PKR akan melobi kerajaan Selangor untuk menyekat pembelian Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT) sebidang tanah yang berkaitan dengan kontroversi antara ahli perniagaan Deepak dan ketua Wanita Umno Selangor Raja Ropiaah Abdullah.
Ini kerana tanah itu terletak di Selangor dan memerlukan kelulusan kerajaan negeri untuk memboleh pembelian itu diteruskan.
Pengarah strategi PKR, Rafizi Ramli menyifatkan perjanjian itu - - untuk membeli 80 peratus kepentingan Deepak dalam syarikat Astacanggih Sdn Bhd dengan harga RM30 juta dan membeli tanah seluas 200 ekar dari syarikat Raja Ropiaah, Awan Megah (M) Sdn Bhd dengan harga RM130 juta - adalah "lebih teruk daripada tindakan menyelamat" kerana ia adalah satu cubaan untuk membayar semua pihak dan menutup mulut mereka.
"Kebajikan yang dijaga dalam perjanjian ini hanyalah kebajikan Ketua Wanita UMNO,Raja Ropiaah,Deepak dan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak.
"Bagi saya, untuk mengambil RM160 juta ini,tidak boleh diistilahkan sebagai 'menyelamatkan', sebaliknya ia lebih merupakan perbuatan rasuah secara terang-terangan untuk membayar dan menutup mulut mereka," katanya dalam satu sidang akhbar di ibu pejabat parti itu di Petaling Jaya pagi ini.
Boustead Holding Sdn Bhd milik LTAT telah mengumumkan bahawa ia akan membuat pembelian itu melalui anak syarikat milik penuhnya, Bakti Wira Sdn Bhd.

"Walau bagaimanapun, kini PKR ingin melangkah masuk kerana ianya kini melibatkan RM160 juta duit rakyat. Wang ini datang daripada dana pencen anggota angkatan tentera. "
Rafizi menuduh Menteri Pertahanan Zahid Hamidi(kiri,bawah) menyalahgunakan kuasanya dengan mengarahkan LTAT untuk mengeluarkan RM160 juta untuk menyelesaikan skandal tersebut.
"Kita telah kehilangan RM250 juta kerana lembu disebabkan oleh seorang menteri, kita tidak mahu kehilangan RM160 juta lagi wang pesara kerana seorang lagi menteri," katanya merujuk kepada skandal National Feedlot Corporation(NFC).
Katanya, oleh kerana tanah itu berada di Selangor, maka ia tanah tidak boleh diurusniagakan tanpa kelulusan kerajaan negeri tetapi mengakui ia tidak mempunyai kuasa dalam menghentikan pembelian saham dalam Astacanggih.
Tiada unsur komersial yang boleh diterima akal
Di bawah perjanjian awal, Awan Megah (M) Sdn Bhd telah dilaporkan bersetuju untuk menyerahkan satu bidang tanah seluas 200 ekar daripada 223 ekar tanah yang diterima daripada kerajaan sebagai bayaran untuk pembinaan Pusat Penyelidikan Pertahanan(Puspahanas) kepada syarikat Deepak sebagai pertukaran dalam bentuk bon tanah dan wang tunai.
Deepak yang mendakwa beliau telah membuat sumbangan wang yang banyak kepada keluarga Najib untuk pengesahan perjanjian ini, tidak menerima tanah tersebut seperti yang diharapkan. Dengan itu, sekali gus Deepak mula melancarkan serangan dan tuduhan terhadap Najib, menuntut supaya Perdana Menteri campur tangan.

"Jadi secara teknikal Kementerian Pertahanan membayar RM130 juta untuk tanah yang tidak wujud kerana ia masih bukan milik Awan Megah, hakmilik tanah adalah dengan kerajaan," katanya.
Selain daripada itu, Rafizi berkata terdapat beberapa tanda-tanda bahawa perjanjian terbaru ini adalah satu helah politik dan bukanlah berunsur komersial yang boleh diterima akal.
Rafizi berkata perjanjian luar biasa juga telah menguatkan kredibiliti dan kebenaran kepada dakwaan Deepak itu.
Antara tanda-tanda adalah:
1.Astacanggih mempunyai modal 20 juta berbayar tetapi tanggungan hutang sebanyak RM98 juta;
2.Ambilalihan sebanyak 80 peratus saham Astacanggih untuk RM30 juta tidak berdasarkan penilaian bebas;
3.Perolehan 200 ekar tanah dari Awan Megah tidak berdasarkan penilaian bebas;
4.Satu penilaian 2005 pada tanah jiran bernilai RM390,000 seekar,tapi LTAT memperolehinya dengan nilai RM650,000.
"Adalah jelas sekarang bahawa andaian kami (keraguan tentang dakwaan Deepak) adalah tidak tepat. Tuduhan Deepak sedang dipandang serius dan telah membuat Najib jadi panik,dan meminta Zahid menyelesaikan perkara itu bagi pihaknya(Najib)," katanya.
Oleh itu, Rafizi berkata PKR pada minggu depan,kita akan mengemukakan bukti2 awam mengenai dakwaan Deepak terhadap Najib.
Semalam, Deepak mengakui beliau telah melalui episod perjanjian terbaru yang akan mengurangkan kerugian dengan rasa terharu, tetapi mendakwa dia telah dipaksa berbuat demikian.
Bengang kerana tidak mendapat tanah dan RM130 juta yang syarikat lawannya akan terima, Deepak berikrar untuk terus mendedahkan kepincangan Najib.- malaysiakini
Kerajaan beli Astacanggih guna dana pencen tentera untuk tutup mulut Deepak, kata Rafizi

Deepak land bailout deal 'outright bribery'...
said it will lobby the Selangor government to block the Defence
Ministry's Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera’s (LTAT) purchase of a piece
of land related to the controversy between businessperson Deepak
Jaikishan and Selangor Umno Wanita chief Raja Ropiaah Abdullah.
PKR strategies director Rafizi Ramli (right)
described the deal - to buy a 80 percent stake in Deepak's company
Astacanggih Sdn Bhd for RM30 million and a 200-acre plot of land from
Raja Ropiaah's Awan Megah (M) Sdn Bhd for RM130 million - as “worse than
a bailout” as it was an attempt to pay off all parties and silence
"The only welfare that is taken care of in this deal is the Selangor Umno Wanita leader (Raja Ropiaah), Deepak and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
“For us, to take this RM160 million, I wouldn't even call it a bailout, this is outright bribery to pay and silence them," he told a press conference at the party's headquarters in Petaling Jaya this morning.
LTAT's investment vehicle Boustead Holding Sdn Bhd had announced that it will, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Bakti Wira Development Sdn Bhd, make the purchase.
Rafizi said: "Previously PKR has been reluctant to get involved because we were worried this could be a set up, and we deemed this as Deepak's personal affairs.
PKR is stepping in because it now involves RM160 million of public
money. This money is coming from the military men's pension funds."
Rafizi accused Defence Minister Zahid Hamidi (left) of abusing his power by instructing LTAT to fork out RM160 million to resolve this scandal.
"We have already lost RM250 million on cows because of a minister, we don't want to lose another RM160 million of pensioner's money because of another minister," he said in reference to the National Feedlot Corporation scandal.
'No commercial sense'
Under an initial deal, Awan Megah (M) Sdn Bhd had reportedly agreed to surrender a land parcel of 200 acres of out 223 acres that it received from the government as payment for the construction of the National Defence Research Centre (Puspahanas) to Deepak's company in exchange for a land bond and cash.
Deepak who claimed he made substantial financial contributions to the Najib's family for endorsement of this deal, did not receive the land after holding up his end of the bargain, thus began launching damaging attacks against Najib, demanding that premier intervene.
However, Rafizi said a search found the title of the said land has yet to be transferred to Awan Megah (M) Sdn Bhd and is stillwith the government, the same plot land now being purchased by the Defence Ministry's LTAT.
"So technically the Defence Ministry is paying RM130 million for a land that does not exist because it still does not belong to Awan Megah, the land title is with the government," he said.
Aside from this, Rafizi said there were several indications that the latest deal was a political one and made no commercial sense.
Rafizi said the unusual deal has also lent credibility and veracity to Deepak's allegations.
Among the indications are:
As such, Rafizi said PKR will next week also begin making public evidence concerning Deepak's allegations against Najib.
Yesterday, Deepak admitted he had gone through with this latest deal that would cut his losses but claimed he was forced into it.
Bitter about not getting the land and the RM130 million that his rival's company would receive from it, he Deepak vowed to continue his expose of the premier.-malaysiakini
Astacanggih buyout to silence Deepak, claims Rafizi

"The only welfare that is taken care of in this deal is the Selangor Umno Wanita leader (Raja Ropiaah), Deepak and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
“For us, to take this RM160 million, I wouldn't even call it a bailout, this is outright bribery to pay and silence them," he told a press conference at the party's headquarters in Petaling Jaya this morning.
LTAT's investment vehicle Boustead Holding Sdn Bhd had announced that it will, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Bakti Wira Development Sdn Bhd, make the purchase.
Rafizi said: "Previously PKR has been reluctant to get involved because we were worried this could be a set up, and we deemed this as Deepak's personal affairs.

Rafizi accused Defence Minister Zahid Hamidi (left) of abusing his power by instructing LTAT to fork out RM160 million to resolve this scandal.
"We have already lost RM250 million on cows because of a minister, we don't want to lose another RM160 million of pensioner's money because of another minister," he said in reference to the National Feedlot Corporation scandal.
'No commercial sense'
Under an initial deal, Awan Megah (M) Sdn Bhd had reportedly agreed to surrender a land parcel of 200 acres of out 223 acres that it received from the government as payment for the construction of the National Defence Research Centre (Puspahanas) to Deepak's company in exchange for a land bond and cash.
Deepak who claimed he made substantial financial contributions to the Najib's family for endorsement of this deal, did not receive the land after holding up his end of the bargain, thus began launching damaging attacks against Najib, demanding that premier intervene.
However, Rafizi said a search found the title of the said land has yet to be transferred to Awan Megah (M) Sdn Bhd and is stillwith the government, the same plot land now being purchased by the Defence Ministry's LTAT.
"So technically the Defence Ministry is paying RM130 million for a land that does not exist because it still does not belong to Awan Megah, the land title is with the government," he said.
Aside from this, Rafizi said there were several indications that the latest deal was a political one and made no commercial sense.
Rafizi said the unusual deal has also lent credibility and veracity to Deepak's allegations.
Among the indications are:
- Astacanggih has a 20 million paid up capital but a whopping RM98 million debt;
- Acqusition of 80 percent of Astacanggih shares for RM30 million is not based on independent valuation;
- Acquisition of 200 acres of land from Awan Megah is not based on independent valuation; and,
- A 2005 valuation of neighbouring land there valued at RM390,000 per acre, LTAT is acquiring at RM650,000.
As such, Rafizi said PKR will next week also begin making public evidence concerning Deepak's allegations against Najib.
Yesterday, Deepak admitted he had gone through with this latest deal that would cut his losses but claimed he was forced into it.
Bitter about not getting the land and the RM130 million that his rival's company would receive from it, he Deepak vowed to continue his expose of the premier.-malaysiakini
Astacanggih buyout to silence Deepak, claims Rafizi

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