price they sold it,” said Deepak in another SMS.
“Add all that up, and Raja Ropiaah is a very rich lady, maybe as rich as Shahrizat,” he said, adding that despite all that, the government seems to be listening to her and not the truth.
“Just because she is Umno. I guess very soon they will make statues of these people and ask us to pray to them like Gods. Because they have become above the law, they have become like immortals. Let’s work together and get these corrupt people.”

Deepak also lamented that he has been pushed to a corner by all sides and worse still, he was receiving no support from even the opposition.
“You know very well Anwar Ibrahim met me, but he has denied it. What is happening here? The future prime minister also doesn’t want to admit to this,” he said, adding that the meeting occurred before his case first went to trial in November.
He said he called Anwar but the latter said he was scared to meet him. “If you [Anwar] don’t have the guts to come up front … you’re not going to be fight for me,” he said.
“This is truth against the lie, truth versus the system. I can’t have a wheeler dealer politician helping me. I need the media. I don’t have a political agenda. I said upfront that I want justice. They ask who is behind me. My answer to them is that I have the blessings of God behind me.”-FMT
PKR smells a rat in carpet man’s deal

1 comment:
Deepak said," The future prime minister also doesn’t want to admit to this,”
Bukan tak mau jumpa, tapi mungkin dia takut kalau puak2 UMNO ini spin cerita kononnya hampa berdua bermain bontot pula!!!
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