Di atas senarai pelakon utama ialah tidak lain tidak bukan Presiden Umno yang imejnya dicemari dengan berbagai isu sejak dia mula muncul jadi Presiden dan PM. Bermula dari isu Scorpene sejak beliau menjadi Menteri Pertahanan hinggalah kepada pembunuhan Altantuya, semuanya menjadi mimpi ngeri bagi Najib.
Lebih ngeri ialah isteri Presiden Umno itu yang sering dianggap sebagai bebanan yang ditanggung oleh Umno.

Najib cuba menangkis semua imej buruk ini, walaupun dia mahu dikenali sebagai PM 1 Malaysia tetapi permasalahan yang melingkari dirinya lebih sensasi dari segala program tranformasinya. Najib berdiri di pentas perhimpunan Umno tempoh hari dengan membawa semua bebanan bagasi tentang dirinya dan isterinya walaupun media longkang arus perdana cuba meringankan imej itu.

Najib hambar
Medan perhimpunan sebesar dewan PWTC itu adalah cukup baik untuk seseorang menampilkan dirinya sebagai pemimpin parti Melayu No. 1 di Malaysia malah di dunia. Semangat ahli parti Melayu terbesar itu juga perlu diberi suntikan pada pertemuan itu kerana mereka dibelasah kiri kanan oleh rakyat yang dah mula bosan dengan pemimpin dan wakil rakyat Umno. Persepsi di bawah cukup jelas dan diterjemahkan dalam peti-peti undi PRU ke 12 baru-baru ini. Najib tidak bersembunyi dalam hal ini malah berulang kali menyebut dalam ucapannya tentang “Kekhilafan Umno” dan merayu jangan dihukum dalam PRU ke 13 nanti.

Seorang wanita yang bertweeter dengan saya dari penyokong Umno turut menyambut seruan Najib dengan mengatakan “hukuman tlh ditunai dengan tumbangnya beberapa negeri kepada pr. Apakah itu x cukup lg Yb? Umno selalu cuba baiki keadaan”.
Suasana yang cuba ditimbulkan oleh Najib dalam perhimpunan Umno ialah suasana menagih simpati dengan mengaku salah. Ini tidak baik pada saat Umno dicederakan dan suasana perhimpunan 3 hari itu menambahkan lagi garam pada luka orang-orang Umno.
Seoalah-olah tidak cukup dengan luka lembu ketua wanitanya, Najib pula bernada pasif. Para pemerhati melihatnya sebagai nada seorang pemimpin yang sudah hilang daya juangnya. Kenyataan Najib mengiyakan tanggapan rakyat yang selama ini menganggap pembangkang memfitnah Umno dan Najib, rentak Najib cukup sumbang pada hari itu.

Deepak muncul
Nama Deepak sebelum ini dikaitkan dengan isu PI Bala di mana dia telah memberi sejumlah besar wang untuk PI Bala menukar kenyataan bersumpahnya yang mengaitkan penglibatan Najib dan Rosmah dalam kes pembunuhan Altantuya. Depaak muncul pada saat-saat kritikal Najib mahu memulihkan imejnya yang “suci” di hadapan perhimpunan Umno.
Deepak mengakui “menolong” Rosmah dan apabila isu Altantuya mendapat tekanan dari PR, Deepak seolah mahu selamatkan dirinya dengan membuat pengakuan awal. Rentak Najib semakin sumbang dan plot semakin menarik.
Wee Ka Siong dari MCA memperkenalkan perkataan ketiak busuk bagi menggambarkan keadaan sesetengah bekas pemimpin kuat Umno yang dah keluar Umno. Dia merujuk kepada Datuk Seri Rahman Mydin bekas Pengerusi Dewan Perniagaan Melayu dan Dewan Perniagaan Bersama Malaysia. Dalam nada kecewa, WKS kata bila dah cerai barulah kata busuk segala-galanya, ketiak pun busuk.
WKS lupa bukan sahaja DS Rahman Mydin tapi Lajim Ukim dan Tamrin Ghafar serta Kadir Syeikh Fadhil juga dah tinggal Umno. Mungkin betul juga kata WKS, ketiak Umno memang busuk dan hapak.

Rakyat tidak peduli
Dalam masa serangan bertubi-tubi ditujukan pada DSAI dan PAS serta DAP, perhimpunan kebangkitan rakyat di Johor menyaksikan puluhan ribu rakyat membanjiri Batu Pahat mendengar amanat pemimpin PR. Johor yang menjadi kubu Umno seolah-olah isyarat kepada berakhirnya dominasi Umno. Pada saat tepukan hambar dan pekikan sumbang perwakilan Umno menguasai dewan PWTC, rakyat sudah tidak peduli kerana mereka mahukan politik baru.
Mereka tidak ada pilihan melainkan bersama PR dalam membawa gelombang baru ini. Parahnya Umno kali ini bukan kepalang, sudikah rakyat menyambut rayuan Najib sedangkan Najib sendiri kali ini teramat sumbanglah retoriknya.-Dr.Mujahid Yusof Rawa MP Parit Buntar,Malaysian Insider

Time to Switch Camp – Good-Bye Najib and Auntie Rosy...
The 13th general election, the present federal government under the UMNO regime rule as expected unleashed all WMDs (weapon of mass destructions) under its arsenal since it would be a do-or-die election. This will also be the last assembly for PM Najib Razak before his deputy, Muhyiddin, takes over the premiership from him unless, of course Najib can miraculously wrestle two-third majority in the coming election, which is not possible at the moment.
There was good reason for the jittery local stock market these couple of days – big boys are dumping in anticipation of general election which was speculated to be called sometime December this year, just after UMNO 2012 General Assembly. And do we have to remind you again to dump Najib’s cronies related listed companies? Yes, we believe present Barisan Nasional (National Front) will still win and form the next federal goverment. No, we don’t believe PM Najib Razak will be able to lead the country for another term, even though the current regime will win the general election. And we believe Najib will call the snap election only next year, after Chinese New Year celebration.
We wrote in early 2010, close to 3-years ago, that PM Najib will top the prime minister chart as the shortest serving Prime Minister of Malaysia, and we still stand by this prediction. We’ve also wrote in mid-2011 why Najib should call for a snap election back then. Heck, we’ve even hinted the premier to use his wife and play the good-cop-bad-cop drama, to turn the table on his enemies within UMNO and call a snap election after a cabinet reshuffle to flush his enemies into toilet bowl. If only he had listen to his feng-shui master and declare it on his lucky number – 11-11-2011. Now, it’s too late and his fate is sealed (*grin*).
But we can’t blame him for he is not and will not be a fighter. He is just an empty vessel lucky to be born in the Razak family. If he’s trading stock he would have burnt all his money. When his stocks were in profitable position, he would ask his advisors if it was time to sell (read: calling snap election). He would then hold hoping for the stocks (read: Najib’s popularity rating) to go up further. When the stocks drop (read: Bersih 2.0), he sweat but still hold on. When his stock goes up again (read: free money via BRIM) he somehow still hold and never take profit. And now, his stocks will be worthless as the expiration is nearing (read: he’s holding warrants after all *grin*).
Unlike Najib, former premier Mahathir would do anything to secure his position without hesitation. If you think Mahathir hate sleepy head Abdullah Badawi very much, wait till you see how he engineer Najib Razak’s downfall post election later. While you can hate only so much a person who sleeps 23 hours per day (isn’t Badawi adorable?), your blood pressure would jump a few notch when your “budak suruhan” (boy-servant) will take out his handkerchief to wipe his mouth of saliva, nodded with a reluctant smile and run to his wife’s FLOM office asking for opinion without fail every time the de-facto Minister Mentor Mahathir asked the prime minister to do something.
Besides, to stop the suffering his lovely UMNO boys are having from continue kissing PM Najib’s hand filled with deposits of saliva, Mahathir, being a doctor himself, has to start code of hygienic practice (*tongue in cheek *) – time to kick Najib out from Putrajaya. Actually the writing was already on the wall when Mahathir hinted couple of weeks ago that Najib administration was weak. He was telling PM Najib to start packing, knowing his family needs more than the usual termination period with tons of birkin hermes handbags and all the shopping loots.
Knowing how Najib would act dumb after the next general election, and refuse to resign, the tactician who admires Adolf Hitler, has already made his moves together with the prime minister-in-waiting – deputy Muhyiddin. Do you really need to be a NASA scientist to guess who was behind the sudden shocking revelation by Deepak “Sharukh Khan” Jaikishan about PM Najib Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor’s involvement with the Mongolian beauty Altantuya Shaariibuu gruelling murder at the eleventh hour of UMNO general assembly?
Even if Deepak has nine lives like a cat, he wouldn’t have the guts to whisper his involvement in helping the Razak family in the murder case, let alone giving such a high-profile exclusive interview to pro-opposition online portal. It was indeed explosive for carpet business Deepak who was once so “close” to the family, so much so it was rumored that Deepak was Rosmah’s toyboy, to betray the family who indirectly fed him with riches in contracts. Surely it wasn’t Auntie Rosy’s beauty, as if she was Kim Kardashian, that attracted Deepak in sacrificing his manhood, was it? Like it or not, it was all about business transactions involving hundreds of millions that turn sour due to greeds, cheats and whatnot.
If there’s one man that PM Najib dare not touch, it’s the former premier Apanama, who was seen running the country in day broad light these few weeks. Deepak is safe under this former dictator’s protection. And if Auntie Rosy thinks the old man has past his glory period, she would regret it next year. Already you can see how warlord Shahrizat creates havoc poking at sensitive issue – bloody racial riot 13-May – during the UMNO assembly in her attempt to chase the Chinese voters away, when in fact the premier already gave guidelines to stay low profile and say no stupid things. The moment Najib refused to renew Shahrizat Senatorship due to CowGate Scandal, the RM250 million lady has decided to switch camp to Mahathir-Muhyiddin.
Another person that you would be miss dearly after general election is Najib’s cousin – Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein. Bad blood between former IGP Musa Hassan and Hishammuddin Hussein aside, the former was the same person who helped Mahathir carrying mattress allegedly contained Anwar Ibrahim mighty sperms in-and-out of courts during the Sodomy Part-1 case. And since Hishammuddin refuse to defect to Mahathir-Muhyiddin’s camp, he has to be given the boot. Give us a break – every Tom, Dick and his hamster knows Malaysia police is under Home Minister’s influence ever since Mahathir rule this country many moons ago. So to accuse Home Minister of interfering with police jobs is rather laughable, especially at this hour.
And if you think opposition Pakatan Rakyat (People’s Alliance) can form the next federal government even if they can win with simple majority, keep on dreaming. The master tactician Mahathir and his team have the recipe in place to cling to power, although it comprises a list of dirty methods. He had tried during Bersih 3.0 but unfortunately the demonstrators didn’t take the bait and refuse to riot together with the planted provocateurs. We’re talking about someone who knows how to manipulate Malays, Chinese, Indian, Kadazans, Iban and whatnot’s minds, not to mention Hitler’s brutality and creativity – to stay in power – Heil Mahathir (*yawn*).-financetwitter.com

UMNO General Assembly 2012: All Thunder, Little Rain...
In a moving passage in his book, The Road to Serfdom- Hayek wrote: when the course of civilization takes an unexpected turn- when instead of continued progress which we have come to expect, we find ourselves threatened…..we naturally blame everything but ourselves.
It appears UMNO has done just that. They blame everyone else except themselves. It was a climate of either them or us. UMNO leaders are doing a Bush Jnr on us- either you are with us or you are against is. UMNO is behaving just like this- we UMNO are the good guys, you the others are our enemy.

It was that mindset that produced some of the most pugnacious statements ever to come out from PWTC. Overall, the speeches were fiery, seditious and hostile. Here is the inconvenient truth for UMNO. We are not intimidated. Let us have clean elections. We promise not to cut off anyone’s ears.
The overall tone of the assembly was a call to the UMNO supporters all over, to actually assault their opponents. Shahrizat the embattled Wanita leader said something that was utterly irresponsible. If she thought her utterances can salvage her impending exit, she is wrong.. Even the UMNO people at the Assembly knew she was saying something to stay relevant. Nowadays, the only way for UMNO people to stay relevant is to play the bigot card- religious and racial bigotry.
Shahrizat played that card unashamedly. She alluded to the infamous May 13 racial clashes. If Chinese are allowed to dominate political power, they would make lives horrible for Malays. UMNO keep forgetting, MCA is more racist than DAP.
Clearly, this was a desperate attempt by UMNO leaders to create a climate of fear. Right thinking Malaysians must reject this type of leaders and the political party that spawns the hate culture. It is important for Malaysians to know that if UMNO lose the elections, it is they who face terrible days ahead. If something like May 13 happens, UMNO will be behind it.
The equally strident voices of most of the delegates, unrestrained and bellicose serve to further add to the creation of a climate of fear in the country. UMNO is responsible for creating this climate of fear.
Najib and the UMNO speakers offer nothing but slogans and a shouting contest. Did anyone hear of any articulation of the major issues facing this country?
How do we make this country improve our democratic process? No one spoke about this. In Indonesia, a country seen as a supplier of maids to Malaysia, all political leaders have equal access to articulate their thoughts on TV. People debate issues in the open as opposed to a one- sided version of events. UMNO campaigns all year round, yet it is not ready to grant access to fair media coverage to the opposition.
All we hear over the 4-5 days are the outpouring of fears and threats if UMNO is out of power.
This is the worse UMNO GA to have taken place- it was a festival for the outpouring of adulation to the great leader, a man who is more skillful at managing his public persona. As to running the country, he has no clue. The adulation and worshiping of Najib are exceeded only by the attacks on the opposition.
The most important elements of the democratic process include giving equal access for the opposition in government controlled media. Why? Because it offers the public choices. And choices is what democracy is essentially about. Making informed choices as to who is the better party suited to manage this country?

How about giving access to the media for Pakatan to explain its budget proposals? How do we do know, their budget is not worth the paper it is printed on?
How about ensuring only Malaysian citizens, properly registered will vote in the coming elections? Get rid of the aliens who are non-citizens who have been given licenses to vote by way of making them instant citizens.
Did anyone talk about demanding the government take measures to ensure fair elections are free from threats of physical violence?
Let us be clear about this. The exit of UMNO means just that- the exit of UMNO and not the demise of the country.

It will be the end of world where a selected few gets rich riding on the manipulated emotions of the majority. It will be the end of a world where one gets ahead by cutting corners and leveraging on political connections instead of getting ahead using your own abilities.
It will be the end of a world dominated by one person having probably 100 Class F licenses and cornering contract works from the government. It will be beginning of a world where ministers having homes on the French Riviera and London and Australia will be made to account for their wealth.
Who is the hermit who asked me what is there in Sungai Buloh? Sungai Buloh houses the biggest prison in Malaysia. We will make it bigger by adding 1Malaysia shops, a subsidiary of Johor Premium Outlets, and a Ferrari showroom not costing RM20m managed by Naza of course.-Mohd.Ariff Sabri bin Hj. Abdul Aziz@sakmongkol.blogspot

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