Saya diberi maklumat bahawa seorang pimpinan terkanan kerajaan (yang selepas ini saya namakan dahulu sebagai #MalaysianOfficial1) telah meluluskan anugerah satu kontrak rundingan terus kepada TH Heavy Engineering Berhad (THHE) berjumlah RM740 juta.
Saya telah berkali-kali mempersoalkan pelaburan Tabung Haji di dalam THHE kerana ia sebuah syarikat yang secara berterusan mengalami masalah kewangan dan ramai yang telah menjadi mangsa THHE (sebelum ini dikenali Ramunia Holdings Berhad).
Tabung Haji kini mempunyai pegangan 30% di dalam THHE yang bermakna ia tidak mempunyai kawalan ke atas syarikat itu. Malangnya Tabung Haji terus menyediakan sokongan kewangan kepada THHE sehingga telah memakan wang rakyat setakat ini seperti berikut:
i) Pembelian 30% saham THHE yang menelan belanja RM250 juta (pada harga asal purata RM1.50 sesaham). Harga saham telah jatuh kepada 6.5 sen minggu lalu menyebabkan kerugian atas kertas sebanyak RM228 juta;
ii) Pinjaman patuh shariah dalam bentuk terbitan sukuk sebanyak RM50 juta; dan
iii) Pinjaman terbitan hutang dalam bentuk "redeemable preference shares" (RPS) sebanyak RM275 juta
Saya juga sebelum ini mendedahkan bahawa Kerajaan Persekutuan telah mengeluarkan surat meluluskan Tabung Haji memberi jaminan korporat ("corporate guarantee") kepada THHE bagi pinjaman baru dari bank-bank sehingga had pinjaman USD228.2 juta (bersamaan RM912 juta pada kadar semasa). Namun kemudahan ini tidak laku kerana bank-bank dan institusi kewangan ragu-ragu dengan prestasi THHE.
Oleh yang demikian, THHE berada dalam keadaan yang terdesak terutamanya setelah dua kontraktornya telah menfailkan saman menutup THHE untuk mengutip balik hutang-hutang mereka.
Fakta-fakta di atas mengesahkan kedudukan kewangan THHE yang semakin parah seperti yang saya dedahkan sebelum ini.
Tindakan dan keputusan #MalaysianOfficial1 itu meluluskan anugerah secara rundingan terus kepada THHE sebanyak RM740 juta adalah satu "bail out" untuk menyelamatkan THHE dari jatuh bankrap.
Saya membantah sekeras-kerasnya kerana THHE adalah sebuah syarikat swasta dan hanya dimilki oleh Tabung Haji sebanyak 30% sahaja. Kita tidak tahu siapa sebenarnya yang memiliki 70% lagi sedangkan mereka inilah yang akan mendapat durian runtuh apabila wang rakyat RM740 juta dianugerahkan kepada THHE.
Malah, orang-orang di belakang THHE sepatutnya disiasat dan dihadapkan ke mahkamah (jika ada kes) kerana telah menyebabkan kerugian wang rakyat sehingga RM554 juta.
Keputusan dan tindakan #MalaysianOfficial1 memperuntukkan RM740 juta wang rakyat untuk mengelakkan THHE jatuh muflis adalah zalim kepada rakyat kerana mereka terpaksa berdepan dengan GST, kenaikan harga barang, pengangguran dan pelbagai potongan peruntukan rakyat seperti biasiswa, perbelanjaan sekolah/universiti dan lain-lain.
Saya mendesak supaya Kerajaan Persekutan membatalkan serta-merta anugerah kontrak secara rundingan terus berjumlah RM740 juta yang bertujuan menyelamatkan THHE dan menutup kelemahan pengurusan pelaburan Tabung Haji.
Saya mempunyai dokumen-dokumen yang secara jelas mengesahkan anugerah kontrak secara rundingan terus sebanyak RM740 juta kepada THHE ini yang saya akan dedahkan lagi pada setiap hari minggu ini.
Dari dokumen-dokumen itu saya boleh mengesahkan bahawa #MalaysianOfficial1 adalah Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak, Perdana Menteri Malaysia.
Ahli Parlimen Pandan

Kredit Rosmah Dibeku Seluruh Dunia, Hobi Shoppingnya Bakal Terhalang...
Rosmah Mansor, isteri perdana Menteri Malaysia DS Najib Abdul Razak dikatakan tidak akan berupaya lagi membeli-belah di pusat-pusat perniagaan seluruh dunia seperti di Hermes dan Tiffany apabila kreditnya diputus atau dibekukan, demikian dakwa John Malott, bekas duta Amerika Syarikat ke Malaysia.
Gedung-gedung mewah kini tahu wang itu bukan milik perempuan itu. Ia telah dicuri dari rakyat Malaysia. Mereka tidak akan mahu bersubahat dalam di dalam pengubahan wang haram antarabangsa. Mereka mempunyai reputasi mereka sendiri untuk dilindungi, tambah Malott lagi.
Kisah kehidupan mewah Rosmah Mansor sudah banyak kali didedahkan oleh media-media antarabangsa.
Kisah cincin berlian yang bernilai RM24.4 juta dan beg tangan berjenama Hermes, Matte, Crocodile, Birkin, dimana Rosmah didakwa membelanjakan minima RM638,000 hingga maksima RM5,192,000 untuk membeli beg-beg tangan berkenaan
Beberapa tahun lalu, wartawan fesyen Patty Huntington dalam blognya Frockwriter mendedahkan urusan e-mel untuk membuktikan kesahihan laporan yang ditulisnya mengenai Rosmah Mansor yang ‘berbelanja sakan’ membeli pakaian pereka eksklusif di Sydney, Australia.
John Marlott menyatakan sekatan itu merupakan susulan selepas saman yang dikemukakan oleh Jabatan Keadilan Amerika Syarikat untuk merampas sejumlah 17 aset termasuk hartanah mewah, lukisan-lukisan dan sebuah pesawat jet yang difailkan di Los Angeles.
"Ia adalah benar. Ada banyak lagi (tindakan) yang akan datang," tambah Marlott lagi.
Menurut dokumen mahkamah itu, harta-harta itu didakwa dibeli di Amerika Syarikat, Switzerland dan United Kingdom dari dana yang dilencongkan dari 1MDB.
Dokumen mahkamah itu mendakwa dana itu dilencongkan dari 1MDB " untuk faedah peribadi konspirator bersama (dan) sekutu mereka".
Akan ada dakwaan jenayah akan datang, kemungkinan besar termasuk Riza Aziz dan Jho Low, yang kedua-duanya adalah sangat berkait rapat dengan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak, dakwa Marlott.
Akan ada dinyatakan dalam suatu pendakwaan jenayah selepas ini yang "konspirator bersama" yang kini dikenali sebagai 'Malaysian Official 1'. Apabila beliau tidak lagi memegang jawatnnya, beliau akan didakwa di Amerika Syarikat.
Berikut adalah beberapa pemikiran tentang apa yang berlaku seterusnya di sebelah AS. Kerajaan AS telah merampas aset-aset ini, atau meminta kerajaan lain, seperti Switzerland dan UK, untuk merampas aset-aset berkenaan. Baca seterusnya di sini...
Malaysian Official 1 : Famous in Indonesia too!
Lost and Found...
The seizure of assets belonging to individuals or corporate bodies is nothing new. It happens regularly in many countries. Malaysia is no exception. Bank Negara's website has a list of those who have been charged or convicted for money laundering and related unlawful activities.
Early this month, the US Department of Justice (DoJ) returned about US$1.5 million to Taiwan that came from the sale of a forfeited New York condo and a Virginia home bought with bribe money paid to the family of Taiwan's former president.
The DoJ had alleged in civil forfeiture complaints that Yuanta Securities Co Ltd paid about US$6 million in bribes to former First Lady Wu Shu-Jen in 2004, when her husband Chen Shui-Bian was president.
The bribe was intended to ensure that the president would support Yuanta's bid to buy a financial holding company.
Therefore, the move by the DoJ to seize assets belonging to two Malaysians – Jho Low and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's stepson Riza Aziz – and another – is another routine exercise carried out by US authorities. And they are going through the processes.
Let me put it plainly minus the legalistic language. This is not a criminal case, not even a civil suit as suggested by certain quarters. It is a civil filing for seizure of assets. Period. But the matter does not end there. As the DoJ has indicated, investigations are continuing and there could be other forms of action and this does not preclude criminal charges.
In this instance, the parties named can go to court and make their stand and prove that the sources of funds for those assets were not from the sources cited by the DoJ. Since it has produced voluminous documents on the supposed ill-gotten gains, those fighting the forfeiture must show documents to prove that these funds came from legitimate sources.
But the court will only accept plausible explanations. The source of money being a gift has already been pooh-poohed by the DoJ. The US courts may be willing to accept that you received an ang pow of RM10,000 as a wedding gift or a similar amount as pak kam for a funeral. But giving almost RM1 billion as a "gift" for "friendship" may be a bit difficult to swallow.
As for 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), it proudly claims the company is not under investigation and that it has no assets in the US. Right and wrong.
Right because the company has not been cited in the filings; wrong because money from the company has allegedly been routed to accounts which it had no connections with.
Whilst foreign governments are actively recovering the assets to return to Malaysia and its rakyat, 1MDB is still adamant that none of its monies have been misappropriated. How could that be when the report of the Public Accounts Committee says otherwise? So, if this is the case, will 1MDB go to Washington in defence of these "innocent" men? - R. Nadeswaran,theSundaily
Can't compare Penang state polls to by-elections, PKR tells Guan Eng
An appeal to all Members of Parliament
US seizure could split Malaysian ruling party...
The US government’s move to seize assets allegedly stolen from state firm 1 Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) has sent shock waves through the ruling Umno party, according to analysts.
The US Justice Department named a close business associate of Prime Minister Najib Razak and his stepson in a civil lawsuit to recover US$1 billion in assets that Washington says were bought by money embezzled from the fund.
Several senior Umno members are contemplating defecting to the opposition after Wednesday’s civil lawsuits alleging US$3.5 billion was misappropriated from 1MDB. Najib chaired IMDB’s advisory board until recently and repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.
“Umno is jittery to the core … a few senior leaders have started moves to ‘discuss’ with Dr Mahathir,” said Firdaus Abdullah, former political editor of the government-owned New Straits Times, referring to former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad.
Mahathir, who led the country for 22 years, has been Najib’s harshest critic, calling on him to step down over the 1MDB scandal. Last week, he announced plans to set up a new party to challenge his one-time protégé.
“They are top Umno members, cabinet members and leaders of the ruling coalition component parties,” Firdaus added.
Former Law Minister Zaid Ibrahim said Umno is coming under “some pressure” but it would take a while for its members to jump ship.
“[Umno members] are timid. It will happen but slowly. I think Najib will be charged by the US eventually and then you will see people jumping ship,” said Zaid.
A source with knowledge of the investigation told the South China Morning Post that he expects criminal charges to follow.
“The DOJ wants to ensure that all these dirty money do not vanish into thin air. After this civil action, the criminal indictment commences,” said the source who did not give further details.
One senior Umno member who declined to be named told the Post that the party’s supreme council supports Najib.
“I wouldn’t say [everyone] but the supreme council is backing Najib,” they said.

The Supreme Council is a powerful body within Umno.
While Najib was not named, the US lawsuit said US$681 million from 1MDB was transferred to the account of “Malaysian Official 1”.
Last year, the Wall Street Journal said US$681 million was diverted from 1MDB into Najib’s personal account. Najib insisted the money was a donation from the Saudi royal family and denied any wrongdoing. “Our stand remains that we do not tolerate any act that goes against the law,” Najib was quoted as saying by The Star daily on Friday.
“All Malaysians who can read English knows that Najib is the Malaysian official number 1,” said Kadir Jasin, a close associate of Mahathir.
Mahathir, opposition politicians and activists called upon Umno members to vote Najib out to save the country from turning into a pariah state.
“The house of cards is falling down. Get out before it collapses on your head ... it’s out of your control now,” said opposition MP Khalid Samad of the Amanah party.
“Save yourself and not be convicted of assisting a felon when criminal charges are initiated against Najib and the rest,” added Khalid.
Asked whether he was also reaching out to his own brother, Shahrir Abdul Samad, who is a senior Umno member and former minister, he said:“I sent him a video of [the] US attorney general on this case but he has not responded.”
Fellow Amanah member Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad called on Umno’s supreme council to save the country by voting Najib out.
“After all the efforts of debunking and unseating the PM have failed, the supreme council is the last bastion to get rid of Najib, the man ... is responsible for bringing the country into a tail-spin,” said Dr Dzukelfy.
Political observers see Washington’s action as a game changer for the long-running 1MDB saga that has led to Najib sacking party members who questioned him about it and shut down investigative news outlets.
“The game changer is that [Najib] can’t rely on the US to keep him safe from prosecution,”said Jahabr Sadiq, former managing editor of the popular Malaysian Insider news portal which was shut down over its critical reportage of 1MDB.- South China Morning Post
1MDB, money-laundering and a tribunal

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