Dokumen makamah DOJ itu dengan jelas menggambarkan makhluk itu sebagai individu yang mempunyai kuasa penting dalam kerajaan walaupun tidak menyebut siapa individu ‘Malaysian Official 1’ berkenaan secara spesifik.
‘Malaysian Official 1’ mempunyai kuasa untuk meluluskan semua pelantikan serta penyingkiran daripada lembaga pengarah dan pasukan pengurusan kanan syarikat 1MDB, menurut dokumen tersebut.
Jadi anda sendiri teka sapa makhluk itu...

Dokumen dari DOJ menyatakan 'Malaysian Official 1' adalah seorang pegawai kerajaan nombor 1 yang ada talian persaudaraan dengan Riza Aziz dan juga merupakan teman rapat Jho Low...

RM 100 Million Songlap From 1MDB Used For Gambling At Caesar's Palace And Venetian Sands !!!/ RM100 Juta yang disonglap dari 1MDB digunakan untuk main judi di Caesars Palace dan Venetian Sands!!!
1MDB Lied About Good Star.../ 1MDB bohong tentang Good Star...
Modal Jho Low US$1 saja tapi boleh songlap RM2.8 BILLION!!!
US $700 juta disonglap dari 1MDB masuk akaun Good Star dan kemundian US$20 juta disalur masuk ke akaun Malaysian Official 1...
Malaysian Official 1 akhirnya menjadi pewaris sebanyak US$681 juta dari dana 1MDB yang dimasukkan ke akaun AM Banknya...
Remember 'AMBANK PRIVATE-MR' account is the SAME account that later received certain payments totalling approximately $681 million in March 2013. If the paragraph after doesn't makes it clear WHO this individual or 'Malaysian Official 1' then it's either you're not a Malaysian OR, you're a Malaysian whose really stupid, retarded or both...
Kit Siang: I’m not M’sian Official 1, over to you, Najib...
Since the US Department of Justice (DOJ) filed its civil suits related to 1MDB funds, there has been intense speculation regarding the identity of ‘Malaysian Official 1' cited in the documents.
One light-hearted hypothesis, according to Lim Kit Siang, is whether the DAP stalwart could be the abovementioned official.
However, since this is a serious matter involving the honour and international reputation of Malaysia, Lim has decided to clear the air.
“Let me formally declare that I am not the ‘Malaysian Official 1',” he added.
On the same note, the veteran politician challenged Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to make a similar declaration.
“Will the prime minister state his position - to formally deny or confirm whether he is referred to as ‘Malaysian Official 1'
“And if the latter, what he proposes to do about the DOJ action,” he added in a media statement this afternoon.
While the DOJ did not mention Najib by name, Lim said that anyone who read the 136-page lawsuit will have no doubt as to the real identity of “Malaysian Official 1” - as the description could only point to one person.
Specifically, Lim referred to paragraph 39 in the lawsuit, where it was stated: “Upon its (1MDB)’s formation, Malaysian Official 1 assumed a position of authority with 1MDB. Malaysian Official 1 had the authority to approve all appointments to, and removal from, 1MDB’s board of directors and 1MDB’s senior management team.”
“In addition, any financial commitments by 1MDB, including investments, that were likely to affect a guarantee given by the government of Malaysia for the benefit of 1MDB or any policy of the Malaysian government, required the approval of Malaysian Official 1,” the documents stated.
Lim said the DOJ is referring to Clause 117 of the 1MDB Memorandum and Articles of Association (M&A) Agreement where the prime minister must give his written approval for any of 1MDB deals - including the firm’s investments or any bid for restructuring.
The clause, which has since been removed by Minister of Finance Incorporated, states that for any avoidance of doubt, none of three things can be executed “without the written prior approval of the prime minister”.
Removal of Clause 117 was one of the recommendations made in the parliamentary Public Accounts Committee report on 1MDB.- mk
Saya bukan Malaysian Official 1, kamu bagaimana, Najib?
RM2.6 billion turkey haram - Put in in riddle form:The Malaysian Official 1 is also known as the chosen one. He tells lies without batting is eyelids. He has a glamorous wife, who looks like Britney Spear, though three times the latter's size!. Oh yes, he is one hell of a lucky guy, receiving donations in billions while his son got gifts in millions. Finally, his skin is thicker than the Great wall of China!!! Who is he?
Legit - Each and every one of the almost 31 million people of Malaysia can stand up to say "I am not the Malaysian Official 1" except ONE and the only ONE guy. I wonder who that guy is!!
T/Sekole - Anwar ?- tak mungkin,dia masih di Sungai Buloh. Lim Guan Eng ? - tak mungkin, dia berserabut dengan kes banglonya. Allahyarham Tengku Abdul Rahman ? - tak mungkin pasai 1MDB wujud setelah Tengku kembali ke rahamattulah.Pening kepala aku,sapa orangnya...

Mesej Azrene kpd. ibunya Rosmah Mansor...

Filem anak tiri Najib yang menerima anugerah oscar 2013
telah membawa nama baik buat negara dan menaikan darjat melayu sejagat....

Mudahlah kerja Menteri Pelancongan Nazri Aziz
tak susah2 promote Malaysia di USA...

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