Agaknya UMNO ada death wish sendiri. Mereka berlagak macam minum daun ketum, hilang pertimbangan, membaca berlebihan mengenai kemenangan mereka dalam 2 PRK baru2 ini. Mungkin UMNO over-optimistic. Maka Najib pun bersabda, Idi Amin Malaysia lebih popular.
Kemenangan itu seolah-olah memberi keyakinan kepada Najib bahawa dia berkuasa dan kebal. Ianya dianggap isyarat dia boleh lakukan apa sahaja dan rakyat yang dirasuah dengan pemberian wang, BR1M, bantuan kebajikan, bonus peneroka, dan bonus lain akan menyokong nya.
Ekoran dari keangkuhan ini, dia pun order peguam negara untuk mendakwa Lim Guan Eng atas tuduhan rasuah. Yang pertama kerana menukar syarat tanah dari pertanian kepada perumahan dan kedua, kerana membeli rumah dengan harga rendah dari harga pasaran. Seolah2 harga pasaran itu ditetapkan terlebih dahulu oleh kerajaan.
Menteri Besar UMNO melakukan perkara pertama, yakni menukar syarat, hari-hari. Tapi oleh kerana dia kerajaan, maka tidak ada kesalahan. Apa kesan pendakwaan ini? Ia menyebab ramai pemimpin BN mengeluarkan kenyataan sombong.
Rahman Dahalan bersuara macam orang kampung. Kalau kita di kampung, polis datang bawa kita ke balai, orang kampung akan cepat mentelaahnya sebagai yang dibawa ke balai itu, sudah bersalah. Walhal, mereka tidak tahu apa yang berlaku sebenarnya tapi tabiat orang Melayu di kampung demikianlah. Mereka sudah menganggap yang dibawa ke balai sudah bersalah.
Rahman Dahalan pun macam orang kampung itulah jua. Bila Lim Guan Eng dihadapkan ke mahakamah untuk mendengar pertuduhan, dia terus mebuat rumusan bahawa Lim Guan Eng sudah bersalah.
Tapi mungkin dia sudah tahu hasil perbicaraan mahkamah ini. Ia mengesahkan institusi kepeguaman kerajaan dan keadilan sudah dalam genggaman kerajaan Najib. Itu yang dibuat oleh diktator macam Idi Amin.
Liow Tiong Lai pula berkata, dunia memandang kamu wahai Guan Eng. Ternyata kenyataan ini kenyataan yang bodoh dan membelakang reality dunia. Tiong Lai hidup dalam dunia angan2 agaknya.
Orang dan dunia sedang menyaksikan bagaimana institusi undang2 diperkudakan oleh kerajaan Najib untuk menganiayai mereka yang bangkang dan menentang pentadbirannya.
Dengan berkata demikian jelaslah Liow Tiong Lai ini hanya anjing larian Najib, menyalak bila disuruh salak.
Dengan pendakwaan ini, dengan serta merta Lim Guan Eng jadi wira. Pendakwaan ini dilihat oleh masyarakat Cina sebagai penganiayaan oleh kerajaan Melayu keatas orang Cina. Orang Cina akan merasakan, mereka tidak akan dapat keadilan dari kerajaan Melayu UMNO. Selama ini, itulah yang diinginkan oleh kaum Cina. Diperlakukan dengan adil dan saksama. Mereka tidak minta jadi PM sebab mereka sedar realitinya. Mereka mahu ada ruang yang adil dan saksama. Rampas itu, sama seperti merampas udara yang beri nafas kepada kaum Cina.
Penyokong2 MCA dan Gerakan akan melihat demikianlah. Yang enggan melihat demikian hanya pemimpin dari parti2 tersebut. Orang Cina akan melihat parti2 itu sebagai pembelot kepada bangsa Cina.
Reaksi serta merta ialah menaikkan kemarahan dan kebencian masyarakat Cina kepada kerajaan Najib. Serta merta jua, orang Cina akan merenggangkan diri dari kebaculan MCA dan Gerakan. Mereka akan dilihat sebagai accomplice kepada kerajaan yang zalim.
Kes ini akan berlarutan mungkin sampai ke PRU ke-14. Sementara itu, sentiment perkaumaan akan terus bernyala. UMNO telah memberi percikan api yang memulakan kebakaran pada padang ragut luas terbentang. Kepada setiap aksi, terdapat reaksi.
Pendakwaan Guan Eng melakukan irreversible damage kepada UMNO ketika Najib sendiri berdiam diri dan berbengkok-bengkok mempertahankan diri dari keyakinan rakyat bahawa Najib sendiri terlibat dalam skandal penyonglapan wang dan perbuatan rasuah terbesar.
Kerajaan Najib seperti dakwaan Rahman Dahalan dan Tiong Lai mahukan keadilan- tapi menghalang dan menyekat apabila keadilan dituntut keatas Najib.
UMNO akan menuai apa yang ia semai. Penganiayaan, kezaliman, penindasan akan menyebabkan kebencian bukan sahaja masyarakat Cina tapi semua masyarakat Malaysia.
Kita ada sebuah kerajaan yang membuli rakyat. Masa depan rakyat diancam oleh kerajaan yang buas.Semua rakyat tidak selamat dari kebuasan kerajaan Najib. Terutama bila semua institusi penyokong demokrasi dibetinakan oleh Najib.- senapangsakti

Khairuddin Abu Hassan hari ini mempersoalkan “nasihat” Haron Din kepada ketua menteri Pulau Pinang untuk bercuti sehingga kes rasuahnya selesai.
Ulama PAS seolah-olah gajah depan mata tak nampak, tetapi kuman di seberang laut nampak, kata bekas pemimpin Umno itu.
Beliau bertanya mengapa mursyidul am PAS itu tidak memberi nasihat sama kepada perdana menteri.
“Kalau Haron Din gentleman, suruh Najib bercuti sehingga siasatan ke atasnya selesai,” kata bekas naib ketua Umno Bahagian Batu Kawan itu, merujuk wang “derma” RM2.6 bilion yang dimasukkan ke dalam akaun peribadi Najib.- tukar tiub

The good, the bad and the ugly...
It is the holy month. Our Muslim brothers and sisters have fasted over the past 27 days, among others to increase their patience, closeness to God, and generosity towards those less fortunate in the month of Ramadan.
From across the globe, there have been heart-rending and touching stories about people of different faiths getting together to break their fast. The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, broke fast with Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis and over 100 young people from different communities. They attended the event hosted at Lambeth Palace by Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby. He had previously done the same at the Finchley Reform Synagogue.
In Dubai, a 10-member delegation from the Al Manar Islamic Centre broke their fast at a Sikh temple. The temple hall was filled with azan (call for prayers), instead of the usual kirtan (holy verses), in honour and regard of the visitors from the Al Manar Islamic Centre.
The Asia Samachar reported that on one side, scores of people sat cross-legged in rows waiting to be served dinner, while the other side was cordoned off for Muslim prayers.
The delegation visited the holy place of worship for Sikhs to promote inter-religious understanding. The two sides exchanged messages of peace in the main hall of worship and the evening was followed by a lavish spread of sumptuous vegetarian dishes.
In Ottawa, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau broke fast with Muslim members of the parliament caucus. The video of him breaking the fast was posted on his Facebook page with the caption: "It was a pleasure to celebrate Iftar and break the first Ramazan fast with Muslim members of our caucus last night."
In his statement on the holy month, Trudeau said that Muslims in Canada and around the world embark upon a month-long spiritual journey of fasting, prayer, and reflection to commemorate the revealing of the Quran to Prophet Mohammad.
In war-torn Kashmir, the mosque was over-flowing with the faithful coming forward to answer the call to prayer. As they prepared to kneel on the streets in the sizzling, hot weather, there were not enough mats to go around.
A Sikh cloth dealer extended to them cloth to be spread as mats. He has been doing this for years now, according to social media posts. The gesture by Swaran Singh, who sells textiles on the pavement in Srinagar, was captured by Kashmir newspapers when a radio deejay shared the moments on his Facebook.

Back home, a film crew from Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) were busy filming activities at a gurdwara (temple) in Penang. It was getting close to time for berbuka puasa, and some volunteers at the Wadda Gurdwara Sahib in Penang (pix,above) invited them to have a meal at the temple, instead of having to find a spot outside.
According to the Asia Samachar, one volunteer, while showing the RTM crew around, assured them: "The food is all vegetarian." Not long after, the RTM crew experienced their first ever berbuka puasa in a Sikh place of worship.
These are great anecdotes which reflect humanity, friendship, attachment and acceptance. Religion has no barriers – seen or unseen; no suspicion; no misgivings and no obstacles. It's the people who create them.
And when ill-informed and self-proclaimed leaders of religions issue diktats and oppose for the sake of opposing, any attempt to forge unity and understanding will fail. The mere ignorance of their own religion and being oblivious to what's happening in local surroundings and globally adds to the woes.

That's why a church in Petaling Jaya was forced to cancel a buka puasa event last week after a police report was lodged.
On his Facebook page, activist Syed Azmi Alhabashi explained that police officers had visited the church to warn it of potential trouble over the planned event on Friday.
"Someone made a police report and two policemen (one Muslim and one Christian) went to the church and explained that there might be an individual or group who would cause trouble.
"Having weighed all options, the church decided to cancel the event. All in good faith," wrote activist Syed Azmi who was consulted by the church.
Shouldn't the individual or the group be reprimanded and told off? Why offer support by conveying the message to the church? Shouldn't the police have supported such a gracious move by affording all the support and co-operation to the church?
Another opportunity lost all because of two pea-brained individuals who successfully used the police force for their own selfish reasons. Didn't someone say: Ignorance, thy meaning is universal? - R. Nadeswaran@Citizen Nades,theSundaily.
HELP! Malaysia Has A Crazy Driver At The Wheel

How can PM feel insulted when he's not in the WhatsApp group...
He said it is unlikely that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak was insulted since he was not part of the WhatsApp group chat.
"There must be a nexus between the insult and the person who is the subject of the insult. How can that nexus exist if PM is not in the group?" he tweeted today.
"If I am in a WhatsApp group with (Twitter user) @pedoqpop and I send something insulting about him. Then yes, certainly he can report me under Section 233," he said by way of example.
"Our leader's heart must be made of tissue paper," Syahredzan said in a tweet.
The police are probing the author under Section 233 of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, which carries a fine of not more than RM50,000 or a maximum one year's jail sentence or both upon conviction.
Section 233 deals with improper use of a a communications network to make obscene, indecent, false, menacing or offensive comments with intention to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass another person.
Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) executive director Eric Paulsen slammed the authority for abusing the Act to protect the feelings of the leaders.
"Then calls himself a democrat. Go figure," he said without naming the leader.
Najib had described himself as a democrat following UK's Brexit referendum.
In a Twitter posting following the outcome, Najib said: "UK voters have spoken. As democrats, we must respect the result."
"We wish our British friends well in the new future they have chosen," tweeted Najib on June 24.
'Simply bangang'
Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (Ideas) chief executive Wan Saiful Wan Jan did not mince his words when describing yesterday's arrest.
"A man arrested in Malaysia for sharing a photo disliked by authorities. No intellectual way to describe this. It is simply bangang (stupid)," he said on Twitter.
PKR central committee member Latheefa Koya likened the move with North Korea.
"76-year-old man arrested for insulting PM @NajibRazak on WhatsApp - whatsApp? Come on! Is this North Korea?" Latheefa, who heads the party's legal affairs bureau, asked.
Johor Police chief Wan Ahmad Najmuddin Mohd said the man was arrested at his home in Kampung Tunku, Selangor yesterday.
"The suspect was found to have uploaded the image under the name 'Pa Ya' in the WhatApp group 'Bicara Politik Melayu' (Discussion on Malay politics) aimed at insulting and offending Malaysians," he said in a statement.
He also cautioned internet users to be careful of what they post online and that police will not compromise on such matters.- mk

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