Aura Ustaz Azhar Idrus di Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat Kedah
(Ustaz Azhar Idrus memberikan tazkirah di majlis petang menjelang Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat malam ini)

Jalan ke Putrajaya semakin terbuka luas...
Para pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat yakin, jalan untuk ke Putrajaya semakin terbuka luas ekoran tanda-tanda yang ditunjukkan oleh para pemimpin Umno dalam Perhimpunan Agung Umno (PAU 12) baru-baru ini.
Permohonan maaf Presiden Umno, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan tangisan perwakilan mereka yang berucap membayangkan tanda-tanda itu.

(Wakil PAS, PKR dan DAP Kedah membaca ikrar untuk bekerja keras bagi membolehkan Pakatan ke Putrajaya)
Pemimpin PAS di Kedah pula mengajak rakyatnya agar menjadikan usaha untuk ke Putrajaya sebagai kaedah untuk memudahkan pelaksanaan segala usaha untuk kepentingan negara dan rakyat.
Keyakinan dan harapan ini dikemukakan mereka dalam Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat peringkat negeri Kedah di Stadium Sultan Abdul Halim, Suka Menanti malam ini.
Lebih 20,000 rakyat Kedah memenuhi stadium terbuka ini.
Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Ketua Parlimen DAP, Lim Kit Siang dan Menteri Besar Kedah, Datuk Seri Azizan Razak adalah pemimpin utama yang berucap di samping Haji Mohamad Sabu yang menjadi pengarah himpunan ini.
Selain memberikan ucapan, mereka juga mendengar ikrar dari wakil PAS, PKR dan DAP yang berjanji untuk memberikan kesetiaan kepada Pakatan Rakyat dan berjanji untuk bekerja bersungguh-sungguh bagi mempastikan Pakatan ke Putrajaya.

Esok himpunan akan diadakan di Melaka, Ahad ini di Pahang dan 14 dan 15 Disember depan di Paka, Terengganu.
"Saya berjanji akan berbuat apa saja untuk menaikkan martabat Islam dan orang Melayu di negara apabila berada di Putrajaya nanti," kata Anwar sambil menambah, "Saya berkata ini di depan semua pihak termasuk Cina dan India."
Anwar penuh keyakinan adalah tidak mungkin untuk PAS dan PKR untuk meminggirkan Melayu sebagaimana dituduh Umno.

(Anwar berjanji akan memastikan martabat Islam dan Melayu terjamin di bawah Pakatan)
MCA pula di depan orang Cina berkata PAS akan menjadikan Malaysia negara Islam.
"Semua ini adalah cara nak pecah belah," kata Kit Siang.
Kit Siang juga mempersoalkan, apakah sebenarnya yang diminta maaf oleh Presiden Umno, Datuk Seri Najib ketika PAU 12 baru-baru ini.
"Adakah kerana menjadikan Malaysia negara yang paling korup di kalangan perdana menteri Malaysia yang ada," kata beliau mengulas indeks korupsi negara yang sedikit menurun tetapi masih tertinggi berbanding indeks korupsi Malaysia di bawah perdana menteri sebelum ini.-harakahdaily

AES camera 'cover up' delayed after legal advice...
move to cover up two Automated Enforcement System (AES) cameras in
Sepang today was put off on the advice of the state’s lawyers, Selangor
executive councillor Ronnie Liu said today.
Liu, who is in charge of local government, said the Sepang Municipal Council (MPS) president was today “advised” by the Selangor legal adviser not to proceed with the planned action.
was told by the MPS president that the legal adviser said the council
should first give the Road Transport Department (RTD) and AES camera
contractor Batu Tegap Sdn Bhd sufficient time to reply to the council’s
instructions to cover up the cameras,” Liu (right) said.
Earlier today MPS president Mohd Sayuthi Bakar confirmed that the council would not proceed with its plan to cover up the two AES cameras in the municipality and that it has instructed Batu Tegap and RTD to do so.
"The council, by a notice dated Dec 6, has instructed Batu Tegap and RTD to cover the cameras, in accordance with Section 72 (1) of the Street, Drainage and Buildings Act 1974,” Sayuthi said in a statement earlier today.
Sufficient time to respond must be given
Liu said the state legal adviser informed MPS that it was required by law to give the two parties sufficient time to respond to its instruction.
“The minimum period (for the parties to respond before any action is taken) is 30 days, not the 14 days was stated in the MPS notice,” Liu said when contacted.
The two AES cameras are located at the 6.6km point of the South Klang Valley Expressway (SKVE) and the 301.6km point on the North-South Highway, both localities under the jurisdiction of MPS.
On Wednesday, Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim announced that the cameras would be covered up instead of being dismantled as announced by Liu earlier.
Meanwhile, RTD is reported as saying that it hoped Selangor would not cover up the cameras.
“This is not a question of whether it (Selangor) has the right or not. It is a moral issue,” today’s issue of Malay daily Sinar Harian quoted RTD director-general Solah Mat Hassan as saying.
He said he would “wait and see” whether to take action against Selangor it it covered up the cameras.-malaysiakini
Liu, who is in charge of local government, said the Sepang Municipal Council (MPS) president was today “advised” by the Selangor legal adviser not to proceed with the planned action.

Earlier today MPS president Mohd Sayuthi Bakar confirmed that the council would not proceed with its plan to cover up the two AES cameras in the municipality and that it has instructed Batu Tegap and RTD to do so.
"The council, by a notice dated Dec 6, has instructed Batu Tegap and RTD to cover the cameras, in accordance with Section 72 (1) of the Street, Drainage and Buildings Act 1974,” Sayuthi said in a statement earlier today.
Sufficient time to respond must be given
Liu said the state legal adviser informed MPS that it was required by law to give the two parties sufficient time to respond to its instruction.
“The minimum period (for the parties to respond before any action is taken) is 30 days, not the 14 days was stated in the MPS notice,” Liu said when contacted.
The two AES cameras are located at the 6.6km point of the South Klang Valley Expressway (SKVE) and the 301.6km point on the North-South Highway, both localities under the jurisdiction of MPS.
On Wednesday, Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim announced that the cameras would be covered up instead of being dismantled as announced by Liu earlier.
Meanwhile, RTD is reported as saying that it hoped Selangor would not cover up the cameras.
“This is not a question of whether it (Selangor) has the right or not. It is a moral issue,” today’s issue of Malay daily Sinar Harian quoted RTD director-general Solah Mat Hassan as saying.
He said he would “wait and see” whether to take action against Selangor it it covered up the cameras.-malaysiakini
Sarung kamera AES di S'gor ditangguhkan, kata exco

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