Beliau mendakwa mempunyai butiran lanjut, termasuk ketirisan penjualan tiket perlawanan akhir Piala FA dan Piala Malaysia, pengambilan duit kelab dan laporan audit yang didakwa “merepek”
“Apa yang pelik adalah anda semua boleh terima selama ini dan sanggup mempertegakkan 30 tahun korupsi dalam Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia (FAM),” katanya.
“Ini adalah 'pendrive' diberikan kepada saya oleh sahabat-sahabat saya yang berkedudukan tertinggi di Kuala Lumpur berkenaan maklumat dan aktiviti dalam FAM, ketirisan penjualan tiket perlawanan akhir Piala FA dan Piala Malaysia, orang-orang media yang FAM selalu gunakan termasuk bekas-bekas pemain di Malaysia, duit-duit kelab yang diambil oleh FMLLP ( Usahawan Liabiliti Terhad Bola Sepak Malaysia ) dan diberikan kepada FAM serta laporan audit yang merepek.”
Dalam kenyataan di Facebook rasmi JDT, Tunku Ismail menunjukkan satu 'pendrive' sambil melontarkan senyuman.
Susulan persaraan empat pemain JDT daripada skuad kebangsaan, beliau berkata, reaksi balas terhadap perkara itu seolah-olah mereka tidak pernah berkhidmat dan mencapai kejayaan bersama Harimau Malaysia.
Sebelum ini Safiq Rahim, Aidil Zafuan Abdul Radzak, Amirul Hadi Zainal dan S Kunanlan mengumumkan persaraan, yang menimbulkan pelbagai spekulasi mengenainya.
"Apa yang susah sangat untuk menghormati keputusan mereka? Satu perkataan sahaja yang anda (pengkritik) harus katakan tentang mereka atau kepada mereka iaitu 'terima kasih'.
“Terima kasih atas pengorbanan mereka selama ini. Itu sahaja,” katanya.
TMJ juga seakan memberi amaran kepada pengkritiknya supaya berhati-hati dengan memetik pesanan seorang pegawai askar kepadanya.
“Saya mempunyai seorang komander di India yang pernah berkata, 'jangan diajak penembak tepat pergi menembak',” kata lulusan sebuah akademi tentera di India itu.
Mengulas kontroversi itu, TMJ mengingatkan bahawa “duit rakyat sepatutnya digunakan untuk rakyat sahaja”.
“(Duit rakyat) bukan untuk bola sepak dan kepentingan politik. Sila selesai isu gaji pemain yang sudah lama tidak diselesaikan," kata Tunku Ismail.
Walaupun telah beberapa kali membuat dakwaan berkaitan, ini kali pertama TMJ mendakwa mempunyai bukti.
FAM akan hubungi TMJ
Sementara itu, Setiausaha Agung FAM Datuk Hamidin Mohd Amin enggan mengulas lanjut mengenai dakwaan TMJ memiliki maklumat berkaitan aktiviti rasuah melibatkan badan induk bola sepak negara itu.
Katanya, sesiapa sahaja boleh melaporkan kepada Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) sekiranya mempunyai maklumat mengenai rasuah.
"Sesiapa sahaja ada hak (laporkan) kepada SPRM, awak tak perlu tanya saya, " katanya ringkas ketika ditanya sama ada pihaknya melihat ada keperluan untuk TMJ melaporkan perkara itu kepada SPRM.
"Itu tak apalah nanti saya akan hubungi TMJ," pada sidang media di Wisma FAM, Kelana Jaya, hari ini.
FAM juga menegaskan pihaknya tidak membenarkan budaya rasuah dalam persatuan itu kerana Persekutuan Bola Sepak Antarabangsa (Fifa) dan Konfederasi Bola Sepak Asia (AFC) turut bertegas dalam menangani rasuah.
"Jawatankuasa Integriti juga ditubuhkan FAM untuk memantau bukan sahaja pasukan bola sepak, malah keseluruhan pentadbiran dan juga barisan kepimpinan," jelas Hamidin. - mk
Crown prince has pendrive with info implicating FAM
You commented about the retirement of some players and making statements as if they did not serve the country and win anything with the national team. Why is it so difficult to respect their decision?
There's only one thing you should say about them or to them, which is 'thank you'. Thank you for their sacrifices all these while. That's it. You don't need to show me and the current generation that you as old-timers are struggling to accept that the world and time have changed.
What's strange is that after all these years, all of you can accept and stand the 30 years of corruption within the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM).
Here is a pendrive containing the information and activities within the FAM, the media personnel that the FAM always uses including former footballers in Malaysia, the amount of money taken by FMLLP and given to the FAM as well as a rubbish auditor's report given to me by my high-ranking friends in Kuala Lumpur.
Maybe it's time for football supporters of this country to see the truth and judge for themselves. I have a commander in India who always says, 'don't invite a sniper to a shooting range'.
Lastly, I would like to remind you all that the rakyat's money should be used for the rakyat only. Not for football and politics. Please take action on the issue of player salaries that has not been resolved.
- HRH Brigadier General Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Crown Prince of Johor - f/bk Johor Southern Tigers
FAM jawab TMJ, mahu hitam putih dari pemain.

FAM refutes TMJ's claim, seeks players' resignation letters...
The Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) today denied Johor Darul Takzim football club owner Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim's allegations on the retirement of four national players. The four JDT players – Safiq Rahim, Aidil Zafuan Abdul Radzak, Amirul Hadi Zainal and S Kunalan – announced their retirement from the national squad last week.
Tunku Ismail, who is the Johor crown prince, alleged that players sustained injuries during training with the national squad and suffer from fatigue. He also claimed the national players' welfare is neglected, while FAM is monopolised by businessmen and tainted with graft.
Responding to this, FAM secretary-general Hamidin Mohd Amin said the association has written to the four players requesting them to submit their resignation letters. FAM also required the players to state the reasons for their resignation.
"I also asked the national coach to plan ahead if the players retain their decision to retire.
"However, our door is still open to these players to return if they change their minds," he said in a statement read at the FAM monthly press conference in Kelana Jaya today.
Hamidin also denied that the squad's high intensity training led to injuries He said that only four players sustained injuries during the Oceania tour to Australia, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia and Fiji from June 11 to 29.
The injured players are Shahrom Abdul Kalam (Selangor), Mahali Jasuli (JDT), Abdul Latiff Suhaimi (PDRM) and Zaquan Adha Abd Radzak (JDT).
"This shows that the claim that the five JDT players sustained injuries while training with the national squad is untrue," he said.
He also rejected the prince's claim that players suffer fatigue after touring and training with the national squad. He said that FAM schedules training according to the domestic league.
"It is completely untrue to say the association does not care for players' welfare during national training.
"This is because all needs including hotel accommodation, kit, food and transport are provided.
"Players are also provided with daily allowances and game bonuses at reasonable rates for the duration of the training," he said.
However, he did not deny the accusation that there are many businessmen in FAM. But he said there are also politicians, civil servants and private workers selected by respective football clubs to represent them.
He added that FAM does not tolerate corruption, in order to adhere to standards set by the International Federation of Football Associations (Fifa), and the Asian Football Confederation. He said FAM had formed an integrity committee to monitor football clubs, their administrators and FAM leadership.- mk

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