Adakah Malaysia kerajaan kleptocracy- kerajaan pencuri,oleh pencuri ,untuk pencuri?
Dibawah suatu inisitaif yang dinamakan Kleptocracy initiative, kerajaan Amerika melalui jabatan2 perundangan dan kepolisan nya dibenarkan merampas dan menyita asset dan hasilan dari wang yang dicuri.
Kleptocracy seperti yang sebahagian orang tahu ialah sebuah kerajaan mencuri, oleh pencuri dan untuk pencuri. Jika langkah yang diambil oleh DOJ adalah dibawah kleptocracy initiative, bererti Malaysia dikategorikan sebagai sebuah negara pencuri, oleh pencuri , untuk pencuri.
Dari tahun 2009 sehingga 2015, sejumlah wang melebihi USD3.5bn telah di curi dari 1MDB oleh orang2 berkuasa dalam 1MDB dan konco2 serta yang bersubahat dengan mereka.
Kerajaan Amerika tidak membenarkan sistem kewangan dan perbankan mereka dijadikan alat untuk ketua2 negara mencuri duit rakyat dinegara mereka. Amerika tidak membenarkan ianya menjadi syurga loka untuk pencuri2 bermain disana. Mereka tidak mahu pencuri membawa budaya rasuah dan budaya mencuri dari rakyat mereka, bertapak di Amerika.
Saya melihat ini sebagai kondemnasi keatas Malaysia. Malaysia ialah negara si pencuri. Malaysia adalah sebuah negara yang rasuah dan mengamalkan budaya rasuah dan mencuri. Amerika yang membenci rasuah dan pencuri yang menyauk duit rakyat mereka sendiri ialah negara kafir.
Malaysia pula ialah sebuah negara Islam yang ada belasan mufti, ribuan Qadhi, jutaan ustaz yang sibuk mengkafir-harbikan orang lain tapi tutup kedua mata, bila orang Islam sendiri mencuri dan berasuah.
Kita hendak tengok macam mana kerajaan Najib dan konco2 Najib mempertahankan nya nanti. Adakah mereka akan guna tektik lama yang boleh membohong orang kampung, iaitu menuduh jabatan keadilan Amerika, DOJ, dikuasai oleh yahudi dan orang yahudi memang bengang dengan Najib, penjaga dan pembela aqidah ahli Sunnah wal jamaah, pelopor wasathiyah dan penganjur maqasid shar’iyah.?
Atau kita akan lihat beberapa menteri akan menuduh Amerika sebagai 'undermining' kerajaan Malaysia yang dipilih secara demokratik?
Jika tektik ini diguna, PM Najib kenalah terangkan kepada kita, mengapa firma APCO di gunakan untuk kerja2 PRnya? APCO pun firma yahudi. Dan terangkan kepada kita, macam mana pula beberapa firma Israel dikatakan menasihati kerajaan Malaysia mengenai penjagaan keselamatan negara.
Kita hendak tanya Aabar Ltd (yang betul ) adakah mereka menerima security deposit USD1.4bn? Yang ini kita kena pastikan.
Sebab megikut kenyataan AG Amerika, jumlah serupa iaitu USD1.4bn telah dimasuk kedalam akaun syarikat clone bernama Aabar BVI. Dari isni sekurang kurang nya USD260m masuk kedalam akaun Riza Aziz, anak DS Rosmah.
Jika benar, maka anak Datin Rosmah sudah curi duit kerajaan Malaysia. Sebanyak USD260m. Dengan duit ini dia telah membeli hartanah, rumah mewah dan bergaya sakan. Kita juga diberitahu bahawa dari USD260m ini, USD100m lebih digunakan untuk membuat filem the wolf of wall street.

Sekarang apabila ternyata bahawa Riza Aziz telah mencuri wang rakyat Malaysia, adakah kerajaan akan membawa dia ke nagara ini untuk berdepan dengan keadilan? Demikian juga 2 orang bangsa Arab yakni Khadem al Qubaisi dan Badawy Al Husaini telah mencuri duit milik 1MDB. Adakah kerajaan Melaysia akan mengeluarkan waran tangkap keatas pencuri2 ini?
Demikian juga, adakah kerajaan Malaysia akan keluar waran tangkap keatas Low Teik Jho atau Jho Low?
Nah, sekarang terdedah sudah cerita sebenar bahawa dana untuk buat filem itu wang rakyat Malaysia. Maka DOJ America telah memfail permohonan menyita segala hasil dari filem tersebut. Jika modal itu datang dari syarikat kerajaan Malaysia, maka keuntungan nya mesti dikembalikan kepada rakyat Malaysia.
Budak yang curi duit ini, mesti kena caj. Atau kita masih memerlukan 4 saksi yang melihat Riza Aziz ambik duit ini? Jika ada cadangan seperti ini, kita buang jauh2 pencadang kehadiran 4 saksi. Dia ulamak ke, atau ada Phd ke dalam bidang agama, ternyata , kalau mereka desak cara pembuktian melalui 4 saksi, maka ternyatalah pula, mereka tidak layak memegang jawatan pimpinan negara. Buang mereka dan singkir mereka dari pemilihan kita.
Hari ini, DOJ Amerika memfail permohonan menyita dan merampas nilai asset2 yang bernilai lebih dari USD1bn/RM4bn yang dipindahkan secara haram oleh satu konsprasi international yang melibatkan pemain utama, 1MDB.
USD1bn ini hanya sebahagian dari USD3bn lebih yang dicuri dari 1MDB. Kenyataan nya jelas dari DOJ- USD3 billion dicuri. Itu bersamaan RM12bn.
1MDB ialah amanah yang diberikan oleh rakyat- tapi institusi yang diamanahkan ini dijadikan alat mengayakan diri sendiri dan diri rakan2. Penggunaan institusi yang bersifat awam atau public untuk faedah peribadi dan persendirian ialah rasuah.
Pemimpin kita rasuah dan orang Melayu yang menjerit sana sini mereka Islam dan mempertahan Islam sampai ketitisan darah terakhir, masih tidak mahu menolak pemimpin yang rasuah dan mencuri duit rakyat Malaysia. Perbuatan dan pendirian demikian ialah kufur kepada Allah. Jika kita tidak bangkit menolak pemimpin yang korap, maka kita sebenarnya semuanya hipokrit.

Saya mahu lihat, insitusi keadilan Malaysia menyertai DOJ Amerika dalam memburu mereka yang mencuri wang rakyat Malaysia dan memburu orang yang disebut sebagai Malaysian Official 1.
Deskripsi Malaysian Official 1- Malaysian official 1 had the authority to approve all appointments to, and removals from, 1MDB’s Board of Directors and 1MDB’s senior management team. in addition,any financial commitments by 1MDB including investments , that were likely to affect a guarantee given by the government of Malaysia for the benefit of 1MDB or any policy of the Malaysian government required the approval of Malaysian Official 1.
Siapa dia agaknya yang mempunyai kuasa terbesar dalam 1MDB? Rata2 sudah tahu sapa. - senapangsakti

Really Stupid Press Statements By Najib's Press Sec And 1MDB...
They should all just resign and distance themselves from the Super Moron. By the way folks, the Pre Paid Bloggers are planning to ask for more money. The job-at-hand has just become infinitely more difficult and hazardous. That means more money to grease the keyboards. Now is the time to squeeze real hard. Get-away-cars can be so much more expensive. Comments in yellow.
According The Star :
Najib's press sec, 1MDB issue statements on ongoing US Justice Dept suit
Prime Minister's press secretary statement
Malaysian authorities have led the way in investigations into 1MDB.
(Err...investigations have led the way up your @$$ buddy. Because the investigations have not led anywhere else.)
The company has been the subject of multiple investigations within Malaysia, including by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, Auditor General and bi-partisan Public Accounts Committee. After comprehensive review, the Attorney General found that that no crime was committed. 1MDB is still the subject of an investigation by the Royal Malaysia Police.
(I say moron, Bank Negara and the MACC both recommended prosecution of 1MDB related cases. The former AG drafted a charge sheet and he was fired from his job. The replacement AG immediately declared 'no crime has been committed'. The MACC guys were transferred out and then transferred back. The Deputy Head of the SB was fired from his post. The Deputy PM was fired. All this because no crime was committed? If no crime has been committed, then why are the Police still investigating? Bodoh, tak tahu tulis pun.)
We note the United States Department of Justice's civil lawsuits brought against various assets. As previously stated, the Malaysian Government will fully cooperate with any lawful investigation of Malaysian companies or citizens in accordance with international protocols.
As the Prime Minister has always maintained, if any wrongdoing is proven, the law will be enforced without exception.
Datuk Seri Tengku Sharifuddin,
Press Secretary to the Prime Minister.
(Sharifudin, ngko ni bodoh tak reti bahasa Inggeris ke? Ngko tak faham ke apa ngko tulis? You already said 'multiple investigation within Malaysia, MACC, PAC, Auditor, then your closing line "After comprehensive review, the Attorney General found that that no crime was committed".
Having said all that, who the hell is going to believe you when you say "As the Prime Minister has always maintained, if any wrongdoing is proven, the law will be enforced without exception"
Either you are stupid or you are joking. I think both. You are also tai-chi-ing it back to the PM. Looks like even you are trying to wash your hands.
Here is 1MDB.
Media statement by 1Malaysia Development Berhad
Issued on 21 July 2016
US Attorney General Press Conference
1MDB notes a press conference led by the US Attorney General today relating to a civil court action filed by the government of the United States of America.
1MDB highlights that it is not a party to the civil suit, does not have any assets in the United States of America, nor has it benefited from the various transactions described in the civil suit.
Furthermore, 1MDB has not been contacted by the US Department of Justice or any other foreign agency in relation to their investigations.
As previously stated, 1MDB will fully cooperate with any foreign lawful authority, subject to international protocols governing such matters and the advice of the relevant domestic lawful authorities.
I say bodoh, read the DOJ statements and that 136 page document they have filed. It is viral.
The US is effectively saying that 1MD was set up to steal money from Day 1. They are effectivley saying that you guys are all thieves. That 1MDB is just a sham operation to steal peoples' money. Which American invetigator in their right mind will ask or contact the thief or thieves for information that will potentially hang the same thief or thieves?
How stupid can you get? Of course they will not contact you for any information or any confirmation. You dont ask the people you accuse of being thieves or being part of the theft to corroborate evidence against themselves. (Plus their Press will tear them to pieces.)
Neither has the US DOJ contacted Najib, although they have clearly mentioned him (Malaysian Public Official No 1) in their suit.
So please stop making these really useless and asinine Press Statements.- syedsoutsidethebox

What will happen now...
What will happen now? What will happen now that the USA Govt's Department of Justice (DOJ) have filed civil cases to seize the assets they believe is linked to 1MDB, from three individuals under the USA's Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative...namely Riza Aziz, Jho Low and Khadem Al Qubaisi?
Let me tell you what will now happen.
Next...the same old suspects will start coming out of the woodwork to condemn the US Deptartment of Justice for their move against Riza Aziz and his cohorts and every one of these monkeys will point out that Najib Razak is NOT named in any of these documents served on the accused.
And of course there is still Salleh Keruak,that idiot Nazri Aziz, the "Cow in the Condo" Sharizat, KJ, the Attorney General, and many others to come....and that Tweet of an IGP will have to do his own probing on the USA Dept of Justice before he too declares that Najib is not involved....I just wish someone will go probe that body part of the IGP where the sun does'nt shine!

What about Najib?
Apo nak di kato? He will sit out in elegant but cowering silence for a few days while he kaji the situation and by the weekend this Bugis Warrior will, after some vigorous arm twisting by Rosmah, emerge from Seri Perdana to parrot what his Press Secretary had said today...and I quote:
"Malaysian authorities have led the way in investigations into 1MDB. The company has been the subject of multiple investigations within Malaysia, including by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, Auditor General and bi-partisan Public Accounts Committee. After comprehensive review, the Attorney General found that that no crime was committed. 1MDB is still the subject of an investigation by the Royal Malaysia Police".
And life goes on and on and on......
The three monkeys named in the USA's Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative will not be laughing any much longer because their free wheeling days in the US of A is as good as over but they will all still be laughing their way to their bank because of the millions they still have stash away there!
And what about of all of us ...you, me and other Malaysians waiting for justice to be served?
Six decades of Umno...and only now you are complaining? Huh! Wait a little longer ......and maybe....just maybe if we all work together, if the opposition can get their act together, if enough Umno members leave Umno and join Mahathir's new political party...maybe good will triumph over evil. Saya steady aja......- steadyaku-steadyaku47
Obama Mahu Jatukan Najib

After the US investigation, is this the face of Malay dignity?
The Malaysians especially the Malays, who still think “The Chosen One”, also known as Najib Abdul Razak can hide behind his wall of silence, need to read the latest report by the Americans.
The Malaysian leaders, in particular the Malay leaders, have FAILED us, the Malaysian rakyat.
But it is YOU….the Umno-Baru supporters and those who adore “The Chosen One” and those who are afraid of FLOM, who are the worst sort.
You ignored, or turned a blind eye to the truth.
You refused to accept transparency
You condone the corrupt system.
You let us down worse, than our leaders fail us.
Where were you, when we needed your support?
In a press conference organised by the US Department of Justice and which Malaysiakini reported here, the Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Andrew McCabe said, “The Malaysian people were defrauded on an enormous scale (in) a scheme which tentacles reached around the world.”

Our government-controlled-institutions, like the Attorney-General’s office, the police, the MACC and our civil service, refused to investigate any wrongdoing properly. It was left to seven other nations, to expose what our leaders and government have tried to hide from the rakyat.
The US investigators said that taxpayer’s money, was used, under the guise of 1MDB, to pay for gambling debts in Las Vegas and other abuses.
But we were told that the money was to be used for oil exploration.
Remember how these officials made repeated trips to the middle east… God only knows what deals they struck up and what they did to spend our money.
McCabe said, “On paper the US$1 billion was for resource rights, instead (it was) used for personal enrichment…(including) gambling debts in Las Vegas casinos, a luxury yacht, interior decorators in London, millions in property including a Bombardier jet costing US$35 million” .
This is a sad day for Malaysia.
The ruling party Umno-Baru, the longest serving party in Malaysia prides itself on calling itself the only party which PROTECTS ISLAM and the MALAYS.
Umno-Baru’s party leader, the succession of Umno-Baru leaders, and of course, the new tag team of Najib Abdul Razak and Hadi Awang, the President of PAS, have all brought SHAME on Malaysia.
What sort of man is Hadi? A religious leader who does not know right from wrong. Hadi who cannot see corruption but freely criticises a woman who is without a tudung.
Any other person would have called these allegedly corrupt Malay leaders th*****.
They do not protect Islam or the Malays. They only protect themselves.
They have no Malay dignity. They only bring shame.
Resign now and take your corrupt cabinet with you! - Mariam Mokhtar,RM
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Whose statements are the IGP recording?
Those who exposed or those who were involved in the 1MDB scandal...

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