Tindakan Umno itu disebabkan timbulnya perasaan ketakutan pemimpin Umno akan kehilangan kuasa apabila ditolak rakyat dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 nanti, kata Ketua Umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
“Tindakan menyeru kembali ‘hantu’ 13 Mei itu adalah untuk menimbulkan kebencian antara masyarakat Melayu dengan bukan Melayu.
“Seterusnya menyemai budaya ketakutan dalam kalangan rakyat bahawa pertumpahan darah akan berlaku sekiranya Umno kehilangan kuasa,” kata Anwar di dalam satu kenyataan akhbar.
Anwar juga berkata tindakan tersebut merupakan suatu hasutan dan boleh dianggap sebagai satu jenayah.
Kenyataan tersebut dikeluarkan oleh Ketua Wanita Umno, Datuk Seri Sharizat Abdul Jalil dalam ucapan beliau ketika membuka mesyuarat himpunan Wanita Umno minggu lalu.
Anwar mendakwa kenyataan Shahrizat adalah percubaan untuk menghidupkan kembali karier politiknya setelah didesak meletak jawatan berhubung skandal National Feedlot Corporation.
Dalam persidangan tiga hari itu, Presiden Umno yang juga Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak juga mengambil kesempatan menyerang Anwar dan pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat (PR).
“Mana idea untuk ekonomi dan keadilan sosial, kesihatan, perumahan dan pendidikan?
“Jikalau beliau punyai alasan yang kukuh untuk menyaingi Pakatan Rakyat, beliau sepatutnya menyahut cabaran saya untuk bersemuka dan berbahas. Supaya rakyat dapat menilai dengan sebaiknya siapa bercakap benar dan siapa yang gemar menipu.
“Janganlah berselindung di sebalik jentera propaganda murahan kamu dan jadilah anak jantan sebenar sebagai Perdana Menteri dan turun berdebat dengan saya di dalam gelanggang,” ujar Anwar.
Najib turut mendakwa Anwar adalah proksi kepada kuasa asing Amerika Syarikat dan China dalam satu masa, murtad akan dilestarikan dan Malaysia dijadikan negara Kristian jika Umno pupus pada pilihanraya akan datang.-selangorku

Disconnect between Umno assembly and rakyat...
Pakatan Rakyat is unfazed by the war cry of the Umno delegates at their general assembly last week because they failed to discuss issues affecting the rakyat, PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim said.

"There was a great disconnect between the multi-millionaire Umno leaders and the masses on the ground,” Anwar told a press conference at the PKR headquarters today.
"They did not touch on core issues affecting society, such as economic hardship, unemployment, soaring prices, endemic corruption and poverty.
"What they talked about was how to retain power at all costs, so I am not in the least worried about the display of sheer arrogance at the Umno general assembly.”
The only thing the general assembly had to offer to the rakyat, Anwar said, was fear-mongering, particularly among the Malays, by saying they would be marginalised if Umno loses power.
He also ticked off Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil (left) for raising the spectre of the May 13 riots in the event that Umno loses political control.
"This is not only reckless but also highly seditious and therefore criminal," he said.
‘Unbecoming attack’
Anwar criticised the general assembly's failure to counter Pakatan's ideas and policies, and for resorting to accusations without facts.

However, he cautioned, even if the personal attacks against Pakatan were baseless, such attacks were still potent as they will be repeated by the government-controlled mainstream media.
Anwar noted that Najib's keynote speech was vitriolic against the Pakatan leaders, including himself, and that this was unbefitting a national leader.
"Should the rakyat continue to bear with a leadership of such calibre?" asked Anwar.
He again challenged Najib to a debate, in order to lay out the facts for the rakyat.
"Stop hiding behind the protective wall of your propaganda machinery and taking potshots at Pakatan and me," Anwar told the prime minister.- malaysiakini

After the UMNO general assembly...
The recent Umno general assembly has once again proved Malay's enthusiasm in politics, and their allegiance to leaders. However, no matter how successful the assembly was and how well it demonstrated solidarity, the party's general assembly will never be the battlefield of the party.
The assembly was filled with tears. Party President Datuk Seri Najib Razak had successfully touched many delegates. However, the most important thing would be to touch voters. Therefore, no matter how high the morale was, Umno leaders still have many works to do to bring the momentum to the general election.
Firstly, Najib must rectify the problem of overconfidence and arrogance in leaders at all levels. For example, Wanita Umno leader Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil's May 13 statement has triggered a turmoil while Pahang Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob even said that the MCA should "close shop" if it loses Bentong in the next general election and he will also cut off his ears and jump into the Pahang river.
Such a cavalier attitude has been turned into a ready-made issue being attacked by the alternative coalition, while making voters feel uncomfortable.
Adnan also said that the BN will win 13 seats of the total 14 parliamentary seats in Pahang, while having half chance to win the remaining one seat. He even said that the BN's number of parliamentary seats gained in Pahang will be equal to Kuantan's people poll on the Lynas rare earth refinery.
It is puzzling that how dare he said so amidst the strong opposition against the Lynas refinery project? The top priority now would be to teach leaders about humility. Only those who are modest will know their own inadequacies.

Secondly, Umno must restore the people's confidence as soon as possible. Various controversial issues have eroded the public confidence in the existing system, including whether the rise of the national debt would cause the reduction of subsidies after the election or worse, lead the country towards bankruptcy?
The government has guaranteed the safety of the rare earth refinery but it has not fully explained about the Asian Rare Earth (ARE) plant in Bukit Mera. The construction of ARE's second permanent disposal facility is scheduled to be completed in March 2013 and it will be monitored by the Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) for 300 years. Three hundred years involve a few generations and it is afraid that the country might have to bear a huge cost.
The government also said that Lynas must ship rare earth waste abroad, but Lynas said that all waste will be converted into commercial use by-products. Who should we listen to? Who can ensure that all waste will be converted into by-products?
There are as many as 2.9 million of fresh voters in the next general election. Umno can sit back and relax only after it has convinced these young voters aged between 22 to 29 years old.

Thirdly, Najib must tell the people about a new direction. The transformation plans have reached a bottleneck and failed to solve corruption problems as well as boost vitality in economy.
The RM40 million political donation and former Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan's criticism of the police force have reflected the lack of transparency in the existing system.
The government-related enterprises' performances are also poor. MAS' accumulated lose has reached RM8.19 billion and it has to implement a reorganisation plan. Meanwhile, Petronas posted a 21.3% fall in third-quarter net profit. What should we do if the world economy encounters a recession next year?
Transformation and reforms are not just about adjusting the minor parts. It should not be controlled by politics either.
If the BN is able to put an end to the various problems which are shaking its credibility, it will then be on the half way of success. The problems come from them, instead of the alternative coalition.- Lim Sue Goan,Sin Chew Daily

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