Presiden Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono berkata artikel yang ditulis oleh bekas Menteri Penerangan Malaysia Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin mengenai presiden ketiga Indonesia BJ Habibie, adalah tidak wajar dan tidak beretika.

"Kami telah bincangkannya, Menteri Luar akan mengambil nota diplomatik di sini dan juga di Kuala Lumpur," kata Yudhoyono dipetik oleh agensi berita Antara sepertimana diterbitkan oleh akhbar berbahasa Inggeris, The Jakarta Post hari ini.
Yudhoyono yang akan berlepas ke Malaysia hari ini untuk menghadiri Rundingan Tahunan, forum peringkat tertinggi dalam hubungan dua hala Malaysia-Indonesia, berkata Indonesia akan membangkitkan isu saling hormat menghormati supaya insiden serupa tidak berulang yang boleh menjejaskan persahabatan antara kedua-dua negara.
Artikel Zainuddin disifatkan oleh banyak pihak di Indonesia sebagai "serangan" terhadap Habibie.

Yudhoyono juga akan mengadakan pertemuan peribadi, secara empat mata dengan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak sebelum mengetuai delegasi Indonesia pada Rundingan Tahunan kesembilan itu.
Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) dijadual menganugerahkan ijazah Kehormat Doktor Falsafah Kepimpinan Keamanan kepada presiden Indonesia itu.- malaysiakini
Zainudin Maidin memalukan bangsa dan negara
Zainuddin Maidin, 'Musang Tua' Tak Beradab
Indonesian president lashes out at Zam's article in Utusan...
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said the article written by former
Malaysian information minister Zainuddin Maidin (Zam) on Indonesia’s
third president BJ Habibie, was improper and unethical.
According to Bernama, he said the article could jeopardise the good ties between Indonesia and Malaysia.
"We have worked it out, the foreign minister will take diplomatic notes both here and in Kuala Lumpur,” Susilo was quoted as saying by Antara news agency.
Susilo's criticisms against Zainuddin was made just a day before he left for Malaysia, where he is expected to engage in bilateral talks on mutual respect and tolerance between the two countries, according to Bernama.
Zainuddin's article, which appeared on the Dec 10 edition of Utusan Malaysia, mocked PKR de facto leader Anwar for inviting Habibie to deliver a lecture at Universiti Selangor on Dec 6.
Article not accessible

He accused Habibie of allowing western powers to influence him into calling for a referendum on East Timor's independence, which he said led to his short-lived stint as Indonesia's president which lasted 17 months.
Zainuddin said that Habibie had betrayed his country and his race. He said that Anwar, like Habibie, was similarly susceptible to control by foreign powers.
In conclusion, Zainuddin said that the duo were "the dog of imperialism".
Since the article was published, Utusan had carried reports quoting several experts claiming that Zainuddin's piece will not affect ties with Indonesia.
However, a check today revealed that the article was no longer accessible on Utusan's website.-malaysiakini

"We have worked it out, the foreign minister will take diplomatic notes both here and in Kuala Lumpur,” Susilo was quoted as saying by Antara news agency.
Susilo's criticisms against Zainuddin was made just a day before he left for Malaysia, where he is expected to engage in bilateral talks on mutual respect and tolerance between the two countries, according to Bernama.
Zainuddin's article, which appeared on the Dec 10 edition of Utusan Malaysia, mocked PKR de facto leader Anwar for inviting Habibie to deliver a lecture at Universiti Selangor on Dec 6.
Article not accessible

He accused Habibie of allowing western powers to influence him into calling for a referendum on East Timor's independence, which he said led to his short-lived stint as Indonesia's president which lasted 17 months.
Zainuddin said that Habibie had betrayed his country and his race. He said that Anwar, like Habibie, was similarly susceptible to control by foreign powers.
In conclusion, Zainuddin said that the duo were "the dog of imperialism".
Since the article was published, Utusan had carried reports quoting several experts claiming that Zainuddin's piece will not affect ties with Indonesia.
However, a check today revealed that the article was no longer accessible on Utusan's website.-malaysiakini
Article on Habibie improper and unethical, says Susilo
Dihina eks Menteri Malaysia, Habibie Makin Akrab dengan Anwar Ibrahim

1 comment:
Bukan setakat tu saja,akhbar Utusan tu hanya layak buat kertas lap punggung!!!
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